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Knoll, James L, 2010, The Pseudocommando Mass Murderer: Part I, The
Psychology of Revenge and Obliteration, Volume 38, Number 1,
Journal of The American Academy of The Psychiatry and The Law
Knoll, James L, 2010, The Pseudocommando Mass Murderer: Part II, The
Language of Revenge, Volume 38, Number 2, Journal of The
American Academy of The Psychiatry and The Law Online.
Knoll, James L, 2012, The Pseudocommando Mass Murderer: A Blaze of
Vainglory, Psychiatric Times, diakses pada 2 Agustus 2016,
Lester, David, 2004, Mass Murder : The Scourge of 21 st Century, Nova
Science Publisher Inc, New York.
Scott, Charles L, 2012, Psychiatric Clinics of North America : Forensic
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