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Logan Frey

Andrew Brown

April 10th, 2017

UWRT 1104

Project #1: Literacy Narrative Project Reflection

Please provide a short response to each following question or statement.

1. What option did you select, option one (discussing a known literacy) or option two (a new literacy to
learn)? Why did you go with that particular option? For my project, I selected to go with option one
(discussing a known literacy) due to the fact that I have grown up playing the piano and thought this would be
the perfect opportunity to talk about it and express my feelings towards it. I thought that selecting this particular
option would present me the opportunity to spread my knowledge of the piano and how I came about learning
the piano.

2. What do you want me to consider as I review your medium choice? If nothing else, tell me about your
risk taking. What I want you to consider when reviewing my medium choice is the experiences and individuals
I have some into contact with through my literacy type. Not only was I provided with a brilliant sponsor I gladly
get to call Mom, I have also met an abundance of wonderful individuals/musicians that have shaped me into
the individual that I am today. Aside from the individuals I have met, music has opened my eyes to new
experiences that has brought happiness to my life. When reviewing my medium choice, consider the content I
have provided and the information that correlates to my literacy type.

3. Influence me further as to what to focus most upon during grading: what do you want weighed most in
your favor as I grade your project? Why? The section that I want weighed the most in favor of my grade for
the project is the composition section of the project. Although my media piece correlates to my project, I believe
that the most valuable component of my project is the composition which includes all of my significant
information. The composition section of the project is the segment which holds most significance to me in terms
of the individuals I get to talk about and the experiences I focused on. Please take into consideration the
personal experiences I wrote about and think about the value and meaning they hold in terms of my life

4. What would you like to change or to work on more, if you had the chance? Why so? If I had the chance
to work on a specific section of my project I would most likely spend more time perfecting the media piece. I
believe this could use a little more work/detail due to the fact that its based on the simple information that the
project revolves around. For example, the media piece includes information such as the definition of literacy
and my personal definition of literacy, therefore I believe that it could use more detail and provide information
that grasps the readers attention.

5. Based upon what you have been assigned, verses what you have completed, what grade does your work
justify? Why? At this point of the project I have completed each portion of the project, therefore I believe that
I deserve a reasonably fair grade. Although a few segments of the project could use a little work, I believe that
the time and effort I have put forth in the project should be reflected in a deserving grade. I hope that by the end
of the project my grade is a reflection of the time and effort I have put in the project so far, and the time and
effort I plan to put forth making this project the best it can be.

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