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SUNY Canton Early Childhood Program

Lesson Activity Plan Template

Name: Danielle Griffin Date: November 7, 2016

Curriculum Theme: Under the Sea
Age: ___I ___T _x_ PS ___K
Focus: Fine Motor Development

Title of Lesson: Octo-Noodles

I. Concept Statement
The children will develop fine motor skills by engaging in an octopus art activity.


___ Approaches to Learning
___ Social and Emotional Development
___ Language and Literacy ___Language and Communication ___Literacy
___ Cognition ___ Mathematics Development ___Scientific Reasoning
___ Perceptual, Motor, and Physical Development

III. Sub-Domains
HSELOF Sub-Domain 1: Fine Motor
HSELOF Goal: Child demonstrates increasing control, strength and coordination of small muscles.

Objective 1:
The children will develop finger dexterity by engaging in an octopus finger play.

HSELOF Sub-Domain 2: Fine Motor

HSELOF Goal: Child demonstrates increasing control, strength and coordination of small muscles.

Objective 2:
The children will develop pincer grasp by stringing pasta onto yarn.

HSELOF Sub-Domain 3: Fine Motor

HSELOF Goal: Child demonstrates increasing control, strength and coordination of small muscles.

Objective 3:
The children will develop bilateral coordination by manipulating a hole puncher.
IV. Materials Needed:

16 paper plates pre-marked with 8 black dots around the edge (where the children will hole punch)
16 hole punchers
Multiple markers of various color
1 realistic toy octopus
Once I Saw an Octopus finger play, displayed on the smart board.
Images of an octopus, displayed on the smart board.
1 pre-made teacher sample of the octopus craft
Dyed pasta (red, blue, green, yellow and purple)
Paint dabbers
Many 15 pieces of yarn (pink, blue, purple, light purple and yellow)
V. Directions / Steps / Process [Parts A, B C]:
Prior to the lesson, I will mark the paper plates and set the activity table up with all of the necessary supplies.
I will also project images of a real octopus on the smart board.

A. Motivation
I will come to circle time with a realistic toy octopus. I will ask the children if they can tell me what it is. I will
allow the children to pass the toy around as they assist me in counting the legs on the smart board with me.

B. Steps
1. I will enter circle time with a realistic octopus toy, asking the children, Can anyone tell me what this is?
2. I will allow the children to pass the toy around as we count how many legs are on the octopus on the smart
3. I will project the Once I Saw an Octopus finger play on the smart board.
4. I will ask the children to do the finger play with me. I will do the Once I Saw an Octopus finger play once,
then the children will join me the second time.
5. I will ask the children to wiggle like an octopus to the activity table.
6. I will show the children my teacher sample of the octopus craft and ask them to help me count its legs.
Then I will set it aside.
7. I will tell the children that they will be making their very own octopus.
8. I will ask the children to use the markers to draw a face (eyes and a mouth) onto their paper plate.
9. I will demonstrate how the children should use their hole punchers to punch holes through all of the pre-
made black dots on their paper plates, then I will ask the children to do the same.
10. I will instruct the children to pick out eight pieces of yarn.
11. I will demonstrate how to tie one piece through each hole, then I will ask the children to do the same.
These will be the octopus legs.
12. Once the pieces of yarn are tied on, I will instruct the children to string eight pieces of dyed pasta onto
each piece of yarn.
13. I will tie the yarn at the end of each leg around the last piece of pasta to hold each leg together.
14. I will ask the children to use their paint dabbers to decorate their octopus face.
15. Once everyone has finished making their octopus, I will ask the children to join me at circle time again.
16. I will ask the children to do the finger play with me one last time.
17. I will ask the children to wiggle like an octopus to their next activity.

C. Conclusion and Transition

I will call the children back to circle time, and we will do the Once I Saw an Octopus finger play one more
I will ask the children to wiggle like an octopus to their next activity.

VI. Supplemental Materials

Once I Saw an Octopus

Once I saw an octopus
In the deep blue sea (Point downward)
I called, Mr. Octopus, wont you swim with me? (Cup hands around mouth)
Then out came his tentacles
So very long and straight (extend eight fingers)
One and two and three and four
Five and six and seven and eight (count on fingers)

08-12-2016 MM/CM

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