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Lesson: Antigone Debate Prep lesson and Family Tree Unraveling

Block Day before the debate day.

Established Goals:
Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from or supports the argument presented.
Develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairly and thoroughly, supplying the most relevant data and evidence for
each while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both claim(s) and counterclaims in a discipline-
appropriate form that anticipates the audience's knowledge level, concerns, values, and possible biases.

Learning Targets: I can formulate an argument for both sides of the loyalty debate, and develop a debate
strategy including claims, evidence, counter claims, and possible biases.
I will know I have it when I create a debate map for the following class periods activity.

An argument needs to be organized, thought through and thorough including the most relevant data.
Not all issues have two black and white sides.
We must consider audience, purpose, and all sides of the issue before arguing one side.

Essential Questions:
What makes an effective debate?
What makes an argument credible?
What is a debatable topic? Does it have certain criteria?

Students will know Students will be able to

The multiple sides of the argument and the Create a graphic organizer outlining the stakeholders
stakeholders in the issue. in the issue.
Audience influences argumentation. Complete the argument activity.

Performance Task
Project 1- Students will complete the code switching and audience activity.
Project 2- Students will work through the debate map to establish the plan for the next class periods debate.

Other Evidence Desired Understandings/ Skills Data Collected

1. Audience/ Code Switching There is more than one way to INB activity.
Activity approach an argument and in order Situational argumentation- data in
to do so effectively one must the INB
establish audience.
2. Antigone Family Tree Establish the players in the debate, INB
who cares, about what, and why With Worksheet
3. Debate mapping Using skeleton notes structure INB
students will identify key And worksheet
components in the debate and
organize an argument with claim,
evidence, and reasoning.

Key Vocabulary:
Claim- A statement or conclusion that answers the original question/problem. Thesis
Evidence- Textual data that supports the claim. The data needs to be appropriate and sufficient to support the
Reasoning- A justification that connects the evidence to the claim. It shows why the data counts as evidence by
using appropriate and sufficient reasoning.

Learning Targets: I can formulate an argument for both sides of the loyalty debate, and develop a debate
strategy including claims, evidence, counter claims, and possible biases.
I will know I have it when I create a debate map for the following class periods activity

Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from or supports the argument presented.
Develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairly and thoroughly, supplying the most relevant data and evidence for
each while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both claim(s) and counterclaims in a discipline-
appropriate form that anticipates the audience's knowledge level, concerns, values, and possible biases.

What am I doing? What are the students doing? Data collected?

Following the PowerPoint (like INB activity. INB entry
every class) I will model the do Situational argumentation- data in
now/ Audience/ Code Switching the INB
Activity Following the template.
Introduce the Antigone family tree INB worksheet INB graphic organizer.
and explain it to them this is
something that needs to be both Create a graphic organizer to show
orally described as well as mapped the places and relationships that are
out by the students. They will occurring- both family and within
create a map/tree. This will events.
include both locations as well as
characters and their relationships *Model what this looks like as they
together. Place, character, and work as there will struggle.
family relate together really well.
It sounds confusing, but this play
lends itself to it well.
Model the debate mapping Other worksheet. This will be Worksheet and formatively assess
activity. homework if it is not completed. the debate.

Fill out the graphic and breakdown

the argument into parts that we will
define and discuss together.
Introduce the Paper and Outline. Following along on the assignment
Students will have known that sheet while the teacher explains it.
there is a paper coming through The explanation will be brief and
the entire unit. They have had brief WILL NOT just be reading from
instruction on formulating a paper the assignment sheet. The
earlier in the year. Therefore explanation given in class will offer
students will get a small amount of insight and differentiated directions
review on the essay writing to fit the needs of each individual
process in the next class period. I class- depending on needs and
think that it is important to give previous performance of essay
them the assignment sheet the day writing in the class. They will also
before so they can read it over and be asked to (as always) annotate the
come to class with questions. assignment sheet was we go over it
in class for one to five points on
their final paper- depending on how
thorough they are.

- Grouping in debate being strategic.
- Scaffolding of the family tree. Including verbal, visual, and note-taking forms of learning.
- INB is an informal space for them to grapple with issues.

Ticket out the door:

- What did you get done, what did you notice about the argumentation activity?
- How many sides are there to an argument?
- Are there any lingering questions that you have about the story, family relationships, or settings?
The teacher should also remind them that they should read, annotate the assignment sheet and come to class
with questions.
(In their INB which they will leave in the classroom)

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