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Alana Resendez

Mrs. Knighten- 3

English 11

12 December 2016

Human Inducement on Global Warming

Every year Americans generate 25 percent of the pollution that stores in the atmosphere

just from burning fossil fuels. Many people argue the issue respecting how global warming has

taken place in our world since the last 150 years. Global warming is described as an elevation of

temperature that deteriorates the atmosphere produced by the greenhouse effect, carbon Dioxide

and other chemical contaminants. Statistics show that human activities and overpopulation had

contributed to the loss of natural habitat and climate change over the years. Other investigators

affirm that there have not been any changes in temperature since the following two decades ago

and, that it is impossible that we humans are causing this. Although some people believe global

warming is not an important subject because it is just a natural process, global warming is a

tremendous issue on our earth because overpopulation, overproduction in industries, and human

activities had lead to a series of catastrophic events in nature and accumulation of gasses on the

atmosphere causing climate change.

By centuries carbon dioxide and greenhouse gasses were in balanced because the

influence of humans was not lately occurred until the 1800s, throughout the Industrial

Revolution. Economy and overproduction produced a massive quantity of pollution in the

atmosphere. This pollution stays in the atmosphere, a layer that protects the earth. The

atmosphere catches all the heat from the sun, not allowing the radiation cycle work correctly, and
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making the earth hotter. This process is called the greenhouse effect. Now all over the world, it is

still estimated that while industry's economy increases, many environmental hazards as drought

and ice melting are recorded. The hottest year ever recorded was in 2015, statistics show that ice

was getting melt in the Polos and sea level increased generating large devastations in different

parts of the world. In 2012, many scientists were facing a huge issue that needed to be studied

since the earth's temperature was actually changing too fast in the last century. The NASAs

Goddard Institute for Space accomplished a study where they realized many conclusions about

the percentage of temperature in the whole world. Finally, the NASA found that global

temperature had increased 0.8 Celsius (1.4 Fahrenheit) since 1880. The NASA compared the

statistics to the industrial production in that era and concluded that a huge amount of pollution

wasted in the air (NASA).

Because of the increase of climate change and huge devastations over the world, several

laws were passed by only a few countries. Many people did not follow these restrictions. The

first law in the United States had a great impact on economy and environment. The Clean Air Act

instituted in 1970 and improved in 1990 by the U.S. was created to protect the ozone layer and

citizens health from the effects of industry and waste of pollution (The Clean...). This law also

warned people about the effects of our actions on the environment but many industries refused to

these statements by continuing to produce large amounts pollution. Many activists protested that

companies must follow these restrictions because it is all about taking care of our planet. Others

stated that these violations were just part of an inconvenient truth. The U.S tried to enact this

law with other countries as China so the awareness could spread widely, China later enacted

certain laws. Although many people didn't meet this standard, and preferred to grow their

economy-damaging the ozone layer. Almost 35 years later the US Environmental protection
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Agency stated that the Clean Air Act had helped the country cutting out 69% of the pollution in

the U.S., achieving the goals of the Act (Overview...).

Legislation and progress in the U.S. had inspired very few countries to adopt new ways to

aware people about their effect on future events in nature. Countries as China and Paris were the

firsts to study the problems in the atmosphere and the firsts to take action since 1970. Pollution

has not been the only contribution to global warming. Other human actions as deforestation,

throwing chemicals and trash on the ocean, and even the use of common chemicals at home have

a very devastating effect on our ecosystems.

Although global warming continues to be a very concerning issue, is a real debacle topic

that many people still don't understand and many people don't consider important.

Some people believe that humans are not largely responsible for global warming since

numerous studies had been proven wrong and that there is a balance between environmental and

human contributions to the issue. There is a very low number of studies that had stated that

humans inducement on global warming is real. In 2010 Climate Depot published that about

1,000 experts, part of the UN IPCC association of scientists, did not accept that humans are

principally the cause for global climate change (Climate...). Humans produce a huge amount of

Carbon Dioxide every year but plants and oceans have the capacity to absorb a huge amount of

these gasses which is why climate change it is not happening. Most of the time prognostications

given by investigators are not precise or conclusive and do not present actual data recorded from

the last decades. Many Journals started analyzing society and their opinions to show statistically

show them there is enough information to prove human inducement wrong. Since many studies

had argued against their conclusions. In 2011 the Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Science

published a journal stating that earth is capable of absorbing 50% of the 65% Carbons and
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chemicals that humans produce in the whole world (Climate...). Statistics based on human

inducement are not the adequate to predict climate change. Technology had taken the role of

identifying past climate changes in history, but cannot exactly replicate real consensus to prove a

statement. Because of this problem scientist cannot really prove that climate will change in the

future. In 2010 Emeritus Professor of Geography at the University of Winnipeg, Tim Ball,

Ph.D., "IPCC stated that Technology is already programmed to provide a specific outcome

(Climate). The role of technology had also influenced statistics of Glaciers melting, but Glaciers

had change unsteadily for decades. This means that there is not exact consensus on whether this

effect is caused really by climate change.

In 2009 the National Snow and Ice Centre published a studied proving a balance of

global glacier since the past 75 years. The study showed that there is a very small amount of loss

of ice on the earth. Loss of ice should not be known as a cause of global warming. Scientists

need a specific balance of evidence to prove the huge relationship between ice and climate

change (Beck). So then, many people believe that there is not sufficient evidence to determine

that all these outcomes are a root of human activities and that science is proven incorrect most of

the time. Despite all the evidence and studies that had focused on global warming and the roots,

many other studies found a balance of contributions between humans and nature.

Overpopulation is a huge problem that affects global warming since the industrial

revolution until today. For decades human had produced greenhouse gasses and many people had

tried to stop this problem by taking different action plans. Humans produce a carbon footprint,

this means that they leave a high amount of Carbon Dioxide on the earth.In 2009 scientists made

a study with the goal to determine the relationship between population and climate change. The

statistics were that the 1.6 billion population in the 20-century course increased to 6.1 billion
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over the last 100 years. Due to this increase, the study also found that earth's temperature have

warmed approximately 1.33F (0.74C) over the last century. As an example, a temperature

recorded by the NOAA has risen from 0.60C to 0.74 (Human). In 2006 doctor Michael Reagan

from Harvard university concluded a huge relation between Carbon dioxide and the population

just from 1880 to 2005. Only 5% of these gasses increased, and population increased four times.

Even Though the statistics don't show too much, it is still a percent and people cannot deny that

these gasses do increase. According to United Nations Population Fund, the population will

increase in the next 50 years about 45%. If the population today is still a huge problem that is

actually affecting global warming, the population in the future will be destroyed (Does

Population...). We are expecting higher statistics in the next 50 years if humans dont stop doing

these activities, and it might be too late to change this problem.

Despite these claims, many people argue that this cannot be possible because hundreds of

years ago world temperatures were unsteady and the population was almost the same compared

to the one a century ago, but then extinction started to occur because the earth was barely starting

to absorb carbon dioxide. It was just the beginning of the gas emission cycle. Past temperatures

from the 20 century had been contrasted with actual events, a researcher stated that none of these

statistics are exact. Others researchers say that past events from the ice age and Medieval periods

had been contrasted, and had shown that they were an effect of sun rays. Today there is no prove

that there is a relation of past events with actual events because they both occur by different

factors, so then global warming should not totally be proved as a huge problem.

Global warming is actually happening because there is a large evidence that shows that

human activities produce high amounts of carbon dioxide every year. Since the industrial

revolution started, humans had produced more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than ever.
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Greenhouse gasses are present on the layer ozone and produce more gasses that affect the

balance of the whole environmental system. In 2014, studies made by the U.S National Climate

Assessment proved greenhouse effect had produce chemical and toxic gasses the last 3,000

years. Statistics also showed that temperature had increased 60% more than the 30% it was

before the use of machinery in the industrial. The statistics proved that there is a rise of 70%

chemicals in the atmosphere when there was only 30% in the beginning of the 18th century.

Overpopulation had provided to economy and improvement of enlightenment, but also to the

matter. Throughout this era till today, the market has raised many innovations at the cost of our

planet (Causes). The economy must be thankful for overpopulation to contribute working on

these companies that produce more and more pollution. With just looking at the bigger picture,

overpopulation, and thinkers that created and managed these companies are the responsible for

this increase meant. We can also refer these people are the cause of global warming, because

while economic benefits increase, environmental benefits deteriorate over the time. Rise in sea

level, animal extinction, and deforestation are consequences of damaging the earth. All these

effects come with a devastating future ending, but not everyone is conscious of that.

Because statistics based on old and current events of climate change, global warming is a

very debacle issue that scientifically had been proven reliable. Humans are the main contribution

to greenhouse emissions and to the ozone layer deterioration. Along with deforestation, rise on

sea level and climate change are proven consequences by many scientists. Global warming has

been an inconvenient truth for many corporations since the beginning of the industrial era but

many countries can still make a change by creating laws that protect the environment. People

should build world where the atmosphere doesn't need protecting.

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Works cited

Beck, Coby. "Summer Ice in the Arctic Has RecoveredWas the Arctic Ice Retreat a Climate

Anomaly?" Grist. N.p., 19 Jan. 2012. Web. 13 Dec. 2016.

"Causes of Climate Change." EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2016.

"Climate Change ProCon.org." ProConorg Headlines. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2016.

"Does Population Growth Impact Climate Change?" Scientific American. N.p., 14 July 2009.

Web. 13 Dec. 2016.

Human Population Growth and Climate Change. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2016.

"The Clean Air Act." Union of Concerned Scientists. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2016.
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"Overview of the Clean Air Act and Air Pollution." EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, n.d.

Web. 12 Dec. 2016.

NASA. NASA, n.d. Web. 11 Dec. 2016.

NASA. NASA, n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2016.

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