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::Q1::A function of one or more independent variable which contains some informa

tion is called a
~Both systems and signal
~Neither systems nor signal
::Q2::A________is defined as an entity that manipulates one or more signals to a
ccomplish a function, thereby generating new signals.
~None of this
::Q3::An analog or analogue signal is any__________for which the time varying fe
ature (variable) of the signal is a representation of some other time varying qu
=Continuous signal
~Discrete signal
~Digital signal
~None of this
::Q4::A_______signal is a physical signal that is a representation of a sequence
of discrete values
~Analog signal
~Continuous signal
=None of this
::Q5::A microphone that converts sound pressure variations into corresponding va
riations in
=Voltage or current
~None of this
::Q6::A signal is a signal about which there is no uncertainty with respect to i
ts value at any time
~Deterministic and random
~None of this
::Q7::A signal is a signal about which there is uncertainty before it occurs
~Random and deterministic
~None of this
::Q8::A continuous time signal x(t) is periodic if it satisfies the condition
~x(t)=x(t-T); for all t
~x(-t)=x(t-T) ; for all t
~x(-t)=x-(t+T) ; for all t
=x(t)=x(t+T) ; for all t
::Q9::A system which is linear is said to obey the rules of
=both scaling and additivity
::Q10::A time invariant system is a system whose output
~Increases with a delay in input
~Decreases with a delay in input
=Remains same with a delay in input
~Vanishes with a delay in input
::Q11::A signal which does not repeat at regular intervals of time is called a
~Periodic signal
~Periodic and aperiodic signal
=Non-periodic or aperiodic signal.
~None of this
::Q12::The energy signal is one which has finite energy and zero average power.
Hence, x(t) is an energy signal, if
=0<E< infinity and P=0
~0>E< infinity and P=0
~0>E> infinity and P=0
~None of this
::Q13::The power signal is one which has finite average power and infinite energ
Hence, x(t) is a power signal, if:
~0<P> infinity and E=infinity
~0>P<infinity and E=infinity
~0>P=infinity and E=infinity
=None of this
::Q14::The expansion or compression of a signal in time is called as
~Time shifting
=Time scaling
~Time shifting and scaling
~None of this
::Q15::Signals can be
=Either Analog and Digital
~Neither Analog nor Digital
::Q16::If e = [(10+10 sin 108 t)sin 104 t] then the modulation index is
::Q17::In communication Systems most applicable receiver is
~TRF receiver
=A super heterodyne receiver
~Either TRF or super
~Neither TRF nor super
::Q18::A systems response if is dependent on its previous excitations at any oth
er time,
the system has memory and is called a
=Dynamic system.
~Random system
~Static system
~Memory less system
::Q19::AM is defined as a system of modulation in which the amplitude of the car
rier is made
proportional to the instantaneous amplitude of the
~Modulating frequency
=Modulating signal
~Frequency modulation
~None of this
::Q20::An is a system in which the amplitude of the modulated carrier is kept co
while its frequency and rate of change of frequency are varied by the modulating
~Amplitude modulation
~Phase modulation
=Frequency modulation
~None of this
::Q21::An is a system in which the amplitude of the carrier remains constant and
phase of the carrier is varied by the modulating signal
~Frequency modulation
~Amplitude modulation
=Phase modulation
~None of this
::Q22::A DSBFC wave can be generated by passing the modulating signal and the ca
through a non-linear resistance is
~Square law detector
~Square law demodulator
=Square Law Modulator
~None of this
::Q23::The AM wave obtained after suppressing the carrier and one of the side ba
nds is called an
=Single side band signal
~Single side band full carrier signal
~Single side band half carrier signal
~None of this
::Q24::A 400 watt carrier is modulated to a depth of 75 percent.
Calculate the total power in the modulated wave.
::Q25::A broadcast radio transmitter radiates 10 kilowatts (10kW) when the modul
ation percentage is 60.
How much of this is carrier power?
::Q26::The Frequency is called the intermediate frequency in amplitude modulaion
~None of this
::Q27::If signal x(t) changes to x(t-T) then signal shifts towards
~left and right
~None of this
::Q28::If signal x(t) changes to x(t+T) then signal shifts towards
~No operation
~Nonse of this
::Q29::Amplitude modulation is a system in which carriers changes and do not cha
~Phase; frequency & Amplitude
=Amplitude; frequency & phase
~Frequency; amplitude & phase
~Amplitude; amplitude & phase
::Q30::If an AM system shows complete modulation, then the value of modulation i
ndex, m =
~None of the above
::Q31::A carrier wave is given as Vc=3 sin(1508t). Then the peak amplitude is an
d the frequency of wave is respectively.
=3;2387 MHz
~5;240 KHz
~240;1508 KHz
::Q32::An AM system has a carrier frequency of 600 kHz and modulating signal fre
quency of 800 Hz.
The system will have a bandwidth equal to
~1000 KHz
=1600 Hz
~500.4 KHz
~499.6 KHz
::Q33::In an AM system a carrier frequency, fc= 200 kHz and modulating signal f
requency, Fm=200 Hz.
The lower and upper side bands occur at and frequencies respectively.
~200 kHz,200 Hz
~200 Hz, 200 KHz
=199.8 kHz, 200.2 KHz
~200.2 kHz, 199.8 KHz
::Q34::An Amplitude modulated wave consists of components
::Q35::A Double Side Band Full Carrier Wave will have the following components
=LSB, USB, Carrier
~USB, Carrier
::Q36::A DSBSC AM wave will have only
::Q37::An AM system uses a carrier wave & modulating signal of 2 MHz and 500 kHz
The bandwidth of the AM wave is
~4 MHz
~2.5 MHz
=1000 KHz
~None of the above
::Q38::The amplitudes and frequencies of carrier and modulating signals for an A
M system is given as
5V, 3V, 2 MHz, 400 kHz respectively. The Modulation index of AM wave is
::Q39::A DSBFC wave can be generated using circuit
~Square law Detector
~Envelope detector
=Square law modulator
~Balanced modulator.
::Q40::The modulating signal given to a Balanced modulators are of
~Same polarity and amplitude
=Opposite polarity and same amplitude
~Same polarity and different amplitude
~Opposite polarity and different amplitude.
::Q41::AM wave obtained after suppressing carrier and one side band is called
::Q42::Super Heterodyne receiver, the first stage RF amplifier receives the modu
lated signal
frequency of interest, fs. It can be tuned from to
=540 KHz to 1640 KHz
~510 KHz to 1740 KHz
~220 KHz to 1000 KHz
~None of this
::Q43::Super Heterodyne receiver, the local oscillator is a tunable circuit with
a tuning range
from kHz to kHz respectively.
~600 to 2000
~300 to 3000
=995 to 2095
~None of this
::Q44::A modulating signal consists of a peak voltage 4V. It is used to amplitud
e modulate a
carrier of peak voltage 10V. Calculate the modulation index?
::Q46::A transmitter puts out a total power of 65 Watts of 80% AM signal.
How much power is contained in the carrier?
::Q47::A carrier wave of frequency 10 MHz and peak value 10V is amplitude modula
ted by a
5 KHz sine wave of amplitude 6V with modulation index of 30% calculate amplitude
of the side frequencies.
::Q48::An 800 W carrier is modulated to a depth of 0.75 Calculate total power in
the modulated wave.
::Q49:: __________ Converts one form of energy to other form of energy.
::Q50:: __________ processes the input signal to produce a output signal which
suits to the characteristics of the trasmission channel.
~Non all above
::Q51:: __________ block reproduces the original information.
~ Non all above
::Q50:: __________ is the medium which transfers the signal from one point to ot
her point.
~Non all above

::Q52:: The difference between the higher and lower frequency is__________ .
~intermediate Frequency
~ Non all above
::Q53:: The modulation technique that uses the minimum channel bandwidth and tra
nsmitted power is
~ FM
::Q54:: An AM broadcast station transmits modulating frequencies up to 6 kHz. If
the AM station is transmitting on a frequency of 894 kHz, the values for maximu
m and minimum upper and lower sidebands and the total bandwidth occupied by the
AM station are:
= 900 KHz, 888 KHz, 12 KHz
~ 894 KHz, 884 KHz, 12 KHz
~ 894 KHz, 888 KHz, 6 KHz
~ 900 KHz, 888 KHz, 6 KHz
::Q55:: The total power in an Amplitude Modulated signal if the carrier of an AM
transmitter is 800 W and it is modulated 50 percent.
~ 850 W
~ 1000.8 KW
~ 750 W
= 900 W
::Q56:: Calculate the depth of modulation when a transmitter radiates a signal o
f 9.8KW after modulation and 8KW without modulation of the signal.
~ 80%
= 67%
~ 50%
~ 100%
::Q57:: Calculate the power in one of the side band in SSBSC modulation when the
carrier power is 124W and there is 80% modulation depth in the amplitude modula
ted signal.
~ 89.33 W
~ 64.85 W
= 79.36 W
~ 102 W
::Q58:: An AM signal has a total power of 48 Watts with 45% modulation. Calculat
e the power in the carrier and the sidebands.
~ 39.59 W, 4.505 W
~ 40.59 W, 4.205 W
= 43.59 W, 2.205 W
~ 31.59 W, 8.205 W
::Q59:: Noise figure of merit in SSB modulated signal is
= 1
~ Less than 1
~ Greater than 1
~ None
::Q60:: If a receiver has poor capacity of blocking adjacent channel interferenc
e then the receiver has
= Poor selectivity
~ Poor Signal to noise ratio
~ Poor sensitivity
~ None
::Q61:: Advantage of using a high frequency carrier wave is
~ Signal can be transmitted over very long distances
~ Dissipates very small power
~ Antenna height of the transmitter is reduced
= All
::Q62:: Modulation is required for
~ Reducing noise while transmission
~ Multiplexing the signals
~ Reduction of Antenna height
= All
::Q63:: For over modulation, the value of modulation index m is
~ m < 1
~ m = 1
= m > 1
~ Not predetermined
::Q64:: Radio waves travel through
= Electromagnetic waves
~ Water
~ Wires
~ Fiber optic cable

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