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Sci (2014) 3(4): 1103-1113

ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 3 Number 4 (2014) pp. 1103-1113


Original Research Article

In vitro antimicrobial activities of Vernonia amygdalina
on selected clinical isolates

P.E.Ghamba1*, H.Balla2, L.J.Goje3 A.Halidu2 and M.D.Dauda2

WHO National Polio/ITD Laboratory, University of Maiduguri Teaching
Hospital, P.M.B.1414, Borno State, Nigeria
Department of Medical Laboratory Science, University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital,
1069, Borno State, Nigeria
Department of Biochemistry, Gombe State University, Gombe State, Nigeria State, Nigeria
*Corresponding author


The antimicrobial activities of Vernonia amygdalina ethanol and aqueous leaves

extracts were investigated against some selected clinical isolates; Staphylococcus
aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella spp., and Candida
Keywords albicans. Agar well diffusion technique was employed to determine the Minimum
Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of the extracts (mg/ml) against the tested clinical
isolates. The result showed that Vernonia amygdalina leaves extracts possess
Antimicrobial strong antimicrobial activities against the tested clinical isolates with aqueous
activities, leaves extracts exhibiting significantly (P<0.01) better zone of inhibition ranging
Vernonia from (11.4 12.5mm) against the tested clinical isolates compared to ethanol
amygdalina, leaves extracts which showed moderate activities (P<0.05) ranging from (10.8
Clinical 12.4mm) at concentration of 100mg/ml, although the differences are not significant
isolates, (P>0.05).The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of the aqueous and ethanol
Pathogens. leaves extract for the different clinical isolates both ranged between 12.5 and
50mg/ml. The Phytochemical screening result revealed the presence of flavonoids,
anthraquinones, saponins, alkaloids, tannins, cardiac glycosides, steroids,
terpenoids and cardenolide, identified in the extracts. The results of this study
showed that Vernonia amygdalina leaves extracts can be used as potential herbs for
drug development for the curing of pathogens tested in this study and these
activities could be attributed to the presence of these secondary metabolites.

Vernonia amygdalina commonly known tropics and other parts of Africa
as bitter leaf (English), Oriwo(Edo), particularly Nigeria, Cameroon, and
Ewuro (Yoruba), Shuwaka (hausa), and Zimbabwe. The leaves are dark green
Olubu (igbo), is a tropical shrub that coloured with a characteristics odour and a
grows up to 3 meters high in the African bitter taste. It is reputed to have several

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(4): 1103-1113

health benefits. It is effective against undertaken to confirm the acclaimed

amoebic dysentery, gastrointestinal antimicrobial properties of Vernonia
disorder and has antimicrobial and anti amygdalina base on their ethno medicinal
parasitic activity (Mountdipa et al., 2000). use in Nigeria.
Vernonia amygdalina is a perennial herb
belonging to the Asteraceae family. The Materials and Methods
species is indigenous to tropical Africa
and is found wild or cultivated all over sub Collection of samples
Saharan African (Bosch et al., 2005). The
leaves are eaten after crushing and Fresh leaves of Vernonia amygdalina
washing thoroughly to remove the (bitter leaf) free from disease was
bitterness (Mayhew and Penny, 1998). purchased in a clean polythene bag at
However, almost all parts of the plant are Monday market, Maiduguri, Borno state,
pharmacologically useful, both the root Nigeria and was transported to the
and the leaves are used in phyto-medicine herbarium of the biological sciences
to treat fever, hiccups, kidney disease and department, University of Maiduguri, for
stomach discomfort among others identification. The authentication of the
(Argheore et al., 2000). plant was done by a botanist. The leaves
was washed thoroughly 2-3 times with
Vernonia amygdalina has been ascertained running tap water and once with sterile
to provide various culinary and medicinal distilled water, the leaves material was
properties, these medicinal properties exert then air dried on sterile blotter under shade
bacteriostatic and bacteriocidal effect on and then was grounded into fine powder
some bacteria (Effraim et al., 2000). using laboratory Pestle and Mortar.

Antihelmitic and Antimalarial properties Test organisms

(Abort and Raserika, 2003) as well as
antitumourigenic properties (Izevbigie et The organisms selected to test the
al., 2004) have also been reported for antimicrobial activity of Vernonia
extracts from the plant. Furthermore, other amygdalina are from different clinical
studies have demonstrated hypoglycemic isolates. The organisms are Escherichia
and hypolipidaemic effect of the leave coli, Klebsiella spp, Pseudomonas
extract in experimental animals (Nwanjo, aeroguinosa, Staphylococcus aureus,
2005). Streptococcus spp., and Candida albicans.
The Escherichia coli,Staphylococcus
Many herbalist and native doctors in aureus, Candida albicans were isolated
Africa recommend its aqueous extract for from urine samples and Klebsiella spp,
their patients for the treatment of varieties Pseudomonas aeroguinosa were isolated
of ailment ranging from emesis, nausea, from wound swab and Streptococcus spp.
diabetes, loss of appetite, dysentery and was isolated from throat swab
other gastrointestinal tract problems to respectively.
sexual transmitted diseases and diabetes
mellitus among others (Argheore et al., The clinical isolates were obtained from
2000). the Department of Medical Microbiology
and Parasitology, University of Maiduguri
Therefore, this study was primarily Teaching Hospital, Borno state, Nigeria.

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(4): 1103-1113

All the clinical isolates were sub cultured match the turbidity (opacity) standard
on Nutrient and MacConkey agar medium prepared as described by Monica (1984).
respectively for purity and was maintained
on nutrient agar slant at 4c in the
refrigerator until when required for use. Determination of minimum inhibitory
concentration (MIC) of the extract on
Sample preparation and extraction the test organisms

10g of dried powder of the plant material The initial concentration of the plant
was added to 100ml of sterile distilled extract (100g/ml) was diluted using double
water or 70%w/v ethanol in order to obtain fold serial dilution by transferring 5ml of
water or ethanol extracts (100mg/ml). The the sterile plant extract (stock solution)
extraction was done at room temperature into 5ml of sterile nutrient broth to obtain
for 24 hours for the water extract and 50mg/ml concentration. The above process
72hours for the ethanol extract (Newton et was repeated several times to obtain other
al., 2002). Muslin cloth was then used to dilutions: 25mg/ml, 12.5mg/ml,
filter the plant residue and the filtrate thus 6.25mg/ml and finally 3.125mg/ml
obtained was further purified by filtration (Ibekwe et al., 2001). Having obtained the
through whatman no.1 filter paper (Atata different concentrations of the extract,
et al.,2003).The stock solution of the each concentration was inoculated with
extract was then sterilized by filtration 0.1ml of the standardized bacterial cell
through Millipore membrane filter of suspension and incubated at 37c for
0.45m pore size (Ronald, 1995). The 24hours. The growth of the inoculum in
sterile extract obtained was then stored in broth is indicated by turbidity or
sterile capped and refrigerated at 4c until cloudiness of the broth and the lowest
when required for use. concentration of the extract which
inhibited the growth of the test organism
Sterility proofing of the extract were taken as the Minimum Inhibitory
Concentration (MIC). Negative control
The extract was then tested for sterility was set up as follows: nutrient broth only;
after Millipore filtration by introducing nutrient broth and sterile plant extract, and
2ml of the sterile extract into 10ml of finally positive control containing nutrient
sterile nutrient broth. This was incubated broth and a test organism.
at 37c for 24hours. A sterile extract was
indicated by absence of turbidity or Determination of zone of inhibition
clearness of the broth after the incubation
period (Ronald, 1995). Fifteen millimeter (15ml) of sterile
nutrient agar was poured into each sterile
Standardization of the bacterial cell Petri dish of equal size and allowed to
suspension solidify. The surface of this sterile nutrient
agar plate was streaked with the pure
Five colonies of each test organism were culture of the standardized bacterial cell
picked into sterile test-tube containing suspension. A cork borer (8mm in
sterile nutrient broth and incubated at 37c diameter) was sterilized by flaming and
for 24hours. The turbidity produced by was used to create ditch at the Centre of
this organism was adjusted and used to the plate. The hole so created was then

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(4): 1103-1113

filled with the plant extract. The plate was sample was weighed into a conical flask in
allowed to stand for one hour for pre- which 10ml of sterile distilled water was
diffusion of the extract (Esimone et al., added and boiled for 5minutes. The
1998) and incubated at 37c for 24hours. mixture was filtered and 2.5ml of the
At the end of the incubation period, the filtrate was added to 10ml of sterile
diameter of the zone of inhibition was distilled water in a test tube. The test tube
measured in millimeter using meter rule was stopped and then shaken vigorously
(Hugo and Russel, 1996). for about 30seconds. It was allowed to
stand for half an hour. Honey comb froth
Phytochemical Analysis of the leaves indicates the presence of Saponins.
Test for Phenol
The Phytochemical screening of the leaves
extracts viz; Flavonoids, Alkaloids, 25ml of extract was added to 2ml of ferric
Saponins, Phenol, Glycosides, Volatile chloride solution, a deep bluish green
Oil, Tannins, Steroids and Terpenoids, solution formed indicates the presence of
Anthraquinone, Cardenolide was analyzed phenol.
using the method described by Harbourne
(1983), Trease and Evan (1989), and Test for Glycosides
Sofowora (1993), respectively.
25ml of 1ml Sulphuric acid was added to
Test for Flavonoids 5ml of the extract in a test tube and boiled
for 15minutes, cool and neutralized with
Sodium hydroxide method was used for 10% sodium hydroxide, and then 5ml of
the test. 5g of the sample was weighed and fehling solution A and B was added. A
detanned completely with acetone. The brick red precipitate of reducing sugars
residue was extracted in warm water after indicates the presence of Glycosides.
evaporating the acetone on a water bath.
The mixture was filtered and the filtrate Test for Tannins
was used for the test. 5ml of 10% sodium
hydroxide was added to an equal volume 3g of the sample was boiled in 50ml
of the detanned water extract. A yellow distilled water for 30minutes on a hot
solution indicates the presence of plate. The mixture was filtered and a
Flavonoids. portion of the filtrate was diluted with
sterile water in a ratio of 1:4 and 3drops of
Test for Alkaloids 10% ferric chloride solution was added. A
blue or green colour indicates the presence
2mls of the extract was measured in a test of tannins.
tube to which picric acid solution was
added. The formation of orange Test for volatile oils
colouration indicates the presence of
alkaloids. 2ml of extract solution was shaking with
0.1M sodium hydroxide and a small
Test for Saponins quantity of 0.1M hydrochloric acid. A
white precipitate was formed with volatile.
Froth test for saponins was used. 1g of the

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(4): 1103-1113

Test for Steroids Results and Discussion

Exactly 2ml of acetic anhydride added to Vernonia amygdalina (bitter leaves) is
0.5g of the extracts with 2ml of H2SO4. widely consumed in food and used in
The colour changes from violet to blue traditional medicine practice because of its
indicating the presence of steroids. immense medicinal properties which exert
bacteriostatic and bacteriocidal effect on
Test for Terpenoids some bacteria (Effraim et al., 2000;
Okafor et al., 2009).
About 0.2g extracts was mixed with 2ml
Chloroform and 3ml of concentrated This study revealed that Vernonia
H2SO4 was carefully added to form a amygdalina (bitter leaves) leaves extract
layer. A reddish brown coloration of the possess strong antimicrobial activities
interface formed indicating the presence of against the tested clinical isolates with
terpenoids. aqueous leaves extracts exhibiting
significantly (P<0.01) better zone of
Test for Anthraquinones inhibition against the tested clinical
isolates compared to ethanol leaves
0.5g 0f the plant extract was shaked with extracts which showed moderate activities
10ml of aqueous H2SO4 and then filtered (P<0.05) at concentration of 100mg/ml,
while hot, the filtrate was shaked with 5ml although the differences are not significant
of benzene, the benzene layer separated (P>0.05). This is in conformity with the
and half its own volume of 10% ammonia findings as reported by (Mountdipa, et al.,
solution was then added. The presence of 2000), that the leaves extract of Vernonia
violet or red colouration in the ammonical amygdalina are effective against amoebic
(lower) phase was taken as an indication dysentery, gastrointestinal disorder and
of combined Anthraquinones. has antimicrobial and antiparasitic activity.
The aqueous leaves extract in this study
Test for Cardenolides yielded better zone of inhibition (11.4
12.5mm) which was found to be more
Keller-Killiani Test: effective against all the tested clinical
isolates compared to ethanol leaves extract
0.5g of the plant extract was dissolved in with zone of inhibition (10.8 12.4mm),
2ml of glacial acetic acid containing a though the difference was not significant
drop of ferric chloride solution. This was (P>0.05). This is also in agreement with
then underlayed with 1ml of concentrated the study reported by (Igile, et al., 1995)
tetraoxosulphate (VI) acid. Appearance of which revealed that aqueous leaves extract
a brown at the interphase showed the of bitter leaves are used as tonic for the
presence of digitoxose sugar characteristic treatment of various illnesses. Several
of cardenolide. evidences have also shown that herbalist
and native doctors in Africa recommend
Statistical analysis Vernonia amygdalina aqueous leaves
extract for their patient for the treatment of
The results obtained from these findings varieties of ailments ranging from emesis,
were subjected to ANOVA (Analysis of nausea, diabetes, loss of appetite,
Variance) by Instant Graph Pad version dysentery and other gastrointestinal tract
3.0 using randomized block design.
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(4): 1103-1113

problems to sexual transmitted diseases The Phytochemical Screening of the

and diabetes mellitus among others due to Vernonia amygdalina (bitter leaves)
its broad spectrum of activities (Argheore, aqueous and ethanol leaves extract was
et al., 2000). also determined in this study.
Phytochemical results of the leaves
In addition, this study contradicts the extracts revealed the presence of
findings as reported by Obi and Onuaha flavonoids, alkaloids, anthraquinones,
(2000) and Ogueke et al (2006) on their saponins, Tannins, cardiac glycosides,
work on Garcinia kola extracts that, steroids, Terpenoids and Cardenolide.
ethanol is the best solvent for the These Phytochemical compounds exert
extraction of most active principle of antimicrobial activity through various
medicinal properties in plant. mechanisms. These secondary metabolites
are known to be biologically active and
Moreover, the Minimum Inhibitory therefore play significant roles in
Concentration (MIC) of the aqueous and bioactivity of medicinal plants because the
ethanol leaves extracts for the different medicinal values of medicinal plant lies in
clinical isolates both ranged between 12.5 these phytochemical compounds which
and 50mg/ml. produced a definite and specific action on
the human body.
Similarly, the aqueous bitter leaves
extracts appeared to display higher zones A study conducted by (Oloyede et al.,
of inhibition on Escherichia coli, 2011; Boyo et al., 2011) on Vernonia
Pseudomonas aeruginosa with zones of amygdalina (bitter leaves) revealed that
inhibition of 12.5 and 12.2mm the plant contained flavonoids, saponins,
respectively followed by Klebsiella spp anthraquinones and alkaloids.
and Candida albicans with 11.8mm zones
of inhibition, and Staphylococcus aureus Similarly, Imaga et al (2013) also detected
with the lowest zone of inhibition of the presence of alkaloids, tannins,
11.4mm. The ethanol bitter leaves extracts saponins, cardiac glycosides and
also showed significantly (P<0.05) wider flavonoids as the most preponderant in
zone of inhibition on Candida albicans their study on aqueous bitter leaf extracts.
12.4mm compared to aqueous leaves Vernonia amygdalina leaves extracts was
extracts which showed moderate also screened to contain Sesquiterpene
inhibitory effects. This showed that the lactone , flavonoids, Steroids, glycoside
plant extract have various medicinal e and vernonioside (Igile et al., 2000;
values and the inhibitory effects of the Izevbigie, 2003; Cimanga et al., 2004).
leaves extract against the clinical Hitherto, secondary metabolites (tannins,
pathogens can introduce the plant as saponins, steroids, flavonoids, alkaloids,
potential herbs for drug development for cardiac glycoside, anthraquinones,
the treatment of ailments caused by these terpenoids, etc) exert antimicrobial activity
pathogens(Suleiman,2011). through different mechanism (Igbinosa et
al., 2009).

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(4): 1103-1113

Table.1 Antimicrobial activities of Vernonia amygdalina (bitter leaves)

Ethanol leaves extracts on selected clinical isolates

Zone of Inhibition (mm)

Test organisms Ethanol extracts (mm)

Escherichia coli 11.3

Pseudomonas aeruginosa 10.8
Klebsiella spp. 11.7
Staphylococcus aureus 11.4
Streptococcus spp. 0.0
Candida albicans 12.4

Table.2 Antimicrobial activities of Vernonia amygdalina (bitter leaves)

Aqueous leaves extracts on selected clinical isolates

Zone of Inhibition (mm)

Test organisms Aqueous extracts (mm)

Escherichia coli 12.5

Pseudomonas aeruginosa 12.2
Klebsiella spp. 11.8
Staphylococcus aureus 11.4
Streptococcus spp. 0.0
Candida albicans 11.8

Table.3 Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of Vernonia amygdalina (bitter leaves)

Ethanol and Aqueous leaves extracts on selected clinical isolates

Solvents Test organisms

Mg/ml E.coli P.aeruginosa Klebsiella spp. S.aureus C.albicans

Ethanol extracts 50 12.5 50 25 25
Aqueous extracts 50 25.0 50 12.5 25

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(4): 1103-1113

Table.4 Phytochemical Screening of Vernonia amygdalina (bitter Leaves)

Ethanol and Aqueous leaves Extract

Phytochemical Screening Test Ethanol Extracts Aqueous Extracts

Test Results Results
Anthraquinone ++ ++
Flavonoids + ++
Saponins + +
Tannins + +
Alkaloids + +
Phenol _ _
Cardiac Glycosides + +
Volatile Oil _ _
Cardenolide + +
Steroids + +
Terpenoids + +
Keys: + + = Abundantly Present
+ = Present in low concentration
- = Absent (not detected)

Flavonoids constituent exhibited a wide Li and Wang (2003) reviewed the

range of biological activities like biological activities of tannins and
antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti- observed that tannins have anticancer
angionic, analgesic, anti-allergic, activity and can be used in cancer
cystostatic and antioxidant properties, anti- prevention, thus suggesting that Vernonia
cancer activities (Hodek et al., 2002; amygdalina has potential as a source of
Edeoga et al., 2005) important bioactive molecule for the
treatment and prevention of cancer.
Parehk and Chanda (2007) reported that
tannins are known to react with protein to It is possible that steroids occurred as part
provide the typical tannins effect which is of aglyconemoietics of other constituents
important for the treatment of ulcer of plant like saponins and alkaloids ,
(Adegboye et al., 2008). Tannins have steroidal compounds present in Vernonia
been found to form irreversible complex amygdalina extract are of important and
with proline-rich protein (Shimada, 2006) interest due to their relationship with
resulting in the inhibition of cell protein various anabolic hormones including sex
synthesis. hormones (Okwu, 2001).

Herbs that have tannins as their Neumann et al (2004) also confirmed the
component are stringent in nature and are antiviral properties of steroids, Quilan et al
used for treating intestinal disorder such as (2000) worked on steroidal extracts from
diarrhea and dysentery (Dharmananda, some medicinal plant which exhibited
2003). This observation therefore supports antibacterial activities on some bacterial
the use of Vernonia amygdalina in herbal isolates.
cure remedies.

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(4): 1103-1113

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