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Matte 1

CBUP Final Reflection

Reflective Practice:

Secondary students are past the point of rote memorization and spitting out facts. Instead, they

are at a level at which they should be thinking critically about the information they are learning.

A wonderful way to help encourage critical thinking, as well as to measure student

understanding, is by having students reflect on lessons, discussions, and assessments after they

have been completed. With reflective practice, students are given the unique opportunity to think

about their thinking and share the metacognitive practice with others. The beauty of reflective

practice is that it can take multiple forms. Reflections do not have to be extensive and at the end

of a unit, they can be simple Exit Cards, quick journal entries, or other tasks that simply allow

students to think about what they learned or did in a new way. Reflective practice, as an

assessment tool, allows the teacher to see how students are understanding objectives from a

lesson or unit. By reading reflections, teachers gain insights into how students have constructed

meaning in their minds. By assessing in this way, we as teachers afford ourselves the unique

opportunity to understand the schema students are building in their brain and then influence

which direction it goes.

Reflective practice is scattered throughout my unit. First, I have used it in several lesson plans to

reflect on discussions we have had in class. This allows the students time to process what they

learned or talked about immediately after it happens. It also allows me to collect information on

what the students thought was most salient about the lesson so that I know if there is anything

that needs to be revisited. I particularly like how I did this in Lesson Plan 2, where the students

reflect on the Big Paper Silent Discussion because the topic is difficult to maneuver and I think

that reflection will be especially important here. Second, I utilize it at the end of the unit (LP 9).
Matte 2

This is more of a summative way to assess how the students have grappled with the objectives

and so see if they got out of the unit what I was hoping they would.


I have a love-hate relationship with technology. On one hand, it is very salient in todays

everyday life. We use it for everything and it can be extremely helpful in conveying up-to-date

information as well as connecting us with others. In the classroom, I think that technology should

be used, but only when it is appropriate. Every day of class does not need a technology feature.

However, if there is an instance in which technology can enhance a lesson, it should be used.

Particularly, technology offers unique opportunities for collaboration beyond what we can

possibly conceive in the classroom using regular pen and pencil. Aside from collaboration,

technology is a transferable skill that students will be expected to have outside of the classroom.

We need to provide authentic opportunities for students to practice using technology in our

classrooms. Further, we need to provide opportunities for them to play with technology in

creative ways so that they can gain a better understanding of different technologies and get

exposed to things they might not have tried on their own.

I have integrated technology into several of my lesson plans. In both Lesson Plan 1 and Lesson

Plan 4, I have created opportunities for students to use technology collaboratively in class. Both

of these lessons purposefully integrate technology to allow students to communicate on singular

documents. Without the technology use, this would not be possible as students would have to just

pass around a piece of paper or I would have to collect all the information and transcribe it. My

summative assessment allows students to explore and practice with using technology on their

own. Students are afforded the opportunity to utilize cameras and recording equipment provided

by the school. Some of the students would not have that opportunity at home if they do not own
Matte 3

that type of equipment. In allowing them to use this technology in a creative manner, I am

exposing them to an opportunity for a new skill or interest.


The most significant purpose for assessment is to inform instruction. Assessment should

primarily be used to assess if the students understand the material and are able to apply it

meaningfully. Especially at the secondary level, measuring student memorization of facts or

information becomes superfluous. Instead, we need to assess if they understand and can apply

the information and skills that we have given them. If they cannot, we need to revisit and reteach

information. This is why we need to constantly assess if students understand the material. Aside

from informing instruction, assessment can be used to measure student understanding. However,

this should be done in a way that it gives students multiple opportunities to showcase their skills

and refine them. It should not be a one-stop-shop for students having to prove via a single test

that they have absorbed all of the information. Instead, they need to be able to practice, utilize,

and prove their understandings of objectives multiple times. It is unfair to give our students

limited opportunities to improve.

My philosophy on assessment is best portrayed through my use of formative assessments in

workshopping and through my summative assessment. In Lesson Plan 8, I give the students

opportunity to workshop their mini-documentaries. During this time, I as the teacher would

spend time conferencing with the groups to see how they are doing on the assignment as a whole

as well as how their assignment is aligning with the objectives. This gives the students the

opportunity to ask questions and get clarification, and it also offers me the opportunity to redirect

student thought or assess if the students need more time on their project to truly hit the

objectives. My summative assessment reflects my feelings on assessing student knowledge for a

Matte 4

grade. The summative assessment is two parts, one independent and written and one

collaborative and in a video format. In creating the summative assessment in this way, I allow

students multiple opportunities to show their learning.

Matte 5

Objectives I have grown to:

1. Cultivate an imaginative practice that leads you and your students to create original, artful,

and multi-modal self-expressions;

I believe that my summative assessment was extremely creative and imaginative. From a creator

perspective, the summative assessment was a little outside of the box in relation to the unit. It

went beyond just having them analyze a document for perspective and allowed them to apply

their understanding in a creative way. For the students, I think that it was authentic and allows

them a lot of room to be creative. There are multitudinous opportunities for self-expression in

both the written and video portion of the assignment. Additionally, I think that integrating a little

bit of film elements into the unit (Lesson Plan 8) helped students to be able to be creative and

artful in that it provided them with the tools and the means to add variety and personality into

their final product.


Summative Assessment:
Steps: Students rate the topics for their flip the script topic based on their personal interest.
The teacher then goes through and assigns each student a topic. The students complete the
written. After the written assignment is completed, students will move into the video portion.
They will be grouped based on the articles and what they themselves wrote. They do not have to
have identical papers, but they should have at least the same article and similar Flip the Script
Objectives Assessed:
Flip the Script Written Assignment:
1A, 2B, 3B, 5A, 6B, 7A, 7B, 7D
Flip the Script Video Assignment:
1A, 2B, 3B, 4C, 5A, 6B, 7B, 7C
Matte 6

Appendix A: Article Choices
College Cost: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/grade-
Legalizing Assisted Suicide: http://www.newsweek.com/physician-assisted-
Artificial Intelligence: http://www.gizmodo.co.uk/2016/06/humans-with-
Recycling Plastic: http://naturallyearthfriendly.com/recyclable-plastic-a-
Drinking Age Reduction: http://www.indiana.edu/~engs/articles/cqoped.html

Appendix B: Writing Assignment

During this unit, we have been working on understanding how the truth around a topic is
definitively not just one thing, but many different things based on perspective and point-of-view.
Now, you will take your understanding of how there can be many sides to one story and
construct your new own perspective.

A huge story just broke! Although its contents may be good for some, for you
and the news organization you work with it is horrible. You have a major crisis
on your hands.

You need to flip the script on the story. In 300-500 words, you need to change the
story to better reflect the position of your news organization. However, in order to
do so you need to uphold journalistic integrity by not changing any of the facts. Take
the article you have been given, find the main idea, key details, and anything else
you need to change the story around. Use your expert manipulation skills to change
the story and save the day. It is imperative that this new version of the story break
by MONDAY at the beginning of Ms. Mattes class.
Everyone is counting on you, are you up for the task?!
Matte 7

Appendix C: Video Assignment

This just in
The story was bigger than we thought. We now need you to work with your
team to create


You need to create a 2-3 minute video about your topic. In order to do this, each
team member will choose from the three roles (listed below). Using your Flip the
Script write up, your group is to create a script and video which explains and
support your position on your topic. Again, your evidence must be derived from the
original article you worked with. We need your video ready by Friday at class time
for its international broadcast!

Videographer/Editor You are responsible for recording and editing your

video. This role is for one person.
Scriptwriter and Project This is a roll for one student. You are responsible for
Director finalizing the script and making sure a hard copy
gets turned in! You should also assist in guiding the
creation of the video based on the script.
Journalist You are to present the script in a compelling,
professional manner which will be recorded by the
Videographer and Directed by the Project Director.
This is a role for one person.

Concept Unit
Lesson Plan Template

Unit Working Title: What is Truth?

Unit Big Idea (Concept/Theme): Truth and perspective

Unit Primary Skill focus: Evaluating and understanding point of view in non-
fiction texts

Week 3 of 3; Plan #8 of 9; [90 mins.]

Matte 8

Plan type: Summary

Content Requirement Satisfied:

(Note: Refer to the list in the document called Concept Unit Lesson Plans)
N/A: Workshop day!

Unit Learning Objectives (numbered) [from my Backwards Design Unit

Document], followed by Specific lesson objectives (lettered) being taught
in this lesson:

Cognitive (know/understand):
1. Truth is malleable

A. Students will understand that information can be manipulated to create

alternative truths.

Performance (do):
7. Students will be able to apply their understanding of point-of-view purposefully.
C. Students will be able to construct an alternate point of view in the form of
a video presentation.

SOLs: [List with numbers portrayed in the SOL document]

12.1 The student will make a formal oral presentation in a group or individually.
12.1 d) Use media, visual literacy, and technology skills to create and support the

CCSs: [List with numbers portrayed in the CCS document]

CCSS.ELA.11-12.SL.4. Present information, findings, and supporting evidence,
conveying a clear and distinct perspective, such that listeners can follow the line of
reasoning, alternative or opposing perspectives are addressed, and the
Matte 9

organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose,

audience, and a range or formal and informal tasks.

Methods of Assessment:
[How will you know if the intended learning occurred?] List all methods of
assessment used in this lesson or which are related to this lesson and come in a
future lesson. After each assessment, indicate in brackets the number(s) and
letter(s) of the unit objective and the related lesson objectives that the assessment
is evaluating.

Diagnostic Formative Summative

Script Check- Flip the Script Video:
In/Conferences during Ultimately, the video will
Workshop: demonstrate how well the
Teacher will be able to students were able to
assess how students are manipulate the perspective
progressing on their of their original piece.
project that is due next
class. This way, the Obj. 1A, 7C
teacher will be able to
adjust the due date if
need be or clarify any
issues may seem to be
consistent across the
groups. The check in will
measure if students are
progressing not just on the
assignment, but
appropriately applying the
objectives from the unit in
order to

Obj. 1A and 7C

Procedures/Instructional Strategies
[Note: Any words that represent what I would say directly to students appear in
Matte 10

Beginning Room Arrangement:

[Changes in this arrangement that become necessary later will be noted in the
Seats will be arranged in their normal pods. Students will sit in their assigned
groups until they are told to move for the video workshop.

1. [10 mins.] SSR:

SSR will be reduced today in order to give students more time to work on their project in
class. Students will read for 15 minutes. During this time, instructor will go around and
hand back papers, check in with students who may have been absent, etc.

2. [5 mins.] Script/Project check in

Teacher will check in to see if there are any clarifying questions about the assignment
before moving into the jigsaw.

3. [20 mins.] Film Jigsaw:

Students, with their project groups, will complete a jigsaw. Each student will be
responsible for listening to a screencast about different film concepts (Appendix A).
Then, that student will have to teach the rest of their group about the terms they had. The
students will have 8 minutes to gather their information, then 3 minutes each (4 people
per group) to share their information. The students will use a graphic organizer
(Appendix B) to sort and identify the concepts.

4. [50 mins] Group Project Workshop:

The students will work on recording their projects. They will be allowed to go out in the
hall/to the library/other pre-determined locations that the teacher has approved for
filming. The teacher will check in with all groups at the beginning of workshop and stay
in the room for questions and concerns. All students are told to be back by 10 minutes
before class ends.

5. [5 mins] Closure:
Teacher asks last time if anyone has any questions surrounding the assignment or any of
the logistics.

Differentiated Instruction to accommodate one or more of my profiled

(This is where you identify specific aspects of this lesson which have been
differentiated in order to address the needs of one or more of your profiled students
identify them by name)
Matte 11

Elsie: The jigsaw activity requires Elsie to participate and share her wealth of
knowledge. It is a low-pressure setting where she will be able to talk to just a few of
her classmates, without the pressure sometimes associated with sharing with the
whole room.
Hayden: Hayden will have to listen intently to his classmates if he would like to get
the information about the film terms that he is not yet familiar with. This forces him
to work on his listening skills, but also affords him an opportunity to share some
Materials Needed (list):
Appendix A: Film Screencasts
Appendix B: Film Graphic Organizer

Materials Appendix: (e.g., supplementary texts, Ppts, overheads, graphic

organizers, handouts, etc.)

2. Design concept-based instruction using the Backward Design Framework and by

employing evidence-based practices in English, creating authentic learning experiences that

build upon students varied backgrounds, language varieties, goals, and motivations to enrich and

individualize instruction; most specifically,

d. Create opportunities for students to create texts in response to varied audiences and

purposes (IRA/NCTE 4, 5, 12)

My unit utilizes multiple opportunities for students to create texts for different audiences and

purposes. The students start the year writing a personal journal entry on Day 2 of the

introductory week (Introductory Week). The students first writing assignment outside of their

journal is a formal timed writing directed at me as the teacher (Lesson Plan 3). The Flip the
Matte 12

Script summative assessment allows them to create both a written project for a wider audience

and a documentary as well. Each of these provide unique opportunities for students to vary their



1 Day of Class
2 Day of Class
3 Day of Class

Objectives: Objectives: Objectives:

Affective: Affective: Affective:

Obj. 1: Students will Obj. 1: Students will Obj. 1: Students will
understand that each understand that an understand
of their classmates is effective classroom demonstrating growth
an individual with requires students and and progress requires
unique experiences and teacher to show respect commitment to long-
preferences. and understanding for term organization and
those around them. effort.
Obj. 2: Students will Obj. 2: Students will
understand that Obj. 2: Students will understand that all
effectively understand that the community members
communicating in a classroom is a are valuable and
classroom environment collaborative space diversity creates a
requires patience and where we work together more interesting
respect. to meet consensus. learning environment.

Obj. 3: Students will

understand that each of
their classmates is an
individual with unique
experiences and
Matte 13

List of Activities (in List of Activities (in List of Activities (in

order): order): order):
1. (20 mins) 1. (10 minutes) Assignment
Introduction Survey: 1. (10) Practice of seats: Students will be
The introduction survey classroom routines: assigned to their first literary
asks students to Students will be given circle group.
address several an extended start time 2. (20 minutes) Sharing of
questions about after the bell rings to name cards: At their table,
themselves. The practice the classroom each student will share their
answers to these routines and ask name card. They will tell
questions will be used clarifying questions their group about the
by the instructor to about them. pictures they drew and
direct differentiation. 2. (10 mins) answer any questions that
The introduction survey Assignment of name their group mates might
serves a secret purpose cards: Students will, at have.
as well: it sets up a home, decorate a name 3. (20 minutes) Set up
quiet time at the card teepee with their discussion norms: We will
beginning of class name and five things discuss what makes a good
which will eventually be about them illustrated discussion and what can
used for SSR once the on it. They will be cause a good discussion to
class gets going. sharing in class on Day go poorly. We will, together,
2. (30 mins) Snowball 3. come up with a list of
Fight: In the snowball 3. (20 mins) Creation discussion norms.
fight ice breaker, of Class 4. (20 mins)
students will be asked Expectations: The Creation of
to answer the following creation of class Individual Class
questions on a slip of expectations will be an Folders: Students will
paper: 1. What is open discussion of the keep portfolio folders
something you did over class on what rules and in the class. In these
break? 2. What is one regulations need to be folders, students will
of your life goals (can in place. The teacher create a table of
be big or small!)? 3. will put on the board contents, a list of
What is something that topics to be covered: qualitative goals, a list
you hope to accomplish Discussion of quantitative goals.
this semester? Half of expectations, All three lists will be
the class will have technology use designed to have
white pieces of paper, expectations, behavior things added to them
the other half will have expectations, over the school year.
pink pieces of paper. expectations for the Today, students will
The students will teacher, and other develop one long term
crumple up the paper expectations. The class goal each to work
after addressing the will then discuss what towards the whole
questions and throw types of expectations year based on their
them around the room. they will hold for each experiences in
Students who had a other as well as the previous years of
white piece of paper teacher. The other English class. The
Matte 14

will be asked to find a topic will be used for teacher will help guide
pink snowball and anything that the them if they need
vise versa. Students students come up with assistance. Today, the
with pink snowballs will that does not fall into students are just
then locate the creator the other categories. setting up these
of their snowball. We Students will decide on folders by putting in
will then go around the these expectations pages for the table of
room and all the using Think-Pair-Share. contents, quantitative
students will introduce Students will be able to goals, and qualitative
their partner. We will brainstorm ideas on goals. The students
repeat with students their own, giving them will write their finalized
who have white enough time to think big year goal on the
snowballs until all of about what they want front of the inside of
the students have been from a classroom and the folder with sharpie.
introduced. learning environment. On the outside
3. (10) Teacher intro Conferring with a students will put their
and quick overview partner will give shyer name and class
of class: I will spend a students the support to information. Students
few minutes share with the whole are encouraged to take
introducing myself to class. some time to decorate
the students so they 3. (20 ) their folders as well.
know a bit about me. I Differentiation Teacher will provide
will also quickly go over Thought Experiment: supplies for this.
some of the awesome The teacher will provide (20 min)
things we will be students with jackets Appointment Clocks:
reading and learning ranging from extra Students will be
during the year. small to extra large. provided with
4. (15 min) Introduction of Student volunteers will appointment clock
classroom routines: Allows come to the front of the handouts. The first six
students to get to know how room and wear the appointments will be
our class is going to be run jacket provided by the assigned based on
and how to efficiently use teacher. The students prompts from the
time in our classroom by will be asked questions, teacher. The teacher
showing them some of the How does that jacket will have prompts like,
routines (i.e. when and where make you feel?, How Make an appointment
to turn in papers, what to do would your day go if at 1 oClock with
when they come into the you had to wear it all someone that has a
classroom, where to charge day long?, What if you different eye color than
their laptops). had to wear it all year you. The last six will
5. (10) Exit Slip: On long? The teacher will be student choice,
the Exit Slip, students then draw an analogy encouraging them to
will be asked to write between the jackets pick people they do
down one unique thing and instruction. You not know very well.
they learned about may see your Students will use these
three of their classmates using handouts in the future
different materials for partner work.
Matte 15

classmates during the throughout the

activity. semester. Think back on
these jackets. Every one
of you has a different fit
and sometimes the
materials I give you will
not match up. I do this
so that every one of you
is given an equal
opportunity to grow as
readers and writers.
4. (30 mins) Journal
Entry 1: Students will
spend 30 minutes
working on their first
journal entry. The
prompt will be What
type of accomodations
do you need to learn
best in this class? What
can Ms. Matte do to
best meet your learning
needs? What do you do
best? Please write about
two places you need
help and two of your
Assessments Assessments Assessments
Snowball fight: Creation of Creation of
Demonstrates Classroom Individual Class
objectives 1 and 2 Expectations and Folders:
through allowing each Discussion norms: Demonstrates
student to share unique Demonstrates objective objective 1 through
experiences but also 1 and objective 2 as having the students
through requiring them students will be commit to creating
to wait patiently to let required to consider then displaying their
others share and to how they and others in work overtime,
listen. the classroom can best finished with
Exit Slip: show respect for each reflections on their
Demonstrates objective other. work.
1 by asking students to Differentiation Appointment Clock:
reflect back on their Thought Experiment Demonstrates
classmates and Journal Entry: objective 2 by having
characteristics and Demonstrates objective students talk to
experiences. 1 and objective 3 by multiple classmates
requiring students to about varying
Matte 16

consider not only the interests.

needs of others, but
their own needs and
things that suit them in
the learning

Lesson Plan 3:
Concept Unit
Lesson Plan Template

Unit Working Title: What is Truth?

Unit Big Idea (Concept/Theme): Truth and perspective

Unit Primary Skill focus: Evaluating and understanding point of view in non-
fiction texts

Week 1 of 3; Plan #3 of 9; [90 mins.]

Plan type: Summary

Content Requirement Satisfied:

Conclusion of Reading Experience

Unit Learning Objectives (numbered) [from my Backwards Design Unit

Document], followed by Specific lesson objectives (lettered) being taught
in this lesson:

Cognitive (know/understand):
2. There always exists multiple perspectives.
Matte 17

A. Students will understand viewpoint and bias allow for multiple


Affective (feel/value) and/or Non-Cognitive:

4. Students will be able to openly discuss bias, cultural perspectives, and multiple
viewpoints openly, thoughtfully, and respectfully with their peers and instructor.
A. Students will discuss their personal understanding and perspective of a


Performance (do):
6. SWBAT Analyze point of view in a text

A. Students will identify the validity and issues around multiple sides of a


7. Students will apply understandings of point of view purposefully.

A. Students will articulate their understanding of multiple points of view
around one topic using supporting evidence in a written format.

SOLs: [List with numbers portrayed in the SOL document]

SOL-VA-12-4. Students will be able to openly discuss bias, cultural perspectives, and
multiple viewpoints openly, thoughtfully, and respectfully with their peers and
A. Students will objectively discuss a controversial viewpoint.

CCSs: [List with numbers portrayed in the CCS document]

CCSS. ELA. 11-12.R.1. Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis
of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including
determining where the text leaves matters uncertain.
Matte 18

Methods of Assessment:
[How will you know if the intended learning occurred?] List all methods of
assessment used in this lesson or which are related to this lesson and come in a
future lesson. After each assessment, indicate in brackets the number(s) and
letter(s) of the unit objective and the related lesson objectives that the assessment
is evaluating.

Diagnostic Formative Summative

N/A 222s Discussion: Timed Writing:
The discussion of the The timed writing
222s will allow the assignment will ask
teacher to listen to the students to explain their
students understanding understanding of both
and interpretation of the sides of the internment of
text as well as their Japanese-Americans. In
musings on internment. In doing so, they will
doing so, the students will demonstrate their
demonstrate their understanding of multiple
understanding on the perspectives around a
topic as well as their topic as well as their ability
ability to synthesize their to evaluate it.
own perspective with the
surrounding cultural
perspectives. Obj. 2A, 6A, and 7A

Obj. 2A and 4A

Procedures/Instructional Strategies
[Note: Any words that represent what I would say directly to students appear in

Beginning Room Arrangement:

[Changes in this arrangement that become necessary later will be noted in the
Matte 19

1. [20 mins.] SSR: Students will either finish off Citizen or read their choice texts during
the SSR session of the class. The teacher can do administrative tasks and housekeeping
during this time.

2. [15 mins.] 222s Discussion: The students were to have created their first set of 222s for
homework. They are supposed to talk in their base groups about their 222s. During this
time, the teacher will go to each group and help support the conversations that are going
on. Ideally, each student will share their findings and comment on those of their peers.

3. [15 mins.] Timed Writing Mini-Lesson: The teacher will give a brief lesson on doing a
timed write using the ABCDs model. The teacher will do a think-aloud with an actual
prompt to help students understand how to break down and make sense of writing

4. [39 mins.] Timed Writing: The students will spend the rest of class doing their timed
writing. Again, during this time administrative tasks would be appropriate for the
instructor. As students finish their papers, it cant hurt to start grading them.

5. [1 mins] Closure: Students will be advised to turn their assignment into the turn it in bin
on their way out of the class. Additionally, they will be asked to complete the K portion
of the KWL online for homework.
Matte 20

Objectives I will work towards:

Obj. 4. Develop the habits of a reflective practitioner, among them:

d. using peer and instructor feedback to systematically re-see and regularly revise work

I am extremely opinionated and therefore have a very hard time integrating feedback into my

work. Often, I feel like my very first draft is in fact the very last draft. I concoct things in my

mind and become set in my ways. Although sometimes this is fine, I often realize later that some

feedback could have drastically improved my work. Therefore, I would like to get better at

utilizing the feedback of others.

1. Apply feedback I disagree with.

The biggest bar to entry for feedback and my work is that I often disagree with what feedback I

get. Sometimes do not think it is relevant while others times I just do not like it because it is

something I am unfamiliar with. Therefore, in each of my lesson plans I would like to integrate at

least one piece of feedback that I do not necessarily agree with and utilize it.

2. Assess whether the feedback made my lessons better or not.

In order to do this, I will utilize formative assessment on students to see if the feedback I

integrated to see if it helped with my instruction and with student understanding. I think that

doing some sort of formative assessment on new elements I integrate will give me a better

perspective on certain practices and will probably convince me to consider more of the feedback

that I receive.

Obj. 4. Develop the habits of a reflective practitioner, among them:

Matte 21

e. investigating, problem-solving and experimenting in the face of what is unknown or


I am admittedly a creature of habit. I enjoy using the same methods over and over again. A lot of

this is out of the comfort of doing something repetitive, while part of it is a fear of failure in

trying something that I am unfamiliar with. During student teaching, despite my inner voice

telling me to just do what is easy, I want to work to integrate more new resources and methods

into my teaching so that I can grow as a teacher. My approach to this will be two-fold:

1. Integrate more new technology into my lesson plans.

Although I believe I have definitely shown a lot of progress in this realm, there are many things

out there that I have not utilized. I think that during student teaching, I would like to make a

concerted effort to try more new technologies and integrate it more whole-heartedly into my

instruction. This means I will probably have to learn how to properly use a Google Form and that

I will maybe struggle in front of the class to get a Prezi to go off as planned, but I will happily

make these mistakes to grow as a teacher. My goal is to try 4-5 new types of technology and

integrate them into my lesson plans purposefully.

2. Try methods of instruction I am not partial to.

There are somethings that I have decided I do not like. For instance, I despise fishbowl

discussions. I have never done one and have not integrated one into my teaching. During student

teaching, I would like to take fishbowls and other practices and utilize them in the classroom. I

will take things I have decided are not for me and give them a go in order to fully understand
Matte 22

them and in order to vary my teaching for all my learners. My goal is to use 3-4 methods I have

not liked in the past and use them in my teaching.

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