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Introduction of the central beneficiary:

Name- Alessandro Fabian Guachalla

Age- 23
Course- Empleabilidad
From- El Alto, Rio Seco
Education- Don Bosco, Contadoria General
How they heard of EQWIP- temas desconocidos, te interesaba, don bosco
recruited, beca, gratis, comprometer, things they did not teach in school
The challenge/issue/problem: looking for work, it was difficult, didnt know how,
how to do a cv, he called the employer and they called him immediately, look
for info in newspaper online and facebook, send cv by email, esperar, best first
The solution: most useful was interview practice with fake person 3 rd person,
how to promote yourself, human relations interpersonal communication,
teamwork, did not like to work in a team, only has done the courses, be truthful
dont try to impress its the most important,
The implementation of the solution: did interview the week after as the fake
interview, body language, eye contact, be open.

The results (and any possible recommendation for scale):

Contador, una empresa, grande empresa, 2 meses. Is studying at 90% UMSA
Contaduria licenciatura and working a little bit, has its own business national
consultora contable grande servicio de contaduria el alto then la paz and then
bigger, looking for part time job to get capital

Quote 1: Un joven nunca est en confianza, siempre est pero tiene que ser
honesto y sino lie well and they will hire you for something you dont know how
to do, believe in yourself and your skills, and people talk, especially in the city I
live in and you dont want to start rumor sor have a bad reputation.
Quote 2: el xito depende de cada uno, if your goals are clear, day to day you
may fail but in the long run you will succeed, there are various ways to get to
success you just have to choose the right one.
Quote 3: La puntualidad es lo mas importante cuando estas buscando un
trabajo, porque responsables, values people forget to put in practice, cuando
esres punctual y responsable eres confiable y empleadores busca eso.
Step 1: Describe the problem your beneficiary (youth, partner or volunteer)
had. Talk about specific pain points (i.e. their struggle to make things work),
and what led to their decision to find a solution.
Step 2: Illustrate their search for a solution. Explain their criteria for a perfect
solution or other solutions they considered but rejected.
Step 3: Describe the solution EQWIP HUBs provided, including what it is (e.g.
training, capacity strengthening, start-up funds, etc), how it works, and why
your beneficiary chose EQWIP HUBs over others.
Step 4: Outline the specific results and benefits the beneficiary achieved by
implementing a project related solution

*Collect at least two or three quotes per person*

Introduction of the central beneficiary:

Name- Reynaldo Jimenez Alanoca
Age- 26
Course- Emprendimineto
From- El Alto, Viacha
Education- Colegio Viliroco
How they heard of EQWIP- In Infocal told them if they are interested, 5
years ago I wanted to be an entrepreneur but then I became sick, lives
with dialysis doesnt have kidneys, I was looking for other courses,
with the alcaldia I also passed courses, very dry not interesting at the
alcaldia, eqwip hubs changes the way you think, learning dynamically,
not just giving homework and leaving you too it, they guide you along
the path.
Family History-

The challenge/issue/problem: 45 minutes to the courses in mini bus,

had the taller missed accounting skills and form legal stuff funda
impresa, getting sicker and sicker and it was hard to focus and I had
to present my project in the city of la paz but I was in the hospital the
day of my last exam, and I missed the opportunity, cronic desease,
recuperating little by little, I couldnt work and my partner was
looking for work but we both dont like to be bossed around or taken
advantage of and we need the flexibility, with her I learned carpentry,
and I am supporting her with her dream to start her own business ass
well. I will not be able to work for two years if I get my riones
transplanted so I am worried.. I took out a loan at the bank but I am
scared to use it because if it fails I will have to pay it back, the great
thing about the innovation fund is that people are investing in my
idea and I dont have as much fear, gives me the courage to go ahead,

The solution: customer service, keeping clients, having reliable

clients, how to be patient,
Marketing doing logos and marcas and doing quotes and finances,
wants to apply to capital semilla with taller industrial (mecnica,
carpinteria, automotriz), studying right now,
The implementation of the solution: interpersonal communication I
have used so far, I see myself in 5 years creating my own machines,
having my own workshops, leaving the service industry and getting
into manufacturing, and selling machines to other young
The results (and any possible recommendation for scale):
Contador, una empresa, grande empresa, 2 meses. Is studying at 90%
UMSA Contaduria licenciatura and working a little bit, has its own
business national consultora contable grande servicio de contaduria el
alto then la paz and then bigger, looking for part time job to get

Quote 1: Its hard for youth, you are not seen as important, there will
always be problems but you cant give up, and I will never give up. Its
a dream I am trying to realize and its a dream that will support my
family, my daughter so I cant give up

Quote 2: You have to learn to fall so that you can get back up again
Quote 3: adults will tell you not do do things even as a kid because
you will hurt yourself, but youth know that you have to try you have to
fall to grow, you have to learn yourself to be stronger, the more you
fall the easier it becomes to get up, and in life you will fall it is

Quote 4: My dreams are big, my dreams are to create.

Introduction of the central beneficiary:
Name- Lezly Karen Paulo Arnez
Age- 34
Course- Emprendimiento
From- La Paz Bolivia Zona Miraflores
Education- Infocal Carrera de Gastronomia
How they heard of EQWIP- Ser Familia with Ines, I had the practico but not the
theoretical and that is what I need so that I could apply it to the practice I
already had with my actual business.
The challenge/issue/problem: there was a lot of problems with my past job and
you can generate work for other and in the area of food there is so much to
learn and to teach, and I can generate my own money to support myself, I like
using skills like creativity and innovation and entrepreneurship helps you with
that. I started young because I had a dream to be an entrepreneur, its hard.
Before being an entrepreneur I was a cook and customer service person, but I
saw how they treated people and they were not reliable for work. I had to work
on weekends and I didnt have time for my two sons or family. Make you
overwork, underpay you, and they dont treat you well. When I separate with
my husband he took everything from me, my house, my car, my business and
that is why I decided to take the courses to get a fresh start. Originally my
business was called Chef Cross but now Pick-Up. I lost everything but through
learning I found opportunity, eqwip hubs gave me the chance to speak to
established entrepreneurs and I grew as a person professionally and personally.

The solution: with what I studied I thought maybe I could start my own
business so that I can have the flexibility but I learned that being an
entrepreneur is hard work, and I worked longer then I did before but I was
happy, and after investing my time I knew it would pay off. So I started a virtual
restaurant one of the first in La Paz, called Pick-Up. Offering healthy food
alternatives. I learned in the courses Motivation, values, you need to know
yourself and know how to work with people, how to be positive, understanding
peoples nees and responding to those need, lienzo modelo de negocio in a
practical way that was easier to apply than when I learned it with the alcaldia.
In 2013 I won a prize for business plan in gastronomia and I started building my
base and eqwip hubs is what I need to go the extra mile. Marketing and logos
were helpful, pacients and dedication and love from ines our facilitator, all the
participants were always saying they wanted to be like her.
The results (and any possible recommendation for scale):
I need to update my webpage and in the next 6 months I want to start my
business again and start cooking and taking orders. In a year or 2 i see myself
with my business set up, I want to expand things and I want it to spread to
other cities in Bolivia, so that everyone can have the convinience of getting
food to their workplace. I hope that more youth are interested in the course,
because they are useful, sometimes people leave course for personal reasons
or they have to work but I recommend that people stick with this course and
believe in themselves, many youth I passed courses with had great ideas but
they lack the confidence to implement them.
Keep going, keep learning, see things positively, they are dreams that only you
can realice and only you will work hard enough to make your dreams true. You
need to be firm in your decisin becuase there will be obsticals and people
telling you it wont work. A business is a dream begins, but keep thinking big,
you are creating, you may surprise yourself.

Quote 1: Sometimes people will try to close doors on you, and tell you you cant
do it, but you have to believe in yourself, listen to yourself and trust yourself. It
may be your family
Quote 2: Whether you fail in the long term or have success, atleast youll be
able to say that you tried your hardest, that you wanted it.
Quote 3: Unfortunetly as an entrepreneur realizing your dream will cost money,
and people will not let you forget that, in a perfect world we would get money
and then launch our bussiness how we wanted to but in reality many times you
have to comprise, start small and then get investments and start seeing

Step 1: Describe the problem your beneficiary (youth, partner or volunteer)

had. Talk about specific pain points (i.e. their struggle to make things work),
and what led to their decision to find a solution.
Step 2: Illustrate their search for a solution. Explain their criteria for a perfect
solution or other solutions they considered but rejected.
Step 3: Describe the solution EQWIP HUBs provided, including what it is (e.g.
training, capacity strengthening, start-up funds, etc), how it works, and why
your beneficiary chose EQWIP HUBs over others.
Step 4: Outline the specific results and benefits the beneficiary achieved by
implementing a project related solution
*Collect at least two or three quotes per person*

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