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@® ae game Instructions The word must have more than five letters. The word must be an adjective, The word must be a verb. The word must be the name of a town, city or country. The word must be a verb in the simple past The word mustn't end with the letter ‘s. something you can see _from where you are now. The word must be something you can eat or drink. The word must be on the theme of sport and leisure, Reward Upper-intermediate Resource Pack The word mustn't be the name of a fruit or vegetable, The word must have two or more syllables. The word mustn't be The word mustn't be an adjective. The word must end inly, WORD PASS You needn't say a word. WORD PASS You needn't say a word, ‘Suse, 686 By aera Ea ge ang ey be pop and dwn ei WORD PASS You needn't say a word. WORD PASS You needn't say a word. WORD PASS You needn't say a word. WORD PASS You needn't say a word. @® Alphabet game Forfeits * You have to walle round the classroom backwards. You have to balance a coin on your nose for 10 seconds. You have to give everybody in the group a You have to stand up and stay standing until your next turn, Reward Upper-intermediate Resource Pack You have to spelt your name backwards without hesitating. few lines of your favourite pop song. You have to say three things you're good at, You have to mime the tite of a film for the rest of the group to guess. You have to put your hands on your head until your next turn. You have to hum a verse of your national anthem, You have to hop around the classroom. You have to mime one of your hobbies for the rest of the group to guess. You have to describe ‘a famous person for the rest of the group to guess. You have to walk around the room making the noise of an animal of your choice. You have to write your name holding a ‘pen in your mouth. You needn't doa forfeit. FORFEIT PASS You needn't doa forfeit. {9 soan, 1 hotbed iynebanen gi tngune fale oe be oie andar an be as You have to tell the group about something you hate. You have to tell the group about your ideal ‘evening out You have to draw a picture of your teacher. FORFEIT PASS You needn't doa forfeit. You needn't doa forfeit. You have to tell the group what you like about the town you're in, You have to shake hands with everyone in the group. You have to describe someone in the class for the rest of the group to guess. FORFEIT PASS You needn't do a FORFEIT PASS You needn't doa Sorfeit. ree Alphabet game worksheets @®@ and @®@ NOTE: Use Worksheets 10a and 10b for this activity ACTIVITY Groupwork: speaking aim ‘To play a word game by fllowing instructions and doings oreits when the rales are broken. GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS Modal ves “Talking about obligation: must, have to ‘Falking about prohibition: mustn't, can’t ‘Talking about what you don't have to do: needn't VOCABULARY Genera PREPARATION “Make one copy of Worksheet 10s Gnstrucions) and one copy ‘of Worksheet 10b (ores) for every six students in the cls Gut them out as indicated, PROCEDURE 41 Ask the students to suggest any words beginning with the Jetter'a'. Then ask them to say words beginning with then'c, then ete. Explain that chey are going to play 2 ‘word game and thatthe object ofthe game ito take iti tums to say words beginning with different ltrs of the alphabet, in alphabetical order. 2. Ask the soudents to work in groups of sixand, if possible, {ositin a circle in their groups. 3 Give one copy ofthe instruction cards and one copy of the oe cans to each group. Tell them to take one “Word ‘ss’ card and one ‘Forfeit Pass’ card each and then to put the instruction cards axl the forfeit cards in two separate piles face down. 44 Before the seudents start playing the game, explain bow to ply. ICyou wish, you can photocopy the instructions below and distribute a copy to each group, 0 display @ copy on the overhead projector 5 ‘The srudents are ready to play the game. White they are TIME ‘playing, go round to cach group and check that hey are 20 t0 30 minutes ‘playing correctly. HOW TO PLAY THE GAME a es 11 sear the fit round ofthe game. Player A turns over a instruction card from the top of the pile, reads it out vo the rest of the group and puts i tote bottom of the pie Player Athen says a word beginning with the letter‘, ‘aking into account the rule onthe instruction cad 2. sf Player d's words correct, the player tothe let says a ‘ward beginning withthe leer‘, taking into account the same instruction 3 Contin ina cocowise direction around the group until tthe eters ofthe alphabet have been used up, oF unt someone makes a mistake 4. faplayer cannot think of a word without reasonable ‘hesitation, or does nat follow the instruction, they must take a forfeit card from the top ofthe pile and do the forfeit 5 ‘The player to their left then sears the next round of the game by turing over a new instruction card, reading it sat to the rest of the group and putting it to the bottom of the pile. They thea say a word beginning with according tothe new instruction. 6 Players must not xepeat words which have aleady beer, used in previous tounds of the game, 7) Players can use their ‘Pass’ cards at any point inthe game {to miss a tum orto avoid doing a fork, but they can only se them once. ‘8 Continue until you have played several rounds ofthe game.

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