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Kishan Patel

John Quincy Adams

John Quincy Adams was the 6th president of the United States of America. He was from

Braintree, Massachusetts, now renamed Quincy. Before his political endeavors in the United

States, he studied law at Harvard University, graduating in 1787 at the age of 20. He worked as

a judge in Massachusetts until he was appointed Minister of Netherlands in 1794. Two years

later, he was appointed Minister of Portugal, and one year after that, he was appointed Minister

to Prussia until 1801. Before his presidency, he served as a senator, being one of the only

Federalists to support Thomas Jefferson in the Louisiana Purchase. With the election of the

previous president James Monroe, Quincy Adams served as his secretary. During this time, he

played a key role in the creation of the Monroe Doctrine.

Before he took office, America was experiencing an economic boom from the aftermath

of the War of 1812. Many new jobs were opened because of a greater manufacturing demand

during the war. America needed more and more supplies to keep fighting the War of 1812. A

boom in trade came as a result after the war. By the end of the war, America had become a fully

self-sufficient economy. Socially, America became unified among its people. They all believed

that America was a democracy could fend off foreign attacks and expand far beyond what they

already were. This time period was known as The Era of Good Feelings.

Quincy Adams served as a diplomat for the US, considered one of the best by many

historians. These skills he learned from his practice in diplomacy helped him tremendously

during his presidency. As president he maintained peaceful relations with Europe for two

generations. He genuinely supported and urged the the government in sponsoring projects that

would improve the society and its conditions. He knew the powers of the president, and used
them to his full extent. He worked on roads, canals, harbors, bridges and many other internal

improvements that would ultimately benefit the economy. Without his actions, America would

not have one of its earliest national universities or a national astronomical observatories. Many

criticized his actions and believed that he was not entitled to his actions during his presidency.

Despite these critics opinions, he continued with his endeavors in Americas infrastructural


Quincy Adams also did a great deal for America involving its foreign affairs. He and his

administration were able to open up trade between Austria, Brazil, Denmark, Norway, and

Sweden. The trade treaties formed between these countries allowed Americas economy to

flourish and thrive. He also settled many foreign issues which have drastically changed

America. For example, he: opened up access to Florida, earned fishing rights in Canada,

established a section of the United States - Canadian border, and resolved a conflict involving a

US - Spanish border west of the Mississippi River.

I think that John Quincy Adams was a good president, because despite his poor

politician skills, he did set out to achieve his goals and managed to accomplish many of them.

He was able to improve the social condition of America. His domestic affairs left America a

changed country. He also greatly supported multiple parties in elections. Sometimes, a

president is remembered for what happened during his presidency than what he actually did. In

most cases, this is true, because people tend to associate major events that are either positive

or negative with the president during time. This happens because many people do not know that

sometimes, the president is not always associated with that event.

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