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Email to Loring Staff:

Good morning,

Thank you for the input and conversation about classification this morning. I will keep
you all updated on our final decision regarding classification. Ill also provide you
briefly with where Im currently at in regards to classification. Here are some of the
reasons and data that I am using to help inform my decision:

Equity providing our students with the greatest needs with extra resources and
instructional supports. This includes our scholars who are learning a second language,
receiving special education services and who are in need of Tier II or III academic or
behavioral interventions.

Resources with a limited number of resources including AEs, SEAs, SERTS, ESL and
a population of students with a great number of needs including behavior, academic and
language we will have to be very strategic with how we classify scholars.

Behavior I know this has been brought up as a concern especially in regards to the
impression that when we place all our ELL, advanced learners or special education
scholars in one room it causes other classrooms to be unbalanced. I would argue that
classrooms that take on the addition of co-teaching for ESL or special education scholars
are extremely difficult and take a lot of collaboration and targeted instruction.
Classrooms that do it well have extra planning time and a ton of collaboration within
their teams (for example, Krista and Mark). If we look at splitting our ESL scholars
amongst multiple rooms, the only way Ive seen this work is when grade level teams have
an extremely high level of collaboration and planning times built into their schedules.
This means that pacing schedules and the agenda of lessons are in lock step with each
other. This allows the ESL, advanced learners or students who receive special education
scholars to be pulled into one classroom during a core instruction period.
Here is the draft of what Id like to see in regards to classification:

Kindergarten -
ESL scholars will be placed in one classroom. This will allow for the current co-teaching
model to continue. Damon will continue to be the co-teacher along with Sarah.
Special education scholars, we have 13 currently coming into Loring next year. We will
try to cluster student needs with teacher styles. We need to look at our ability to allow
our SERTS to push into one or two classrooms throughout the day. Im also looking at
placing one SEA in kindergarten for the entire day due to the high level of needs. Our
new EBD/Autism teacher will also support this large caseload along with Annamary.
First Grade -
ESL scholars will be placed in one classroom. We currently have 7 ESL scholars slated
for 1st grade. This will allow for co-teaching to continue. I will work with the first grade
team to determine which classroom teacher will be the classroom for our ESLs.
Special education We currently have seven scholars slated to receive special education
services. Five receive speech only. Depending on the needs of the two scholars we may
cluster them together and split our speech only.
Second Grade -
ESL scholars will be placed in one classroom. We currently have 11 ESL scholars slated
for 2nd grade. I will work with the second grade team to determine which teacher will be
the classroom for our ESLs.
Special education We currently have 7 scholars who receive special education services.
Two of them receive speech only. We will look at clustering the scholars in two
classrooms depending on their need.
Third Grade -
ESL scholars will be placed in one classroom. We currently have 4 scholars slated for
3rd grade. Linda Siverson-Hall will be the co-teacher along with Sarah.
Special education We currently have 10 kids slated for 3rd grade. Only one is speech
only. Well need to look at doing a similar model to kindergarten where we cluster kids
with like skills together so that SERTS can support the push in and pull out model to the
best of our ability.
Advanced learners We need to look at our total number of identified ALs in this grade
level. We should strive to have at least 2-3 kids clustered together to allow for group
learning during core.
Fourth Grade -
ESL scholars will be placed in two classrooms. Well need to think creatively as to how
we provide equal support to the AM and PM group with a .5 ESL teacher. We may need
to look at doing a combined 4/5 pull out service for the AM or PM group. This doesnt
mean that all 22 kids will be pulled out together. It means that both 4th and 5th graders
could be pulled for support at identified times within the schedule. We should strive to
have no more than 11 kids pulled out at a time. Well also need to look at how the
classroom teachers will collaborate with the ESL teachers to provide the academic
language supports necessary for our ESL scholars. Id like to see the ESL teacher
pushing into the literacy workshop to teach small groups instead of the traditional co-
teaching. We may also need the ESL teacher to push into the math/social studies or
science block. Were hoping to schedule the .5 ESL teacher from 11:50-3:30 each day.
There are currently 13 kids who qualify for ESL services.
Special education We currently have 11 kids slated for 4th grade. Two are speech only.
Well need to look at clustering kids in the two classrooms based on their academic and
behavioral needs. Our new EBD teacher will also support some push in and pull out
services for our EBD scholars.
Advanced learners We need to look at our total number of identified ALs in this grade
level. We should strive to have at lease 2-3 kids clustered together to allow for group
learning during core. We also have to look at clustering the students who will qualify for
telescoped math. If the number is less than six then we will pursue the online learning
module paired with some support from an identified staff member.
Fifth Grade -
ESL scholars will be placed in two classrooms. Well need to think creatively as to how
we provide equal support to the AM and PM group with a .5 ESL teacher. We may need
to look at doing a combined 4/5 pull out service for the AM or PM group. This doesnt
mean that all 22 kids will be pulled out together. It means that both 4th and 5th graders
could be pulled for support at identified times within the schedule. We should strive to
have no more than 11 kids pulled out at a time. Well also need to look at how the
classroom teachers will collaborate with the ESL teachers to provide the academic
language supports necessary for our ESL scholars. Id like to see the ESL teacher
pushing into the literacy workshop to teach small groups instead of the traditional co-
teaching. We may also need the ESL teacher to push into the math/social studies or
science block. Were hoping to schedule the .5 ESL teacher from 11:50-3:30 each day.
There are currently 9 scholars who qualify for ESL services.
Special education We currently have 13 kids slated for 4th grade. Two are speech only.
Well need to look at clustering kids in the two classrooms based on their academic and
behavioral needs. Our new EBD teacher will also support some push in and pull out
services for our EBD scholars.
Advanced learners We need to look at our total number of identified ALs in this grade
level. We should strive to have at lease 2-3 kids clustered together to allow for group
learning during core. We also have to look at clustering the students who will qualify for
telescoped math.
Final thoughts I do think it would be easiest to cluster our ESL scholars in two
classrooms in grades 4 and 5 but I also hear your concerns and past experiences. Please
reflect on what Ive put together and send me your thoughts around this. I will make a
final decision on classification guidelines by next week. Ive also attached electronic
copies of the draft master schedules for you to review with your teams.
Thank you for your engagement on this topic!

Ahmed Amin

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