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Konsumsi rokok yang terus menerus akan merugikan negara sebesar 245 Triliyun

setiap tahunnya. Perhitungan diungkapkan oleh Prof Dr dr Farid Afansa Moeloek,

Sp OG, ketua Komnas Pengendalian Tembakau, Kamis (29/9) di kantor Yayasan
Jantung Indonesia.

Kerugian dihitung berdasar penyakit yang ditimbulkan akibat merokok. Kondisi

meningkatkan biaya tanggungan kesehatan dan menurunkan produktivitas.
Angka kerugian ini tidak sebanding dengan penerimaan pajak rokok senilai 60

Yang ironis, pengguna rokok justru berasal dari kalangan menengah kebawah.
Rokok menempati posisi kedua, yang menjadi prioritas belanja setelah beras.
"Cukup ironis, bukan daging yang dibeli, tapi rokok", katanya.

Ia menilai, rokok menjadi pintu gerbang awal sebelum akhirnya masyarakat

mencoba ke minuman keras bahkan narkoba.
Name : Heni Arieanti

Class : XI Science 1

Cigarette is a cylinder of paper length sized between 70 to 120 mm with a

diameter of about 10 mm containing tobacco leaves that have been chopped.
Cigarettes are usually sold in a box-shaped parcel or package of paper that can
be entered easily into a pocket. Since last few years, the packs are also generally
accompanied by health messages. Smokers think that smoking makes them feel
happy, relax, and cozy.

Smoking must be banned for adults

I have some reasons to strength my thesis, they are :

Cigarette contains chemical substances

A cigarette contains many substances that are actually very dangerous.
Cigarette contains over 4,000 chemicals namely nicotine, tar, carbon
monoxide, formaldehyde, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, and arsenic.
those substances contained in cigarette are harmfull for our health.

Smoking will cause diseases

Smoking will cause diseases for the smoker. It will cause cancer namely
lung cancer. As we know cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases
because there is no medicine for it .
The other diseases are pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, chronic cough,
heart failure, heart attack, hypertension, and stroke, infertility, premature
birth, and respiratory disorders.

Smoking can harm the country

Maybe many people think cigarette can give huge advantages for the
country, and thought it very wrong. If we often smoking, it will cost the
state at 245 Billion every year. Calculations expressed by Prof. Dr. Farid
Afansa Moeloek, chairman of the National Commission on Tobacco Control.
Losses were calculated based on diseases caused by smoking. The
condition increases the cost of dependent health and lowers productivity.
This is not comparable with the cigarette tax revenue worth 60 billion.

Cigarette into the gate before people start trying to booze and even drug.
In the Health Act 36 of 2009 states that nicotine is additive, as well as
alcohol and booze. So smoking should also be treated with drugs. This
means that if drugs is not advertised, smoking also should not be.

Give bad impact to children and people around

One third of children in Indonesia tried smoking before they were 10 years
old. international media ever talked about Ardi Rizal. At the age of two
years, he can suck 40 cigarettes per day. This is because his father
smoking when he still 18 months. So, it can give bad impact to children
and people around.

It will break the balancing of air ecosystem

when a cigarette produces carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and nitrate
gas. It will break the balancing of air ecosystem. And when the rainy
season came, it would be make acid rainy and make many building
brittle because of stain.

Cigarette smoking is the greatest single cause of illness and premature

Based on VOA news, smoking is the leading cause of cancer worldwide
and as we know, cancer is the first leading cause of death. In Indonesia,
according to the report of the Special Tobacco Control Association of Public
Health estimates that 427.948 deaths per year or a day there are about
1,172 people died because of cigarettes.

Considering some facts mentioning above, we should know that smoking

is harmful for human health. So, avoid cigarettes from this earth starting by
ourself, because, if we dont start from ourself, all that we know about cigarattes
is useless. And after we had done with ourself, let begin to our environment. Go
young generation !! Go for a better future without smoke.

First, interfere with the development and decrease the concentration of students.
Advanced features available in mobile phone it would disturb learning process in
school. Not infrequently they were busy with receiving calls and sorth message
service (SMS) from their friends or another person during class time. They even
use the mobile phone to make cheating in a test. Playing the game at the time
the teacher explains the lesson. Besides that, they also rather talk about the
content of SMS or type mobile phone from than the lessons. And to cause
student to become wasteful.
Then,to cause interference with the health of students. While this, to obey
doctors in the UK, use of mobile phone too long cause distress in ears and cheek
is marked by inflammation of the skin and the sign of allergic, such as itching
and redness of skin. The disease called ''Mobile Phone Dhermatitis'' is happened
results from the surface for allergic reaction mobile phone made of nickel.

Therefore, school should to give a description of benefits and negative effect of

use mobile phone are communicative and persuatif for students. And provide
guidance and direction to students. Besides that, parents also should supervising
and always give advice to his child in use of mobile phone.

So, School needs to give an explanation about negative effect of use handphone
to the students. Beside that, parents also should supervising and give advice to
their children in use of handphone. Because handphone can give bad impact for

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