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Does 'Free Energy' exist?

Yeah, but do we have to phrase all free energy quests in such an absolutist manner?

Consider this ...

We can get more from less is not the same as getting something from nothing. The first
is relativistic. The second is absolute without any opportunity for negotiation. More
time results in more energy - if you have some of either, already - according to ...

... without violating Physics, but upheld by Physics.

Phase conjugation has the distinct property of being able to take apart a wave and
putting it back together again.

Take retroreflectors, for instance.

We see them on the back sides of every vehicle at night shining back at us our outgoing
beam of light regardless of our angle of reflection. If this had been a flat plane
mirror attached to their backside, then we would not have seen any of our reflected
light unless we were directly behind them rather than at any angle other than 90

And take infinity mirrors as another instance.


Well ...
If we put two capacitors between two transformers within a closed loop and make the
caps low level, 1 to 10 pico Farads or less, we now have semi-reflective surfaces
within their dielectric which will split incoming waves into a reflected portion and a
refracted portion. This is called: Wave Discontinuity. This splitting will be at the
expense of their amplitude.

But not to worry, ...

Since the two transformers will remember the amplitude of the parent wave. And through
resonant timing, the inductive kickback can add some of the original amplitude derived
from their parent waves imparted to each daughter wave so that they're not merely
splitting themselves, but actually increasing their collective output over time as can
be seen from this scope shot ...

... of this LTSpice simulation ...


... loaded into ...


The way I like to view this is that the parent wave vicariously lives on within their
daughter waves (since the reversibility of phase conjugation permits us this liberty of
endowing the perspective of the parent upon the child and vice versa) making the
transit of the parent appear to be twice the length at the usual speed, or the same
transit in half the time, thus altering time by shifting it creating time dilation
without recourse to traveling nearly the speed of light to accomplish this.

Or, when viewed vicariously from the perspective of the parents' daughter waves, each
daughter has almost as much energy as her parent, collectively making an increased
energy over time as more waves keep splitting into more daughters nearly endowed with
the same level of energy as their parents.

Thus, as far as I'm concerned ...

Time equals Energy.

Forget E = MC squared. This is less significant to the layman since how often do we
find ourselves splitting atoms?

But every Yogi, or workaholic, is constantly endeavoring to add more time to their
limited lifespan whose consequence is going to be more energy over that lengthened time

Thus, every discussion of free energy must include free time or else risk getting lost
in a muddle of rhetoric.

Your argument is respectfully much more referenced than mine.

My point is, the idea of something for nothing does not make much sense to me. As you
began this latest comment you mentioned resting as a way of resulting in more energy

This in some way, makes my point....

the input of time to rest would, in this example be required.

Of course, this would be done to get a practical gain, but is this not why we do
anything in life. Bottom line, to gain an advantage, there is input happening

We have to input something.

But before we lose it all and it dies requiring more life force, or electrical force,
to revive it and a trip to the store to buy ourselves another battery which will only
die again, then let's stretch the lifespan of the remaining force still resident within
our circuit (and before we shut it off) and buy it some more time (in blocks of
additional time) to swim around within our circuit exhibiting more energy.

And most importantly, prepare ourselves for the consequences of success by

strengthening our circuit to handle more amperage, etc., without frying itself, for
spontaneous combustion probably has its origins in the escalation of an electrical
surge before flashing over into an oxidation process.

Instructions on How to Use this next Simulation

{requires a little drivers Ed to operate}

Your argument is directed - not toward free energy thinkers, but - to naysayers.
They're the ones bad mouthing the something for nothing argument as if anyone
seriously studying the matter promotes that sort of thing. They don't.

Their argument is directed at firstly, themselves, but secondly, the newbies who don't
know any better - which takes practically everyone into account, for very few have ever
experienced the joy of making more from less - electrically speaking, that is, since we
all make more from less all the time. That's common sense.

The something for nothing argument is a lame argument, misguided and intended to
evoke terror in the hearts of freedom thinkers -- lest they get any silly ideas into
their collective heads that authority figures don't have all the answers all the time.
And to promote the Malthusian Doctrine of limited resources (there is never any
limitation on Intelligence unless we decide to stay dumb or under-informed). This
promotes its consequential doctrine, previously called: Manifest Destiny, but now
called Imminent Domain, both of which promote violent take over and theft of someone
else's limited resource -- whether by force of arms, or else by force of legalese, or
So long as we're permanently distracted with erroneous thinking, so long are we slaves
to our own ignorance.

And you make the case for another form of free energy, the type which we never have to
pay for, but just pray that it keeps coming at us, such as: the wind in our sail to
avoid the doldrums.

This could be considered almost something for nothing so long as our sailboat holds up
and its registration with the port authority remains in good standing and we can
continue to afford the rental charge on its docking bay at harbor.

So, something for nothing is a small joy taken as it comes straight from the heart of
Mother Nature's natural forces at work night and day, rain or shine.

My mistake. I overlooked something of relevance.

Very often is overlooked the appearance of getting something from nothing due to our
ignorance of counter-space - what has traditionally been called the Aether.

Eric Dollard mathematically models counter-space with the use of complex numbers.

Complex numbers
Remember them from high school? Ugh!
Imaginary numbers derived from the square root of negative one and blended with real
numbers by way of multiplication and addition. I take the trouble to describe what is
obvious to most of us, because I've never had an easy time appreciating them.

This is why energy can appear to disappear or reappear, because it is transferring

between space and counter-space or vice versa which means that the Conservation of
Energy Law has been upheld in all cases.

But whenever energy is within the domain of complex numbers, it cannot be measured,
seen, touched, felt, etc. It can only be inferred by indirect analysis. That's why it
appears to disappear or appear to, or from out of, no where.

Gabriel Kron is another fellow who was adept at this set of processes.

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