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Identify the type of microscope..

(1) Most commonly used (2) Good for studying crystals in clinical fluids (3) Studying
living cells (4) Studying fresh samples from syphilis patients What are the three components of the portal triad (5) (6)
(7) Identify the following organelles as to membrane-bound versus non-membrane bound (8) Nucleus (9)
Microtubules (10) Ribosomes (11) Rough Er Identify the type of connective tissue present A. Areolar B. Mucous C.
Reticular D. Dense Irreguyular E. Dense Regular 12. Tendon 13. Ligaments 14. Dura mater 15. Skin (Reticular
Dermis) 16. Liver 17. Bone marrow 18. Whartons jelly 19. Below the epithelium What is the lining epithelium of the
following organs? A. Simple Squamous B. Stratified squamous C. Simple columnar D. Simple cuboidal E. Transitional
F. Pseudostratified columnar with stereocilia G. Pseudostratified columnar with cilia 20. Alveoli 21. Blood vessels 22.
Vagina 23. Skin 24. Epididymis 25. Trachea 26. Urinary bladder 27. Ureter 28. Thyroid 29. Colon 30. Esophagus

Try to answer the following questions. Tissue preparation 1. What is the most commonly used fixative? 2. Dehydrating
agent? 3. Embedding medium? 4. What color is imparted by the H and E stain on cytoplasm? 5. What color is
imparted by the H and E stain on nucleus? 6. Periodic acid Schiff is to stain what? 7. Sudan black is used to stain
what? Macrophage 8. Liver? 9. Bone? 10. Connective tissue? 11. Kidney? 12. CNS? Functional unit of: 13. Compact
bone 14. Kidneys 15. Skeletal muscles Type of cartilage 16. Trachea 17. Ear 18. Epiglottis 19. Intervertebral discs 20.
No perichondrium 21. What is the source of blood supply of cartilages? 22. What do you call the immature cell of the
cartilage which produces the cartilage matrix? 23. What do you call the immature bone cell? 24. Macrophage in bone
is called? 25. Space occupied by your answer in #24 26. What is the central most portion of an osteon? Muscle 27.
What makes the muscle fibers appear red? 28. What is the dark band in skeletal muscle? 29. Light band? 30. What
intersects the light band at the center? 31. What fiber is present in A band? 32. What structure is at the center of A
band? (EXCEPT from M line) 33. Connects myosin to the Z line 34. Inidividual muscle fiber is covered by:
Endomysium? Perimysium? Epimysium? 35. Group of muscle fiber is called? 36. What covers the answer in #35? A.
Skeletal B. Cardiac C. Smooth 37. Blood vessels 38. Deltoid 39. Gluteus maximus 40. Multinucleated 41. Fusiform
42. Intercalated discs 43. Purkinje fibers 44. Tongue muscles 45. Non-striated 1. Formalin 2. 70-100% ethanol 3.
Paraffin 4. Dark blue 5. Pink 6. G 7. Lipid-rich structures of cells 8. Kupffer cells 9. Osteoclast 10. Histiocytes 11.
Intraglomerular mesangial cells 12. Microglia 13. Osteon 14. Nephron 15. Sarcolemma 16. Hyaline cartilage 17.
Elastic cartilage 18. Elastic cartilage 19. Fibrocartilage 20. Fibrocartilage 21. Perichondrium 22. Chondroblast 23.
Osteoblast 24. Osteoclast 25. Resorption cavities (Howship lacunae) 26. Haversian cannal 27. Myoglobin 28. A band
29. I band 30. Z disc 31. Myosin 32. H zone 33. Titin 34. Endomysium 35. Fascicle 36. Perimysium 37. C 38. A 39. A
40. A 41. C 42. B 43. B 44. A 45. C

REVIEWER 5 Nervous A. Astrocytes B. Microglia C. Ependymal cells D. Oligodendrocytes E. Schwann 1. Blood-

brain barrier 2. Myelin sheath production in peripheral nerves 3. Myelin sheath production in brain and spinal cord 4.
CSF production 5. Engulf bacteria A. Gray matter B. White matter 6. Cell bodies 7. Dendrites 8. Nissl bodies 9.
Myelinated axons 10. Central in spinal cord 11. Central in brain 12. Peripheral in spinal cord A. Dura mater B. Pia
mater C. Arachnoid mater 13. Below this mater is where the CSF is flowing 14. Tightly adherent to the brain and
spinal cord 15. Dense irregular connective tough tissue 16. Web-like in consistency Cardiovascular A. Tunica intima
B. Tunica media C. Tunica externa 17. Simple squamous 18. Smooth muscles 19. Primary connective tissue covering
20. Thicker in veins 21. Thicker in arteries 22. Thickest layer of the heart 23. Heart valves are formed by two layers of
______________ 24. Special type of cardiac muscle found within the subendothelial layer 25. Type of capillary found
in glomerulus

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