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Linux -> POSIX STANDARD, Today's UNIX is the LINUX

man - read manual
man ls - read manual of ls dyna
pwd - present work directory, gives the path of the current directory
ls list the directory contents (all the folders in the home directory)
ls -a =list all, can be used to list the files in the current directory
ls -A =almost all
ls -l =list long
ls -lA = combination of list and almost all commands
$ = location
echo $HOME = home directory
finger Rishabh = give information about Rishabh
cd = change directory, we can make a folder as a current directory
date = command for date and time
date +%m = month (format specifiers)
date +%h = month in words (format specifiers)
date +%d = day (format specifiers)
Note: 1. All folders are Directories,
2. All peripherals are Device Files
3. All files containing characters are Ordinary Files
bash.sh to run for loops
.. = way to go to previous folder
cd .. = make previous folder as current directory
cd ../..
cd (Name of folder without slash)
mkdir MyDirectory MyDirectory/test1 = create two new directories
ls -la = gives historical information of the usage of the directory (in large fo
ls -l = directory in long format
rmdir = remove directory, only if empty
cp -R dir1 dir2 = copies from dir1 to dir2(or path)
mv file1 file2 =move from file1 to file2
mv file1 file2 dir1 move file1 and file 2 to dir1
mv *.txt .. = move all .txt files to previous folder
rm -R -i (any file or directory) = remove recursively(repeatedly) any file or di
rectory, i means interactively ( it will ask questions)
cat (file name.extension) = opens up the file in cygwin linux
cat file1 file2 > file3 = concatinate file1 and file2 together to redirect them
to file 3
if the concatinated file is too long:
more (file name)
less (file name) and use 'f' to scroll the pages and 'j' and 'k' to move up and
wc (file name) = word count, line count, character count (this excludes the firs
t line and few more character than we count manually
(Program Name) (file Name.extension) will run that file in that program for you.
tar = tape archive = to archieve the files
create archive:
tar -cvf (New File Name) *.txt(or specify the files) = cvf= create verbose file
extract file
tar -xvf (New File Name) *.txt(or specify the files) = cvf= create verbose file
create by Gzip and Bunzip,
tar -czvf (New File Name) *.txt(or specify the files) = for gzip
tar -cjvf (New File Name) *.txt(or specify the files) = for bunzip2
for extraction, replace c with x.
~- Last PWD
history = total command history so far
ls -CF = show directory with slash after them
more = less - X
exit = to exit
letter (then tab tab) = gives all commands that starts with that letter.
selecting is copying and Shift+Insert is pasting
matlab -nojvm < (scriptname.m) = to launch the matlab command window
If you talk to somebody(including self) about the word that you are doing increa
ses your concentration.
ctrl+scroll = to change the font size in the terminal

make = compile c and C++ files.

source (file or a bash) is reloading the file in the terminal
shift+page up
shift+ page down = enabled due to mintty
glass color enabled due to mintty
man = manual of the package
open . = opens the current folder in windows( or any other operating system)
you can bash prompt any windows file, that would be your current directory in te
/dev/clipboad = pastes whatever is there in clipboard (this is clipboad location

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