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Teacher: Mr Matthew Allsopp

Word counts : 767

Gender Inequality
By Worakamon Napavorakul (Mos)

Introduction Page 2

Chapter 1 - Female Disadvantages Page 2

Chapter 2 - LGBT Page 3

Conclusion Page 3

Gender inequality is a controversial issue which is a big problem in our world. Sexual issue is
somewhat a problem that has a negative impact and affect to our world. There are lot of
disadvantages and advantages from these issues.

Chapter 1 Female Disadvantages

First of all, its obvious that things that are related to gender need the word equality. The first
thing that comes to mind might be about women. According to Jacobsen (2011):

The women participate less in the formal or paid work, sector of the economy than do
men. The International Labor Organization (2009) estimates total worldwide female
participation in the paid workforce at 40 percent, with generally a lower rate in the less
developed countries (closer to 35 percent) and a higher rate in the more developed

In fact, men are the gender that is occupied within the physical position in many works or jobs
because of their characteristics, preferences and physical endurance. Therefore, most
companies are more likely to hire or promote men. Furthermore, women are the gender that
have less opportunities in society, obviously, all the countries in the world dont have human
rights for women. For example; On the whole, men make better political leaders than women
do( Jayachandran, 2014) one hundred years ago, women couldnt vote in any political
statement and right now, some of the country doesnt create chances for women to contribute in
any political statement. Sexual discrimination began about 1,000 years but right now, its
improving rapidly. UNs starting to create organization that advocate to get human right. He for
she campaign was the association which created for supporting women right. Everybody has
their own special talent and they find something they are talented at then sex doesn't count
anymore. It all depends on who was the skill or not at your sex doesn't limit your skill in anyway.
That is why there's a saying that says if you can dream it, you can do it.

Chapter 2 - LGBT

Domestic relationship couple worldwide is being treated unequally compared to the other
couples between male and female. It was a long believe by old people that gays and lesbians
are wrong and unnatural. So thats why there are wrong and negative thoughts toward these
people. Some serious domestic partnerships even have sexual relationship between two of
them. Even Christianity oppose gay; If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of
them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death and their blood will be on their
own heads. (Book of Leviticus, 2012). This causes many people around the world to come out
and have a negative campaign. To protest the things those were happening. According to High
commissioner of the USA (2012):

In all regions, people experience violence and discrimination because of their sexual
orientation or gender identity Violations include but not limited to killing, rape and
physical attacks, torture, arbitrary detention, the denial of rights to assembly, expression
and information, and discrimination in employment, health and education.

Even though these type of things that are happening to these gays and lesbians are not wrong
but people are still making fun and harass these types of people. Some expert that are against
these people. But in the end they are just being who they are inside and they are not afraid to
show the affection they have to their partner so people shouldn't judge them because their
different. Being yourself was never against the laws, plus they don't mean to make other people
feel disgusted they would feel even less confidence if they heard that so instead of making them
lose even more self-esteem than they already have we should support their type of affection
even though it is different.

In conclusion, every human in this world are born equally which doesnt mean just they look
different from everyone doesnt mean they're different. Human rights should be equal for
everyone, just because of their gender, it doesnt mean that they are better or worse, at the end
of the day they are still human like us. Imagine being in their shoes how bad it would feel if you

could not be the person inside because the society around you has a closed mind. These people
are brave to be confident enough to let the world know who they are, instead of getting
discouraged the only thing that they should get are compliments because not everybody in the
world can do what they are doing and face the fears of what they are facing every day.
Therefore, every single human being should be treated equally.

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