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Gerald Erringworth
Is a successful business man from Port Gresham, England. He is married,
but doesnt see his wife very often. He is interested in business ideas for
food, especially pasta, and in his free time he likes playing cards with an
old friend next door or busies himself with astro science. He has invited
nine people to a dinner party at his mansion, not realizing that each of
them comes for a special reason. His exciting life is brought to an end
during the dinner party.

One of his friends killed him!

The Story
You were invited to Mr Erringworths dinner party in his mansion. You will meet 9
people there, all of whom have some kind of relation with Mr Erringworth. Shortly
after midnight, the host is found dead. It will be your task to interview all nine
suspects and find the murderer.
As the evening progresses you will get more information about
the people and more details will be revealed. You will have to find
the murderers name his relation to Mr. Erringsworth his
motive the used weapon the room where the murder was
committed and any additional information that are necessary to
solve the case. Keep your eyes and ears open!
Good Luck!

Ms. Bella Prof Dr.

Floretti Henry
You are a super model
and have been on the
Most beautiful
You are an expert in
Women in the World
astro physics and
List for five years in
retired a couple of
a row, your fame
years ago.
has made you arrogant and self-centered.
You are still very interested in the field of
You were Ms Port Gresham last year, a
science, as had been Mr. Erringworth, and
beauty pageant that was hosted by Mr.
you have worked with him on several
Erringworth. You are rich, famous and
occasions. You consider him a close
gorgeous and all you want is to be with
Mr. Erringworth, for you it was love at first
sight. Your problem: Two weeks ago you found
a love letter from Mr. Erringworth to your
. problem: Mr. Erringworth told you wife Mrs. Claudia Scintillate, and you are
several times that he will never leave his
furious. You feel betrayed and
wife for you. You always carry your Ms
embarrassed. In your bag you have your
Port Gresham-sash with you, something
heavy telescope for searching the skies at
you could use against Mr. Erringworth.
Mrs. Fiona Mr. Garcon
Erringwort Bouchey
h You are Mr.
You are Mr. Erringworths butler. You
Erringworths wife; have been working for
you have been him over the last 18
married for 35 years. years and you know
You are very interested in board games all of his good and bad sides. You can
like chess and checkers and spend a lot of keep your masters secrets and have
time playing tournaments. You always tell always been loyal.
people how much you love your husband, Your problem: Mr. Erringworth told you
but you only see him on the weekends, yesterday, that he will not need your
because you travel through the country to services after the dinner party anymore,
attend tournaments. because he was going to hire a younger
Your problem: You have just found out, housekeeper. You will be left without a job
that your husband is having an affair with to provide for your family. You have
Mrs. Claudia Scintillate. You are access to all kitchen supplies such as
devastated, but since you dont have any knives and scissors which can be
children you would inherit all of your dangerous tools
husbands money. You always carry a
miniature gun with you.

Mrs. Mrs.
Claudia Gwendolyn
Scintillate Miller
You are Prof Dr. Henry You are Mr.
Scintillates wife, but Erringworths next
you dont love him door neighbor. You
anymore. You are seem to be a kind old widow, living alone
having an affair in a very big house. Mr. Erringworth visits
with Mr. Erringworth and you plan on you once a month to play a game of cards
eloping with him. Mr. Erringworth has with you, chat and keep you company.
promised to take you on a cruise around You like him very much and enjoy your
the world, buy you a very expensive meetings.
engagement ring and marry you before Your problem: You discovered that Mr.
the year is over. Erringworth has been stealing money and
jewelry from your closet ever since he
Your problem: Right before the dinner
started visiting you. You are very upset
party Mr. Erringworth told you that he
about this fraud. You carry a bottle of rat
wouldnt take you on the cruise yet and
poison with you and might have slipped
you got into an argument. You own a nice
something into Mr. Erringworths drink.
pearl necklace that he gave you on
Valentines Day, a tool to strangle
Mr. Mr. William
Ricardo Patroneer
You are very sympathetic
and have a calm
Fettuccine personality. You are a
kindergarten teacher in
You are Mr. Port Gresham. Mr.
Erringworths Erringworth owns the
business partner from kindergarten and used to
Italy. You are all about play
money and wealth Santa Clause on Christmas for the
and children. You have always liked him and
you are establishing a successful pasta were glad to accept his invitation to the
empire. You have only known Mr. dinner party.
Erringworth for three months, but he Your problem: Mr. Erringworth wants to
promised to support you on your way of save money and will close the
getting started on the American pasta kindergarten next year. You have just
market. found out about this and are very
Your problem: You want to do better disappointed. You have a skipping rope in
than Mr. Erringworth and you are very your back that might come in useful.
jealous of his success in the business. At
the dinner party you realised that Mr.
Erringworth was not supporting your
Mrs. Jane
business but stealing your ideas. You
have brought your Swiss pocket knife
You used to be Mr.
Erringworths personal
assistant and you know
a lot about him. You
used to
arrange meetings with business partners
and a young woman for him, as well as
order his strong sleeping pills. Mr.
Erringworth has always supported you
and has been an important part of your
life, because he is the only one who
knows your big secret. Now you have
your own public relations agency and are
very rich.
Your problem: Mr. Erringworth wants
you to stop reporting about him or he will
You were

tell the police about the skeletons in your
closet. You have a bottle of his strong
sleeping pills in your purse, that can be
in the
lethal if overdosed just in case.


You were You were
in the in the

You were You were

in the in the

You were You were

in the in the

You were You were

in the in the
You left the party for 5

You stayed at the party the You stayed at the party the
whole night. whole night.

You stayed at the party the You stayed at the party the
whole night. whole night.

You will need 1 card You left the party for 5 minutes. and 8 cards You stayed at the
party the whole night.
Character Motive/Relati Room Weapon Left Party
Name on Y/N

Who is the Why did he/she do Where did he/she Which weapon was Did he/she
murderer? it? do it? used? leave the


Character Motive/Relati Room Weapon Left Party

Name on Y/N

Who is the Why did he/she do Where did he/she Which weapon was Did he/she
murderer? it? do it? used? leave the
**NOTE: I used CALIBRI font in this worksheet. If you have problems with the font,
please contact me and I will send you the font file. I realized this only after I had
finished, sorry**

You will need: 9 character cards, 9 places cards, 9 dinner cards, 9 Find the
Murderer Info Sheets

This is a fun speaking activity for nine (or one or two less) students. It is a
detective story that engages students in conversation and will practice mainly
questions and answers in simple present and simple past. You find the setting and
story on page 1, read about Mr. Erringworth to the class. Then tell them that they
will be investigating each other and find out who killed Mr. Erringworth (The Story).
There are 9 characters, 9 relations/motives, 9 weapons and 9 rooms in the house:

Character names Relation Motives

Ms. Bella Floretti love interest, super model Fell in love with Mr. E, but he didnt sash
Prof. Dr. Henry Scintillate close friend, retired scientist wife has affair with Mr. E
Mrs. Fiona Erringworth Mr. Es wife found out about affair
miniature gun
Mr. Garcon Bouchey butler Mr. E is going to fire him knife
Mrs. Claudia Scintillate Mr. E has an affair with her although promised, Mr. E pearl
doesnt go on cruise with her
Mrs. Gwendolyn Miller widow neighbor, play cards Mr. E stole money and jewelry rat
Mr. Ricardo
Rooms Fettuccine
of the house
How to
business play:
partner from Italy Mr. E stole his pasta ideas pocket
Mr. William Patroneer
bathroom 1) Introduce
kindergarten teacher,the story
friend Mr. E is going to close kindergarten skipping rope
Mrs. Jane Rutherford
kitchen ex assistant,
2) Give knows
E well a character
Mr. E is blackmailing
card, let her
them read
bedroom pills through and make sure they understand their
basement 3) Hand out the Find the Murderer Info Sheet to
attic every student and explain that they are going to ask
office about NAMES and RELATIONS with Mr. E first. Let
garage them walk through the class and ask/answer
questions (Whats your name? How do you know Mr.
E? Who are you?) Let them take notes!
4) After the first interview round let students sit down
and guess who could have used which weapon (they shouldnt have talked
about their weapons until now) wild guesses are welcome here!
5) Hand out one PLACES card to every student and let
them go on the second interview round (Your are Mrs, arent you? Could you
tell me where you were at 12:00 pm?)
6) Now hand out one DINNER card for every student.
You should have 1 card You left the party for 5 minutes. and 8 cards You
stayed at the party the whole night. and let students go on last interview
round (only one character will answer YES I LEFT THE PARTY FOR 5
7) Now they can complete their info sheet. The
murderer must be the person who left the party. Even the teacher may not
know, who the murderer is, until the end.
8) Let one student give the complete answer and
compare. Have fun!
by littlesunshine11 at ESLprintables

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