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Multiple Moon bases & U.S.

Military Space
Shuttles as cover programs
Written by Dr Michael Salla on May 20, 2015. Posted in exonews, Space Programs

Secret Space Program whistleblower, Corey Goode (aka GoodETxSG), has revealed
astounding details involving classified activities on Mars and the Moon. Most disturbing are his
revelations about the influence of a secret NAZI breakaway civilization that successfully
infiltrated the US national security system. His responses go into great detail of how secret space
program activities in the US and globally, have been co-opted by unscrupulous forces and
institutions that are denying humanity the benefits of the technological secrets acquired over the
last century.

Corey released his latest information in response to a set of email questions sent to him on May
14. In previous Q & A email sessions, public forums and his website, Cory has released details of
an alliance of five extraterrestrial races called the Sphere Alliance, three of whom he has had
direct physical contact with at a number of meetings involving delegates from different secret
space programs. At these diplomatic meetings, he claims to have interacted not only with
representatives from different secret space programs, but also representatives of different
extraterrestrial civilizations, 22 of which have contributed their genetics to the evolution of

The responses to the latest questions have been divided into two parts. Part one (see below)
begins with Coreys knowledge of what is happening on Mars. He claims to have personally
traveled to Mars and describes witnessing a number of facilities which are owned by a space
program called the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC). The condition of workers he
saw at these ICC facilities made him suspect that they were being used as slave labor.
Surprisingly, the Corporate Conglomerate has authority over military facilities that have also
been built on Mars by other space programs. Coreys response that a corporate entity essentially
runs Mars using slave labor is quite disturbing.

Even more disturbing are his revelations about a secret Nazi Space Program that became
operational during the Second World War despite the defeat of the Axis powers. The Nazis,
according to Corey, escaped to secret bases in South America and Antarctica, where they
established an alliance with a group of extraterrestrials called the Draco Reptilians. The Nazis
were then able to successfully defeat a punitive military expedition by Admiral Byrd called
Operation Highjump in 1947. Corey says that after a demonstration of Nazi technological
superiority during the 1952 Washington UFO Flyover, both the Truman and Eisenhower
administration negotiated agreements with the Nazi breakaway civilization. The Nazis then
proceeded to infiltrate the U.S. national security system in ways that have undermined the
independence and integrity of various US and international space programs, both civilian and
military. Slave labor was a major practice in Nazi World War 2 industries, it appears that this
continues with organizations that the Nazi breakaway civilization has infiltrated such as ICC
operations on Mars.

The information Corey reveals is both astounding and deeply disturbing. For some it may appear
too fantastic to believe. Yet, in my own due diligence of Coreys claims and credibility I have
found nothing suggesting any intention to misrepresent or deceive on his part. He sincerely
believes he is telling the truth about his past experiences working with different secret space
programs. Other insiders have also vouched for Corey having participated in one or more secret
space programs, suggesting that his claims, at the very least, deserve serious investigation.

In this second part of a set of April 14 Q & A email responses, Secret Space Program
whistleblower, Corey Goode (aka GoodETxSG), reveals more information about secret bases
on the Moon and classified military space programs.

Corey describes the Moon as a neutral space used by various secret space programs and
extraterrestrial civilizations that have established Embassy Zones. He describes the Moon as
very similar to Antarctica that is used by multiple nations that abide by international treaties for
its peaceful use even though some nations may be enemies. Significantly, Coreys description of
the moon as a diplomatic zone used by multiple space programs and extraterrestrial races
matches another secret space program whistleblower, Randy Cramer (aka Captain Kaye), who
had revealed what was happening on the Moon in an April 2014 interview:

Its kind of like Antarctica, it has these different areas where different countries and people can
say we got this area, and we got this, and everybody respects everybodys claim or area.
Whether people are friendly or hostile, its kind of a neutral territory, so theres places where
those who dont get along with others, cannot/be not too far from each other. But they dont
attack each other for whatever reason that the contracts, diplomatic arrangements is for that.

Corey also responds to an additional set of May 16 questions I put to him due to comments by a
former Defense Intelligence Agency employee, Christopher, concerning a classified military
space program separate to the programs Corey claims he participated in. Christopher had
responded to Coreys May 11, Q & A email exchange in the comments section. Christopher
pointed out that while he was aware of and worked on a classified US Navy Space Command
program using military space shuttles, orbital space stations and even additional lunar landing
missions, he was not aware of any of the material Corey had shared about extraterrestrial
programs, Mars bases, and/or use of psychic personal in classified space programs. A helpful
analysis of Coreys exchange with Christopher in the comments section is available on the
Stilllness in the Storm blogsite.

Coreys replies to the May 16 email questions give more details on how various branches of the
U.S. military are involved in less classified space programs using traditional rocket propulsion
technologies. A good example is the USAF X-37B which today was launched to perform a
classified mission in space for up to two years. All involved in this classified Air Force program
genuinely believe they are involved in cutting edge space technology. Not so according to Corey.
The X-37B program as well as a host of other US military space programs are using outdated
space propulsion technologies. This is known only to a select few in military leadership positions
who have been read into the more highly classified space programs that Corey participated in.

The above situation is analogous to Area 51 which maintains two secret facilities with various
programs at different levels of classification. At the Area 51 Groom Lake facility, spy planes and
other advanced aeronautical projects are developed together with Lockheed Martin and other
aerospace companies. At the adjacent Papoose Lake facility, S4, advanced antigravity
technologies based on recovered extraterrestrial technologies are secretly studied. Military and
corporate personnel at the Area 51 Groom Lake facility genuinely believe they are working with
the most highly advanced aerospace technologies and have no idea of what is happening at the
S4 facility.

According to NSA documents released by Edward Snowden, the intelligence and military
community regularly hide their most classified programs under less classified cover programs
falling under rubrics such as Sentry-Eagle. Essentially, Corey is revealing that classified
military space programs such as the X-37B are covers for more highly classified space programs
that he directly worked on over a 20 year period from 1987 to 2007.

Click here for Part One.

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

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