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Adjectives to describe peoples Making appointments with people:

character making invitations.
Adverbs of frequency Members of the family
Animals and their genres. Months of the year
Articles Monuments of Paris
Arts and entertainment Nationalities
Asking for and giving explanations Numbers from 0 to 1.000.000
Asking for prices Occupations related to school
Atmospheric phenomena environment
Attending the telephone Ordinary numbers
Auxiliar irregular verbs (avoir, tre) Parts of the home
Basic directions Parts of the human body
Basic mathematic calculations Passions and desires
Celebrations in France Past perfect tense
Classroom language Places in the school centre.
Clothing and fashion Places of the world
Completing a card with personal Prepositions related to positions,
information. destination or precedence,
Courtesy formulas Present continuous to speak about
Describing objects the future.
Describing people physically Present tenses
Expressing and asking for times and Reflexive pronouns
available schedules, timetables. Relationships between people
Expressing temperatures Routines of the day
Feelings, senses and emotions Seasons of the year
Foods of the day Shapes of things (geometric forms).
French names Special days for people
Giving basic directions in the map of Sports
the city. Styles of music
Giving personal information The alphabet spelling
Greetings and salutations The colours
Historic characters of France The days of the wee
Holidays and leisure activities The imperative form
Introduce yourself and ask others for The pronouns
basic personal information The times of the day
Languages of the world Ways of life and professions.
Writing an email, postcards,


In this unit you will learn:
The pronouns
Basic Greetings and salutations.
To introduce yourself and spell your name.
Giving personal information and asking equally for it to others.
The most common French names.
The basic numbers from 0-100
The French spelling alphabet.

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