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1. FIND decision making model.

Figure our the problem. Identify possible solutions.

Name pro and cons. Decide the best solution.

2. EAP -emergency action plan

3. The RID factor. recognition, intrusion, distraction.

4. CPR- cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

5. AED- automated external defibrillator.

6. SAMPLE-secondary assessment.

Sings and symptoms , Allergies, medications, past medical history.

Last oral intake , events leading up the incident.

7. Fast - stroke, face, arms, speech, i time to call 911.

8. RICE - the general care for all musculoskeletal injuries is: rest ,immobilized, cold,


Signs and symptoms of respiratory distress: slow or rapid breathing,tingling, in the

hands and feet, changes in LOC, to speak in full sentences. Care of RD. main an
open airway, call 911, keep the victims from getting chilled or overheated.


-Signs and symptoms of heart attack,chest pain and pressure spreading to the
shoulders,arms,neck, back that last longer than 3-5 min, goes away and comes
back, sweating. How to help:call 911, have the victim to stop any activity, give
aspirin, monitor the victim untill EMS active and take over.

-Signs and symptoms of a cardiac arrest : sudden collapse, unconsciousness no

breathing no pulse. How to help: start CPR, or AED is ready to use.

-The two most common abnormality heart rhythms are. Ventricular Fibrillationia is
state of total disorganized electrical activity in the heart. Ventricular tachycardia is a
very rapid contaction of the ventricles. Asystole - no electrical activity in the heart.

-Diabetic emergency: too low hypo glycemia sugar in the blood, hyperglycemia- if
too high. How to help : give sugar preferably in liquid from (juise,sweet drinks).

Call 911 IF: the person is unconscious or about to loose consciousness, the person is
unable to swallow, the person doesnt feel better within about 5 min after taking
sugar. A sugar can not be found.

- Fainting occurs when a person suddenly loses consciousness and reawaken.

How to help: Lower the victim to the ground on his or her back , lossen any tight
clothing, do not give anything to eat or to drink.

-Seizure : remove any nearby objects than might couse injury, position the victim on
his or her side, after seizure passes so that fluids can drain from the mouth when
the seizure is over check to see if the victim was injured , if the victim is known to
have periodic seizures , there is no need to call 911. Call 911 IF: the seizure occurs
in the water , last more than 5 min, the victim is pregnant or diabetic or was injured.

-Seizure in the water. How to help : call 911 support the person with his or her head
above water untill the seizure is over remove the victim from the water, position the
person on his or her back and perform a primary assessment. If the victim vomits,
victim on his or her side. Sweep out the mouth.

-Stroke(FAST). The signs of stroke are a sudden change is how the body is working
or feeling. Usually it is occurs only on one side of the body. F-ask: the victim to
smile, this will show you if there is drooping in the muscles. A-ask the person to
raise both arms to find out if there is weaknessin the limbs. I-time to call 911, if at
least one sign was found.

-Closed wounds (bruis,contusion) occurs beneath the skin. How to help apply direct
pressure to decrease swelling elevate the injured part to reduce swelling, apply cold
pack to reduce pain for no more 20 min. Call 911 IF: the victim complains of severe
pain , feel thirst, has a rapid, weak pulse, tender, swollen externally blue body paint.

-Open wounds (abrashion, laceration, avulsion, puncture). To take care for a miner
wounds: cover the wound with a dressing , apply direct pressure, wash the wound
with soap and water, apply ointment cream cover it again and keep it clean. To take
care for major wounds : Activated EAP, call 911, cover the wound with a dressing ,
apply direct pressure, take steps to minimize shock, cover the dressing with a roller
bandage and tie knot directly over the wound.

-Signs and symptoms of shock restlessness, irritability,altered LOC, rapid breathing

and pulse. How to help:call 911, have the victim to lie down, do not give anything
to eat or to drink.
-Neckbanding . How to help : have the victim sit learning forward, pinch nostrils
together for about 5 to 10 minutes or put pressure on the upper lip beneath the
nose.Call 911 IF:bleeding doesnt stop after 10 min, the victim looses consciousness,
or the nose is obviously broken.

-Bums: Radintion sun burne-cool the burning arid and protect the area from further
damage by keeping it out of the sun. Electrical burns -call 911, cool the burning
area with water, cover the burn with a dry sterile dressing. Be prepared to perform
CPR and AED. Chemical burns- call 911, brush off dry chemicals with a gloved hand,
flush the affected area with large amount of cold water at least 20 min, have the
victim to remove contaminated clothes.

- Heat- related illnesses: heat cramps- are painful muscle spasms that usually occur
in legs and abdomen. Heat exhaustion- is an early indicator that the body cooling
system is becoming overheated. Signs: cool, moist, pale skin,headache,nausea,
sweating. Heat-stroke the body cooling systems are overwhelmed.Signs: red ,hot,
dry, skin, vomiting,altered LOC. How to help: move the victim to a cool place, apply
wet towels, fan the victim, give small amount of cool water to drink call 911 IF: the
victim refuses water, vomits or start to lose consciousness.

- Cold- Related emergencies: Hypothermia- occurs when a victim is body is unable

to keep warm. Symptoms: shivering, glassy stare. How to help : call 911, check for a
pulse up to 30-45 sec, move the victim to a warm place, remove any wet clothing,
warm the victim by wrapping all body surfaces in blankets, do not warm to quickly,
rapid warming may cause danger heart rhythms. Give warm liquids to drink( no
coffein , no alcohol). Frostbite i the freezing of body parts. Symptoms: a lack of
feeling, swelling,waxy skin. How to help: call 911 get the victim out of the cold
warm the affected area by soaking it in water not warmer than 105 F. Bandage the
area with dry thes sing. Take steps to prevent hypothermia.

-Injuries to muscles, bone and joints. Fracture-a complete break in a bone.

Dislocation- of a bone away from its normal position. Sprains- tearing ligaments at
a joint. Strains- stretching and tearing muscle or taridore.

-Splinting anatomic splint-an arm can be splinted to the chest. Soft splint blankets,
towels, pillows or folded tangular bandage can be used to form a splint. Rigid splint-
boards folded magazines metal steps can be used.

-Arm injuries live the arm in the position in which it was found, place a triangular
bandage under the injured arm and over the uninjured shoulder a sling. Tie the ends
of the sling at the side of the neck. Leg injuries: immobilize an injured leg to the
uninjured leg. Use several triangular bandages, tie them with knots. Foot injuries:
immobilize the ankle and foot using a soft splint, do not remove the shoes , place
several triangular bandages above and below the injured area. Wrap a soft object
around the injure. Finger injuries: pape the injured finger to the finger next to it.
-Head, back and spinal injuries can be caused by antry into shallow water, fall,
striking a submerged object. Symptoms: bumps, bruises, external, bleeding of the
head, neck, back, seizures, altered LOC. How to help: activate EAP, call 911, safety
centre in the water (slide-in entry), move the victim to a hollow water using head
splint technique, head and chin support. Secure the victim on the board: strap
accross the chest, tips, thighs. Secure the head using a head immobilizers, strap
accross the victim's forehead and chin.

(DO NOT) Rules:

Do not leave swimmers in the pool unattended

Do not use any electrical devices

Do not read, white patrons are present. Even if they are not in the water.

Do not swim and swimmers are in the water.

Do not sleep or give the appearance of sleeping while on duty.

Do not bring friends and relatives or allow unauthorized guest to enter the facility.

Do not have extended conversations while responsible for an area of surveillance.

Do not eat while patrons are in the water. Call a break

Do not lay on the lounge chairs.

Do not smoke while on duty or in view of patrons.

Do not use profanity,offensive or vulgar language at the pool.

Do not play with children at the pool. This can take your attention away from other
swimmers and may be construed as favoritism when enforcing mode.

Do not stay in the lifeguard room when pool is open.

Do not use the pool after hours

Do not use alcohol or other drugs.

Do not leave the pool unlocked .

Do not exercise in the gym while on duty.

Do not put water in the chemicals.

Do not teach swimming jessons befor, during or after your shift without approval
from the Safety Department.
Do not chew garn while on duty.

Do not open the pool if you cannot see the bottom or if unsafe chemical conditions
are noted.

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Pro . .

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7. - , , , , 911.

8. - - -:
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-Neckbanding . : ,
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