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‘M&O RUSDSCAN"16/12/2 Timeline for blockage of gir's locker room/trainer’s room at Carter HS 1 12/7/16 ~2 biockage occurred in the drain line of the PE building a Carter high school, this Created a backup in the gis locker room and in the training room adjacent to the locker room. 12/8/16 - the district Maintenance department spent all day attempting to clear the blockage but was unable to do so. 11/9/16 - the district contacted an outside vendor (Pro Craft Plumbing) to assist in clearing the blockage and provide a solution to ensure that a backup did not occur again. 14/10/16 -it was determined the drawings the district had regarding the location of the drain lines was incorrect after some digging and finding another set of plans, the blockage wes cleared, 11/10/16 - the PM custodial staff did a thorough cleaning of all affected areas and equipment. 11/18/16 - based on the work that was done clearing the blockage it was determined that more drain line cleanouts were needed in the girls locker room. This work was scheduled to occur during the Thanksgiving break; however after reviewing the amount of work this would require twas determined that one week would not be enough time to complete the project. After ‘consulting with school administration, the risk management dept. and the vendor it was determined that the project would be postponed until the winter break. The work is currently scheduled to occur between 12/19/16 and 1/2/2017.

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