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Unit 5 Assessment 4

Unit 54 Assessment 2 Reading brief

This is the brief we
were given as the
start of assessment 2
for unit 54. The brief
told us we were
working for a band
(the client) named
the pixels and we
were to make a CD
front and back cover,
A3 poster and a logo
for the band. It also
specified that we had
to make sure the logo
we created appeared on both the CD cover and A3 poster and must be
good quality, meaning no pixelated images. The brief gave me a list of
everything that must have been completed by the end of the assessment
and it gave me the deadline in which I had to work to and meet for the
client. The brief helped with my time management and my progress as it
gave me a step by step list of what had to be created in order to complete
this assessment to a good standard for the client.

Unit 34 Assessment 2 Reading Brief

At the start of
assessment we
are given a brief
that specifies
what should be
done and
completed for
the client. Each
brief and its
content are
different, and
they will also
help to give you
the date for the
deadline as well
as what sort of content you must have in your work to get a certain grade
as well as the different headings and areas you must cover within the
assessment and your work. The brief help me understand the assessment
and what it included so I knew what I had to do within my work to keep
the client happy and also get the grade I am looking to get.
After we had a rundown of the brief we then conducted a client meeting
which helped to give me important information about the graphics I had
be told to make for the
band, they made it
very clear that the
graphics and images I
was crearting for the
CD case and poster
were good quilaity as
this is what was
important to them. The
client meeting helped
to give me more
information as it came
stright from the client I
had the change to get
a better understanding of what the band wanted me to create and their
ideas for the designs which helped to give a basis to work off there for
giving me a head start and more time as I already have some ideas from
the client on the design of the graphics. The client meeting also gave me
different editing and creation software I could use such as Photoshop and
Premier Pro to make the graphics. I was also told to create storyboards
which would help the client get a first look at the design I have come up
with for the graphics and it also gives the client time to make changes to
the design before it starts to be created, these storyboards had to be in as
much detail as possible as I will be working from them when crwating the
actual graphics so I need to make sure they are the say. Having
storyboards helps as it shows you what you have to create and it allows
for changes to be made.
once the animation was completed I
created a questionnaire to be filled out by
peers in my class, I felt that a questionnaire
was a good way of getting information
about peopole first impressions of the
animation and it helped to get honest
opinions from people as they were kept
anonymous and it help to pick out any
faults within the graphics or animation so I
could then go back and edit them to make
sure that the product I produced to the
client was perfect and professional. After I
collected each questionnaire I then create
an evaluation document where I recorded
each answer given to each question on the
questionnaire and reviewed them to help
find any changes that need to be done
within my work. The overall out come from
this was very good and possitive as there
wasnt any major problems that were
picked up by people that viewed the
animation and graphics.
This is the overall evaluation I completed for the end of the assessment, in
this evaluation I spoke
about the work I had
done and I how felt it
went as well as
wheather I had met the
clients needs whilst
creating the graphics.
This was a way of mr
reavaluating my work
along with the client to
make sure that the work
I was producing was to a
good and professional
stanard as this is what
the client was looking
for and specified within the client meeting. The evaluation also hold
information about each step I took during this process and I made sure I
gave as much detail and information as possible to help the client
understand each step that was taken during this assessment. I aos put
images of the origional hand drawn designs me and the client came up
with along side the finished graphic so that they could be compared with
each other by the client. When looking back at the brief the client wanted
the animation to last 30 seconds, I went slightly over this but it wasnt a
major peoblem as it wasnt very noticable.

before I started creating the animation I

made a plan and a budget plan to see what
softweare I would need to use and how
much everything would cost to make as this
was useful for the client so they could see
everything need to make the product for
them. I made sure to add in information
about how to make each part of the
animation and what I needed in order to
complete each part.

I created and produced a power point

presentation to show the client to show
them the ideas and thoughts I had come up
with during the planning and final product I
had created, I also creaded a podcast where I evaluated the work I had
done and the steps I had taken to get there as well as how I completed it
and what I thought the final outcome was like. This helpoed toi give the
client a insight in to how I completed the task I was given and how I
implemented their ideas in to my work
which helped make the finished
product look professional.

Legal & Ethical

&Codes of Practice

The Copyright act

was first introduced
in 1988 to help
protect peoples hard
work from being stolen and used by another person if they try and pass the work
of as their own, this can be anything from image, text, music (mp3) and videos
mainly taken from the internet. Before the copyright act was introduced there
wasnt a lot a person could to protect their work. The law helps to cover many
different types of multimedia but the main type it protects ICT work, when
someone put their work on the internet they didnt know if people we going to
steal it and use it so they were taking a risk putting it on the internet but since
copyright has been made illegal they have some protection over their work. To
get your work copyrighted you normally have to register your work to show it is
yours so no one can use it without your permission.

If someone does use your work without your permission they are breaching the copyright law that protects your work and you
have a right to take them to court and sue them. For more information you can visit this website:

In the UK you do not have to register your work to get it copyrighted, it happens automatically and you then have the rights
over that work for the rest of your life and then for another 70 years after your death, after this time period is up if the rights to
the work was left in a will to someone for example their children or family members they then have the rights to that work. The
additional time changes depending on what is copyrighted for example music only has a 30 year additional time after the death
of the creator which is different to the 70 years for written work, even though the time is different everything like text, videos,
videos and music all come under the same copyright law meaning there isnt a different punishment depending on what you

With some images they can be used by the public without worrying about copyright, these are called stock images and it is
when the owner of the image makes it open to the public so it can be used but the owner can place rules down that if you want
to use the image you have to follow.

You can buy software packages that gives you a license to use whatever comes with in the package with having to worry about
copyright, although you do not own the rights to the software you have the right to use it as you have purchased it. Each
package normally contains one license that can only be assigned to one computer meaning is this was to be passed on to
another person to use it would then be breaking the law.

Some companies sell multi- user licenses with allows the person to log on to the network from any place at any time but when
the number of log ins has been met you can only then log in from a computer that is already logged in to the network, this is
normally used for businesses and schools that run off a network allowing students and staff to access certain software.

If you are working in any part of media restrictions are applied to stop any form of racist or harmful remark from being made
or suggested as it would not only offend people it could course major problems. One the internet more people are likely to
break laws as it is hard for companies and people to track down people who have done something wrong and people do make
harmful remarks that can be offensive to others but as most of the time this is done anonymously its hard to know who did it.

There is software that companies can use to help track people who do break laws over the internet and this helps to keep the
amount of people breaking these laws as even on the internet laws are still laws and you can be punished for breaking them.

Companies and business do need to be careful about what they put on the internet as if someone finds anything in anyway
offensive they can sue the company for a lot of money and this could also ruin how people view the business as it could course
them to be given a bad name.

You cannot use images, videos or music that is copyrighted without permission of the owner.
You cannot make a comment about a certain person that could course them to feel offended.
You cannot use someone elses work and try and use it as your own.

You also cannot treat people differently because of things like:

Gender (male or female)
Race (black, white, Asian ect)
Sexuality (homosexual and heterosexual)
Nationality (British or other)
Class (working class or upper)
Age (old or young)
This means you cannot treat people different in any way than others or make remarks to do with them being different
and if you do you are then the product you have make may not be allowed to be shown as it could offend people and
it is treating them differently making them feel inferior to others.

Whilst creating my product I took all of this in to consideration to make sure that the product is suitable for a range of
people and it doesnt offend people in any way.
To make sure I dont break any of these rule I will make sure I do not use anything without permission as then I am
with in breach of copyright and it could course problems. I will need to check every image I use to make sure that it
isnt copyrighted as that could stop my product from being shown as I wouldnt have permission.

Ofcom is a government programme that controls a lot of TV and radio to help stop discrimination and is there to
protect the public from offensive material. They also cover different areas like licensing, research, codes and policies

The regulator was created by the Ofcom in the act 2002 and they received its full authority from communications act

The PCC (press complaints commission) has control over magazines and newspapers to make sure people are not offended but
what is being published and if so they are the first people that get contacted when there is something that has offended
someone in the media.

The ASA (Advertising standards authority) enforce the codes and rules that protect the public from being offended. This means
that if people do get offended then they can contact the ASA then they will address the problem in some cases stopping the
avert all together.

As both of the assessments required me to design and create a product

for a client I decided to make a time graph and got the dates from my ILP
as it helped me to stay on track as I could see how much time and how
many sessions I had on certain steps and process during the assessment
and it helped me to meet the deadline I was given by the client.
All the way through this
assessment and after each
session I filled in my ILP
which helped me to
keep track of the
work I had done in
each lesson and
what work I still had
to do within the
assessment to
complete it. We
also created some
milestones that
were recorded
within my ILP, these
milestones were
basically progress
checkpoints for the client where I showed the client the progress I had
made in my work and all the ideas I had been working on. These
milestones helped to keep my on track as I had deadlines to meet and it
also kept me in regular content with the client allowing them to give me
more information or details to add in to the work I am doing and it allows
time for changes if the client wishes.

when working on any project for

a client we need to make sure
that we meet the clients
expectations as they are the
people we have to please as they
are who we are working for. To
make sure that we kept the client
happy and made a product they
were happy with I made sure to
keep in contact with the client to
help give me their ideas and
thoughts about the project and
how they want certain this to look and work, this was the client will be happy as
its their ideas coming to life and being made. In this we also looked at what skills
a client would look for and how to appeal to different target audiences as this is a
key part of making a product that is to be shown and advertised to members of
the public.

This is the overall evaluation I completed for the end of the assessment, in
this evaluation I spoke about the work I had done and I how felt it went as
well as wheather I had met the clients needs whilst creating the graphics.
This was a way of mr
reavaluating my work along
with the client to make sure
that the work I was producing
was to a good and professional
stanard as this is what the
client was looking for and
specified within the client
meeting. The evaluation also
hold information about each
step I took during this process
and I made sure I gave as
much detail and information as
possible to help the client understand each step that was taken during this
assessment. I aos put images of the origional hand drawn designs me and
the client came up with along side the finished graphic so that they could
be compared with each other by the client. When looking back at the brief
the client wanted the animation to last 30 seconds, I went slightly over
this but it wasnt a major peoblem as it wasnt very noticable.

During this
assessment we were
told to create a
healthy eating
animation for
children to be aired
on TV. I first had to
design and make
each character and
the background I
also made sure that
the client was happy
with the graphics
that I had created
and was also happy
with the storyline.
As I made my way
through the
assessment and
animation I made
sure to keep track of the work I had done step by step as they were
important with how each graphic and the animation were created, it also
gives the client the chance to see how everything was put together and
how their ideas got create and implomented in to the graphics and
animation. I made sure that I included a lot of detail in each step I
recorded in the diary as I wanted to make sure that the client knew
exactly how the graphics and animation were made, I added in the
different tools and effects I used and clearly pointed them out with screen
shots and arrows within the diary. I also added the aims for that session
and also the date and what I had learnt so the client could see what I did
within the deadline time I was given and how I worked efficently to
complete the animation and graphics in time for the deadline.

once the animation was completed I

created a questionnaire to be filled out by
peers in my class, I felt that a questionnaire
was a good way of getting information
about peopole first impressions of the
animation and it helped to get honest
opinions from people as they were kept
anonymous and it help to pick out any
faults within the graphics or animation so I
could then go back and edit them to make
sure that the product I produced to the
client was perfect and professional. After I
collected each questionnaire I then create
an evaluation document where I recorded
each answer given to each question on the
questionnaire and reviewed them to help
find any changes that need to be done
within my work. The overall out come from
this was very good and possitive as there
wasnt any major problems that were
picked up by people that viewed the
animation and graphics.

This is the overall evaluation I completed for the end of the assessment, in
this evaluation I spoke about the work I had done and I how felt it went as
well as wheather I had met the clients needs whilst creating the graphics.
This was a way of mr reavaluating my work along with the client to make
sure that the work I was producing was to a good and professional stanard
as this is what the client was looking for and specified within the client
meeting. The evaluation also hold information about each step I took
during this process and I made sure I gave as much detail and information
as possible to help the client understand each step that was taken during
this assessment. I aos put images of the origional hand drawn designs me
and the client came up with along side the finished graphic so that they
could be compared with each other by the client. When looking back at
the brief the client wanted the
animation to last 30 seconds, I
went slightly over this but it
wasnt a major peoblem as it
wasnt very noticable.
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