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1. Base your answer to the following question on the poster below 3. Base your answer to the following question on the cartoon below
and on your knowledge of social studies. and on your knowledge of social studies.

This World War II poster recognizes the

In this cartoon, the main idea is that after World War II, many
A. return of women to the workforce after the war women might
B. contributions of women to wartime defense
A. insist that men be given back their pre-World War II jobs
C. role of women as military o cers
B. demand the right to serve in combat in future wars
D. legal equality of women
C. resist a return to their traditional role as homemakers

D. demand the right to vote and to seek public o ce

2. The election of Franklin D. Roosevelt to a third term as
President in 1940 was controversial primarily because this action

4. In the United States, which domestic economic trend accelerated

A. upset the system of checks and balances during World War II?
B. violated an amendment to the Constitution
A. a decline in the standard of living
C. challenged a long-held political tradition
B. a reduction in industrial production
D. interfered with the functioning of the electoral college
C. greater opportunities for women

D. increased unemployment

page 1
5. The 1944 election of Franklin D. Roosevelt to the Presidency for 8. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 is and illustration
a fourth term can be attributed most directly to the of the

A. blame placed on Republicans for the country's economic A. impact a single event can have on public opinion in a time
problems of crisis

B. need to continue e orts to cope with the Great Depression B. e ectiveness of a policy of appeasement in stopping
C. unwillingness of voters to change leadership during a major
crisis C. success of the paci st movement in the United States

D. lack of a strong opposition candidate D. role of communism as a negative in uence in global a airs

6. The GI Bill helped World War II veterans by 9. In the United States, one result of World War II was that

A. protecting them from being recalled to duty A. America became increasingly isolated from the rest of the
B. guaranteeing them government jobs
B. minorities were granted full civil rights
C. giving them several types of economic assistance
C. industrial wages decreased
D. exempting them from federal income tax
D. the number of women in the work force increased

7. Base your answer to the following question on the poster below

and on your knowledge of social studies.

During World War II, this poster was used primarily to

A. contain the spread of communism

B. create jobs for the unemployed

C. gain nancial support for the war

D. convince women to ll vacant factory jobs

page 2 WWII
10. Base your answer(s) to the following question(s) on the poster 11. Base your answer to the following question on the poster below
below and on your knowledge of social studies. and on your knowledge of social studies.

Source: O ce of War Information, 1943

A key purpose of this World War II poster was to

A. encourage protests against the war

B. gain support for the war e ort

Source: O ce of War Information, 1943 (adapted)
C. in uence the Axis powers to end the war
What was one purpose of this World War II poster? D. illustrate the nature of modern warfare

A. discouraging discrimination in employment

12. President Harry Truman changed the United States military after
B. supporting the internment of Japanese Americans World War II by

C. requiring all citizens to take a loyalty oath

A. allowing women to serve in combat roles
D. promoting a more diversi ed economy
B. establishing an all-volunteer army

C. banning racial segregation in the military

D. withdrawing all military forces from Europe

13. Women played a major role on the domestic front during World
War II by

A. becoming candidates for public o ce

B. campaigning for woman's su rage

C. demonstrating against involvement in the war

D. taking jobs in the defense industry

page 3 WWII
14. During World War II, labor conditions in the United States 17. Base your answer(s) to the following question(s) on the speakers'
resulted in statements below and on your knowledge of social studies.

Speaker A: The current situation has necessitated that more women enter the
A. an expansion of economic opportunities for women workforce.
Speaker B: My family will have to get along without sugar and our this week.
B. the creation of forced labor camps Speaker C: I say we should continue to support our president, even if a president
has never been elected to four terms before now.
I support the government in everything it has to do, to be sure we are
C. a governmental takeover of most industries Speaker D:
safe from fascism here at home.

D. a shortage of most military suplies These speakers would have made these statements during

A. World War I B. World War II

15. Shortly after entering World War II, the United States began the
Manhattan Project to C. the Korean War D. the Vietnam War

A. work on the development of an atomic bomb

18. During World War II, the need of the United States for more
B. increase economic production to meet wartime demands war materials resulted in the
C. defend New York City against a nuclear attack
A. easing of government controls on the economy
D. recruit men for the military services
B. use of lengthy strikes by labor unions

C. rationing of some consumer goods

16. Base your answer(s) to the following question(s) on the cartoon
below and on your knowledge of social studies. D. reduction in pro ts for defense industries

19. In 1939, the immediate response of the United States to the start
of World War II, the Servicemen's Readjustment Act ( rst GI
bill, 1944) attempted to bene t American society by

A. guarenteeing racial equality in the Armed Forces

B. providing educational and nancial assistance to veterans

C. abolishing the draft during peacetime

D. strenghtening the concept of civilian control of the military

20. In the United States during World War II, the role of women
changed as they

A. were drafted and assigned military roles equal to those held

by men

B. continued to work outside the home only in jobs traditionally

performed by women
Source: Dr. Seuss, PM, May 22, 1941
C. made major contributions to the war e ort by taking jobs in
Which nations are represented by the two birds in this cartoon? factories
D. achieved positions of leadership in most major industries
A. Soviet Union and Great Britain

B. United States and Soviet Union

21. Which congressional action not only raised money for World
C. Germany and Great Britain War II but also contributed to the national debt?

D. United States and Germany

A. requiring employers to withhold taxes from workers'

B. raising income tax rates

C. selling war bonds

D. enacting wage and price controls

page 4 WWII
22. During World War II, posters of Rosie the Riveter were used to 26. To help win World War II, the federal government found it
necessary to
A. recruit women into wartime industries
A. return to the gold standard
B. encourage women to serve in the armed forces
B. outlaw labor unions
C. promote women's su rage
C. impose rationing and price controls
D. support higher education for women
D. integrate the military

23. Which statement describes a major social and economic impact

on American society during World War II? 27. A main purpose of government-ordered rationing during World
War II was to
A. The Great Depression continued to worsen.
A. increase foreign trade
B. More women and minorities found employment in factories.
B. limit the growth of industry
C. The United States became an agricultural society.
C. conserve raw materials for the war e ort
D. Consumer goods became easier to obtain.
D. encourage women to enter the workforce

24. A violation of civil rights that occurred in the United States

during World War II was the 28. Which statement identi es a change in American society during
World War II?
A. arrests made as a result of the Palmer raids
A. Economic opportunities for women increased.
B. passage of an open immigration law
B. Government regulation of the economy decreased.
C. internment of Japanese Americans
C. The Great Depression worsened.
D. forced removal of Native American Indians from their
reservations D. Racial tensions were eliminated.

25. Base your answer to the following question on the cartoon below 29. Base your answer(s) to the following question(s) on the speakers'
and on your knowledge of social studies. statements below and on your knowledge of social studies.

Speaker A: The current situation has necessitated that more women enter the
Speaker B: My family will have to get along without sugar and our this week.
Speaker C: I say we should continue to support our president, even if a president
has never been elected to four terms before now.
Speaker D: I support the government in everything it has to do, to be sure we are
safe from fascism here at home.

Which situation is speaker B describing?

A. destruction of crops during wartime

B. need for importation of food products

C. food rationing to support a war e ort

D. limitation of agricultural production through farm subsidies

30. The experiences of African Americans serving in the military

forces during World War II in uenced their postwar decision to
During World War II, the federal government dealt with the
problem shown in this cartoon by
A. renew support for the principle of separate but equal

A. rationing gasoline used by American drivers B. join the armed forces in record numbers

B. ending the use of tanks by the military C. increase e orts to end racial discrimination

C. increasing imports of oil from the Dutch East Indies D. move back to the rural south

D. setting higher mileage standards for car manufacturers

page 5 WWII
31. A major purpose of the GI Bill was to provide World War II 34. Consumer rationing was used during World War II as a way to
veterans with
A. increase exploration for natural resources
A. educational opportunities after the war
B. limit supplies of weapons to American allies
B. protection against racial discrimination
C. draft men into the armed forces
C. civilian jobs in the military
D. ensure that the military had essential materials
D. increased Social Security payments

35. During World War II, the Manhattan Project was the name of
32. Toward the end of World War II, the Servicemen's Readjustment the plan to
Act ( rst GI bill, 1944) attempted to bene t American society by

A. open a second front in Europe

A. guarenteeing racial equality in the Armed Forces
B. capture Paci c islands held by the Japanese
B. providing educational and nancial assistance to veterans
C. develop the atomic bomb
C. abolishing the draft during peacetime
D. liberate German concentration camps
D. strengthening the concept of civilian control of the military

36. What was a key challenge faced by the United States during
33. Base your answer to the following question on the poster and World War II?
your knowledge of social studies.

A. lack of public support for the war e ort

B. ghting the war on several fronts

C. di culty gaining congressional support

D. total reliance on naval power

37. Base your answer to the following question on the quotation

below and on your knowledge of social studies.
. . . it is known that there are Japanese residents of
California who have sought to aid the Japanese enemy by
way of communicating information. . . .

Culbert Olson, Governor of California, February 1942

This statement helped in uence President Franklin D. Roosevelt


A. ask Congress to declare war on Japan

B. force most Japanese Americans to leave the United States

C. send federal troops to guard California's capital

D. restrict the civil liberties of Japanese Americans

38. During World War II, the federal government urged Americans
to support the war e ort by
This poster was used during World War II to

A. manufacturing more consumer goods

A. encourage citizens to volunteer to serve in the Armed Forces
B. increasing spending to stimulate the economy
B. remind citizens not to be wasteful during the war
C. reducing consumption of resources needed for the military
C. promote the sale of war bonds
D. investing their savings in the stock market
D. encourage women to seek jobs in war-related industries

page 6 WWII
39. Base your answer to the question below on the graph below and 40. Base your answer to the following question on the posters below
on your knowledge of social studies. and on your knowledge of social studies.

These posters were used during World War II to encourage

women to

A. serve in the armed forces

B. exercise their vote

C. buy war bonds

D. contribute to the war e ort

41. President Franklin D. Roosevelt's election to an unprecedented

third term was most strongly in uenced by

The change in the rate of unemployment between 1941 and 1942

is best explained by the A. his policy on immigration

B. his popularity among business executives

A. response of President Herbert Hoover to the stock market
crash C. the beginning of the Great Depression

B. e ects of the Wagner Act D. the advent of World War II in Europe

C. passage of the National Recovery Act

42. During World War II, the federal government used rationing to
D. entry of the United States into World War II

A. hold down prices of military weapons

B. increase educational bene ts for veterans

C. increase imports of scarce products

D. provide more resources for the military

43. Which was a major impact of World War II on economic life in

the United States?

A. The Federal Government supported the war e ort without

imposing wage and price controls.

B. Employment opportunities for women and minorities

increased greatly.

C. The Federal Government encouraged in ation as a means of

controlling consumer spending.

D. The nation experienced its greatest unemployment levels of

the 20th century.

page 7 WWII
44. Base your answer to the following question on the poster below 45. Base your answer(s) to the following question(s) on the
and on your knowledge social studies. accompanying graph and on your knowledge of social studies.

From 1940 to 1945, the trend in the Federal debt of the United
States was caused primarily by the cost of

A. ghting World War II

B. programs of economic recovery under the New Deal

C. e orts to launch manned space ights

D. social programs of the Great Society

During World War II, posters like this were used to

A. prevent antiwar protests

B. recruit more women workers

C. convince women to enlist in the military services

D. gain acceptance for wartime rationing programs

page 8 WWII
46. Base your answer to the following question on the cartoon below 49. During World War II, many women experienced a change in role
and on your knowledge of social studies. in that they

A. served in military combat positions

B. worked in jobs formerly held by men

C. controlled most corporations

D. chaired several congressional committees

50. During World War II, women and minorities made economic
gains mainly because

A. a shortage of traditional labor created new opportunities in

the workplace.

B. more educational opportunities increased the number of

skilled workers in these groups.

C. labor unions successfully demanded equal opportunities for

these groups.

D. new civil rights legislation forced businesses to change their

hiring practices.

51. Base your answer to the following question on the illustration

below and on your knowledge of social studies.
We saved thirteen points sending
Junior to bed without his supper.

Source: Esquire Magazine, 1944 (adapted)

Which feature of life on the home front during World War II is

most clearly illustrated by this 1944 cartoon?

A. food rationing

B. housing shortages

C. juvenile delinquency

D. conserving natural resources

47. Which statement about the United States economy during World
War II is most accurate?
The main purpose of the World War II coupons shown in this
illustration was to
A. Federal economic controls increased.

B. The manufacturing of automobiles increased. A. choose men for the draft

C. Worker productivity declined. B. conserve essential goods for military use

D. Prices fell rapidly. C. encourage increased production of consumer goods

D. pay defense contractors for military hardware

48. Which statement accurately describes a major experience of

American women during World War II? 52. What was a major result of the Servicemen's Readjustment Act
of 1944 (GI Bill)?
A. They were required to perform mandatory government
service. A. Millions of veterans received a college education.
B. They became eligible for the draft.
B. Women kept their factory jobs after World War II.
C. They entered the nation's workforce in large numbers.
C. Jobs were created by the Manhattan Project.
D. They achieved equal economic opportunity.
D. Veterans were exempted from gasoline rationing.

page 9 WWII
53. Base your answer(s) to the following question(s) on the cartoon 54. Base your answer to the following question on the ration card
below and on your knowledge of social studies. shown below and on your knowledge of social studies.

The use of this card, issued by the federal government, was

intended to

A. help the automobile industry

Source: Dr. Seuss, PM, May 22, 1941
B. support the troops in wartime
Which statement most accurately expresses the point of view of
the cartoonist? C. increase the use of gasoline

D. decrease the cost of automobiles

A. Isolationism is the safest policy for these countries to follow.

B. The United States is ignoring the threat caused by foreign 55. President Harry Truman justi ed using atomic bombs on Japan
aggression. in 1945 on the grounds that the
C. Trade restrictions are more of a threat than leaders
recognize. A. world was ready for a demonstration of nuclear power
D. England can defend itself against Axis aggression. B. Axis powers deserved total destruction

C. early ending of the war would save many lives

D. American public demanded that the bombs be used

56. Base your answer(s) to the following question(s) on the speakers'

statements below and on your knowledge of social studies.

Speaker A: We have to take care of our own problems. If we get too involved in
the world's a airs, we'll get dragged into con icts that have nothing to
do with our own security.
Speaker B: This world is di erent now. Two oceans can no longer protect us. We
have to take a leading role in order to stop problems before they harm
our economic and security interests. We need collective security, and
we have to help our allies to be economically strong.
Speaker C: Perhaps if we had taken an active part in international peacekeeping
organizations in the past, we wouldn't have to take on the superpower
role that we face now. Now we must get more involved and meet our
international obligations.
Speaker D: The arms makers and the bankers got us involved in war. The
Europeans are only interested in gaining territory. Let them solve their
own problems.

Which speakers re ect the foreign policy beliefs of the Truman

administration after World War II?

A. A and B B. A and D C. B and C D. C and D

page 10 WWII
57. An important e ect of World War II on United States foreign 62. The main reason the United States entered World War II was to
policy was a
A. gain additional overseas territories
A. refusal to become involved in world a airs
B. stop totalitarian agression
B. smaller role for the President in foreign policy and national
security issues C. honor its treaty commitments

C. stronger commitment to collective security and world D. spread capitalist economic ideas to poor nations

D. willingness to intervene only when the national economy is 63. The immediate cause of United States entry into World War II
involved was that the United States

58. Though I have found no Negroes who want to see the [Allies] A. had to ful ll its collective security agreements with Western
lose this war, I have found many who, before the war ends, want Europeans nations
to see the stu ng knocked out of white supremacy . . . to win
democracy the world over . . . B. felt it necessary to defend the principle of freedom of the
A. Philip Randolph
C. su ered a direct military attack
Which war is most likely being discussed in this statement?
D. was ready to use its superior military and atomic capabilities

A. Revolutionary War B. Civil War

C. World War II D. Vietnam War 64. The Nuremberg trials held at the conclusion of World War II
added to international law by

59. The D-Day invasion in June 1944 was important to the outcome A. settling boundary disputes in Europe through arbitration
of World War II because it
B. placing the blame for World War II on many nations

A. opened a new Allied front in Europe C. ruling that moral and ethical considerations do not apply in
B. avoided use of the atomic bomb against civilian targets
D. establishing that high o cials and individuals are responsible
C. forced Italy to surrender for their wartime actions

D. stopped Soviet advances in eastern Europe

65. President Harry Truman's decision to use atomic bombs against
Japan was primarily based on his belief that
60. The United States became the arsenal of democracy in the
early 1940's because the United States
A. an invasion of Japan would result in excessive casualties

A. possessed the economic resources to produce massive B. Germany would refuse to surrender in Europe
amounts of war material
C. an alliance was developing between Japan and the Soviet
B. introduced a series of strict draft laws Union

C. had established strong alliances with other countries during D. Japan was in the process of developing its own atomic
the 1920's and the early 1930's weapons

D. relied on the nation's strong tradition of militarism

66. The cash and carry policy and the Lend-Lease Act were used
by the United States to
61. In the 1930's, a main reason for the failure of peace in Europe
was that A. help fund League of Nations e orts to maintain peace

B. encourage British appeasement of Germany

A. Great Britain and France sought to revise the Treaty of
Versailles C. ful ll treaty obligations with Great Britain and France
B. the United Nations was not supported by its member nations
D. provide support for the Allies in World War II without
C. the Soviet Union was spreading communism into Africa and entering the war
D. Germany was seeking to dominate the European continent

page 11 WWII
67. The war crimes trials that followed World War II were 72. President Harry Truman decided to use the atomic bomb in
historically signi cant because for the rst time World War II mainly to

A. nations were asked to pay for war damages A. satisfy Allied demands for a quick end to the war in Europe

B. individuals were given immunity from prosecution B. gain valuable information for future peacetime use of atomic
C. nations on both sides were found guilty of causing the war
C. increase the prestige of the United States
D. individuals were held accountable for their actions during
wartime D. bring an immediate end to the war

68. Following World War II, the Nuremburg Tribunal established the 73. Which was a major purpose of the United States and its wartime
principle that Allies at the World War II summit conferences held in Yalta and
A. citizens charged with war crimes must be given a trial in
their home country A. to plan the political future of defeated nations
B. only a nation's leader can be charged with war crimes B. to reveal the events of the Holocaust to the world
C. military leaders are more responsible for war crimes than C. to establish the rules of conduct for the cold war
civilian authorities are
D. to coordinate the development and use of the atomic bomb
D. obedience to the nations wartime policies does not excuse
guilt for crimes against humanity

74. The United States justi cation for dropping atomic bombs on the
Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was that
69. A controversial issue that resulted from World War II was the

A. the bombs' destructive power might end the war quickly

A. future role of the League of Nations
B. Japan's military power was centered in these two cities
B. morality of nuclear warfare
C. Japan had attacked major cities in other nations
C. commitment of troops without congressional approval
D. Japan was on the verge of developing its own atomic
D. civilian control of the military

70. The war crimes trials of German and Japanese o cials after
75. How did the personal diplomacy conducted by President Franklin
World War II demonstrate the principle that
D. Roosevelt during World War II a ect the Presidency?

A. only nations can be considered responsible for actions

A. Subsequent Presidents have refused to use this unsuccessful
during war
B. international law may not be applied to national leaders B. The President's role in shaping United States foreign policy
was strengthened.
C. nations have the authority to suspend human rights
C. The President's war powers as Commander in Chief were
D. leaders can be held accountable for crimes against humanity
sharply reduced.

D. Congress increased its power over the executive branch.

71. One reason the Nuremberg trials following World War II were
held was to
76. What was one result of World War II?
A. bring Hitler, Mussolini, and Tojo to justice
A. The arms race ended.
B. force Japan to pay for the attack on Pearl Harbor
B. The Cold War ended.
C. make German leaders accountable for the Holocaust
C. Communism was eliminated.
D. punish the German government for bombing England
D. Two superpowers emerged.

page 12 WWII
77. A reason that President Harry Truman decided to use atomic 82. Base your answer(s) to the following question(s) on the speakers'
weapons against Japan was to statements below and on your knowledge of social studies.

Speaker A: The use of the bomb shortened the war and saved American lives.
A. end the war while limiting the loss of American lives Speaker B: The United States might have been able to force the Japanese to
surrender simply by demonstrating the power of the bomb on a deserted
B. punish the Japanese people by destroying their country
Speaker C: The use of the bomb was justi ed because of the Japanese attack on
Pearl Harbor.
C. increase Japan's potential as a future aggressor Speaker D: In Hiroshima, the bomb instantly incinerated more than 60,000 people.
Most were civilians.
D. divert forces to ght Germany
Which speakers hold the view that using the bomb was an
appropriate military action?
78. A. Japan attacks Pearl Harbor.
A. A and B B. A and C C. B and C D. B and D
B. Germany invades Poland.

C. MacArthur dictates a democratic constitution to Japan.

83. President Franklin D. Roosevelt said the United States needed to
D. Allies invade Europe on D-Day. become the great arsenal of democracy mainly because he was
trying to
Which sequence of these events related to World War II is in
the correct chronological order?
A. increase the number of Supreme Court justices

A. D!B!A!C B. B!A!D!C B. assist the Allied nations

C. C!A!B!D D. A ! B ! C ! D C. limit the in uence of the defense industry

D. gain public support for a third term

79. For the United States, a major di erence between the period
following World War I and the period following World War II is
that after World War II the nation 84. Which statement about the Marshall Plan is most accurate?

A. developed its role as a world leader A. It was used to nance rearmament after World War II.

B. adopted a policy of isolationism B. It was denied to all former World War II enemies.

C. su ered a serious economic depression C. It was used to rebuild European nations after World War II.

D. rejected membership in a world peacekeeping organization D. It was given to all African and Asian allies during the Cold

80. The war crimes trials of German and Japanese military o cials
following World War II established that 85. The United States became involved in World War II primarily

A. it is di cult to convict leaders of crimes against humanity

A. Germany refused to pay its debts from World War I
B. civil liberties must be expanded for civilians during wartime
B. European democracies supported United States policies
C. individuals can be held responsible for wartime atrocities toward Germany and Japan
against civilians
C. President Franklin D. Roosevelt did not enforce the
D. genocidal acts are acceptable during wartime Neutrality Acts

D. Germany and Japan achieved important military successes

in Europe and Asia
81. In 1939, President Franklin D. Roosevelt responded to the start
of World War II in Europe by

A. asking Congress to enter the war

B. urging continued appeasement of aggressor nations

C. attempting to negotiate a peaceful settlement of the

D. selling military supplies to the Allied nations

page 13 WWII
86. In World War II, the United States was allied with the Soviet 90. The seeds of World War II were sown earlier in the 20th
Union, but that alliance became a rivalry short after the end of century.
the war. Which statement most accurately explains this change?
Which statement does this quotation most strongly support?

A. Alliances tend to last only as long as the nations involved

see a mutual self-interest. A. United States involvement in Europe after World War I
created an atmosphere of mistrust.
B. Historically, alliances made by countries with di ering
economic systems seldom last more than a few years. B. The United States was not successful in stopping Soviet
expansion by peaceful means.
C. The Soviet Union stood in the way of United States
territorial expansion. C. The European democracies encouraged Adolf Hitler to
rearm Germany.
D. The United States refused Soviet requests for a long-term
commitment to supply them with arms. D. The World War I peace settlement created bitterness and

87. Base your answer(s) to the following question(s) on the speakers'

statements below and on your knowledge of social studies. 91. Prior to the start of World War II, Great Britain and France
followed a policy of appeasement when they
Speaker A: The use of the bomb shortened the war and saved American lives.
Speaker B: The United States might have been able to force the Japanese to
surrender simply by demonstrating the power of the bomb on a deserted A. rejected an alliance with the Soviet Union
Speaker C: The use of the bomb was justi ed because of the Japanese attack on B. allowed Germany to expand its territory
Pearl Harbor.
Speaker D: In Hiroshima, the bomb instantly incinerated more than 60,000 people.
Most were civilians. C. signed the agreements at the Yalta Conference

These statements most likely were made during the D. opposed United States e orts to rearm

A. Versailles Peace Conference (1919)

92. President Franklin D. Roosevelt referred to December 7, 1941, as
B. 1920s a date which will live in infamy because on that day

C. Great Depression
A. Germany invaded Poland
D. post-World War II period
B. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor

C. Italy declared war on the United States

88. The cooperation between the United States and the Soviet Union
during World War II supports the idea that D. the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima

A. alliances are built upon mutual self-interest

93. Base your answer(s) to the following question(s) on the passage
B. communism and capitalism have much in common below and on your knowledge of social studies.

C. political leaders often disregard the wishes of their citizens . . . We must be the great arsenal of democracy. For us this
is an emergency as serious as war itself. We must apply
D. imperialism is necessary in defense of liberty ourselves to our task with the same resolution, the same
sense of urgency, the same spirit of patriotism and sacri ce
as we would show were we at war. . . .
89. The Nuremberg War Crimes trials of 19451949 established the President Franklin D. Roosevelt, December 29, 1940
international precedent that
In urging the United States to become the arsenal of
democracy, President Franklin D. Roosevelt meant the nation
A. the United States should avoid commitments with foreign should
B. military leaders cannot be held responsible for wartime A. make its neutrality laws more restrictive
B. create a military draft
C. individuals may be tried for crimes against humanity
C. provide war materials to Allied nations
D. soldiers must obey an order even if it con icts with basic
humanitarian values D. send troops to Europe to ght in the war

page 14 WWII
94. The major reason for President Harry Truman's decision to use 96. In which pair of events is the second event a response to the
atomic bombs against Japan was the rst?

A. potential loss of American lives from an invasion of Japan A. Truman Doctrine ! D-Day Invasion

B. need to defeat Japan before defeating Germany B. Manhattan Project ! Lend-Lease Act

C. plan to bring democratic government to Japan after the war C. Holocaust ! Nuremberg War Crimes trials

D. failure of the island-hopping campaign against Japan D. Germany's invasion of Poland ! Munich Conference

95. Base your answer to the following question on the cartoon below 97. The Director of the War Relocation Authority is authorized and
and on your knowledge of social studies. directed to formulate and e ectuate [implement] a program for
the removal, from the areas designated from time to time by
Stretched Around the World the Secretary of War or appropriate military commander under
the authority of Executive Order No. 9066 of February 19,
1942, of the persons or classes of persons designated under
such Executive Order, and for their relocation, maintenance, and
supervision . . .

Shortly after this executive order was signed, federal government

authorities began to

A. move Japanese Americans to internment camps

B. deport German and Italian aliens

C. detain and interrogate Chinese immigrants

D. arrest the individuals who planned the attack on Pearl


Source: Fred O. Seibel, Richmond Times Dispatch,

October 29, 1942 (adapted)

Which statement most accurately expresses the main idea of this

1942 cartoon?

A. Allied goals in World War II will a ect every nation.

B. The Atlantic Charter will help only Europe and Asia.

C. The United States intends to rule the entire world.

D. American strategy will be to win the war in the Paci c rst.

page 15 WWII
98. Base your answer to the following question(s) on the letter below 100. Which statement is accurate concerning the forced relocation of
and on your knowledge of social studies. Japanese Americans during World War II?

A. President Franklin D. Roosevelt authorized the action as a

military necessity

B. Few of those relocated were actually United States citizens.

C. Widespread Japanese American disloyalty and sabotage

preceded the forced relocation.

D. The Japanese American experience was similar to what

happened to German Americans at this time.

101. In Korematsu v. United States (1944), the Supreme Court upheld

the military order excluding Japanese Americans from the West
Coast on the basis that the action was considered

A. a matter of national security

B. a necessity for the economy

C. an attempt to limit immigration from Japan

D. a way to protect Japanese Americans from anti-Japanese


102. Which factor contributed to the internment of Japanese

Americans during World War II?

A. labor shortage during the war

Which event is President George H.W. Bush referring to in this
letter? B. in uence of racial prejudice

C. increase of terrorist activities on the West Coast

A. the bombing of Pearl Harbor during World War II
D. fear of loss of jobs to Japanese workers
B. the military service of Japanese Americans during World
War II
C. the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II 103. The World War II experience of Japanese-American citizens in
evidence that
D. a ban on Japanese immigration to the United States after
World War II
A. individual liberties may be threatened by the perceived need
for national security
99. The internment of Japanese Americans during World War II B. constitutional rights are upheld equally in peacetime and in
illustrates that wartime
C. Presidents should regard the national interest as more
A. the Supreme Court can be relied on to defend civil rights important than human rights.
B. threats to national security are often ignored by the D. minorities are generally unwilling to help in a war e ort

C. minorities are not allowed to enlist in the United States

military 104. In the United States, the placement of Japanese Americans in
relocation centers during the early 1940's was prompted mainly
D. civil liberties are sometimes limited during times of national by

A. a belief that foreigners should be returned to their native

B. the impact of wartime fears on the attitudes of Americans

C. the evidence that many Japanese Americans openly

supported Japan

D. the desire to protect United States culture from being

in uenced by a Far Eastern culture

page 16 WWII
105. Base your answer(s) to the following question(s) on the map 107. Which statement best describes the present position of the
below and on your knowledge of social studies. United States Government regarding the internment of Japanese
Americans during World War II?

A. The Government opposed internment during World War II

and continues to support that position.

B. Congress has apologized for the internment and has agreed

to make nancial reparations.

C. The Government continues to insist that its actions of

interning Japanese Americans require no apologies nor

D. Although the Supreme Court recently reversed its support

of the internment, the American public continues to support
the war-time action.

108. During World War II, many Japanese Americans living on the
West Coast were relocated to detention centers primarily because

A. were known spies for Japan

B. were seen as a security threat

C. refused to serve in the United States military

The relocation camps shown on the map were mainly a reaction
to the D. expressed their support for Italy and Germany

A. Japanese military attack on Pearl Harbor 109. The United States Government placed Japanese Americans in
internment camps during World War II. This action illustrates
B. capture of Japanese war prisoners
C. need to train Japanese Americans for military service
A. Presidents generally uphold the constitutional rights of
D. attacks by Japanese Americans on United States military
B. ethnic minorities often have uncertain loyalties during
106. Which statement is best supported by the information on the
map? C. unpopular groups should be placed in custody

D. violations of civil liberties tend to increase in times of

A. Government o cials used abandoned mining towns to house national stress
Japanese Americans.

B. Western states did not support the decision to create the 110. The United States Government attempted to justify the forced
relocation centers. relocation of Japanese Americans during World War II on the
grounds that
C. Relocation centers had to be placed near rivers.

D. The government considered Japanese Americans a threat to A. the wartime need to assure national security was more
national security. important than the protection of individual rights

B. most of the relocated people were not United States citizens

and thus had few legal rights

C. Japanese Americans refused to serve in the armed forces

D. Japanese Americans should be treated in the same way as

German Americans

page 17 WWII
111. During World War II, Japanese Americans were sent to 116. Prior to United States entry into World War II, Congress passed
internment centers primarily because they the Cash-and-Carry Act of 1939 and the Lend-Lease Act of
1941. These foreign policy actions showed that the United States
A. were considered illegal aliens
A. gave equal support to both the Allied and Axis Powers
B. had been convicted of spying for Japan
B. attempted to contain the spread of communism
C. refused to enlist in the United States military
C. maintained a strict policy of isolationism
D. were thought to be threats to national security
D. became increasingly drawn into the war in Europe

112. Which World War II action was later determined to be a

violation of civil liberties? 117. During the early years of World War II, the Destroyer Deal and
the Lend-Lease Act were e orts by the United States to

A. rationing of scarce commodities

A. help the Allies without formally declaring war
B. employment of women in factories
B. maintain strict neutrality toward the war
C. internment of Japanese Americans
C. negotiate a settlement of the war
D. use of a military draft
D. provide help to both sides in the war

113. A major cause of the internment of Japanese Americans during

World War II was 118. Cash and Carry (1937)
Destroyers for Naval Bases Deal (1940)
A. national segregation policies Lend-Lease Act (1941)

B. immigration quotas Which change in United States foreign policy is demonstrated by

the passage of these acts prior to World War II?
C. racial prejudice

D. economic depression A. a shift from neutrality toward more direct involvement

B. an e ort to become more neutral

114. Which statement about Japanese Americans interned during C. a movement from isolationism to containment of communism
World War II is most accurate?
D. a desire to provide aid to both Allied and Axis powers

A. Many were forced to return to Japan at the conclusion of

the war.
119. Between 1934 and 1937, Congress passed a series of neutrality
B. No Japanese Americans were allowed to serve in the United acts that were designed primarily to
States armed services during the war.

C. Most were released after signing a loyalty oath. A. strengthen the nation's military defenses

D. Many lost their homes and businesses B. provide aid to other democratic nations

C. create jobs for unemployed American workers

115. Which federal policy was enacted during World War II and D. avoid mistakes that had led to American involvement in
justi ed as a wartime necessity? World War I

A. a ban on German-language books 120. Passage of the Neutrality Acts of 1935 and 1937 indicated that
the United States desired to
B. internment of Japanese Americans

C. exclusion of Chinese immigrants A. isolate itself from con icts in Europe and Asia
D. adoption of the quota system of immigration B. form alliances to stop the aggression of dictators

C. expand trade outside the Western Hemisphere

D. support the policies of the League of Nations

page 18 WWII
121. Many senators who opposed United States membership in the 124. Base your answer(s) to the following question(s) on the cartoon
League of Nations argued that joining the League would below and on your knowledge of social studies.

A. involve the nation in future military con icts

B. reduce freedom of the seas

C. end the country's free-trade policy

D. endanger the nation's military preparedness

122. The Neutrality Acts passed by Congress in the mid-1930s were

e orts to

A. avoid mistakes that led the country into World War I

B. create jobs for the unemployed in the military defense


C. support the League of Nations e orts to stop wars in Africa

and Asia
D. help the democratic nations of Europe against Hitler and

123. In the 1930s, Congress attempted to avoid the situations that led
to United States involvement in World War I by

In the cartoon, most of the diseases refer to the

A. enacting a peacetime draft law

B. passing a series of neutrality acts A. military dictatorships of the 1930s

C. authorizing the deportation of American Communist Party B. Allied powers of World War II
C. nations banned from the United Nations after World War II
D. relocating Japanese Americans to internment camps
D. Communist bloc countries in the Cold War

125. Which action is most closely associated with the situation shown
in the cartoon?

A. signing of the Atlantic Charter

B. passage of the Neutrality Acts of 19351937

C. rst reside chat of Franklin D. Roosevelt

D. declaration of war on Japan

126. Before entering World War II, the United States acted as the
arsenal of democracy by

A. creating a weapons stockpile for use after the war

B. nancing overseas radio broadcasts in support of democracy

C. providing workers for overseas factories

D. supplying war materials to the Allies

page 19 WWII
127. Base your answer to the following question on the quotation 131. Which foreign policy did Warren G. Harding support when he
below and on your knowledge of social studies. used the phrase return to normalcy during his presidential
campaign of 1920?
. . . The people of Europe who are defending themselves
do not ask us to do their ghting. They ask us for the
implements of war, the planes, the tanks, the guns, the A. appeasement B. internationalism
freighters which will enable them to ght for their liberty
and for our security. Emphatically we must get these C. containment D. isolationism
weapons to them, get them to them in su cient volume
and quickly enough, so that we and our children will be
saved the agony and su ering of war which others have 132. The Neutrality Acts of the 1930s re ect the e orts of Congress
had to endure. . . . to
President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Fireside Chat, December 29, 1940
A. reject the terms of the Kellogg-Briand Pact
In this statement, President Franklin D. Roosevelt was asking the
nation to B. avoid foreign policy mistakes that led the country into
World War I
A. support a declaration of war against Nazi Germany C. form military alliances with other democratic nations
B. adopt a policy of containment D. strengthen the American military against European dictators
C. join the League of Nations

D. become the arsenal of democracy 133. Henry Cabot Lodge and other senators opposed rati cation of
the Treaty of Versailles (1919) because they believed the treaty

128. Arms Sales to Warring Nations Banned A. failed to punish Germany for its involvement in World War I
Americans Forbidden to Travel on Ships of Warring Nations
Loans to Nations at War Forbidden B. excluded reparations for European allies
War Materials Sold Only on Cash-and-Carry Basis
C. could draw the United States into future con icts
These headlines from the 1930s re ect the e orts of the United
D. placed blame for World War I on all the warring countries
States to

A. maintain freedom of the seas 134. Which factor encouraged an American policy of neutrality during
the 1930s?
B. send military supplies to the League of Nations

C. limit the spread of international communism A. disillusionment with World War I and its results

D. avoid participation in European wars B. decline in the military readiness of other nations

C. repeal of Prohibition
129. At the beginning of World War II, national debate focused on
D. economic prosperity of the period
whether the United States should continue the policy of

A. coexistence B. containment 135. The demand for German war reparations by the European Allies
helps to explain the failure of the peace settlement following
C. imperialism D. isolationism

A. World War I B. World War II

130. The Neutrality Acts of 19351937 were primarily designed to
C. the Korean War D. the Vietnam War

A. avoid policies that had led to United States involvement in

World War I 136. A major reason for the United States neutrality in the 1930's was
the nation's
B. halt the spread of communism in the Western Hemisphere

C. promote United States membership in the League of Nations A. belief in the domino theory
D. stop Japan from attacking United States territories in the B. disillusionment resulting from World War I
Far East
C. strong approval of political conditions in Europe

D. military and naval superiority

page 20 WWII
137. The return to normalcy in the 1920's referred mainly to a

A. renewed interest in joining the League of Nations

B. return to the trustbusting of Presidents Taft and Roosevelt

C. resumption of traditional foreign policy principles

D. restoration of the power of the small farmer

page 21 WWII
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1. 21.
Answer: B Answer: C
2. 22.
Answer: C Answer: A
3. 23.
Answer: C Answer: B
4. 24.
Answer: C Answer: C
5. 25.
Answer: C Answer: A
6. 26.
Answer: C Answer: C
7. 27.
Answer: C Answer: C
8. 28.
Answer: A Answer: A
9. 29.
Answer: D Answer: C
10. 30.
Answer: A Answer: C
11. 31.
Answer: B Answer: A
12. 32.
Answer: C Answer: B
13. 33.
Answer: D Answer: D
14. 34.
Answer: A Answer: D
15. 35.
Answer: A Answer: C
16. 36.
Answer: D Answer: B
17. 37.
Answer: B Answer: D
18. 38.
Answer: C Answer: C
19. 39.
Answer: A Answer: D
20. 40.
Answer: C Answer: D
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41. 64.
Answer: D Answer: D
42. 65.
Answer: D Answer: A
43. 66.
Answer: B Answer: D
44. 67.
Answer: B Answer: D
45. 68.
Answer: A Answer: D
46. 69.
Answer: A Answer: B
47. 70.
Answer: A Answer: D
48. 71.
Answer: C Answer: C
49. 72.
Answer: B Answer: D
50. 73.
Answer: A Answer: A
Answer: B
Answer: A
Answer: A
Answer: B
Answer: B
Answer: D
Answer: B
Answer: A
Answer: C 78.
Answer: B
Answer: C 79.
Answer: A
Answer: C 80.
Answer: C
Answer: C 81.
Answer: D
Answer: A 82.
Answer: B
Answer: A 83.
Answer: B
Answer: D 84.
Answer: C
Answer: B 85.
Answer: D
Answer: C
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86. 109.
Answer: A Answer: D
87. 110.
Answer: D Answer: A
88. 111.
Answer: A Answer: D
89. 112.
Answer: C Answer: C
90. 113.
Answer: D Answer: C
91. 114.
Answer: B Answer: D
92. 115.
Answer: B Answer: B
93. 116.
Answer: C Answer: D
94. 117.
Answer: A Answer: A
95. 118.
Answer: A Answer: A
Answer: C
Answer: D
Answer: A
Answer: A
Answer: C
Answer: A
Answer: D
Answer: A
Answer: A 123.
Answer: B
Answer: A 124.
Answer: A
Answer: B 125.
Answer: B
Answer: A 126.
Answer: D
Answer: B 127.
Answer: D
Answer: A 128.
Answer: D
Answer: D 129.
Answer: D
Answer: B 130.
Answer: A
Answer: B
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Answer: D
Answer: B
Answer: C
Answer: A
Answer: A
Answer: B
Answer: C

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