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Training Manu

Mud Crab Breeding and Culture


(Indian Council af Agrtcufural Research)
75. Saothomtl High Road, Raja Annarnalaipuiarn
CMnrrai - 60Q0263
Titk Autbor
No. "- -" -..------ No.
S. Kulatekarapandian and
1 Biology and fishery of mud crahs 1
A. Panigrahi

Site selection for mud crab hatchery and
M.Jaynnthi 10
. Designing and construction of hatchery.
ponds, pens and cages for mud crah farming
P. Nile Rekha 30
Culture and utiliution of live feed for mud
C . Gopal 41
crab seed production
Captive hroodstock development and lan,nl
C.1'. Halasuhriimanian 60
rearing of mud crahs
Nursery rearing in seed production of S. Kulaseknrapcmdian and
Mudcrahs A . Paniprehi
('.IB. Ralusubrtin~aniannnd
7 Mud crah growth out culture 85
h4ud crah production, marketing and
R S.M. F'illai 97
Development of artificial Seed for fattening end
grow-out culture of mudcrabs
K.A m b a m k a r 103
10 Diseaus in mud crabs M. Pmmima 112
Inter-relationship hetween environment and
K.K. Krishnani 122
II mud crab culture
Mud crab farming as e tool to uplifi the
economic status of brnckishwater farmers
H.Shanthi 127
S. Kulasekaraplndhm and A. Panigrabi
Ctntnrl Institute of Bnckisbwater Aquaculture, Cbennai.


Among the marine edible crustaceans, crabs occupy third position by virtue of its
delicacy, demand and price. the first two being shrimps and lobsters. Among the 990 species of
marine crabs, 34 species are growing to larger size and hence they fetch a higher price. Most of
the commercially important crabs belonged to the family Portunidae and they can be recognized
by the presence of flattened last pair of legs, which help them in swimming in the columnar
Haters. Species belonging to genera Scylla, Portunus and Chaq-bdiswhich grow.to 0.2 to 2.3 kg
are considered as commercially important portunid crabs as they are utilized for both local
consumption and export trade.

Mud crabs as commercially important crabs

Mud crabs stand first in the context of both capture and culture fisheries due to their
larger size, great demand and higher price. A total of 3,500 tonnes (2,500 tonnes from
brackishwater and 1000 tonnes from marine region) of mud crabs are caught annually from
India. Mud crab is one of the components in the traditional fish/shrimp farming system of Indian
and Southeast Asian countries. In traditional paddycum-fish/shrimp farming of Kerala and
Wen Bengal, considerable quantities of mud crabs are caught during the final harvest. Due to
their great demand, monoculture of mud crabs is being practiced in most of the Southeast Asian
countries. These mud crabs do have a remarkable habit of remaining alive after capture for
considerable time, say 5 to 8 days. This could be possible because of possession of larger gills
which enabled to hold enonnous amount of moistwe, thus helping to continue respiration and
remain alive. Since 1987, live mud crabs (Scylla spp.) are exported to an extent of 1500 tonncs
annually, valued at Rs. 30 crores. The present account deals with the biology and fishery of mud
Mud c n b spacia p m n t in India

The species identification and their nomenclature in mud crabs is a controversial

subject. In the genus Scylla, Au-stralians and Philippinos recognized four species, namely Scylla
serruta, S. tranquebarica, S, olivacea and S. paramamsain. However, there arc only two
species of mud crabs belonging to the genus Scylla occurring in most of the Indian brackishwater
areas and inshore seas. Among these two species, one species grows to a maximum size of 2.3 kg
and is called as Scq)llatranquebarica. The other species which attains a maximum size of 0.7 kg
is known as Scyllu serrata in India though a confusion exists in its nomenclature as S. serruta.
We can distinguish these two Indian species with certain morphological characters. The larger
species (Sc~dlutrunqucbarica) is characterized by the presence of polygonal markings on
chelipcds, walking and swimming legs. Further, the wrist of chelipeds possesses two spines on
outer margin. The smaller species (Scylla serrara) do not possess polygonal marking on my of
its lcgs and there is one blunt spine on the outer margin of wrist of chelipeds. Though both the
spccies co-exist in the same habitat, they differ in habits. The larger species remains buried under
sand or mud. while the smaller species makes a deep burrow either at the bottom of estuary or in
earthen bunds of cmals/ponds. This differential habits make them more abundance in specified
habitats. For example, the larger species is more abundant in the open inshore seashackwaters
and coastal lakes, while the smaller species is more in number in mangrove areas. A brief
account on their identification, biology, exploitation and utilization in brackishwater aquaculture
are given below.

Vernacular names:

Mud crabs an known as:

"Khadapi chimbori" in Marathi,

"Patcha nandu" in Malayalarn,
"Kuzhi nandu" or " Kattu nandu" or "Kora valai nandu" in Tamil,
"Pita" or "Manda peeta" in Telugu,
"Chilka kankada" in Oriya and
"Nona kankara" or "Sarnudra kakra" in Bengali.

Both the species can be identified in the field by virtue of their morphological and colour
features as given in Fig. 1 A & B.

Yolygonrl markings 011

/ all limbs

e spine on the outrr nrargin

of wriqt of chtlipcd~

Fig.1. A hrger specks - Scyllo tmnquebarka; B. Smaller speciea - Scylla serrafa.

Larger species
Scylln ~ n q u e b a r i c n
hurics under the sandlmud and remains inst

Fig. 2. Habitat preference by two species of Scylla.

Adults are found both in the inshore seas and estuarine system. Being a member
of the family Portunidae of brachyuran crabs, the mud crabs possess a pair of paddle-shaped
swimming legs, which help them for fast swimming in the columnar waters. Mud crabs in their
megalope stage (postlarva) migrate into the estuaries, coastal lagoons and backwaters, grow fast,
attain maturity and females become berried. For hatching of the larvae, the female mud crabs
emigrate to inshore seas. Though both the species bury under the sandy or muddy bottom, the
adults of smaller species (S.serrata) arc found inside the holes made in the bottom or the banks
of estuary or the dykes of culture fields (Fig. 2). Hence, S. senora is the most common among
the mangrove environs. The larger species (S. tranquebarica) is a nomadic, preferring open
areas of estuaries.

Both immature and mature m'ales of mud crabs have a slender and triangular shaped
abdominal flap on ventral side of the body (Fig. 3 A), while the immature females have a broad
and triangular shaped abdominal flap (Fig. 3 B) and the matured females with a semicircular
shaped flap (Fig. 3 C).

Fig. 3. Sex identification based on the shape of abdominal flap

(A: Male; B: Mature Female and C: Immature female)

The size-frequency studies indicated that inale and female of mud crabs grew at rate of
9 and 10 mm in CW per month respectively. The larger species (S. tranquebarica) attained a
maximum size of 220 mrnt2.4 kg and the smaller species (S, serrata) 140 mmJ0.7 kg in the wild.
In the experimental tield culture. the early juvenile mud crabs (I 5 to 60 mm in CWt3 to 20 g in
total weight-TW) grew at a rate of 7 to 12 mmt3 to 13 g per month, while juvenile crabs (61 to
80 mm/25 to 70 g) exhibited a monthly growth of l l to 12 mrn145 to 97 g. In the sub-adult and
adult stages, the monthly growth worked out to 8 to 10 mrn/100 to 130 g.

Food andfeeding habits:

Remnants of crustaceans, molluscs, fish and plants and detritus form as food materaials
in the natural environment. Mud crabs are omnivorous feeders and feed voraciously on fish in
Karwar waters and on crustaceans in the Cochin backwaters, Ennote estuary, Lake Pulicat and
Hooghly-Matlah estuarine systern. In the Cochin backwaters, the crustacean component
consisted of the remains of a burrowing and slow-moving pinnotherid crab (Xenophthalmus
garthii), an easy prey for the mud crabs. Laboratory experiments have shown that mud crabs
cannot catch fasq-moving prey like live shrimps. Hence, polyculturt of tiger shrimp ( P e w u s
monodon) and mud crabs is practised in Taiwan and India.

Infestation with parasites

The acorn barnacles are found attached over the carapace, walking legs and chelipeds
of adult mud crabs caught from the sea, while the goose barnacles (cimpeds) are known to infect
the gill regions of the crabs collected From estuarine and marine regions.


I h e stages of sexual maturity in mud crabs are summarised as follows.

I - .
~ t a l e [
.- - - - --- --
T- Ova ry

Immature 'Transparentjcreamy in colour; Transparent/yellowish in colour; I

occupying less than 1 / 6of~ occupying 1 /6" of body
body cavity; cavity;
without a prominent vas deferens
-------- withoul a prominent seminal receptacle
Maturing Creamy white in ~ l o u r ; Pink in colour;
-- -- 114~body cavity occupying 114" or 113'~ of body cavity
Milky white in ~ l o u r ; Orange in colour;
with a thick vas deferens; with a prominent seminal receptacle;
occupying full body cavity occupying full body cavity

Size at maturity

The size at first maturity for females of two species of mud crabs recorded by several
authors is given below.
The number of eggs found attached to the pleopods of female mud crabs varied with
reference to species and its size. Female mud crabs of southwest coast of lndia are reported to
have 0.3 to 0.5 million eggs, attached in the pleopods while the attachment is with 0.6 to 1.4
million eggs in mud crabs of the Cochin backwater. Eggs amounting to 2.5 to 7.0 million are
reported for S oceanica (= S. ~anquebarica)from Cochin backwater and from 0.05 to 2.0
million in Karwar. Experiments on captive broodstock and that on induction of maturity
indicated that fecundity is 2.0 to 5.0 million eggs in the case of S. rranqueharica and 1.0 to 3.0
million for S. serrata.

Breeding .season:
Mud crab is able to breed throughout the year. The peak breeding season in selected
areas are presented helow.
-- -- -- ----- - - - -- . - --- -. -- - -. .- -
*- ---
Locality Period Peak season

Southwest coast of Throughout the year September-February

K a m ar Throughout the year December-March & September-November
Tuticorin coast Throughout the year April-July
Lake Pulicat Throughout the year March-April & September-October
Kakinada region Throughout the year May-June & October-Febmary

Fishing crafts and gears

The crafts, commonly used for mud crab fishing, arc plank-built boat, dug-out canoe,
out-triggered canoe, catamaran and mechanised trawler. Mud crabs are extensively caught from
the marine sector by both indigenous (gill net, boat seine, shore wine, seine net, cast net, hoop
net, line with bait, pair of tongs, iron rods, scoop net and hooked iron rods) and mechaniscd
(trawl net) gears. In the major and minor brackishwater areas of the main land and the bays and
creeks of Andarnan and Nicobar Islands indigenous gears such as gill net, line with bait, stake
net, drag net, scoop net, cast net, bamboo pot, bamboo trap, hooked iron or steel rods and hand
picking are employed.

On an annual average, 4,111 tonms of mud crabs (1,4 10 tonne Erom marine and 2,701
tonnes from estuarine sectors) were landed during 1981-98.

Catches from the marine sector

Among the commercially important crustaceans (penaeid and non-penaeid shrimps,
lobsters, crabs and stomatopods) exploited from the inshore seas, crabs accounted for 8 % of the
total crustacean landings. The mud crabs formed about 5 % in the total crab landings.

Catches from the estuarine sector

Gulf of Kutch, Narmada & Tapti estuaries in Gujarat, Mandovi & Zuari estuaries in
(ioa. Kali and Nethravati estuaries in Karnataka, Vembanad backwaters and Korapuzha estuaq
in Kcrala, Lake Pulicat, Kovalam backwaters, and Vellar-Coleroon estuaries in Tamil Nadu,
(idavari-Krishna estuaries in Andhra Pradesh, Lake Chilka and Mahanadi estuary in Orissa and
Hooghly-Matlah estuarine system in West Bengal arc the important areas from where mud crabs
are landing under estuarine and inland sectors.

Mud crab contribution in traditional brackishwater farming in India

In the seasonal and perennial fish culture fields in the brackishwater areas of Kerala and
West Bengal. young mud crabs enter into the fields through the sluice along with a variety of fish
and shrimps, grow fast and attain larger size. The recruitment of crab/fish/shrimp into the fields
is a continuous process occumng throughout the year. As these fields do not have net fencing.
mud crabs of assorted sizes either Freely move out or enter into these fields and smaller species
escape from these fields by making holes in earthen banks. Though few number of crabs are
caught in the periodical harvest, considerable number of mud crabs are caught in the final
harvest of seasonal fields. A continuous fishing of mud crabs by special gears such as bamboo
traps and lift nets is done in the perennial fields. Generally, the income generated by sale of mud
crabs meets the expenses of periodical harvest of fishtshrimps.

Generally the mud crabs are sold in live condition. The first pair of largest legs (chelate
legs) of each live crab arc firmly tied up with the body by jute/nylon thread to curb their
movement and to avoid the fighting among them. The bulk of the catch is usually packed in
baskets. Wet seaweed is used in the baskets to keep the live crab cool and moist. The basket-
packed crabs are transported fiom remote fishing villages to the major cities by road or rail and
sold through the middlemen to retailers.


The live mud crab export from India has started in 1987-88 and expofled mostly to
Soutl~castAsian countries. Thc live crabs are packcd in pcrforotetl carton boxes lined with
thermocole sheets and air-lifted from Chennai and Kolkata.
MJayantbi, P.Ravicbandna, C.P.Bahubnmanhrn and S. Kukrrckaropandhn
Ceat n l Institute of Bmclrisbwclter Aqaacnitare, C b e n ~ i

Aquaculture has developed quickly over the last three decades to turn into important
economic activity world wide. It has been attracting heavy investment due to the availability of
sound technologies and limitless potential for export especially shrimp. Globally, Landings fiom
worldwide aquaculture has increased 10-15 % per year in the last two decades and this growth
was due to the combined effects of scientific farming, availability of infrastructure facilities.
changing consumer preferences and export market potential to developed countries. There art
several forecasts on demand for aquatic foods and it is expected that it will be 183 million tonnes
by 2030, As the capture fishery production is stagnating at around 90 million tonnes
aquaculture is seen as the only alternative to bridge the widening gap in demand and supply.

Cilobully, pressure on coastal and marine resources have increased in the past years due
to development and deteriorating water quality. Development of aquaculture has raised man!
environmental issues such as conversion of mangroves, conversion of agricultural lands and
water bodies, salinintion of drinking water resources and agricultural lands adjacent t(
aquaculture farm Its impressive growth has also often accompanied by significant failures anc
environmental issues. World public attention has been drawn to the crisis in world fisheries.
highlighted by collapses and conflicts over resources in the developed world including sector
competition, trade restrictions, over capitalization and concerns over environmental impacts.

To overcome these problems while maximizing aquaculture production, needs

comprehensive development planning based on the evaluation of water, land and humar
resources and interpretation of environmental and s o c i ~ n o m i constraints.
c Therefore, there is
a need for an approach, which can be used to rapidly identify areas of a country, a state of
smaller units, suitable for various aquaculture activities as an aid to development planning.
Status of awilrbk resources

India, by virtue of its 81 18 km long coastline, 2.02 million sq. km of Exclusive

Economic Zone (EEZ)and extensive geographical stretch with varied terrain and climate,
supports a wide diversity of inland and coastal wetland habitats. It has been estimated that there
is 3.9 million ha of brackishwater areas in the country. Out of this, 1.2 million ha of coastal areas
has been identified as suitable for brackishwater aquaculture.

Aquaculture developed at a rapid pace during the nineties, particularly in East Coast
states such as Andhra Pradesh, Orissa and Tamil Nadu. Despite the equal thrust given to all
states, shrimp farming did not develop in West Coast states like Gujarat and Maharashtra (Table
1). There is a vast potential still available for further development (Table 1) Due to the
environmental issues, aquaculture has been regulated with the enactment of Coastal Aquaculture
Authority (CAA) Act 9005. Under this act, CAA was established and empowered to regulate
coastal aquaculture hy regulating aquaculture development.

Table 1. Status of coastal land resources availability and its utilization

Area Area
Coastal Continental Potential
developed for developed as
State length shelf brackishwater
aquaculture % of available
(km) (Sq.km) area (ha)
(ha) potential
Tamil Nadu 1076 41412 56,000 - 6.248 10.90
Andhra Pradesh 974 275068 1,50,000 84,95 1 56.63
West Benpal 158 17000 4,05.000 50,405 12.44
Orissa 480 26000 3 1,600 13,400 42.40
Pondicheny 45 800 144 16,OO
East Const 2733 359480 6,43,400 1,55,004 24.09
, Kerala 590 40000 65,000 14,875 22.88
Karnataka 300 27000 8000 1,945 24.3 1
Goa 104 18,500 340 1.84
Maharashtra 720 1 loo00 80,000 1,135 1.42
Gujarat 1600 184000 3,76,000 2,37 1 0.63
, West Cout 3341 361000 20,666 3.77
Andamanand 1912 35000 -5,47300 -
N icobar Island
Total 8006 11,!W,ooO 1,75,674 14.75 +
The advantages of having long coastal line with unlimited rtsources have not been fully
utilized and t h m is still tremendous potential for further development. With the resources, site
selection has to be carried out in such way that it adhms to the regulation and also fulfil the
requirement of the species to be grown. Planning for sustainable aquaculture development and
formulation of master plan requires, adhering to CAA guidelines, Environment Impact
Assessment (EIA), integrating aquaculturr with coastal zone management plans and site-specific
designing of farms.

Mud crab aquaculture

Among the brachyuran crabs, two larger portunid species are commonly known as mud
crabs and they support a commercial fishery in Indian estuarine system. Larger species
txcurring in Indian waters is named as Scylla tranquebarica which attains a maximum size of
2.4 kg. while the s~nallerspecies of mud crab is called as Scylla .serrata, which grows to a
maximum size of 0.7 kg. These two mud crab species migrate from marine environment into
estuaries, backwaters, coastal lagoons and mangrove areas during their post larval stages, where
they grow fast, attain maturity and emigrate to sea for release of larvae. Both the species remain
alive out of water after capture for considerable time and this helps in live crab export trade. The
consumers prefer live mud crabs and there is a niche market for crabs in processed form. (eg:
soA shell crab export). Mud crabs support a sustenance fishery in brackishwater, where they are
exclusively fished by indigenous gears such as gill net, drag net, cast net, line with baits, baited
traps and lift-nets.

In order to conserve and protect the natural stock from overexploitation and to meet
the ever increasing demand for local consumption and export trade, mud crab farming with
hatchery p r o d u d seed will be the best option and as such collection of wild juvenile crab for
farming 1 fattening need to be discouraged. Mud crab fanning is assuming greater importance as
a livelihood option for coastal fisher-folk, working as associations end self-help groups in the
coastal areas. especially after the tsunami devastation. ~ u crab
d f m i n g includes nursery
raring, soft-shell crab rearing, grow-out culture and fattening. Nursery rearing involves the
rearing of megalopa (0.003 gYcrablets (0.03 g) to juveniles in two phases, namely, up to 3 g (in
hapas) and 3 g to 25 g (in nursery ponds). Soft shell crab rearing includes the stocking of
juvenile crabs (50 to 100 g of S. serruta and S. tranquebarica) individually in small plastic
cage till they moult. Grow-out culture refers to farming of nursery r d juveniles of about 25 g
(seed crabs of S. tranquebarica and S. semta) for a period of 3-6 months to produce marketable
s i d crabs. During this growth period, the crabs undergo several moults (shedding of old
skeleton). Fattening refers to the holding of marketable sized crabs for about 3 to 4 weeks time,
during which period, the stocked crabs a) gain weight in the case of newly moulted crabs of S.
tranquebarica and attain hll development of ovary in the case of adult females of S serruta)..
At present, nursery rearing, soft shell crab rearing, grow-out and fattening is carried out in the
brackishwater ponds while fanrning is practiced in penslnet cages in open backwaters.
Guidelines to regulate the development of mud crab fanning is being framed with emphasis on
environmental safety and social acceptability and to ensure sustainable development of mud
crab farming in the country.

Site selection

Site selection is an important process in farming as it decides the success or failure of

the mud crab farming. It greatly influences economic viability hy determining capital outlay and
affecting running costs, production and mortality. Cage and pen based aquaculture systems suffer
in comparison to land based operators in that there is less room for error in site selection. There
is little that can be done at a cage or pen farm if the site proves too exposed and water exchange
is poor or if water quality deteriorates.

The mandatory guidelines enlisted for shrimp culture for the selection of sites for
coastal farms should be strictly adhered to in the site selection for mud crab pond construction.
Already constructed aquaculture farms along with abandoned shrimp farms are suitable areas for
crab farming. Initial stage reservoirs of saltpans can be used for mud crab farming without
affecting the saltpan environment. The existing regulatory guidelines include, no new farms to be
established within 200m from high tide line, non-use of agricultural lands and mangroves and
provision of various buffer-zones between different land types such as 100 m from mangroves
and drinking water resources. There are certain references apart from regulatory guidelines for
the selection of farm or site for hatchery.
In addition to the guide lines, there arc o t h a parameters should be addressed. The first
is primarily concerned with the physiochemical conditions that dictate whdher a species can
thrive in an environment (Temperatun, salinity, oxygen, currents, pollution, algal blooms.
exchange). From a welfare perspective, wattr quality, flow rate and temperature should be,
appropriate fro the species concerned. The otha factors that must be considered for site selection
successfully (weather, shelter, depth, substarate) while the third is concerned with the
establishment of a farm and profitability (legal aspects, access, land based facilities, security.
economic and social considerations (Beverdige, 2004).

Environmental conditions for site selection for mud crabs

When selecting a site, the optimum temperature and salinity conditions of the species
should he met since even immediately outside these optima, feeding, food conversion and
growth arc adversely afrectcd. Mud crabs are generally tolerant to wide range of temperature and
salinity. 'They can withstand water temperature 12- 35'~, but their activity and feeding fall
rapidly when temperature is below 2 0 ' ~ . They are able to survive in a salinity range of 2-43 ppt.
Crabs have the ability to exploit the oxygen from the air. Under the severe conditions of'
tlypoxia, they leave the water with deleted oxygen and die. Other parameters include available
source of stocking materials. sufficient supply of cheap trash fish, available storage facilities for
fresh unprocessed feed and secured from poachers. Water of good quality should be adequate all
year round, coming directly from the sea or river. The most desirable range of water quality is
given in Table 2.

Table 2. Optimum water condition required of mud crab culture

Category Range
Water temperature 23 - 3 2 ' ~
Water salinity -
15 30 ppt
DO concentration 24
PH 8.0-8.5
Water depth (cm) 2 80
The sea wata should be sufficient to fill the depth of water to atleast to 60 cm during
high tide line. When drained at the n a p tide, the pond bottom would be exposed completely.
Engineering parameters should be used to determine the pond bottom elevation including the
dike and gate construction.

To prevent the increase in pond water salinity during long summer months, it is
advantageous to have a freshwater source. This will enable the farmer to adjust the salinity to a
level favourable for the growth of mud crabs. Other socio economic factor such as cheap and
skilled labour. market accessibility of construction material and production units as well as law
and order situation in the locality should be considered.


Silty - clay, clay loam or clayey soil with enough layer of clean mud is appropriate.
These kind of soil can respond well to the biological requirements of mud crabs while moulting
or in their post moult soft stage or while feeding It is also the kind of soil that can retain desirable
water depth for mud crabs.

Criteria for Pen culture in Mangrove areas

Mangrove areas should have sufficient supply of marine or brackishwater throughout

the year. Water depth at high tide should range between 0.3 to 1.0 m. salinity should be ranging
from 10 to 35 ppt and temperature between 25 and 3 0 ' ~ .The site must be free from big waves
and pollution, protected from environmental hazards such as big waves and floods and secure
from vandals and poachers.


The worst types of site from a disease risk point of view are those in which pathogenic
or potentially pathogenic organisms exist prior to establishments of the farm and those in which
disease organisms are likely to thrive following the establishment of the fann. With regard to the
former, cage fish farms are likely to be more prone to disease than the latter as they exploit
natural water bodies and are thus more exposed to risk.
Todr for site wkctio~

The conventional methods such as manual surveying, collection of secondary data

from the farmers field ar revenue m r d s used for site selection an labour intensive, time
consuming, non-repetitive, inaccessible to remote areas, low in accuracy and not synoptic. It
docs not provide information on the as.w>ciatcd land features of aquaculture farms. Hence, there
is a nced for a mechanism to ga real time data with its associated features for the larger area
asscssrncnt uo that coastal resources can be utilized effectively and would help in arriving
production pcjtential.

Hemotc wnring and <;eogrnphk Information System (CIS)

Kcmorc sensing techniques has emerged as an appropriate tools in providing spatial

~nfonnn~ionhccnuse of its systematic approach in data acquisition through satellites, eas!
allirrrlahility, high letcl of precision and possibility of time series data. (;IS is an integrated
nsscn~hly of' rotnputrr hardware, sofl~wc,geographical data and personnel designed to
cflicicntly acquire, store, manipulate, retrieve, analyse, display and report all forms of
geographically refrcnced information geared towards a particular set of purposes (Burrogh.
1986). (;IS technology integrates common database operations such as query and statistical
nnulysis uith the unique visuali~~ion
and geographic analysis benefits offered by maps. These
abilities distinguish GIS from other information systems and make it valuable to a wide range of
public and private enterprises for explaining events, predicting outcomes, and strategies (ESRI.
1998). Several methods such as classification, simple overlay, and connectivity analysis can he
used either singly or in cornhination. by GIs practitioners to integrate spatial information into
useful format fbr analysis and decision making. There has been histoy of methodologq
dcvclopcd using GIS for the planning and management of aquaculture math et al., 2000).

Remote sensing integrated with GlS can play a major role in sustainable aquaculture
development by providing information on land usdand cover, water qua1ity, productivity, tidal
influence and ccurstal inFrastructure. By using remote sensing technique and GIs, the advantage
is not only in time and cost. effactivzncss hut also in achieving a more comprehensive and
inlegrated pattern of aquaculture development criteria, which is difficult through conventional
Figure 1. Delineation of aquaculture farms and unused farms from

Sustainable aquaculture development leads towards increased well being of coastal

communities from the wise use of coastal resources without any land use conflicts or
enbironmental degradation. This ensures local food sccurity coupled with i~icreascdagricultural
production. conservation of mangroves, enhanced fisheries catch etc.

Recent advances in remote sensing and geographic information has led the way for the
development of hyperspectral sensors. Hyperspectral remote sensing, also known as imaging
spectroscopy, is a currently being investigated by researchers and scientists with regard to the
detection and identification of minerals, terrestrial vegetation, and man-made materials and
backgrounds. There are many applications which can take advantage of hyperspectral remote
sensing are geology, ecology, and coastal water. The chlorophyll, phytoplankton, dissolved
organic materials, suspended sediments can be monitorad using remote sensing techniques.

Monitoring Coastal Waters

Satellite remote sensing is an excellent tool for monitoring coastal waters. The great
gain of the digital data is the possibility of multi-spectral and temporal evaluation and accuracy
compared to prolonged field sampling. The concentrations of optically active water constituents
namely chlorophyll, colourcd dissolved organic matter (CDOM)and total suspended solids
(TSS) can be estimated from satellite images by the interpretation of the received radiance at the
sensor at different wavelengths (Gordon and Morel, 1983). The observation of the biological
productivity by satellite data serves as a practicable application for coastal water quality
monitoring. The quantification of optically visible wntcr umstituents in marine and inland watas
can be done with atmospherically corraded muiti spectral remotc d n g data The intnrsion of
.sea water in coastal areas and a s s u c changes
~ on the p n d wata salinity and vulncrabilit!
of thc groundwater salinity in coastal areas .can be mapped using mndc sensing techniques b!
mapping the surface manifestation of salinity.

Planning for rquacultun

Aquaculture planning and monitoring is inherently spatial, satellite data can be used for
the analysis of hoth qualitative and quantitative data types, identify associations between land
types. and therefore, build a living data& with exploratory data analysis, interpretative and
aswss thc impact on coastal resources such as mangroves and water bodies. The requirements
cnn he mapped as various layers and the overlay analysis will deliver the suitable sites with
optinrirn~ for thc dcvclopment.

Impact assessment after development

Figure 2: h a d use cbrngu between 1987 2005 in Nellore distirct, A.P.

Problems have arisen because of the lack of understanding of the aquatic environment
and the erratic use of nsources, To apjmpriatcly respond to natural and human-induced st-
to such important ecosystems, evaluation of impacts on land and water resources will & useful
to finds ways to duct the adverse impacts if any, to shape the project to suit the local
environment. The high resolution temporal satellite data provides the spatial and areal e m t of
chanps and provides the platform for the sustainable development. The changes happened in
land rewms (Figure 2) due to aquaculture development can be assessed through remote
sensing data


The advanced spatial technologies have opened up new vistas to utilize our natural wealth in a
sustainable manner. With given trend, spatial tools will provide a range of functions embedded in
various components that can be tailored for the sustainable utilization of coastal resources. It can
support adaptive, real time planning and management approach through regular updating with
time series information based on the well defined user interfaces. Ahsence of the national
framework that coordinates all the spatial database creators and users in a single platform is the
major issue to be addressed 10 prevent the unknown repetition and provide the sustained support
for the sustainable management of coastal resources and aquaculture.


Beverige, Malcolm 200.1 Cage aquaculture P.360.

Burrough P.A. (1986) 'Principles of geographical information system for land resources
assessment' , Clarendon press - Oxford pp.6-12
Gorden and A. Morel. 1983. Remote assessment of ocean color for satellite visible imagery. A
r e v i e ~In R. T Barber, C. N. K. Mooers, M.J. Bowman, and B. Zeizschel [cds.), Lecture notes
on coastal and estuarine studies. Springer-Verlag, pp. 1-1 14,

Halstead B.W. (1972) Toxicity of marine organisms caused by pollutants. In: Marine Pollution
and Sea Life (ed. by M. Ruivo), pp.584 -594. Fishing News Books, London, UK.
MPEDA, 2006. Action plan for the development of export oriented aquaculture in Maritime
states of India India
Nath S.S ,John P. Bolte, Lindsay G. Ross and Jose Agulilar Manjanez (2000). Applications of
Geographical information Systems (GIs) for spatial decision support in aquaculture,
Aquoculrurd Engineering, 23: 233-278.


P. Nih Reba, P. h k L u d r a r u d M. Jayrrtbi

Central Institute 01 Brackisbwrter Aqmrcoltore, Cbeonai.

Aquaculture of the mud crab has been conducted for at least the past 100 years in China
and for the past 30 years throughout Asia. In Jndia the mud crabs have come into prominence
since a r l y eighties with the commencement of live crab export to the South East Asian countries
which have created a renewed interest in the exploitation as well as in the production of mud
crabs through aquaculturc. 7he importance of live mud crabs as an export commodity has
ofcncd up great opportunities for crab farming. It has high demand and price in the export
mnrher. Mud crab is the promising alternative to the shrimp farming in India. by virtue of its
delicacy and demand fbr human consumption It is also preferred for its medicinal value.

Mud crab culture started as lowdensity polycultw with fish or shrimp using wild crab
juveniles has gradually developed to monocultun in ponds, pens and cages. Almost all crab
nquaculture production depends on wildcaught stock, as larval rearing has not yet reached a
commercidly viable level for stocking in aquaculture farms. The major constraint restricting
further expansion of mud crab culture is the limited supply of crab 'seed' for stocking in
enclosures/ponds.Even at the current status of the mud crab culture indushy, quantities of crab
'seeds' caught by fishermen an not sufficient to meet demand (Cowan 1984; Liong 1992). The
seasonal nature of availability of 'seed' crabs compounds the supply problem. In general.
supplies of juvenile crabs for culture arc insufficient to allow any further growth in the present
culture operations. Hatchery production of seed will ensure the sustainability of the culture; Mud
crab farming includes the hatchery seed producing which includes captive broodstock
development larval rearing, nursery rearing and grow-out culture in ponds pens and cages
including crab fattening. All these roquid engineering design considetation especially
appropriate site specific design of facilities viz., hatchery, ponds, pens and cages for rearing of
the mud crabs.

Hatchery design is an important aspect for producing healthy seed and attainment of the
required production target. A requirement of the hatchery design depends on species type,
production aimed and level of financial inputs. Species should be identified before the design
and production target can also be determined basad on market demand and financial capacity. A
basic prerequisite in the design and construction of a hatchery is an understanding of the
biological requirements of the species and the concept of different systems involved in the
hatchery. The common operations in the mud crab hatchery are broodstock maintenance, induced
maturation, spawning. incubation, hatching, larval rearing, live-feed culture (rotifier and brine
shrimp) and post larval rearing.

Infrastructures and accessories required in mud crab hatchery

In designing 3 hntcliery, ample spacc should hc provided for the rearing and suppo~t
facilities needed in the operation. The most important dcsign criteria in seawater based hatcherics
are the materials to be used. Materials. which do not corrode in the salinc environment viz.,
Plastics. PVC, concrete and wood are commonly used. A functional hatchery should have the
following essential components:

Influent water supply system overhead tank reservoir with filtration

Rearing Tanks with aeration (flow through/ recirculation system)
Buildings with necessary accessories
Effluent water treatment system

Influent water distribution system

The first essential resource for the hatchery is a seawater source with salinity range of
28-34 ppt. The water intake may either be from an inshore well or right from the sea, but it is
necessary to tilter large organisms such as fish, jelly fish and silt and mud from the seawater.
These designs arc dependent on specific site draractaistics, topography, geology:
climate etc. Mostly used system of drawing water is through intertidal bore wells or through
inshore open wells. Low depth intertidal bore wells an suitable in areas where the wave action is
minimal. Inshore open wells could be used where the wave action is more in the intenidal zone
and there is no freshwater aquifer in the shoreline. In cast the water from the inshore wells are
low saline due to freshwater table. drawing of water directly from open sea by constructing
cr)ncrctc jetties into thc sea beyond the breaker zone is the best option.

Waler treatment

'Ihe rnost important requirement for a mudcrab hatchery is clean seawater. It is

tticreforu essential to provide facility for watcr treatment in the hatchery depending on the qualit!
01' sourcc writer. If' the water is drawn from the open shore, it will contain suspended particles.
which are to he removed as a first step before any other treatment. Large suspended particles are
easily removed by allowing the water to stand overnight in settling tank by the process of
sedimentation. If the sea water is drawn from intertidal borewells or inshore wells, then the water
will hr. frcc from suspended panicles and no sedimentation is required. The next step in the
trcatmcnt of sea water is the removal of unsettled suspended particles and other living organisms
H'hcn the water is turbid, installation of o filter screen and sand filter unit becomes necessary.
Ihc lilter chamber may he construcled adjoining the holding tank. ?he filtration is done through
sand-gravcl filter which is simple and most practical. Two types of sand- gravel filters are
gerierally used in the hatcheries -

a. Filtration by gravity and

b. Filtration hy pressure.

A simple gravity filter consists of a wooden or conactt tank with layers of gravel and
sand. The bmvel layer consists of larger layer at the bottom with medium and smaller layen
above it. Similarly. three grades of sand, (coarse to fine) is used above the gravel layen. A
perforated PVC pipe. embedded at the bottom of the gavel layer and extruding out of the tank
acts as the outlet. In gravity filter water is pumped into the filter chamber over the surface of the
fitta bed and allowed to pass through the filter material by gravity to the holding chamber which
is located under the fitter chamba. The coarse suspended particles arc trapped in the sand bed
and the clean water is collected through the outlet at the bottom.

Pressure/ rapid sand fitters use the same principle as that of the gravity filters. The
difference is that the water pesses through the sand and gravel bed through pressure. The filter
housing is made of FRP and is sealed air tight aficr ananging the sand and gravel in position.
The delivery from a pump of required capacity is attached to the inlet of the filter and the filtered
water flows out through the outlet at the same velocity as that of the pumped in water. The
filtering rate is very high and hence it is called as rapid sand filters.

The operation of the filter results in the accumulation of waste materials in the sand
bed. The filtration capacity and rate reduces with such accumulation. Cleaning of the sand bed
becomes essential. Allowing the water to flow in the return direction i.e. entering through the
gravel and flouing out through sand is adapted and provisions for such backwash is given in all
the sand filters.

Sand filtration removes only coarse materials up to 10 micron in size. Further filtration
can be done bq using fibre based cartridge filter. which will remove suspended particles of up to
1 micron in size. The fibre filter is enclosed in a non-corrosive housing. The water is pumped
through the cartridge to the outlet. This could be easily fitted to the water lines. The filtered
water might still contain microorganisms like bacteria, which could cause disease to the larvae.
Hence, it is desirable to disinfect the water hefore use. Several chemicals have been commonly
used for disinfection viz., chlorine, hypchlorite, ozone, etc., The use of UV stcrilisation is also
carried out to disinfect the water.

Recommended concentration of disinfectants in water depends on the level of bacterial

load. The usual range of chlorine dosage is 5-20 ppm of active chlorine. Treatment should last
preferably for 24 hours. Before the seawater is used, the excess chlorine should be neutralized
using sodium thiosulphate.

The seawater is highly corrosive and hence great can should be takm while selecting
the material by which the pump is made. Rtmps made of cast iron or stainless steel will last
longer in the saline environment. The capacity of the pump to be used depends on the scale.
design and nature of opendion in the hatchery. While calculating the pump capacity, the
following criteria should he takm into account:

i. Total tank capacity of the hatchery,

ii. Maximum water requirement per day and

111. Time limit for watcr exchange in tanks.

iv. From thcsc the maximum water flow rate required and the required horse power of the
purnp could hc calculated.

(hlerhcmd tank

It is for to maintain continuous water supply to the different tanks by gravity flow and
lo avoid thc secondary pumping. The capacity of the overhead tank and its height depend on the
actual writer rcquircd per day, pump capacity and the dimensions of the pipeline.


'lhey arc used to provide the water needs of the hatchery during times when the pump
is nor in operation or whcn the water demand is much greater than the pump capacity over a
rrlativcly short period and also they are used for the chemical treatment of the seawater. T h e
capacity of the reservoir depends on the nature of operation in the hatchery, pump capacity, the
treatment used and the duration of the treatment.

Pipes and piping system

The pipes of the water supply system should be made of a non-toxic material. The mosr
commonly used material is PVC. The water system is meant to distribute water from the
overhead tanks to each and every section of the hatchery. The pipelines are to be laid in such a
way tha~there are independent inlets for each tank with valve ammganent. Since the pipeline is
to be maintained and repaid regularly, it should be exposed and not concealed in the ground or
concrete or in the wall.

The size of the main line and secondary lints an to be decided based on the height of
the overhead tank and the volume of water required per minute.

Air supply system

A continuous supply of air is required in all the tanks where h d e r crabs and larvae
are maintained, to increase the dissolved oxygen levels. In the hatchery. continuous aeration is
maintained to provide dissolved oxygen required for the biological needs of the larvae and adults
crabs for the stabilization of dissolved organic matter coming from the decomposition of excess
feed and metabolic wastes. A t the same time. it provides sufficient turbulence to maintain a
uniform suspension of both the larvae and the live feed materials.

Air blowers and compressors are the hvo equipments which can provide air. While air
blower provides high volume of air at low pressure, compressor provides low volume of air at
high pressures. Since, a high volume of air at low pressure is required in the hatchery, air
blowers are preferred. Further, the air being discharged by compressor is likely to contain oil
particles, which are harmful to larvae and adults but the air blowers provide oil-free air. The
blower capacity required is calculated based on number of air outlets, the depth of water column
in tanks and the amount of air required per minute from each outlet. The pipe lines used for air
supply, as in the case of water supply, should be made of PVC and polythene. The pipelines
should be laid in such a way that a uniform level of air is distributed in all tanks irrespective of
their location. It is desirable to have exposed air distribution system for easy in maintenance and
repairs. The air delivery into the larval rearing tanks could be either through diffuser stones or
through air-lift pumps


Tanks for broodstock maturation, spawning, incuation, larval rearing, nursery rearing
and for holding water should be constructed either by concrete, fiberglass or wood with
dimensions of 0.5 to 1 cubic meter. The number of tanks should depend on the number of larvae
and crablets that art planned to produce.
The material of c o m i m varies from site to sik and on the availability of materials.
Depending on rrdc of opmuion and on planned longevity of thc facilitits, the tanks may be an)
one of the following:

a. Plastic shed lined with aluminium frame : Usually used for small scale operation.
longevity minimal,

h. Fibreglass Reinforced Plastics: Portable. longevity high; can be used for small scale

r. C'oncme hollow b l t ~ k s Cheap

: and easy to install; Permanent installation; Large-scale
operat ions. and

d. Kcinforccd concretr: Expensive than hollow blocks; permanent installation; large-scale


lunks rnlrde o f concrctc should he coated with cpxy paint to provide smooth interior
surfbcc. This would prevent leaching of harmful chemicals into the tank and discourage the
pro\rlh 01' pathogenic organisms which wuld flourish in the crevices of unpainted surface. All
angled pms of the tank should hc rounded off to facilitate cleaning and minimise 'dead spots' in
thc tank. 'The cc~mmonlluscd shape of tanks is rectangular, circular or oblong. For permanent
installations, whcrc the scale of operation may be expanded from existing facilities. the
rcctangtrlar tanks arc prcfmhlc.

Maturation t a n b :

'fie major constraint is the limited supply of egg-baring or bemed female crabs from
thc wild. Hence. induced niatura~iontechniques can be used to augment the scarcity of berried
female crab supply. 'l'he capcity of maturation tank depends on the number of adult crabs
ncedcd. The shape of maturation tanks can either be circular, rectangular or oval. The tank
capacity may vary fmm 5 to 40 tons with depth ranging From 1.2 to 2 meters. The tank is
installed with an inlct pipe fmm the wall and a double cylinder standpipe at the center for
drainage. These systems facilitate continuous flow-through of sea water. A water capecity of 5 -
10 m' with 1 m e f f i v e water depth is suitable (Fig 1). These tanks can be housed in closed
sheds under darkness to avoid disturbances 6wn human movement.

Fig 1: Circular Brood stock Tank

Incubation tanks:

Incubation tanks should be circular with a flat bottom. Water holding capacity may
vary from 50 liters to 1.5 tons. The tank can be made of fiberglass, Piexiglass, plastic or marine
pljwmd. The tanks are used to temporarily hold the berried female crabs till larval hatching.

Larval and postlarval rearing tanks:

Most of the hatcheries use smaller larval rearing tanks of about 3 tons capacity.

Rotifer culture tanks:

The tanks can be made of fiberglass, polyethylene, marine plywood or concrete. On the
average, the total tank capacity for live food culture is about 2W of the total tank capacity for
larval rearing 1 - 5 m' capacity depending on the scale of hatchery operation and the daily
requirements. An effective water depth should not be more than 1 m to allow light penetration
through the whole water column. Tanks with the capacities of I-5m3 more suitable for small
xale operations and tanks of higher capacities for large scale operations.
The building should provide s p c for the living quartas of technicians, laboratory, live
f d culwrc (paniculsrly for algae), a f d pepamtion room, a laboratory for water quality and
biological analysis and a packing mom. Pumps and fitaation units in the seaward side and
blowers and gcncrators on thc Landward side should be located in separate buildings. In our
tropical conditions, the h & h q building nced not be totally enclosed. Roofing is necessary to
shield the lwval rearing mks fmm direct sunlight and rain. Walls may be necessary in areas
whcrc there is havy wind The laysut of thc various units of the hatchery should be located in
such il way that t h m is an case of movement, optimal use of water and air supply system.

Ikveic~pmcntsin four key hatchery aspects have lead to improved success:

Hygiene during the egg and larval phase is critical to success through to post-larvae in
rhc Iiatchcry;
Maintenancc of water quality parameters such as temperature. salinity, pH, oxygen and
ammoni:~at optimal levels is v i d ;
I{igt,tllevels of quality live food as well as nutritious particulate diets have to be
supplied to the larvae; and
Kcducc crowding of larvae near the end of the cycle as it can lead to heavy losses due
to cannih~lisni.

Kccirculation water distribution system and implementation of biosecurity protocols in

thc mud croh hatchery would result in assured quality seed and targeted production. Hence care
should bc tAcn in rhc designing stage itself.

Emueat treatmeat system

Considering the nccd for maintaining emuent discharge standards, effluent treatment
systeni shall bc mandatory for all hatcheries. When contaminated water is discharged, into open.
ir is likely to result in envimnmmtal pollution that could be detrimental to the hatchery operation
itself, since intake and discharge points arc ntarby. Therefore, it is necessary to properly treat the
effluents so that the dischrvgbd wacr confonns to mvironmartal W a r d s .


Design coPsidtritioa of r w ~ c m l t a r ecrib ponds

A typical brackishwater pond designed fw the culture of milkfish or shrimp can be used
for the f m i n g of mud crabs.
Fishponds (new or partially developed) with water control structures can be used for as
along as the required water depth of 80- 100cm can be maintained.
The pond a n be tidal fed or pump fed based on the site condition

Soil must be sandy clay or loam with organic matter base and preferably alkaline.
Water of good quality should be adequate all year round, coming directly from the sea or
tidal river. The most desirable ranges for water quality a m : salinity, 10-34ppt; temperature 23-
30" C , dissolved oxygen, above 3 ppm; and pH 8.0-8.5,
The farmer should consider an area where seawater is sufficient to fill a depth of at least
60 cm during high tide. When drained even at ncap tide, the pond bottom should be exposed
completely. Thus, an engineering expertise is required to determine pond bottom elevation
including dike and sluice gate construction.
To prevent the increase of pond water salinity especially during the long summer months,
it is essential to have a freshwater source, so as to adjust the salinity to a level favourable to the
growth of mud crab.
Other socioeconomic facton such as cheap and skilled W, market sccessibility of
cmstmction materials and production inputs as well as the and order situation in tht
locality shwld be considered.

Pond sbrpt, sizc and deptb

Fanhm ponds preferably rectangular in shape with areas ranging fmm 250 rn' to 0.4 ha
could bc u d
'the shape of the eatthen pond should be rectangular and the wider axis of the pond
qhould facc the hackwatcr canal in order to have a greater tidal effect through either wooden or
hr~ck-mclrlarmade 5luice.
'171~pond should have a water spread area of 0.1 to 0.4 ha.
lhc curthcn dykes should be made from the soil removed from the bottom of the pond. I I
, U)II from elsc~hcreshould bc hrought in for the construction of the d)kes
ttic w ~ 1l4 u ~ l d lC'III~
ulr~chu ~ l help
l 111 rrtalning the watcr during the culture period as well as reducing the seepapr
of pbnd Hater.
Wurcr depth should be 80 to I00 cm

H'rfcr supply and drainage

H uter rxchnrige is through tidal effect. Sluice gates may be used to regulate the inflow
and outflow of the tidal water. I h e sluice gates are fitted with bamboo screens to prevent the
escape of crabs. In regions where tidal influenw is less, sea water can be pumped in.
r 'Ihe pond should preferably have a double gate system made either of concrete or w d
Supply and drainage [nust be separate to facilitate good water exchange.
Pond bc~nommust be leveled and cleaned to allow easy harvest.
In case w h a t t h m is no tidal effect a diesel or electric pump should be installed for
drawl and draining of water
6 Each one-hectare compartment is provided with about 12 carthern mounds (5m3)
installad in strategic anas of the pond. These mounds serve as breathing spots when mud crab
could climb during times of the low oxygen tension, as well as places when they can burrow.
These should be installed in the middle of the pond high enough so that the peaks remain above
water even when depth of 80 to 100 cm is reached.

*: Sawed-off bamboos or used PVC pipes (50cm long with 15 cm diameter opening at both
ends) are added to avoid mortality due to fighting and cannibalism among fellow crabs. These
also serve as shelters for moulting and past-moult crab.

Fig 3: Hideout provision in growout ponds

Fencing of the pond

*:* To prevent the crabs from escaping, the area is fenced in either by bamboo or nylon net
(I-? cm mesh size) fence extending about 30cm above the waterline. The fence is kept in place
by supporting it vertically with bamboo or wooden posts and horizontally with some bamboo
splits embedded about 50 to 70 cm along the base of the dike. Plastic striplsheet of about 30 cm
wide should be installed along the top edge of the net fmcc to prevent mudcrab from climbing
over the top. For concrete-lined ponds with relatively steeper slopes. a nylon net fence is no
longer necessary
4 Fencing can on rhe inner pcriphcry of the pond or on the top of the dyke
4 Catwalks may be provided fafdmonitoring and stock sampling

Fig 4: Fencing on inner periphery of tbe pond

Fig 5: Fcocirg above t b t dyke

k i g n of pond for nursery w r i n g

The hatchery r d lwae are din nurseries in ponds and cages. For the larger
s p i e s . there arc two phases in nursery mating, one related to rearing of megalopa to 3 gram
s i x (nursery phase I) and the o h )-gram r i d baby crabs to 25-gram sized juveniles (nu-
phase ll). The megalopa Iwa are reared either in h a p (size 6 square meters) stationed in open
backwater or nursery ponds (80 to 100 square meters) for a period of one month on an animal
diet. Appmjriate shelters (sea w d s ) an pmvidal in hapalpond to reduce the cannibalism. The
average size of a single megalopa is 0.003 gram which increases to 3 grams in one month
rearing. The three gram sized baby crabs are stocked in nursery ponds and reared on a diet of
crash fish for 45 days, by which time, they attain 25 grams. The expected survival is 60 to 80 %
in nursery phase I and 50 to 60 % in nursay phase 11. The nursery ponds should be of 100 to 200
sq metres. The design and constnrction is similar to the gmwout ponds

Design of pond for crab fattening

Crab faaening is carried out in ponds, cages or pens. Small ponds mnging from 0.1 to
0.5 ha in size with a water depth of 1.5 m are generally selected for the purpose. The p n d should
preferably have a sandy bottom. Bunds should have a minimum of 1.0 m width at the top to
prevent cmbs from escaping by hrro\cing through the bunds. Crabs arc copahle of climbing over
the bunds. which is prevented by fixing overhanging fences on dykes. Fencing of height between
0.5 to 1.0 m over the dyke is done with materials like bamboo sticks, hamboo poles and knotless
nets, asbestos sheets, fiberglass panels. etc. As the crabs are highly cannibalistic especially on
freshly moulted animals. 'refugee cages' made out of hollow bamboo pieces, cement pipes or
stones are placed inside the pond to minimize mortality.


The crab pens are constructed in the logged areas of the mangrove swamp or in the
open backwater. The vegetation of the mangrove area is left intact to provide a natural
environment for the crabs to grow and reproduce. The pen can be constructed using the trunks of
palm tree or barnboo/eualyptus poles which are abundant in the coastal area. The material should
last for many years in wet conditions.

The method of erecting of pens can be 2 types, viz. on wet ground where already water
exists and on dry surface where submersion up to 1.2 m is expected. The individual pen
segments may be of any shape and of varying sizes, as dictated by area and contour of water
body. The supporting structure is constructed by driving stakes (length: 2.5m; diameter: 30 to
QOmm) into bottom, fixed 1.5 m apart, and braced with long and straight split bamboo
horimntally at evay 30 cm height from ground level. In a dry pen, a tnmh 30 cm wide and deep
any be dug, having 50 cm pits a every 1.5 m distance, for f m l y driving poles into bottom soil.
week bcfon onsa of monsoons. In wcr pens, water m a has to be demarcated using a guide rope
and corner posts. Thc structwal framework is prepad suing 2.5 m long bamboo poles (fixed in
bourn-mud vertically along the guide rope at 1.Sm intervals) with uppa and middle bamboo
bracing. Ihc pen screen ( 12 mesh/cm) is lined inside the pen sbucture. Joining running length of
rnatcrilrl hy stitching makes s c m of desired width (say 1.8 m). In wet pcn bottom portion of the
s c r m (30 cni) is kcpt folded inside and pushed down with the help of brick lying all along, and
In dry pens 30 crn portion is buried in trench and filled with soil. The top screen is raised and tied
to upper hnritnntal hracing with ties (at the hracing points on top, middle and bottom) at each
post. N c ~cover for pens may have to he pmvidcd to ward-off any possible bird menace.
I'roris~on moy have to he made for laddns or other perches for attending to feeding and

'Ihc mwtcrials used for constructing enclosures should be strong and durable enough to
hold collective weight of crab-stock and yct allow relatively unrestricted exchange of water.
IdcnIIy materials u.scd for s c m n and otha accessories should be i) strong, ii) light, iii) rot.
corrosion and weather resistant. iv) fouling resistant v)easily worked and repairable vi) smooth
tcx~urcdand thus non-abrasive to fish, vii)inexpensive,and viiikasily available.

Pen screen structure

The materials required for pen construction are:

i) Fencing screen of suitahle material

ii) Barnboo or wooden poles to supporf and hold pen screen in position against water
cunmt. wind and \ s ~ v actions,

iii) 3-3 mm diameter foot and head ropes of durable quality, and

iv) Tying or lacing twine of about lmm thickness.

The xmn materials used f a making pens should be:

i) with the size of mesh small enough to retain crab juveniles,

ii) resistant to long exposure to sun and water,

iii) Study enough to withstand stretching tension and current, wind and wave action,

iv) Resistant to cuts by crabs and other animals,

v) Relatively low-prid and easily available and
vi) Easy to handle and support.

HDPE mono-filament webbing materials is commonly used, biding low-priced and is

lighter and resistant to damages by crabs. The material is also quiet resistant to sunlight, saline
water and stretching tension. However, in an environment where filamentous algae grow in
abundance. the netting material tends to get clogged. Weekly brushing of pen-wall rcduces this
prohlem. The material usually comes in rolls of 0.75 to 1.2 m in width, varying from closely
woven (40 meshicm) to 10 to 20 meshlcm approximately, 40 meshedcm fabric is ideal for
rearing crab juveniles and 12-15 rneshfcm webbing for larger sized crabs. Knotted nylon
webbing (stretched mesh of 20 to 400 mm) may be used for making a topsover, whenever
necessary. Matured and well-seasoned bamboo or euglyptus poles (50 to 70 mm diameter) are
best materials for supporting stake structures, particularly in relatively shallow water areas.
Pressurized treatment with preservative chemicals and tar can prolong life of posts. Side bracing
is done either with thin round or split bamboos.


For fencing, each strip is driven about 1.2 m into the soil with almost no gaps between
strips. If the dimension of the par is 18 m by 9 m (162 m2) then the fence is 2.4 m high to keep
off predators and to prevent crabs from escaping. The fence is supported by posts at 3 m intervals
and thm levels of horizontal mngs of the same materials. The posts are 3.7 m long with 1.2 m in
the soil. Preferably a grcm net with, 12 mm mesh size and 2mm twine diameter, with bamboo as
stnrcnrral framework could be used. The Iowa end of the net to about 60 cm below pond bottom
surface was buried to prevent the cscapc of crabs through burrows. The inner side of the upper
cnd of the cnclosum was lined with 30 cm wide thick plastic shed to v e n t crabs from
escaping over enclosun.

f:or bigger pens , the rungs arc 6 cm thick, 9 cm wide and 3.7 m long. These m g s are
nailed horimntally to the fencing strips and the posts, one at ground level, one in the middle.
and one rrbaut 0.3 m from the top of the fencing. A perimeter plankwalk either made of timber
planks or palm strips is connructed for easy movement amund the pen. Also, a small store is
ccmstructcd in between pns.

Fig. 5: Materials used for fencing


Inside the pen, perimeter drains of 0.6 to 0.9 m wide and 0.8 m deep are dug. Usually. a
snlall drain 0.3 m wide and 0.3 m deep is constructed across the pen. The soil dug out from the
perimctcr drains is accumulated at the foot of the fence to build a small bund. The perimeter
drain is linked to the inlet/outlet drain outside the pen. An 18 crn elbow PVC pipe is installed a
the entrance to the inlel/outlet drain with the elbow md on the inner side. The drains inside the
pen arc always filled with water. During high tide. the elbow end of the pipe is p d down to
allow fresh salt water to enter. The elbow end is pulled up during ebb tide. In pens located on
higher ground, there is a need to install water pipes and water pump to irrigate the pens during
the neap tide period when the tide cannot reach the area The pens an under the shade of the
mangroves and crabs will make holes in between the mangrove plants and stay in there during
low tide. Those bare areas when the mangrove plants have baar removed arc replanted using
mangrove cuttings. 'Ihis is to cnsutc a good canopy over the pars.

There are several types of cages including surface cages resting on bottom. submerged
cages and cages floating at water surface. The floating cage has been accepted as the most
appropriate type for Indian conditions and research on rearing of s e d . grow out. nutritional and
stocking requirements have been condoctd using them. Ideally, cages used for crab aquaculture
should be inexpensive, durable and easy to handle. Various shapes and sizes have been used

Shape and sizes

Round, ixtagonal. square or rectangular shapes do not nlake sigrlificanl differences.

However. commercial crab cages are rectangular. It is important that cage volume remains
relatively resistant to deformation by external forces. which could cause crowding, stress tind
mortality of stock. Static force is vertical which includes weight of cage and fouling.

The material used for framework is aluminium, galvanized iron or conduit-iron tube or
rigid PVC or HDPP pipes. Empty barrels and materials such as HDPP jerry cans or airtight PVC
pipes. fiberglass or Styrofoam floats are used as buoys to keep cages afloat. A bamboo
framework (cahialk). floated by empty-oil barrels, is built around a battery of cages or they are
freely floated with plastic cans in mid-water with some mooring device.

Fig 6: Mereat cage mesh mrteriilr

Collar and llatation system lor agu

Cage h e (collar) is for providing suppott to cage in water column. Many a g e

collars also serve as work platforms with floatation system. The simplest is constructed almost
entirely from wood or bamboo, which w e s as the rigid framework for maintaining shape of
bag and also supports wcight of the struch~rc. Other examples include empty and expanded
polyurcthanelpolystyrcne foam filled plastic and synthetic mbber pipes, which form basic
framework of collar I'he alternative is to select dense materials such as galvanized steel and
aluminium ulloj plpcs for strength, and to add supplementary flotation such as steeldrums or
hltrchs of expanded sjrithctic polymers. Such materials are, of course, considerably more
cxpenslvc, but have H life of 10 to 12 years. Rigid PE pipe, which is light, strong and highl~
rcsistcmt to rottltrp iind \kcathering filled with highdensity expanded poljurethane is least
prohlcmatir, und 1s commonly u s a l for circular collars in Western Europe.

13umhoo. balsa and lightwood logs. plastic (PV(') containers, steel and PVC drums used
oil dn~rns(pniritcd or coated with fiberglass) and ferro-cement blocks are commonly used for
flotation purpwe'. In sclrctiny type of flotation system, it will be necessary to consider the cost.
availahiiily. durahiliry, case of replacement, effectiveness in a particular situation and efficiencj
in relation lo investrnent is enclosure and value of fish contained.

Materials / Types for cages

Ramboo cages
'Ihc cage frames (6m x 1.5m) are constructed using straight green bamboo sticks
(J(ht~min diameter) for holding net bag in shape. The nylon net of 12mm mesh is stitched like a
bag of the size of the cage and hung within the frame. The top, one side is provided with a slit
which can be closed, for fcoding and for handling. Eight empty and sealed jerry cans (high
density p l y propylene (HDPP); capacity: 35 liter, tach) art tied at 1.5m height from the boaom
to the corner and side h a m b sticks an floated in wind protacd deepwater, after anchoring
with two stones on either side of the cage. The cage when would have an under water volume of
36m' with a fmbaord of 0.5m above wpter.
PVC flortisg ages
A rectangular cage (4m x 2m x 2m sizt) with knotted netting hag is tied to a
HDPPPVC pipe auto-floating Framework. The Frame is constructed from 70 to 90mm diameter
(6kg) rigid PVC pipe with appropriate right angle elbow at each comer. The pipe and elbow are
glued with PVC cement and joined airtight. The top of the cage bag is attached to the f i e ,
which also serve as a flotation device. Twelve, lOOg lead weights may be attached equidistantly
to netting at the bottom-line of the cage-bag to help retain its rectangular shape. The top of the
cage net is raised above water level to have a freehoard (about 30cm). by a light. Additional
supporting PVC frame or any other device.

Cage linkages and groupings

The number and arrangement of cages should depend on

Size of farm,
Area and nature of site
Shape and design of cage and linking system
Mooring constraints
Environmental consideration
Square and rectangular cages can be assembled in a variety of configuration. It is
recommended that for most sites although cage grouping may be 8 to I0 cages long, they should
be more than 2 cages wide. Their grouping together markedly reduce forces acting on individual
cages. The simplest type of linkage is with the rope or chain which is secured sufftciently tight
to reduce all motion , except in vertical plane in minimum. Rubber tires arc often lashed or
bolted between cages to act as fenders

The lines and anchors together form mooring system to secure cages in a desired
position. The moorings also influence stress acting on individual cage and its bchaviour in rough
weather and can affect the production. The mooring systtm can be single or multiple points.
Anchor .
chain ,11


Fig 7: Method of mooring the cage


thc mud crah rcmains a species with good potential for aquaculture due to its fast
protvth and pxK1 market acceptability and pricc. However a mud crab aquaculture operation
h saed production and prow-out phase. The larval
rcqtiircs \~gnificantcapital input for h ~ the
4ti1gc rcqulrc\ controlled ~.ondrticns~n a properly cquippcd hatcher) on a site with a source vf
h~phquullt) miwater Pond grow-our r~yuiresa substantial area of carthen ponds with access
Iargc \olumes of brnchishwaler. Advances in high density recirculating production systems ma!
rcmovc some of the constraints an area required and site abailobility. A grow-out operation
rlccds c\pcrtiu: and knowledge of husbandry of cmstaceans, water quality control, pond
manopcmcnt, nutrition, processing and marketing. Similarly culturing in pen and cage would
givc prolitahlc and more impetus to the crab fanning.

Kathincl, M. S. Kulasekmpandian and C.P. Balasuhnunanian. 2004. Mud crab culture in India
CIBA Bull., No. 17: 1 4 . 4 9
Srinivasagam. S. M, liathirvel and S. Kulasekarepandian. 2000. Captive stock develop men^
induced h d i n g and larval stages of mud crabs (Scylla spp.). CIBA Bull. No. 12: 1-26
Central Institute of Brackisbwater Aquaculture, Chennai.


The floating microscopic plants or phytoplankton, arc the micro-algae. which form the
basic food for most of the animals in aquatic ecosystem. They are unicellular and microscopic in
size. They are the primary producers of organic matter via photosynthesis. Since, micro-algae
are the biological starting point of the energy flow through the most important aquatic food
chain, the grazing food chain. it is logical that management of algal production is an integral part
of man) hatcheries operational. Micro-algae not only play an important part as a food source,
but. togcttlcr hactcria, they 31~0have an iniportant rolc in tlic oxygen and carbon dioxide balance
in the cultures. Recently more than 40 different species of micro-algae, isolated in different part5
of the world, are king used in intensive culture procedures. The most frequently used species
are ('huctnccros, Skeletonema .Wannochloropsis spp, Chlorella spp, Isochrysis galbana,
1sochq~si.s tahiti, h4onochr)sis lulheri. Tetraselmis suucica, Dunuliella spp and the

In hatcheries, shrimp larvae are fed on unicellular diatoms such as C'haetocerus and
Sklctonemu or nannoplanh?ers such as Isochysis and Tetraselmis. Unlike shrimp larvae, crab
Ian.= in the early stages of development are planktivorous feeding mainly on moplanktun for
which adequate quantity of quality live fted of required size, that can be injested by the larvae
should be made available during the larval rearing phase. The zooplanktons are reared in
different types of phytoplankton which include gr#n algae Chlorella sp, Nannochloropsis sp,
Isochtysis and Terraselmis sp.

So, pure cultures of the above organisms have to be continuously maintained in

controlled laboratory conditions to ensure a constant source of starter culture. Live feed culture
should be initiated at least two months prior to the spawning s e w n , to provide a continuous
supply of it for larval rearing. Hence mass culturc of these species is a pre-requisite for
succrssful hatchery opaation.
Algal culture involves two major aspects. They ac:

a) collection, isolation and purification of the requid species from the wild and
b) mass culture technique.

Criteria to be considered in tbe selection of micro-alp

1. S i x and feeding density

2. Motility and floating capacity
3. Nutritive value
4. 'The digestibility and absorptive. High nutritive value with poor digestibility is no
5 . Reproducibility -- It should he possible to produce in large quantities
0. ('ost should be low.
Fig. R

Fig.1: Skektoacma cartatam; Fig3 & 3 :Cbaetocctw sp.; Fig.4: Navicula up.;
Plankton an usually coll& by towing specially made ncts through watcr (Fig. 9).
I'he fine mesh net is made of bolting cloth, silk or nylon materials. The newly collected samples
arc illuminated to specimens alive. Thm the samples an treated with enriched medium suitable
for thc growth of particular algal species.

Isolation and Purification

Isolation of specific phytoplankton from the collected crude sample is a pre-requisite
for thc csaablishment o f unialgal culture. Several methods are employed in the isolation of single
cclls dcpcnding upon algal s i x and characteristics of the desired species.

Biological isola tian

Ihc type uses thc positive photoactive response of the organisms. J h e organism would
tcnd to concentrate towards the light source. The concentrated organisms are collected and
transptvtcd to stcrile seawater. This process may be repealed several times until unialgal cells are

Scria l dilution
Cmdc sample is diluted by means of series of transfer in tubes containing culture
mcdium (Fig. 10). When greatly diluted the tube may contain only one cell. The diluted sample
is then exposed to ambient temperature and light condition. Usually the dominant species in the
niixcd pcrpulolion arc the ones that arc successfully isolated.

Rtptatd subcultam
The principle of this type is thc same as that of serial dilution. The collected mixed
population is diluted to lower the number and kinds of organisms. TIK diluted sample is then
exposed to several media, different conditions of tcmpcnrhuc, light intensities. The species tha
favours the particular culture conditions will only grow in each culture vessel. This process can
be rtpcated until unialgal culture is achieved






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