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Speculate about why communication patterns appear to differ between genders

Merchant (2012) states that men and women differ psychologiclly in the way they act,

from the style in which they communicate to the way in which they attempt to influence others.

Such gender differences in comuniction nd influence tactis have greater impact in gender

diffecrences across leadership styles of men and women. One main difference between men and

women and their style of communcation is that men and women veiw the purpose of

converstations differently. Men use language to exert dominance and achieve tangibe outcomes

but female use it to enhance social connections and create relationships (Reeder, 1996). So,

women are more expressive, tentative, and polite in conversation but men are more assertive and

powe-hungry. Besides this, (Bell & Smith, 2014) wrote the characterisits that shows

communciaton patterns differs between gender are as follows: -

Men may be less likely to ask for information or directions in a public situation that would reveal

their lack of knowledge.

Man: I dont need to stop at the Green city hospital for directions. I can find the right street to

reach Grande Hospital.

Women: Why not stop and ask? It will save us time.

This happens so because man feels embrassing that they donot it. They want to impress their

paterner that they know everythings. Such habits of men does not work well in the

organizations. We must established the habits of constant readiness to ask and learn. It helps

people to explore new information and reliance on team members.

Women may tend to accept blame as a way of smoothing awkward situations. Men may tend to

ignore blame or place it elsewhere.

Woman: I probably didnt welcome our Japanese visitors exactly as I should have, but I tried to

be gracious and sincere.

Man: I met the Japanese visitors at the airport. Next time someone should tell me how and when

to bow.

As compare to female, men usually avoid personal accountability and transfer their mistake to

someone in the organization to protect them from they are careless (Kring & Gordon, 1998).


Bell, A. H., & Smith, D. M. (2014). Management communication. Delhi: Wiley.

Kring, A. M., & Gordon, A. H. (1998). Sex differences in emotion: Expression, experience and

physiology. Journal of Personality and Social Psyschology, 74(3), 686.

Merchant, K. (2012). How men and women differ: Gender differences in communication styles,

influence tactics, and leadership styles. CMC Senior Theses.

Reeder, H. M. (1996). A critical look at gender difference in communication research.

Communication Studies, 47(4), 318-330.

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