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Leo Horoscope For May 2017


The coming month of May could turn out to be a surprisingly important
career month for you, dear Leo. The new moon that appeared in
Taurus 6 degrees last month on April 26 energized your tenth house of
professional honors, awards, and achievement. The new moon will still
remain strong as you enter May. Venus is the planet that controls the
Leo solar career sector, and because you have Taurus, the sign that
Venus rules, at the top of your chart, the conversations Venus has with
other planets always matter to your career.

Venus was retrograde from March 5 to April 15, so that put a bit of a
monkey wrench in your attempts to get ahead. Now that changes, for
Venus is moving forward again and will reach full power by May 18
you may not have to wait that long to see a career victory. That new
moon of April 26 was to give your career a push.

Heres the problem with the new moon last month, April 26, in Taurus.
Venus was in hard angle to Saturn, so that configuration may have
already brought up an obstacle to your getting the new job or
promotion, and the barrier will be money. If this topic didnt come up
yet about a job you are discussing, it still might, as the new moon
carries the aspects forward, weeks ahead. Saturn will ask you to be
realistic and deal with what the VIPs say to you about salary and their
budgets, as what they say is likely to be true. They dont have any
money, or at least as much as you need them to pay you.

On the other hand, that new moon was receiving lovely beams from
Neptune, planet of creativity, so any opportunity that comes up in early
May will have plenty of room to insert your artistic contributions,
despite the fact you wont be able to get the high fee or salary you ask.
I always feel you should use all the points you have in your favor, and
all that you have contributed to the firms effort, to persuade VIPs to
give you the salary you want.

Concurrent to this new moon, you will have Saturn lending his fine
stabilizing energies to Mercury, the planet of agreements and
communication. Mercury was retrograde in April but will turn direct May
3 so in every way, life is getting better. At the same time, Uranus, the
planet of innovation and genius, ruling your partners and collaborators,
will be friendly. It appears you might need a headhunter, job broker, or
lawyer to make introductions so that you can win the job you dearly
want. Mercury is also the ruler of your sector of salary, which now
should bring good news. Search for opportunities in early May. If you
do, the universe this month will help you get to where you want to be.

I cannot see all that is going on in your natal chart from where I sit
(including the actions of your unique 8 natal planets plus your Sun and
natal moon). If you know your chart, you would be wise to check what I
wrote for your rising sign too in your May forecast. Treat the rising sign
and Sun sign as precisely equal. If you do not know your rising sign,
and wish you did, I can help by writing a full analysis of your birth chart,
a full 65-page book that I write one at time, just for you, through print-
on-demand technology. You will need to know your exact time of birth,
to the minute. You can have a bound book by mail, or a color PDF if
you prefer, sent quickly by email. For information, go to

May 9 may turn out to be a wonderful day for you to discuss a work
project, thanks to an alignment of the Sun, your ruling planet, and
Pluto, a highly financial project, now touring your sixth house of work
projects. You are likely to come to a quick conclusion together, and it
seems you have a good chance of being given the assignment.

The full moon May 10 in Scorpio 20 degrees will immediately switch

your attention to your home. Something is coming to fullness there
concerning a possible move or renovation, repair, cleaning, or
maintenance project, or a decor upgrade. It seems certain that an
ongoing domestic project will be coming to a conclusion now. If you
have been trying to buy a house or condo, or sell one, or if you need to
find a roommate, want to buy furniture, an appliance or an electronic
item, you can do that very successfully within four days of the full

It may help to know that Mercury was retrograde last month from April
9 but will go direct May 3. With each passing day beyond May 3,
Mercury will get stronger, back to former strength, which will happen by
May 20. You can buy electronic things as soon as May 7 or so, leaving
space from May 3, confident you will be pleased with your choices and
about how well the product performs.

If you are not focused on your living space mid-month, you will be able
to find an answer for a pressing question involving one of your parents
or another family member. You may have searched during the past two
months to find an agreeable solution, but now, one will be at hand.

Quick short travel may come up

after the new moon May 25,
and it will bring a needed
change it will be like opening
the window and letting the
sunshine and fresh air in.
Now lets turn to Mars, the active planet that the ancient astrologers
called the timekeeper of the zodiac. They called Mars that because
Mars strongly focuses you on the one area he visits. Now in Gemini,
and lighting your eleventh house of friends, fun, events, and
networking with new people, you will love this new influence, which will
be light and breezy and a good change from all the heavier emphasis
on career and home / family. You have not seen this area of your chart
lit up so brightly by Mars for two years. To add to the emphasis on
friends and social groups, a new moon is about to give it lots of oomph.

Travel would be lovely option over the long weekend May 12 through
May 14, when Mars will be beautifully oriented to Jupiter. See if you
can take a drive into the country. This will be Mothers Day in the US,
so if you live her, you may be visiting the person who means so much
to you.

If you need to sign a contract, do so on May 12, for the same reason
its a great day for you, and profits should ensue.
The new moon May 25, in Gemini, 5 degrees, will further light this
same area of your chart. If you were thinking of joining a club, whether
social or professional, do so after the new moon arrives. You will be
invited to events parties, a wedding, a group dinner, an exciting
athletic game, a trade show, networking opportunity, lecture, or a
charity event. You might want to head up a fundraiser, or join a rally to
help get a political candidate you believe in get elected. Anytime
people gather for a united purpose, it is an eleventh house matter, and
thats the area so highlighted for you late this month.

Jupiter, the good fortune planet, will be close enough to that new moon
to be helpful, and Jupiter is in your third house of travel, so you see,
you have plenty for emphasis for packing your bags and seeing new

Quick short travel may come up after the new moon May 25, and it will
bring a needed change it will be like opening the window and letting
the sunshine and fresh air in. You seem to need to travel a short
distance for a work-oriented deal, but youll enjoy being out of town,
and you may also be able to take a quick fun trip for personal reasons

A new moon in Gemini will be a wonderful moment to launch a smart

phone app, have letterhead and business cards printed, launch an
advertising publicity campaign, or buy software or new computer
equipment for another communications-oriented project. If you love to
write and feel you have a book or screenplay in you, by all means
begin after May 25 and keep writing as long as the project takes you
you may have something valuable to offer the world.

In terms of love, Venus in Aries is a perfect place for Venus to be for

you, for Aries is a fellow fire sign. Venus is based in a travel house, so
it follows that romance and travel go together like cup and saucer this
month. You have been dealing with Saturn in Sagittarius for two-and-a-
half years, a place that tends to cause enforced separations. You may
have found that your sweetheart works hard all the time, and its hard
to get to see one another. An example would be if your partner is a
medical resident or currently in graduate or law school, or it may be
your partner needs to travel a great deal, and you cant seem to be in
the same city often.

A less optimistic possibility would be if your partner, or you, are not

available, if one of you is still married. Saturn is testing the
determination of your union, and the test will be over December 20,
2017. The end of this frustration is near, and no one will be able to tell
you how this will go, for the final decision about what to do will be up to
you. Watch August, when the eclipses are due to come by, when you
will make a decision about the person you are dating, but also a time
when you will come closer to knowing what will make you happy.

You have an exciting month in store, dear Leo lots of action is

coming your way in career, home, and family-related matters, and in
terms of friends, parties, and travel, as well as other activities. Its a far
better month than youve had in a long time, and June will be better
yet. Its all good, dear Leo!


This is a major month to break away from pack and go for the gold in
your career. To get ahead, you need a friendly new moon in your
house of honors, awards, and achievement a new moon that occurs
there once a year and you just received that new moon several days
before the dawning of May. That new moon, in Taurus, lit the loftiest
part of your horoscope, associated with prestigious career promotion,
and will be very active during the first week of May. That new moon
can coax higher-ups to open doors for you, for it will send a sparkling
signal to Neptune, boosting your creativity in a noticeable way. It will
also signal to you that you will likely get a good opportunity to grow
your income from the project or promotion, new job, or new business
you take on now.

Venus is no longer retrograde, and in May is steadily gaining strength,

to reach full strength May 18. Venus rules your career, so this is
fantastic timing that Venus is growing stronger now. When Venus lags,
as you had in March and April, you had to find the strength within to
overcome obstacles or battle against the apathy of people whose
support you need.

This wont be a month that is only about career advancement. It seems

supremely balanced because the full moon of May 10 will put a strong
emphasis on your home and family. If you have been working on a
move or renovation, or a beautiful home design project, it will likely
come to fullness now and end. If you need to buy or sell property, you
will likely agree on a price and move forward. You will be pleased with
your results, for Neptune will smile at this full moon. If your focus has
not been on your physical space, but instead on your family most
likely a parent you can come up with fresh ideas to help your mother
or father, and within four days of May 10 you will conclude the matter.

Friends will play an important role in May as well, for Mars, the action
planet, will bring invitations to parties, dinners, club events, charity
fundraisers, or art openings. Mars will lay the groundwork for a happier
social life, and it will grow even bigger after the new moon in
compatible Gemini, May 25.

A new moon like the one May 25 can energize the house in which it
falls for weeks and months to come, so you have plenty to look forward
to soon. In fact, you may decide to travel with your friends and enjoy
every minute of your time away. If you like to write and feel you have a
novel or screenplay within you, start in earnest after the new moon in
Gemini, and consider having a friend work with you as a writing
partner. Or, you may find excellent help and advice by joining a
professional club.

Saturn and Uranus will be beautifully aligned this month a rare

aspect that will prevail throughout 2017 but be especially strong near
May 18 and November 11. A similar alignment involving these two
planets will not occur again until 2047, and at that time, both will be in
different signs and houses. For you, Leo, with Uranus in your ninth
house, you may find a long-distance trip gives you a completely new
perspective and transforms your creativity in a magical way. Venus will
be in fire-sign Aries all May, a perfect place for Venus to be for you, so
being on distant shores would certainly fan the fires of love. Clearly,
after the new moon, May 25, plan an awe-inspiriting trip youve long
wanted to take it could be life changing.
Cancer Horoscope For May 2017

If you felt like you were stuck in glue and finding it hard to make any
progress, that will change dramatically now. Mercury, the planet of
communication, contracts, commerce, and negotiation, has been
retrograde since April 9. People whose approvals you have needed so
that you could move forward were continually out of reach or
completely indecisive. High tech items and software were down or hard
to fix, and you found yourself at the repair shop and endless hours on
the phone with high tech and airline customer support. All that is
changing now. The tempo of your life is picking up and you will start to
see evidence of this as soon in Mays first week.

Not only was Mercury retrograde, but his sister, Venus, had been
retrograde too, from March 5 to April 15. Because Venus rules
Cancers solar fourth house of home, you may have felt indecisive or
stymied about your living situation. Now options will appear that had
not been possible before. When any planet changes direction from
retrograde to direct, it will need to ramp up to former strength. Venus
will be fully strong and healthy on May 18, and Mercury, by May 20.

You wont have to wait quite that long, not unless you have a major
initiation on the agenda. If you need a small electronic (covered by
Mercury), you can start shopping as soon as May 7, but if it is
something big, like an expensive desktop computer or the purchase or
lease of a new car, then wait until May 20. If you are buying small
accessories or other items for your home, you can do that now, but if
you are closing on the sale of a house or condo, wait as long as
possible, until May 18 or beyond. The longer you wait, up to May 18,
the stronger Venus will be.

The new moon that appeared April 26 will still be strong as you enter
May. It will gently light your friendship / people / events sector, and that
means you will have more fun interactions with friends and new people
in coming weeks. A new moon in Taurus suggests the events will be
beautiful and quite heavenly, with good food, flowers, and possibly
even music. I love that Neptune will be sending a silvery vibration to
this new moon, adding a dream-like quality to any celebration you
attend. It may be a personal event or a professional trade show party
or awards dinner. Be sure to go to any event that comes across your
desk in early May. Considering the stress that youve been under
during the past two months, you need a little fun, so this new moon will
help provide that.

I need to add one little footnote to that new moon that is coloring April
26 to May 10. The ruler of the new moon in Taurus is Venus. And
Venus is now gliding in the late degrees of Pisces and will be in hard
angle to Saturn in Sagittarius. This means you may have to work and
finish up projects before you can accept a social invitation. Saturn
makes us realistic, so no doubt you will see the reason for having to
work late and to keep your eyes on the road. A new moon is strong for
ten days, leading you into May with this vibration, so you may still get a
chance to see friends. With Mercury and Venus now direct, chances
are good that you will find a way to have your cake and eat it too.

Things are about to get wonderful for you at the full moon in Scorpio,
20 degrees on May 10. Love will be in the air, and feelings will be
coming to fullness, within four days of this date. Again, Neptune will
hover, sprinkling this full moon with pixie dust. May 10 will be your best
moment of the month, and it will extend for a plus or minus four days.
While this full moon is likely to help you most if you are single, if you
are attached, you will enjoy the romantic implications too. I say that
because Pluto, now in your seventh house of marriage and committed
relationship sector, will be wildly helpful. Within the four days that
follow, it will be an ideal time to get engaged or married (May 13-14) or
to plan a highly romantic weekend with the one you love.
If your birthday falls on July 11, plus or minus four days, you will benefit
the most from this full moon. The same is true if you have Cancer
rising, the natal moon in Cancer, or a natal planet in Cancer, Scorpio,
Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn at 20 degrees, plus or minus five

Mars is now in Gemini, so it appears you are working on ideas that will
be shown soon, but not quite yet. You seem to have some work to do
on the project, and before you will show it to the world, you will want to
tweak elements of the project. Present your ideas, product, or services
when Mars moves to Cancer, June 4 to July 20 during any one of
those days during the six-week span.

Your career should be coming along beautifully. Venus is in your tenth

house of honors, awards, and achievement, indicating you are
enjoying great popularity with VIPs. On May 9, Mercury will conjoin
Uranus and light your mind with 100,000 points of light. Its a superb
day to do brainstorming for experimental, untried ideas. Your creativity
will be very high, and the full moon of May 10 will enlarge your
imagination. On this day, present an idea to a group or a client.

You do have more specific days that will allow you to advance in a big
way. Offer a creative idea during the first two weeks, when you will
have the greatest chance of getting the favor of VIPs for your ideas.
One day that will stand out will be when Pluto aligns with the Sun on
May 9, a day mentioned above for idea-generation. It is special for
another reason. Pluto rules your fifth house of creative ideas, so its the
perfect day to contact an influential person to help you get your idea off
the ground.

Things are about to get

wonderful for you at the full
moon on May 10. Love will be
in the air, and feelings will be
coming to fullness.
Another great day for career advancement will be Friday, May 12,
when Mars will align with Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck. A
confidential source may give you the tip, so follow up on any possible
career matter that you will hear on this day. If you have an appointment
for an interview on May 12, youll make a fine impression. Mars rules
your house of honors, awards, and achievement, so the deal on the
table will be an enticing one, filled with prestige and profit. Your
creative ideas will be at peak form, and lauded on this magical day.

Your third golden career day when you should see outstanding
professional progress will be Tuesday, May 30 (for American readers,
thats the day AFTER the big US holiday, Memorial Day.) On this day,
Mars will contact Uranus, planet of surprise, and could trigger a large
sum of money and it would be money you do not expect.

Now I want to tell you about a rare aspect, Saturn in perfect angle to
Uranus. This is happening throughout 2017, and wont happen again in
a similar fashion until 2047. It is that rare! Uranus is the planet of
change and surprise, and is currently in your tenth house of career,
achievement, and fame, and Saturn is currently in your workaday
project sector. These two planets will be in constant touch with each
other. Saturn and Uranus move so slowly that they will be within orb
throughout 2017, and will hit exact mathematical aspect on May 18
and again on November 11 of this year. The point is, they dont have to
reach perfect aspect to be helpful to you, as this will be true all year.
What does this mean for you exactly?

This tells me that taking a judicious risk in your career is likely to pay
off. You may have done this earlier in 2017 as Uranus and Saturn
began helping each other at the end of December 2016, or you may
still make a change sometime in the remaining months of 2017. Saturn
is in your everyday project sector, so when you make the change, you
are likely to learn a new skill, and it will be one within your area of
expertise. Some of Saturns tutoring may be hard to master, but you
can learn it with just a little extra effort. Saturn never gives us more
than you can handle. Saturn is IN your sixth house of assignments but
RULES your seventh house, so an agent, partner, or middleman
seems to be an asset to you. Uranus is transiting your house of career.

The month ends with you craving rest, away from the madding crowds.
Again, just like Mars urged you earlier in the month to tweak your
plans, presentations, or ideas, and refine your projects before
displaying them, the new moon on May 25 will echo the same idea
wait to make your presentation. You will do so much better next month
once Mars gets to Cancer on June 4.

That time of the month will be superb because Jupiter will send golden
beams to the Sun on June 3, one of the best days of the season, and
you will see some spill over to June 2, 4, and 5 too.

Mars will remain in Cancer until July 20. Then looking ahead, more
control will come to you at the new moon in Cancer next month, June

As you see, next month will be quite special for you both socially,
romantically, and professionally, so the difficulties that you experienced
in March and April will melt away. Also, next month, you will have
Venus in Taurus, a great place for the planet of love to be for you.
Venus will be in Taurus from June 6 to July 4. As you see, you are
moving into an even better month in June.


Its May and its time to break free and give yourself permission to have
fun. Your lighter change of mood first started to become evident after
the soft, gentle new moon, April 26, which coaxed you to socialize
then, and will continue to do so in early to mid-May. Not only will
friends help you unwind, but also a friend may give you a career tip
you may want to follow up on. In all ways, friends will be good for you
this month.

Adding to the idea of giving yourself permission to let go will be the

brilliant full moon, May 10, in Scorpio, to energize your fifth house of
true love. This full moon is unusually special because it will send a
shimmering beam to Neptune in your house of long-distance travel. If
you can get away to take a romantic trip, go near the full moon. Mars,
the planet of action, is actually moving through a weak part of the
chart, indicating you need the rest, so this would be the right time to go
Once Mars enters Cancer, from June 4 to stay until July 20, you wont
get a moment to breathe youll be on your skate board and moving at
the speed of light. Everyone, it seems, will need your attention, so
while you can go, May would be the best time for you to go on

On May 9, the Sun and Pluto will be in divine harmony, possibly

resulting in a generous sum of money earmarked for you. Another gold
star day for your career will be Friday, May 12, when Mars and Jupiter
align, bringing outstanding news for your career. The other day that will
be great for career will be May 30, when Mars and Uranus will be in
sync. A large sum of money may come to you that you would not
expect to see.

You will need to do a lot of behind-closed-doors tweaking of your ideas

for now, for those ideas wont be ready to show until June 4, the day
when Mars moves to Cancer. As you see, the glittering days this
month, May 9, May 12, and May 30, will be strung together like pearls
on a necklace each day will influence the other and allow your good
fortune to glow gradually and brighter.

Venus was retrograde in March and April, and although orbiting direct
now, Venus will be turning to full power by May 18. This will help your
social life, but as said, it looks like you will do just fine in this
department as you enter May. Venus return to full power by May 18
will also help you make decisions about your home living situation too.

When it comes to love, the full moon on May 10 has your name written
all over it. You will have career success AND love and friendship. It will
be hard to beat your star power in May.

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