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Religion God(s) Origin Spread/Shared

Mediterranean Sea

omes civilization is a very we still use entertainment today or
interesting way to live. Many we would not have TV or phones.
years ago in 753 BC, Rome Lets just say entertainment is big.
was discovered in Italy. Rome has
Roman civilization
made many achievements such as
capered to Islamic civilization is way
the aquaduct. Did you know that
different. Rome used all science, but
Rome had many great leaders?
Islam was mainly focused on
Anyways I hope you enjoy your trip to
astronomy. Rome was mainly about
art and poetry. While Islam used
One achievement for say is the mainly Astronomy and math. Rome
aquaduct. The aquaduct brought at that time and the united today are
water from 40 miles away. This a lot alike. We both use science and
achievement is great because it took art. The only difference would be that
water from mountains to the city. we have a president, and Rome and
Would you rather walk to go get the kings and dictators. Islam was very
water? No, we sadly do not use the different from Rome and U.S. was
aquaducts anymore, because we alike with Rome.
have plumbing. The aquaduct was
Civilization should win the
great while it lasted.
award because we have many great
Another achievement would be achievements, such as
entertainment. Entertainment such entertainment. The aquaduct is
as lions and gladiators needed another great achievement. And no
somewhere to show off their talent. two civilizations are exactly the same,
So the colosseum was built. It has except the united states is a lot alike
water ways and trap doors for the Rome. Wouldnt you say that my
loins. It has seating and shade. Yes, civilization should win?
Buddhism Is a common religion. Buddhism does not really have a god, they worship
Buddha. Buddha is a man, from India, who is believed to have brought peace. Siddhartha
The aquaduct brought water from
Gautama was spreading around Buddhism after he came back from his journey. Siddhartha Back
search for wisdom, gave Siddhartha peace, which caused the spread of Buddhism. to
Buddhism has two main ways of life, The Four Noble Truths, and The Eightfold Path. top

Buddhism is a well-known peaceful religion.

B Greek mythology was a popular religion in Greece. People believe that there were many
c gods, and each god controlled something. For example, Hades was the god of the
k underworld, and Aphrodite the goddess of love. Each god was believed to have cause
t something, every lighting storm, every war. Even though a lot of myths were about the
gods, but some were not. Some Myths were about gods, such as the one about Hercules.
o Even special games were given, and still go out today! The Olympics are a well-known
p game throughout the whole world! It originally starts in Greece as a tribute to the gods.
Greece has brought all of us a lot of things.
Although Greek mythology and Buddhism may seem completely different, they are also
alike. Both religions want to have peace. Buddhism and Greek mythology want world
peace; only Greek mythology believes in getting it a different way. Greeks believe in to
making the gods happy. Even though they are alike in ways there also different. Such as the top
number of gods, Buddhism has one and Greek mythology has many. Everything even
religions are never the same.
Have you ever thought what are one of the commonly used religions? Well, one commonly
Back known religion is Christianity. Christianity originally came from Rome. Christianity is the
to belief in one god. It was spread by Jesus claimed to be at the last supper. Christian people
are commonly called Christians. It is believed that Jesuss mother was a virgin mother,
blessed by god to have his child. That is the common religion of Christianity.
Judaism was just like Christianity, but in many ways different. For Judaism may believe in
one god, it is not Jesus. Yes, Judaism believe Jesus is real but they believe Moses is the one
that saved them. They believe that Jesus does not love them but only that he gave them to
Moses to lead them. Just like the Christians have a name, Judaism has one to, they are top
called Jew. Judaism started in Israel, and was spread by mosses. Judaism is now one of the
worlds commonly used religions.

Back Though it may seem like Judaism and Christianity may have a lot in common, they really
to dont. One believes to have Jesus as their savior and the other believes that Moses is their
top savor. One believes god gives them everything they pray for and one believes that god
gave them suffering and that he doesnt care about them. That the differences and
commons of Judaism and Christianity.
Boy had an
education & most
lives are not
dedicated to the

-Women are staying home to love their children!!!

-You had only been in the army for 2 years! 18-20
-Boy had an education & most lives are not
dedicated to the army

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