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UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO until released) 1 Table of Contents

..................2 Our
..3 Security
...4 Threat
stability ............................................................................................7
Activities of China, Russia, and
Iran...............................................................7 Defending our
Southern Approaches...................................................................11
Countering threat
networks...........................................................................11 Preparing
for and responding to disasters and crises..................................17
Building relationships to meet global
challenges .........................................23 Conducting detention
operations...................................................................27 Harnessing
Innovation and Taking Care of our People ....................................28
..................35 UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO until released) 2

Chairman McCain, Ranking Member Reed, and distinguished

Members of the Committee: thank you for the opportunity to address
you today. On behalf of the men and women of U.S. Southern
Command (USSOUTHCOM), we appreciate your support to our team
and to our partners in Central America, South America, and the
Caribbean. I look forward to providing an update on our work defending
the southern approaches to the U.S. homeland and promoting regional
security and stability. Although other regions may figure more
prominently on U.S. foreign policy and national security agendas, Latin
America and the Caribbean is the region most connected to our own
society, prosperity, and security. We are inextricably linked by our
shared values, cultures, and the rapid flows of goods, services, people,
and information throughout our hemisphere. Coupled with geographic
proximity, these interconnections mean theres no such thing as a
purely Latin American and Caribbean problem. Simply stated,
security challenges in the region are likely to become security
challenges to the U.S. homeland. Just consider the following. Threat
networks aggressively operate across borders (including our own),
moving anything and anyone and fueling violent crime on the streets of
Tegucigalpa and Tucson. Individuals from across the worldsome
fleeing conflict and insecurity, some seeking economic opportunity, and
some with possible ties to terrorismcan exploit the regions security
vulnerabilities to attempt illegal entry into the United States. A
mosquito-borne virus crosses an ocean and causes a regional and
domestic health crisis. China, Russia, and Iran seek to expand their
influence and challenge the international order and democratic
principles of transparency, good governance, and rule of law abroad
and much closer to home. UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO until released) .

3 Although USSOUTHCOM has a tradition of excellence in interagency

and regional cooperation, we believe business as usual is no longer
sufficient to address these types of transregional challenges, or to
embrace transregional opportunities. Higher-level guidance also
demands we adjust our approach; the National Military Strategy directs
the entire Joint Force to work in a more integrated manner to address
the increasingly transnational, transregional, multidomain, and
multifunctional nature of todays security challenges. In response,
USSOUTHCOM is becoming a more agile organization and redoubling
our commitment toand integration withour partners. This isnt a
matter of altruism; its a matter of our national interests, because in this
uncertain world our security partnerships are more important than ever
before. Trust and understanding cant be surged when crisis hits, and
complex threats cant be addressed by any one nation or agency. Mr.
Chairman, its simple, really: our security partnerships help create a
layered defense of our homeland by keeping our shared home stable
and secure. OUR APPROACH USSOUTHCOMs main effort is
countering threat networks. We also prepare for and respond to
disasters and crises; and we build relationships to meet global
challenges. We employ a networked approach that stops threats before
they reach our nations borders, destabilize our partners, or undermine
the security of the Western Hemisphere. Our components and task
forcesU.S. Army South, U.S. Air Forces Southern/12th Air Force,
U.S. Naval Forces Southern Command/U.S. Fourth Fleet, U.S. Marine
Corps Forces South, U.S. Special Operations Command South, Joint
Interagency Task Force (JIATF) South, Joint Task Force (JTF) Bravo,
and JTF Guantnamo (GTMO)are often at the forefront of these
efforts, and we appreciate the Committees continued support to the
entire USSOUTHCOM team. UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO until released)

(Traduccin Libre)

SIN CLASIFICAR (FOUO hasta su liberacin)

1 ndice

Introduccin ....................................... Unesdoc.unesco.org

unesdoc.unesco.org .....................

Nuestro enfoque .......................... Unesdoc.unesco.org


Ambiente de seguridad ........................ Unesdoc.unesco.org

unesdoc.unesco.org ....................

Redes de amenazas ........................... Unesdoc.unesco.org

unesdoc.unesco.org ..................

Estabilidad regional ............................. Unesdoc.unesco.org


Actividades de China, Rusia e

Irn ............................ ...................................

Defendiendo nuestros Enfoques del Sur .......... Unesdoc.unesco.org

unesdoc.unesco.org .......

Contra las redes de

amenazas ....................................... ....................................

Preparacin y respuesta ante desastres y crisis ..... . ............................

Construyendo relaciones para enfrentar desafos globales ...............

Realizar operaciones de detencin ....................

Aprovechar la innovacin Y el cuidado de nuestra gente .................

Requisitos ...... Unesdoc.unesco.org unesdoc.unesco.org
Unesdoc.unesco.org unesdoc.unesco.org

Conclusin ................................................ Unesdoc.unesco.org

SIN CLASIFICAR (FOUO hasta su liberacin) 2


Presidente McCain, Miembro de la Clasificacin Reed y distinguidos

miembros de la Comisin: gracias por la oportunidad de dirigirme a
ustedes hoy. En nombre de los hombres y mujeres del Comando Sur
de los Estados Unidos (USSOUTHCOM), agradecemos su apoyo a
nuestro equipo ya nuestros socios en Amrica Central, Amrica del
Sur y el Caribe. Espero con inters proporcionar una actualizacin de
nuestro trabajo de defensa de los enfoques del sur de la patria de los
EE.UU. y la promocin de la seguridad regional y la estabilidad.
Aunque otras regiones pueden figurar ms prominentemente en las
agendas de poltica exterior y seguridad nacional de los Estados
Unidos, Amrica Latina y el Caribe es la regin ms conectada con
nuestra propia sociedad, prosperidad y seguridad. Estamos
inextricablemente unidos por nuestros valores compartidos,
nuestras culturas y los rpidos flujos de bienes, servicios,
personas e informacin en todo el hemisferio. Junto con la
proximidad geogrfica, estas interconexiones significan que no
hay tal cosa como un problema puramente "latinoamericano y
caribeo". En pocas palabras, los desafos de seguridad en la regin
probablemente se convertirn en desafos de seguridad para la patria
de los Estados Unidos. Basta con considerar lo siguiente.

Las redes de amenazas operan agresivamente a travs de las

fronteras (incluida la nuestra), moviendo cualquier cosa y cualquier
persona y alimentando el crimen violento en las calles de Tegucigalpa
y Tucson. Algunos individuos de todo el mundo -algunos que huyen del
conflicto y de la inseguridad, algunos buscan oportunidades
econmicas y otros con posibles vnculos con el terrorismo- pueden
explotar las vulnerabilidades de seguridad de la regin para intentar
ingresar ilegalmente a Estados Unidos. Un virus transmitido por
mosquitos cruza un ocano y provoca una crisis sanitaria regional y
domstica. China, Rusia e Irn tratan de expandir su influencia y
desafiar el orden internacional y los principios democrticos de
transparencia, buen gobierno y estado de derecho en el
extranjero, y mucho ms cerca de casa. SIN CLASIFICAR (FOUO
hasta su liberacin)

3 Aunque el USSOUTHCOM tiene una tradicin de excelencia en la

cooperacin interinstitucional y regional, creemos que el "business
as usual" ya no es suficiente para abordar este tipo de desafos
transregionales o para aprovechar las oportunidades
transregionales. La orientacin de nivel ms alto tambin exige
que adaptemos nuestro enfoque; La Estrategia Militar Nacional
ordena a toda la Fuerza Conjunta que trabaje de manera ms
integrada para abordar el carcter cada vez ms transnacional,
transregional, multidominio y multifuncional de los desafos
actuales de seguridad. En respuesta, USSOUTHCOM se est
convirtiendo en una organizacin ms gil y redoblando nuestro
compromiso-e integracin con-nuestros socios. Esto no es una
cuestin de altruismo; Es una cuestin de nuestros intereses
nacionales, porque en este mundo incierto nuestras asociaciones de
seguridad son ms importantes que nunca. La confianza y la
comprensin no pueden surgir cuando la crisis llega, y las complejas
amenazas no pueden ser abordadas por ninguna nacin o agencia. Sr.
Presidente, es simple, en realidad: nuestras alianzas de seguridad
ayudan a crear una defensa en capas de nuestra patria manteniendo
nuestra casa compartida estable y segura.


El principal esfuerzo de USSOUTHCOM es contrarrestar las

redes de amenazas. Tambin nos preparamos para responder a
desastres y crisis; Y construimos relaciones para enfrentar
desafos globales. Empleamos un enfoque en red que detiene las
amenazas antes de que lleguen a las fronteras de nuestra nacin
desestabilicen a nuestros socios o socaven la seguridad del
Hemisferio Occidental. Nuestros componentes y fuerzas de trabajo-
U.S. Ejrcito del Sur, Fuerzas Areas de los EE.UU. Sur / 12a
Fuerza Area, Comando Sur de las Fuerzas Navales de los EE.UU.
La Cuarta Flota, las Fuerzas del Cuerpo de Marines de los
Estados Unidos del Sur, el Comando de Operaciones Especiales
del Sur de los Estados Unidos, el Grupo de Trabajo
Interinstitucional Conjunto (JIATF) Sur, el Grupo de Trabajo
Conjunto (JTF) Bravo y la JTF Guantnamo (GTMO) -estn a
menudo a la vanguardia de estos esfuerzos; Apreciar el apoyo
continuo del Comit a todo el equipo del USSOUTHCOM. SIN
CLASIFICAR (FOUO hasta su liberacin)


(Los Desafos) Redes de Amenazas. Seor Presidente, Seoras, si yo

compareciera ante ustedes en 1987, 1997 o incluso 2007, les dira que
el narcotrfico es el desafo de seguridad ms importante en Amrica
Latina y el Caribe. Pero es 2017, y las drogas -o cualquiera de las
mercancas ilegales que se mueven a travs de nuestro hemisferio- no
son lo nico que tenemos que preocuparnos. Los flujos ilcitos de
bienes y personas y la violencia y corrupcin que estos flujos
alimentan en el pas y en el extranjero son las manifestaciones visibles
de amenazas complejas, adaptativas y en red. Las redes de
amenazas transnacionales y transnacionales constituyen ahora la
principal amenaza para la seguridad y la estabilidad regionales. Estas
redes operan sin restricciones por lmites legales y geogrficos, sin
impedimentos por la moral, y alimentadas por enormes beneficios. Sus
intereses, influencia, capacidades y alcance se extienden ms all de
las responsabilidades de cualquier Comando Geogrfico o
Combatiente Funcional, socavando nuestros intereses nacionales en
mltiples dominios y muchas regiones. Se aprovechan de instituciones
dbiles y explotan la naturaleza interconectada de nuestros modernos
sistemas financieros, de transporte y comunicacin y las costuras en
nuestras fronteras organizacionales.
1 Las redes de amenazas participan en una serie de actividades
ilcitas desestabilizadoras que fomentan ideologas peligrosas o
generan ganancias. Organizaciones extremistas violentas como ISIS
buscan radicalizar y reclutar poblaciones vulnerables en el Caribe y
partes de Amrica Central y del Sur. Los miembros, facilitadores y
partidarios de Hezbollah participan en actividades lcitas e ilcitas 1
Convergencia: redes ilcitas y seguridad nacional en la era de la
globalizacin. Shane Crawford, quien anima a los partidarios de ISIS a
atacar a los gobiernos y civiles de Estados Unidos y Trinidad y
Trinidad, citando a posibles objetivos en California, Florida, Y Francia.
SIN CLASIFICAR (FOUO hasta su liberacin)

In support of the organization, moving weapons, cash, and other

contraband to raise funds and build Hezbollahs infrastructure in the
region. Criminal networks, in contrast, are motivated by wealth and
power. Some are globallyintegrated enterprises with worldwide reach
and profit margins that rival Fortune 500 companies. Some smuggle
precursor chemicals and fentanyl from China into Central America and
Mexico, where they produce extremely potent heroin that is driving
overdose epidemics across the United States. Other networks move
large shipments of cocaine to markets in the U.S., West Africa, Europe,
and Australia, while some reap enormous profits by illegally mining
gold in Guyana, Peru, and Colombia. Many dabble in poly-crime
activities, including kidnapping, money laundering, and extortion. Still
other networks have diversified into the smuggling of weapons and
people, including individuals who pose a potential threat to national
securitythrough the region and into the United States. Although each
of these activities undermines regional security, the most dangerous
scenario is that terrorist organizations will exploit criminal capabilities or
human smuggling routes to enter the United States. The most chilling
manifestation, of course, is the possibility that terrorists with chemical
or biological weaponsor the knowledge of how to build and employ
themwill move through the region and attempt to infiltrate our
Southwest border. This potential threat raises the question of criminal-
terrorist collusion, which has been a topic of significant debate within
the U.S. government. Id like to share my view on the subject.
Conventional wisdom downplays the possibility that criminal and
terrorist networks would actively collaborate in this part of the world.
Observers are correct when they say that drug traffickers are likely
reluctant to work with terrorists, and vice-versa. But here are the
UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO until released)

6 shortcomings I and many of our interagency partners see with this

view: it presumes criminal networks exercise absolute oversight and
control over their smuggling routes. It presumes they conduct thorough
background checks and screen everyone and everything that moves
along the regions illicit superhighways. It presumes that just because
witting collaboration might not take place, unwitting collaboration
couldnt. While this scenario may be unlikely, we and our partners know
it is also not totally impossible. Mr. Chairman, I think about those
smuggling routes that thread through our southern approaches and
into our homeland. Despite the heroic efforts of law enforcement, these
are highly efficient systems that can move just about anything and
anyone into our country. And what keeps me up at night is knowing Im
not the only one thinking about those routesextremist networks like
ISIS are thinking about them too, and how to use them. Ultimately, the
argument about whether criminal and terrorist networks collaborate or
keep their distance from one another in Latin America distracts from
the most important point. Both groups inhabit the same illegal orbits.
They both seek to circumvent or subvert the rule of law. They both
exploit the same permissive environment and could use the same key
facilitators (money launderers, document forgers, and corrupt officials)
to support their operations. By affecting the permissive environment,
functions, and enabling activities that both types of networks rely on,
we can help degrade criminal and terrorist networks alike. ISIS
dedicated an article in DABIQ to discussing a scenario in which ISIS
followers could exploit already established trafficking networks to make
their way to our Southwest border. UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO until
7 Regional Stability. In addition to the challenge posed by threat
networks, Latin America and the Caribbean are also vulnerable to
disasters, including earthquakes, hurricanes, droughts, and the
outbreak of infectious diseases with the potential for secondary impact
in the United States. Varying prevention, management, and response
capabilities in the regioncoupled with underlying challenges like
chronic poverty and economic insecuritycan amplify the impact of
disasters, contributing to other push factors that drive illegal migration.
Overall the region is stable, although the gap between public
expectations and government performance manifests itself in social
protests, most often against corruption and mismanagement of public
resources. Bolivian citizens have engaged in mass protests to demand
resolution to a severe water shortage, while Venezuela faces
significant instability in the coming year due to widespread food, and
medicine shortages; continued political uncertainty; and a worsening
economic situation. The growing humanitarian crisis in Venezuela
could eventually compel a regional response.

5 En apoyo de la organizacin, el traslado de armas, dinero en

efectivo, y otros contrabando para recaudar fondos y construir la
infraestructura de Hezbollah en la regin. Las redes criminales, por el
contrario, estn motivadas por la riqueza y el poder. Algunos son
empresas globalmente integradas con alcance mundial y mrgenes de
beneficio que rivalizan con las compaas Fortune 500. Algunos
contrabandean productos qumicos precursores y fentanilo de China a
Centroamrica y Mxico, donde producen herona extremadamente
potente que est causando epidemias de sobredosis en los Estados
Unidos. Otras redes transportan grandes envos de cocana a
mercados de los Estados Unidos, frica Occidental, Europa y
Australia, mientras que algunos cosechan enormes ganancias al
extraer oro ilegalmente en Guyana, Per y Colombia. Muchos se
dedican a actividades de politraccin, incluyendo secuestros, lavado
de dinero y extorsin. An otras redes se han diversificado en el
contrabando de armas y personas, incluyendo individuos que
representan una amenaza potencial a la seguridad nacional, a travs
de la regin y hacia Estados Unidos. Aunque cada una de estas
actividades socava la seguridad regional, el escenario ms peligroso
es que las organizaciones terroristas exploten capacidades criminales
o rutas de contrabando humano para ingresar a los Estados Unidos.
Por supuesto, la manifestacin ms escalofriante es la posibilidad de
que los terroristas con armas qumicas o biolgicas -o el conocimiento
de cmo construirlos y emplearlos- se muevan por la regin e intenten
infiltrarse en nuestra frontera suroeste. Esta amenaza potencial
plantea la cuestin de la colusin terrorista-terrorista, que ha sido un
tema de debate significativo dentro del gobierno de los Estados
Unidos. Me gustara compartir mi punto de vista sobre el tema. La
sabidura convencional minimiza la posibilidad de que redes criminales
y terroristas colaboren activamente en esta parte del mundo. Los
observadores estn en lo cierto cuando dicen que los traficantes de
drogas son probablemente reacios a trabajar con terroristas, y
viceversa. Pero aqu estn los (NO CLASIFICADOS (FOUO) hasta
que sean puestos en libertad)

Defectos y muchos de nuestros socios interinstitucionales ven con

este punto de vista: presume que las redes criminales ejercen una
supervisin absoluta y control sobre sus rutas de contrabando.
Presume que realizan verificaciones exhaustivas de antecedentes y de
pantalla de todo el mundo y todo lo que se mueve a lo largo de las
supercarreteras ilcitas de la regin. Se supone que slo porque la
colaboracin witting podra no tener lugar, la colaboracin involuntaria
no podra. Aunque este escenario puede ser poco probable, nosotros y
nuestros socios sabemos que tampoco es totalmente imposible. Seor
Presidente, pienso en las rutas de contrabando que atraviesan
nuestros enfoques meridionales y nuestra patria. A pesar de los
esfuerzos heroicos de la aplicacin de la ley, estos son sistemas
altamente eficientes que pueden mover casi cualquier cosa y cualquier
persona en nuestro pas. Y lo que me mantiene despierto de noche es
saber que no soy el nico que piensa en esas rutas-redes extremistas
como ISIS tambin estn pensando en ellas y cmo usarlas. En ltima
instancia, el argumento sobre si las redes criminales y terroristas
colaboran o se mantienen distanciados entre s en Amrica Latina
distrae del punto ms importante. Ambos grupos habitan las
mismas rbitas ilegales. Ambos buscan eludir o subvertir el
estado de derecho. Ambos explotan el mismo ambiente permisivo
y pueden utilizar los mismos facilitadores clave (blanqueadores
de dinero, falsificadores de documentos y funcionarios
corruptos) para apoyar sus operaciones. Al afectar el ambiente
permisivo, las funciones y las actividades de habilitacin en las
que ambos tipos de redes dependen, podemos ayudar a degradar
las redes criminales y terroristas por igual. ISIS dedic un artculo
en DABIQ a discutir un escenario en el que los seguidores de ISIS
podran explotar redes de trfico ya establecidas para llegar a nuestra
frontera suroeste. SIN CLASIFICAR (FOUO hasta su liberacin)

7 Estabilidad regional.

Adems del desafo planteado por las redes de amenazas, Amrica

Latina y el Caribe tambin son vulnerables a los desastres, incluyendo
terremotos, huracanes, sequas y el brote de enfermedades
infecciosas con potencial de impacto secundario en los Estados
Unidos. La diversidad de las capacidades de prevencin, gestin y
respuesta en la regin, junto con los desafos subyacentes como la
pobreza crnica y la inseguridad econmica, pueden amplificar el
impacto de los desastres, contribuyendo a otros factores de empuje
que impulsan la migracin ilegal. En general, la regin es estable,
aunque la brecha entre las expectativas pblicas y el desempeo
del gobierno se manifiesta en protestas sociales, la mayora de
las veces contra la corrupcin y la mala administracin de los
recursos pblicos. Los ciudadanos bolivianos han emprendido
protestas masivas para exigir la resolucin de una grave escasez de
agua, mientras que Venezuela se enfrenta a una inestabilidad
significativa en el prximo ao debido a la escasez generalizada
de alimentos y medicamentos; Incertidumbre poltica continua; Y
un empeoramiento de la situacin econmica. La creciente crisis
humanitaria en Venezuela podra eventualmente obligar a una
respuesta regional.
We advance these four areas in several ways. Now in its 20th year, our
landmark Human Rights Initiative brings together representatives of
military, security forces, civilian government, and civil society to work
together to develop and strengthen human rights programs within the
regions armed forces. We continue to see significant progress in this
area; Guatemala recently announced its military will begin to withdraw
from civilian policing duties, an important step heralded by many
human rights NGOs. Educational institutions like the Inter-American
Defense College (IADC), the William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric
Defense Studies, and the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security
Cooperation (WHINSEC) help our partners institutionalize these
concepts and build their own network of civilian and military defense
professionals. In Belize, Trinidad and Tobago, Guatemala, Chile, and
Colombia, our Defense Institution Building and Defense Institution
Reform Initiative programs promote the development of effective
institutions that embrace interagency, joint, and public-private
approaches. Through our NCO development program, we supported
the development of a Senior NCO Course in the Dominican Republic;
the first designated Sergeant Major of the Army for Brazil and Chile;
and joint senior enlisted meetings across multiple countries. We have
also brought on a dedicated combat-proven Gender Integration Advisor
to promote the inclusion of diverse perspectives in partner nation
military operations. As part of this effort, we will host our second
Women in the Military Conference in Guatemala, which will focus on
effectively integrating fully trained and qualified military women into
operational and peacekeeping units. Empowering public-private
collaboration. We routinely engage with U.S. and regional academic
centers and the private sector to discuss the implications of Chinese,
Russian, and Since its creation, the IADC has graduated 2,732
students from 26 nations. Alumni from the region include 3 presidents,
31 Ministers of State, 11 senior level government officials, and 775
generals and admirals. UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO until released) 27
Iranian engagement in the region. This network of experts, economists,
and business representatives can also help us, and our partners in the
region, better understand potentially exploitative behavior by state and
non-state actors alike. We also hold regular dialogues with members of
the human rights community, including routine outreach to influential
(and often critical) NGOs. This frank exchange of perspectives helps us
better understand and address NGO concerns, and has also led to
improved NGO awareness and support of USSOUTHCOMs mission
and human rights efforts. Our no-fail mission: detention operations.
Although most of our efforts are focused on engaging with our partners
in Latin America, we also continue the safe, humane, legal, and
transparent care and custody of the remaining detainees at JTF-
GTMO. As many members of Congress have witnessed firsthand, the
medical and guard force at JTF-GTMO are not merely caring for these
detainees; they are providing the best of care. Our troops in close
contact with detainees face periodic assaults and threats to them and
their families, yet they remain steadfast in their principled care and
custody role. Every day they demonstrate the same discipline,
professionalism, and integrity as they confront the same dangerous
adversaries as our men and women fighting in Afghanistan, Iraq, and
elsewhere around the world. I know this Committee, our Secretary of
Defense, and our President applaud their commitment and share my
pride in An estimated 580 troops live in containerized housing units
manufactured in 2006 and 2008. All units have exceeded their
economic life of five to seven years. Common problems with the units
are roof leaks, plumbing failures and mold growth. (Courtesy Photo)
UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO until released) 28 these young troops serving
in this enormously sensitive and demanding mission, and we thank you
for your continued support. INITIATIVES:


To support our efforts, weve dedicated ourselves to becoming a

platform for experimentation and innovation. We actively collaborate
with our partner nations and the Services, and the defense technology
enterprise, including the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense
for Research and Engineering and the Defense Innovation Unit
Experimental (DIUx), private industry, and academia to test a range of
technologies in the region. These collaborations have yielded some
promising and ongoing experimentation with unmanned platforms,
advanced sensor and communications systems, and small spacecraft
technologies. In addition to embracing a culture of innovation, were
implementing several initiatives to improve how we support our team
members. We deeply value the investment made by our partners in
strengthening hemispheric cooperation by placing foreign liaison
officers in our headquarters and subordinate staffs. We do not take
those partnerships for granted, and are doing everything we can to
strengthen and deepen them. We now include our partner nation
liaison officers in many of our operations and intelligence briefings.
Along those same lines, we are also expanding the use of
communication platforms in our multinational exercises to improve real-
time information sharing with participating partner nations and Allies. At
USSOUTHCOM our people are more than just our most important
asset; our people are largely our only assets and they are absolutely
essential to our ability to do our mission. Previous reductions have had
a disproportionate impact on our ability to engage with the region and
within the U.S. government. As an example, without intervention or
staff realignment, we will soon have no liaisons placed with several key
interagency partnerssomething Im UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO until

Avanzamos estas cuatro reas de varias maneras. En su vigsimo

aniversario, nuestra histrica iniciativa de derechos humanos rene a
representantes de las fuerzas armadas, de seguridad, del gobierno
civil y de la sociedad civil para que trabajen conjuntamente para
desarrollar y fortalecer los programas de derechos humanos dentro de
las fuerzas armadas de la regin. Continuamos viendo progresos
significativos en esta rea; Guatemala anunci recientemente que sus
militares comenzarn a retirarse de los deberes de la polica civil,
un paso importante anunciado por muchas ONG de derechos
humanos. Instituciones educativas como el Colegio Interamericano de
Defensa (IADC), el Centro de Estudios de Defensa Hemisfrica
William J. Perry y el Instituto para la Cooperacin de Seguridad del
Hemisferio Occidental (WHINSEC) ayudan a nuestros socios a
institucionalizar estos conceptos ya construir su propia red de
civiles y militares Profesionales de la defensa. En Belice, Trinidad y
Tobago, Guatemala, Chile y Colombia, nuestros programas de
Iniciativa de Reforma de Instituciones de Defensa y Instituciones de
Defensa promueven el desarrollo de instituciones efectivas que
abarquen enfoques interinstitucionales, conjuntos y pblicos-privados.
A travs de nuestro programa de desarrollo de NCO, apoyamos el
desarrollo de un Curso de NCO Senior en la Repblica Dominicana; El
primero design sargento mayor del ejrcito para Brasil y Chile; Y
juntas juntas juntas juntas en varios pases.


Para apoyar nuestros esfuerzos, nos hemos dedicado a convertirnos

en una plataforma para la experimentacin y la innovacin.
Colaboramos activamente con nuestros pases socios y los Servicios y
la empresa de tecnologa de defensa, incluyendo la Oficina del
Subsecretario de Defensa de Investigacin e Ingeniera y la Unidad de
Innovacin de Defensa Experimental (DIUx), la industria privada y el
mundo acadmico para probar una gama de Tecnologas en la regin.
Estas colaboraciones han dado lugar a algunas experimentaciones
prometedoras y en curso con plataformas no tripuladas, sistemas
avanzados de sensores y comunicaciones y tecnologas de naves
espaciales pequeas. Adems de adoptar una cultura de innovacin,
estamos implementando varias iniciativas para mejorar la forma en
que apoyamos a los miembros de nuestro equipo. Valoramos
profundamente la inversin realizada por nuestros socios en el
fortalecimiento de la cooperacin hemisfrica

29 committed to fixing. So while we are not seeking to expand our

headquarters staff, we are seeking to strengthen it. In an effort to
improve interagency integration, we are committed to finding the right
people from within our headquarters to serve as liaison officers across
different agencies in the U.S. government and in regional information-
sharing centers. Not only does this improve awareness and
collaboration, but also realigns our headquarters staff to maximize
effectiveness and efficiency. Were also working to develop an agile
workforce by equipping our team with skillsets and technologies
needed to address complex challenges. REQUIREMENTS As we
continue adapting to the evolving security environment and supporting
efforts to enhance the defense-in-depth of our Southwest border, I will
work with Congress to secure our southern approaches and enable our
regional partners to address our common challenges. We appreciate
the greater flexibility provided in the FY17 National Defense
Authorization Act, as well as this Committees efforts to codify the
counterdrug authorities that are so critical to our efforts in the Western
Hemisphere. We are concerned, however about some potential
negative impacts these changes may have on our ability to equip our
partner nations. We look forward to working with the Committee to
ensure we minimize disruption to these effective programs that help
build a layered defense of our homeland, and to discussing the best
ways to support an effective counter-threat network approach. As this
Committee knows, USSOUTHCOM has historically received minimal
allocated and assigned forces. Until capabilities like intelligence,
surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR), maritime support platforms;
and analysis of open source/publicly available information (PAI) no
longer outpace supply, commercial alternatives will remain the only
immediately feasible options available to USSOUTHCOM.
UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO until released)

30 Mr. Chairman, Id like to provide a more detailed overview of our

main requirements. Countering threat networks. A critical element of
dismantling threat networks involves affecting their financial and
transportation sub-networks. Cocaine remains a source of enormous
profit for many networks operating in the region, but we face significant
limitations in stopping the deluge of drugs that reach our shores and
streets. As this Committee knows, USSOUTHCOM has traditionally
faced significant resource constraints. For the past several years, our
Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) and other force
requirements have not been met due to competing global priorities. We
have felt these impacts most acutely in our Detection and Monitoring
(D&M) mission, where we have long received less than a quarter of our
maritime and airborne requirements. The consequence is well-known
to this Committee: although JIATF South detected a record amount of
cocaine moving in the maritime domain last year, they were unable to
target 75% of validated events due to a shortage of forces. That
equates to hundreds of tons of additional cocaine on our streets, and
nodes in that network that continue to operate rather than face
disruption and prosecution. To that end, we greatly appreciate the
additional funding from the Congress that allowed us to work with the
U.S. Air Force to purchase contract aircraft to off-set the loss of
Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA). Our detection and monitoring
challenges are due in part to the low number of U.S. Navy platforms
available to support JIATF Souths mission. Since 2007, Navy long and
medium range ship allocation has steadily decreased. The last time we
were above 1.0 was 2014and not by much. Since 2015, when the
Navys frigates were decommissioned, we have averaged a Navy A
biometrics machine, similar to this one used in a board, search and
seizure exercise aboard the USS Jason Dunham, is used to confirm
identity. This technology catches people using fraudulent passports to
travel and exposes criminal records. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass
Communication Specialist 2nd Class Deven B. King/Released)
UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO until released) 31 presence of less than .50.
Under the Commandants superb leadership, our Coast Guard partners
are doing everything they can, punching well above their weight by
helping us partially fulfill a portion of our Title 10 detection and
monitoring obligations. The USCG, however, cannot be the indefinite
bill-payer for our statutory mission. This Committee is well aware of the
maritime platform gaps we have experienced for the past few years. In
the near term, we are exploring non-traditional alternatives to fill these
requirements until more Littoral Combat Ships are in the fleet and
available for assignment to USSOUTHCOM. To effectively counter
threat networks, we need two types of tools: interoperable,
multidomain, tools that help us understand the environment, capture
weak signals, and anticipate change (all-source intelligence capabilities
and analysis); and tools that help us conduct sustained engagement
and build capacity (Civil Affairs, MISO, medical teams, SOF
capabilities, and SCO personnel). We also require biometrics
equipment to identify and track individuals who may represent security
threats; biometrics analytical capability to process, exploit and
disseminate biometric collected data; and visualization technology to
better coordinate and integrate operations with our partners. With
these capabilities, we can do more than just chase after shifting
trafficking routes or disrupt illicit commoditieswe can have a more
lasting and transformative effect countering the networks doing those
activities. We also need staying power on land and at sea. A sustained
Special Purpose Marine Air Ground Task Force (SPMAGTF)
deployment and maritime forces would generate endurance and
increase reach and impact in all of our counter-network operations.
Given its dual use that supports both rapid response and countering
threat networks, the SPMAGTF is extremely valuable, and we greatly
appreciate Congressional support to the U.S. Marine Corps to resource
this multi-mission force. UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO until released) 32 As
the Congress takes steps to address border security, I urge Members
not to forget about the Caribbean. Like our USNORTHCOM partners,
we are concerned by the vulnerability of this Third Borderthe
Caribbean, where documented cocaine flow is the highest in 10 years.
Improved security along the U.S.-Mexico border will likely increase
security challenges in the Caribbean. Our island nation partners are ill-
equipped to deal with an influx of threat networks and our force
limitations hinder our ability to fully secure the Caribbean from illicit
flows of SIAs, weapons, and narcotics. On a related note, our current
long-distance radar solution in the Caribbean and Central America
the Relocatable Over-The-Horizon Radar (ROTHR) radar system
faces operational challenges. I am becoming very concerned over the
construction of several hundred wind turbines as part of wind farms in
Virginia and Texas. These farms could, and likely will, adversely impact
our radar systems that provide a critical detection and monitoring
capability to track illicit aircraft. This interference will degrade our
capability to use these same systems to detect and track threat
network operations in the maritime domain. We are working within the
Department of Defense and with developers and stakeholders to
develop potential mitigation solutions and exploring alternative
technical solutions. Current law, however, dictates the Department
assume the operational risk as well as the cost burden for testing,
modeling, and risk mitigation for these types of projectsa potentially
unlimited drain on resources. I would also like to go on record to
express my unqualified support for resourcing our U.S. law
enforcement, diplomatic, and development partners. Effectively
securing our southern approaches requires a true team effort. The
Department of Defense is just one contributor to the counter-network
fight in the Caribbean and Americas; DHS, the Department of Justice,
the Department of State, the USAID, and members of our Intelligence
Community are key for any UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO until released)

As que aunque no estamos tratando de expandir nuestro personal de

la sede, estamos tratando de fortalecerlo. En un esfuerzo por mejorar
la integracin interinstitucional, estamos comprometidos a encontrar a
las personas adecuadas dentro de nuestra sede para servir como
oficiales de enlace entre diferentes agencias en el gobierno de los
Estados Unidos y en los centros regionales de intercambio de
informacin. Esto no slo mejora la conciencia y la colaboracin, sino
que tambin realinea el personal de nuestra sede para maximizar la
eficacia y la eficiencia. Tambin estamos trabajando para desarrollar
una mano de obra gil equipando a nuestro equipo con habilidades
y tecnologas necesarias para enfrentar desafos complejos.

A medida que continuamos adaptndonos al entorno de seguridad en

evolucin y apoyando los esfuerzos para mejorar la defensa en
profundidad de nuestra frontera suroeste, trabajar con el Congreso
para asegurar nuestros enfoques sur y permitir a nuestros socios
regionales enfrentar nuestros desafos comunes. Agradecemos la
mayor flexibilidad otorgada en la Ley de Autorizacin de Defensa
Nacional FY17, as como los esfuerzos de este Comit por codificar
las autoridades antidrogas que son tan crticas para nuestros
esfuerzos en el Hemisferio Occidental. Sin embargo, estamos
preocupados por algunos impactos negativos potenciales que estos
cambios pueden tener sobre nuestra capacidad de equipar a nuestros
pases socios. Esperamos con inters trabajar con el Comit para
asegurar que minimizamos la interrupcin de estos programas
eficaces que ayudan a construir una defensa en capas de nuestra
patria, ya discutir las mejores maneras de apoyar un enfoque eficaz de
la red de contra-amenaza. Como sabe este Comit, el USSOUTHCOM
ha recibido histricamente fuerzas mnimas asignadas y asignadas.
Hasta capacidades como inteligencia, vigilancia y reconocimiento
(ISR), plataformas de apoyo martimo; Y el anlisis de la fuente
abierta / informacin disponible pblicamente (PAI) ya no superan
la oferta, las alternativas comerciales seguirn siendo las nicas
opciones inmediatamente viables disponibles para
USSOUTHCOM. Seor Presidente, me gustara proporcionar una
visin ms detallada de nuestros principales requisitos. La lucha
contra las redes de amenazas. Un elemento crtico del
desmantelamiento de redes de amenazas implica afectar a sus sub-
redes financieras y de transporte. La cocana sigue siendo una fuente
de enormes beneficios para muchas redes que operan en la regin,
pero nos enfrentamos a importantes limitaciones para detener el
diluvio de drogas que llegan a nuestras costas y calles. Como sabe
este Comit, el USSOUTHCOM ha enfrentado tradicionalmente
importantes limitaciones de recursos. Durante los ltimos aos,
nuestros requisitos de Inteligencia, Vigilancia y Reconocimiento
(ISR) y otros requisitos de fuerza no se han cumplido debido a las
prioridades globales en competencia. Hemos sentido estos
impactos ms agudamente en nuestra misin de Deteccin y
Monitoreo (D & M), donde hemos recibido durante mucho tiempo
menos de una cuarta parte de nuestros requisitos martimos y
areos. La consecuencia es bien conocida por este Comit: aunque la
JIATF del Sur detect una cantidad rcord de cocana movindose en
el dominio martimo el ao pasado, no pudieron apuntar al 75% de los
eventos validados debido a la escasez de fuerzas. Eso equivale a
cientos de toneladas de cocana adicional en nuestras calles y nodos
en esa red que continan operando en lugar de enfrentarse a la
interrupcin y procesamiento. Con ese fin, apreciamos mucho el
financiamiento adicional del Congreso que nos permiti trabajar con la
Fuerza Area de los Estados Unidos para comprar aviones de contrato
para compensar la prdida de las aeronaves de patrulla martima
(MPA). Nuestros desafos de deteccin y monitoreo se deben en parte
al bajo nmero de plataformas de la Marina estadounidense
disponibles para apoyar la misin de JIATF South. Desde 2007, la
distribucin de buques de largo y mediano alcance de la Marina ha
disminuido constantemente. La ltima vez que estuvimos por encima
de 1.0 fue 2014, y no por mucho. Desde 2015, cuando las fragatas de
la Marina fueron desmanteladas, hemos promediado una mquina de
biometra de la Marina. Se utiliza para confirmar la identidad, similar a
sta usada en un tablero, bsqueda e incautacin a bordo del USS
Jason Dunham. Esta tecnologa atrapa a la gente usando pasaportes
fraudulentos para viajar y expone los antecedentes penales. (Foto de
la Marina de los Estados Unidos por Especialista en Comunicacin de
Masa 2da Clase Deven B. King / Liberado) NO CLASIFICADO (FOUO
hasta liberacin) 31 presencia de menos de .50. Bajo el excelente
liderazgo del Comandante, nuestros socios de la Guardia Costera
estn haciendo todo lo que pueden, golpeando muy por encima de su
peso ayudndonos parcialmente a cumplir una parte de nuestras
obligaciones de deteccin y monitoreo del Ttulo 10. Sin embargo, la
USCG no puede ser el pagador de facturas indefinido para nuestra
misin estatutaria. Este Comit es muy consciente de las brechas en
la plataforma martima que hemos experimentado en los ltimos aos.
En el corto plazo, estamos explorando alternativas no tradicionales
para llenar estos requisitos hasta que ms Buques de Combate Littoral
estn en la flota y disponibles para asignacin a USSOUTHCOM. Para
contrarrestar con eficacia las redes de amenazas, necesitamos dos
tipos de herramientas: interoperables, multidomain, herramientas
que nos ayudan a entender el ambiente, capturar seales dbiles
y anticipar el cambio (all-source intelligence capa)

33 lasting success. Degrading threat networks requires effective

partner nation law enforcement, judicial, and prison systems. A
balanced package that includes assistance to strengthen governance,
economic development, intelligence, and security is needed, as well as
comprehensive efforts to stem our countrys insatiable demand for illicit
goods. Preparing to and responding to disasters and crises.
Unfortunately, previous budget constraints on the Department of
Defenses Combatant Commanders Exercise and Engagement (CE2)
Program have forced us to reduce or significantly de-scope our
exercise program. This impacts the readiness of our force and limits
our ability to build and strengthen relationships. Its also a missed
opportunity to project U.S. presence, which can affect the calculations
of threat networks and potential competitors alike. When it comes to
presence, the Naval Station at Guantanamo Bay plays a major role in
the interception, screening, and repatriation of migrants as well as a
place of protection for those who have a credible fear of persecution. It
is also a critical distribution and staging area for humanitarian
assistance and disaster relief operations in the Caribbean, as well as
logistical support for forces conducting our detection and monitoring
mission. Similarly, Soto Cano Air Basewhich houses JTF-Bravo,
Special Operations Forces, and the SPMAGTF headquarters
provides our only forward presence in Central America and allows us to
efficiently support willing regional partners, provide continuous,
adaptive support to counter-network operations, and respond
immediately to natural disasters. Both these assets are critical to
USSOUTHCOM, and we thank the Committee for its support to their
continued operations and for the additional MILCON to address
migrant operations at Guantanamo. Given the minimal forces
traditionally allocated to USSOUTHCOM, it would be impossible for us
to respond effectively to a crisis absent the depth and breadth of
expertise UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO until released) 34 available via U.S.
Transportation Commands Joint Enabling Capabilities Command
(JECC). I would like to go on record expressing my unqualified support
for this capability. Any move to disestablish and redistribute those
resources back to individual Combatant Commands could deprive
USSOUTHCOM of this invaluable resource. As this Committee knows,
the U.S. militarys unique capabilities, while exceptional, play a small
role of short duration in any disaster response. We appreciate the
support of the Congress to USAID, whose OFDA office provides our
nations frontline responders. These partners are the appropriate lead
for addressing humanitarian crises and long-term development
challenges that affect regional stability. Building relationships to meet
global challenges. Programs like Foreign Military Financing (FMF),
Foreign Military Sales (FMS), and International Military Education and
Training (IMET) will remain foundational tools for building partner
capacity, sustaining trust, and improving interoperability. Compared
with the U.S. defense industry, Russian and Chinese arms are less
reliable, significantly less capable, and come with almost non-existent
maintenance or logistical support. They beat us handily, however, when
it comes to faster and more efficient procurement. IMET is a critical
program in this region that helps build a network of former students
who understand our approach, share our values, and are willing and
eager to work with us. Every seat in one of our courses is an
opportunity to build partnerships with a new generation of leaders. The
IMET experience also demonstrates that what we build lasts and that
we are committed to the long-term investment of developing strong
regional institutions. Detention Operations. Troop housing for our JTF-
Guantanamo forces remains a priority concern. The facilities still fail to
meet standards, and routinely suffer leaks and structural
UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO until released) 35 damage with every passing
storm. While we escaped the brunt of Hurricane Matthew last year, a
direct hit (even by a Category 2 storm) will have significant
consequences. Our men and women deserve better. CONCLUSION
Mr. Chairman, some may ask if we can afford to remain engaged in
Latin America, especially given the scope of challenges we face across
the world. I believe, quite frankly, that we cant afford not to. To echo
Secretary Mattis statements during his confirmation hearing, islands
of stability in our hemisphere are under attack by non-state actors and
nations that mistakenly see their security in the insecurity of others.6
As I said earlier, when it comes to this region, we have a choice. With
the support of the Members of this Committee, I am confident we will
choose wisely. Thank you for your continued support to the men and
women of USSOUTHCOM as they work to defend our southern
approaches. I stand ready to answer your questions and look forward
to our discussion. 6 James N. Mattis, Nomination Hearing Statement

33 Exito duradero. Las redes de amenazas degradantes requieren

un efectivo sistema nacional de aplicacin de la ley, judicial y
penitenciario. Se necesita un paquete equilibrado que incluya
asistencia para fortalecer la gobernabilidad, el desarrollo
econmico, la inteligencia y la seguridad, as como esfuerzos
comprensivos para contener la insaciable demanda de nuestro
pas por bienes ilcitos.

Preparacin y respuesta ante desastres y crisis.

Desafortunadamente, las restricciones presupuestarias previas en el

Programa de Ejercicios y Compromiso de los Comandantes
Combatientes del Departamento de Defensa (CE2) nos han obligado a
reducir o eliminar significativamente nuestro programa de ejercicios.
Esto afecta la preparacin de nuestra fuerza y limita nuestra capacidad
de construir y fortalecer las relaciones. Tambin es una oportunidad
perdida para proyectar la presencia de Estados Unidos, que puede
afectar los clculos de las redes de amenazas y los competidores
potenciales por igual. Cuando se trata de la presencia, la estacin
naval de Guantnamo desempea un papel importante en la
interceptacin, deteccin y repatriacin de migrantes, as como un
lugar de proteccin para quienes tienen un miedo creble a la
persecucin. Tambin es un rea crtica de distribucin y puesta en
escena para la asistencia humanitaria y las operaciones de socorro en
el Caribe, as como apoyo logstico para las fuerzas que realizan
nuestra misin de deteccin y monitoreo. Del mismo modo, la Base
Area de Soto Cano -que alberga a JTF-Bravo, las Fuerzas de
Operaciones Especiales y la sede de la SPMAGTF- proporciona
nuestra nica presencia directa en Centroamrica y nos permite
apoyar eficientemente a socios regionales dispuestos, brindar
apoyo continuo y adaptativo a operaciones de contra- , Y
responder inmediatamente a los desastres naturales. Ambos bienes
son fundamentales para el USSOUTHCOM y agradecemos al Comit
su apoyo a sus operaciones continuadas y al MILCON adicional para
atender las operaciones de migrantes en Guantnamo. Dadas las
fuerzas mnimas tradicionalmente asignadas al USSOUTHCOM,
sera imposible para nosotros responder eficazmente a una crisis
sin la profundidad y amplitud de la experiencia disponible a
travs del Comando Conjunto de Capacidades de Comando
(JECC, por sus siglas en ingls). Quisiera dejar constancia
expresando mi apoyo incondicional a esta capacidad. Cualquier
movimiento para restablecer y redistribuir esos recursos de
nuevo a Comandos de Combate individuales podra privar a
USSOUTHCOM de este invaluable recurso. Como sabe este
Comit, las capacidades nicas de los militares de los Estados Unidos,
aunque excepcionales, desempean un pequeo papel de corta
duracin en cualquier respuesta ante desastres. Agradecemos el
apoyo del Congreso a USAID, cuya oficina de OFDA provee a los
respondedores de primera lnea de nuestro pas. Estos socios
son el lder apropiado para abordar las crisis humanitarias y los
desafos de desarrollo a largo plazo que afectan la estabilidad
regional. Construir relaciones para enfrentar desafos globales.
Programas como Financiacin Militar Extranjera (FMF), Ventas
Militares Extranjeras (FMS) y Educacin y Capacitacin Militar
Internacional (IMET) seguirn siendo herramientas fundamentales
para desarrollar la capacidad de los socios, mantener la confianza y
mejorar la interoperabilidad. En comparacin con la industria de
defensa de los Estados Unidos, las armas rusas y chinas son menos
fiables, significativamente menos capaces y cuentan con un
mantenimiento casi inexistente o apoyo logstico. Sin embargo, nos
golpean con facilidad cuando se trata de adquisiciones ms rpidas y
eficientes. El IMET es un programa crtico en esta regin que
ayuda a construir una red de ex alumnos que entienden nuestro
enfoque, comparten nuestros valores y estn dispuestos y
deseosos de trabajar con nosotros. Cada asiento en uno de
nuestros cursos es una oportunidad para establecer alianzas con una
nueva generacin de lderes. La experiencia de las IMET tambin
demuestra que lo que construimos dura y que estamos comprometidos
con la inversin a largo plazo de desarrollar instituciones regionales
fuertes. Operaciones de Detencin. La vivienda de las tropas para
nuestras fuerzas JTF-Guantnamo sigue siendo una preocupacin
prioritaria. Las instalaciones todava no cumplen con los estndares, y
sufren de forma rutinaria fugas y daos estructurales estructurales
(FOUO hasta liberado) 35 de dao con cada tormenta que pasa. A
pesar de que escapamos del impacto del huracn Matthew el ao
pasado, un impacto directo (incluso por una tormenta de categora 2)
tendr consecuencias significativas. Nuestros hombres y mujeres
merecen algo mejor. CONCLUSIN Seor Presidente, algunos
pueden preguntarnos si podemos permitirnos seguir comprometidos
en Amrica Latina, especialmente teniendo en cuenta el alcance de los
desafos que enfrentamos en todo el mundo. Creo, francamente, que
no podemos permitirnos no hacerlo. Para hacer eco de las
declaraciones del Secretario Mattis durante su audiencia de
confirmacin, "las islas de estabilidad en nuestro hemisferio estn
siendo atacadas por actores no estatales y naciones que
errneamente ven su seguridad en la inseguridad de los dems" 6.
Como dije anteriormente, cuando se trata de Esta regin, tenemos una
opcin. Con el apoyo de los miembros de este Comit, estoy seguro
de que escogeremos con prudencia. Gracias por su continuo apoyo a
los hombres y mujeres de USSOUTHCOM mientras trabajan para
defender nuestros enfoques del sur. Estoy listo para responder a sus
preguntas y espero con inters nuestro debate.


FUENTES ABIERTAS. 7 de Abril de 2017

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