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Lec 02

SITE INVESTIGATION Geo-S-513 Geological Investigation

Geo-E-511 Subsurface Geological
Geotechnical involvement should occur throughout the life of
the project. The input varies depending on phase of project

The phasing of the investigation provides the benefit of

improved quality and relevance of the geotechnical data to the
The geotechnical study involves phasing of the study to get the maximum
benefit. The benefits (20% per phase) are approximately evenly distributed
throughout the lifecycle of the project.
Traditionally, most of the geotechnical effort (>90%) and costs are in the
investigation and construction phases.
The detailed investigation may make some of the preliminary investigation
data redundant. Iteration is also part of optimization of geotechnical
The geotechnical input at any stage has a different type of benefit. The
Quality Assurance (QA) benefit during construction, is as important as
optimizing the location of the development correctly in the desktop study.
The observational approach during construction may allow reduced factors of
safety to be applied and so reduce the overall project costs. That approach
Construction costs 85% to 95% of total capital project costs.
Design costs 5% to 10% of total capital costs.
Geotechnical costs 0.1% to 4% of total capital costs.
At each stage of the project, a different scale effect applies to the investigation.
The SI depends on the phase of the project.
The testing intensity should reflect the map scale of the current phase of the study.

1 Hectare=10,000m2
Observation wells are used in large scale groundwater studies.
The number of wells required depends on the geology, its uniformity, topography
and hydrological conditions and the level of detail required.
The depth of observation well depends on the lowest expected groundwater level
for the hydrological year.
Prepare preliminary site investigation and test location plans prior to any ground
truthing. This may need to be adjusted on site.
Services searches are mandatory prior to ground truthing.
Further service location tests and/or isolations may be required on site. Typically
mandatory for any service within 3m of the test location.
Utility services plans both above and below the ground are required. For example,
an above ground electrical line may dictate either the proximity of the borehole, or a
drilling rig with a certain mast height and permission from the electrical safety
authority before proceeding.
The planning should allow for any physical obstructions such as coring of a
concrete slab, and its subsequent repair after coring.
The extent of the investigation should be based on the relationship between the competent strata and
the type of loading/sensitivity of structure. Usually this information is limited at the start of the project.
Hence the argument for a 2 phased investigation approach for all but small (GC1) projects. For
example in a piled foundation design:
The preliminary investigation or existing nearby data (if available) determines the likely founding
level; and
The detailed investigation provides quantitative assessment, targeting testing at that founding level.
The load considerations should determine the depth of the investigation:
>1.5width (B) of loaded area for square footings (pressure bulb 0.2 q
where q=applied load).
>3.0width (B) of loaded area for strip footings (pressure bulb 0.2 q).
The ground considerations intersected should also determine the depth of the
investigation as the ground truthing must provide:
Information of the competent strata, and probe below any compressible
Spacing dependent on uniformity of sub-surface conditions and type of
Use of the structure also determines whether a GC 2 or GC 3 investigation applies.
For example, a building for a nuclear facility (GC3) requires a closer spacing than
for an industrial (GC2) building.
N* Inferred SPT value.
RQD-Rock Quality Designation.
HHeight of slope.
DDepth of investigation.
Ensure boulders or layers of cemented soils are not
mistaken for bedrock by
penetrating approximately 3m into bedrock.
Where water bearing sand strata, there is a need to
seal exploratory boreholes especially in dams, tunnels
and environmental studies.
Any destructive tests on operational surfaces
(travelled lane of roadways) needs repair.
In soft/compressible layers and fills, the SI may need
to extend BHs in all cases to the full depth of that layer.
Samples/Testing every 1.5m spacing or changes in
Obtain undisturbed samples in clays and carry out
SPT tests in granular material.
The volume sampled varies with the size of load and the project.
Overall the Volume sampled/volume loaded ratio varied from 104 to 106.
Earthen systems have a greater sampling intensity.
The samples and testing should occur every 1.5m spacing or changes in strata.
Obtain undisturbed samples in clays and carry out penetration tests in granular material.
Do not reuse samples e.g. do not carry out another re-compaction of a sample
after completing a compaction test as degradation may have occurred.
Due to stress relief during sampling, some changes in strength may occur in laboratory tests.
The sample size should reflect the intent of the test and the sample structure.
Because the soil structure can be unknown (local experience guides these decisions), then
prudent to phase the investigations
The risk is very project and site specific, ie varies from project to project, location and its size.
The investigation should therefore theoretically reflect overall risk.
Geotechnical Category (GC) rating as per Table 1.6 can also be assessed by the development risk.
The variability or unknown factors has the highest risk rank (F), while certainty has the least risk rank
Projects with significant environmental and water considerations should be treated as a higher risk development.
Developments with uncertainty of loading are also considered higher risk, although higher loading partial factors of safety
usually apply.

The table is a guide in assessing the likely risk factor for the extent and emphasis of the geotechnical
data requirements.
The table has attempted to sub-divide into approximate equal risk categories. It is therefore relative
risk rather than absolute, ie there will always be unknowns even in the low risk category.
Often an owner needs to budget items (to obtain at least preliminary funding). The
cost of the SI can be initially estimated depending on the type of project.
The actual SI costs will then be refined during the definition of needs phase
depending on the type of work, terrain and existing data.
Overall the % values for buildings seem low and assume some prior knowledge
of the site.
A value of 0.2% of capital works should be the minimum budgeted for sufficient
The laboratory testing for a site investigation is typically 10% to 20% of the testing
costs, while the field investigation is the remaining 80% to 90%, but this varies
depending on site access. This excludes the professional services of supervision and
reporting. There is an unfortunate trend to reduce the laboratory testing, with
inferred properties from the visual classification and/or field testing only.
The geotechnical business can be divided into 3 parts (professional, field and
Each business can be combined, ie consultancy with laboratory, or exploratory with
laboratory testing:
There is an unfortunate current trend to reduce the laboratory testing, and
base the recommended design parameters on typical values based on field
soil classifications. This is a commercial/ competitive bidding decision rather
than the best for project/optimal geotechnical data. It also takes away the
field/laboratory check essential for calibration of the field assessment and for
the development and training of geotechnical engineers.

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