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ISSN 08695938, Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, 2012, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 211229. Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.

., 2012.
Original Russian Text M.A. Rogov, D.B. Gulyaev, D.N. Kiselev, 2012, published in Stratigrafiya. Geologicheskaya Korrelyatsiya, 2012, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 101121.

Biohorizons as Infrazonal Biostratigraphic Units: An Attempt

to Refine the Jurassic Stratigraphy Based on Ammonites
M. A. Rogova, D. B. Gulyaevb, and D. N. Kiselevc
Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pyzhevskii per. 7, Moscow, 119017 Russia
email: russianurassic@gmail.com
ScientificIndustrial Center Nedra, ul. Svobody 8/38, Yaroslavl, 150000 Russia
email: dgulyaev@rambler.ru
Yaroslavl Ushinskii State Pedagogical University, ul. Respublikanskaya 108, Yaroslavl, 150000 Russia
email: dnkiselev@mail.ru
Received February 8, 2011; in final form, June 7, 2011

AbstractThe biohorizons (faunal horizons) as infrazonal units are the smallest correlatable biostratigraphic
units. Their main features are: (1) potential indivisibility based on taxonomic differentiation of guide fossils;
(2) determinancy of both lower and upper boundaries in the geological section; (3) identification by a single
index species/subspecies. First such units were defined at the end of the 19th century and since the 1980s have
been widely used in biostratigraphic investigations of Jurassic and, later, Cretaceous systems. The biohorizons
are characterized by phylogenetic or immigrational paleobiological nature and geologically they are con
nected with depositional and postdepositional transformation (and, consequently, structure) of the sedimen
tary succession. Based on parallel sequences of phylogenetic and separate immigrational biohorizons, they
are integrated into different zonal scales and an integrated regional scale. The problems related to the lack of
universal criteria for defining and using biohorizons are discussed. The basic nomenclature rules, which are
aimed at regulation of the use of these units in practical stratigraphic investigations, are suggested for their
recognition and description.

Keywords: infrazonal biostratigraphy, biohorizons, faunal horizons, ammonites.

As the middle system of the middle

(Mesozoic) group of fossiliferous rocks,
the Jurassic is as good a sample as any
that could be chosen to find out what
light can be thrown on geological prob
lems by the study of a single system all
over the world (Arkell, 1956, p. 3).
DOI: 10.1134/S0869593812010066

taceous systems. Similar to many other innovations
Despite the 150yearlong development history of in stratigraphy, paleobiology, and paleogeography, the
the zonal method in stratigraphy, its basic theoretical infrazonal biostratigraphic units were first proposed by
principles concerning biostratigraphic zones were for the experts engaged in study of the Jurassic System and
mulated only in the second half of the 20th century. At are now most widely used in the Jurassic stratigraphy.
the end of the 19th century, it became clear that Until recently, the biohorizons (in the sense consid
smaller (infrazonal) biostratigraphic units may also be ered in this work) are defined by stratigraphers only for
useful for subdivision and correlation of sedimentary 1 Some
sections. researchers (Page, 1995; and others) use in this sense the
term intrasubzonal units. Nevertheless, inasmuch as the sub
Now, these smallest infrazonal biostratigraphic zones represent stratigraphic units of the zonal rank (similar to
subgenera, which are taxa of the generic rank), the use of the less
units (biohorizons, faunal horizons) are widely used in cumbersome adjective infrazonal seems a better choice for
biostratigraphic investigations of the Jurassic and Cre biohorizons.

212 ROGOV et al.

enodatum planicerclus

Sigaloceras calloiense
Catasigaloceras pagei
enodatum enodatum
(after Kiselev, 2001;

Kepplerites galilaeii
Gulyaev et al.2002)

Sigaloceras micans
enodatum aeeta


medea medea







Substages, zone, and subzones






Upper Middle Lower




Series and stages






Upper Middle Lower

Erathems and systems






Fig. 1. The growth of resolution of stratigraphic scales depending on the lower rank of stratigraphic units.

the Mesozoic based mainly on ammonites, although it possible to increase the biostratigraphic resolution
the number of fossil groups used for defining such several times (Fig. 1) and the accuracy of correlation
stratigraphic units as well as for widening the strati between biostratigraphic scales (Fig. 2).
graphic range of their application is gradually increas At the same time, the use of infrazonal biostrati
ing. The application of the infrazonal approach made graphic units is frequently ambiguous and even slightly



Stage Biochoremas
Boreal Atlantic realm East MediterraneanCaucasian Realm
European province Submediterranean province
(European Russia) (mainly central and southern France, Portugal)
(Fig. 7) (after Biostratigraphie , 1997)

Upper (pars) Substage



Subzone (tints show biohorizons of Biohorizons Subzone
different subprovinces)
Collotia collotiformis
Spinosum K. kuklikum Collotiformis

Orionoides piveteaui
Upper (pars)

F. funiferus
K. rowlstonense Sublunuloceras trezeense
Proniae F. patruus Trezeense
F. sp. nov. K. proniae Pseudopeltoceras leckenbyi
Pseudopeltoceras Rota
Phaeinum K. phaeinum
F. allae Rehmannia rota


K. grossouvrei Choffatia waageni

Grossouvrei Leuthardti
K. posterior Erymnoceras leuthardti

K. crassum Erymnoceras baylei

Obductum L. stenolobum Baylei

L. praestenolobum K. obductum Flabellisphinctes villanyensis

K. jason jason Rehmannia richei
Jason Tyranniformis

K. jason

sedgwickii Rehmannia blyensis

K. medea magnum Chanasia turgida

Medea R. milaschevici Stuebeli
K. medea medea Chanasia bannensis

Gracilis (pars)
Lower (pars)
C. enodatum aeeta
Lower (pars)

R. milaschevici C. enodatum Hecticoceras posterius


Enodatum khudyaevi enodatum Patina

i A. difficilis C. enodatum Collotia pamprouxensis
R. fkin planicerclus
e f
tch P. cracoviensis C. pagei Hecticoceras boginense

Fig. 2. Correlation of biohorizons in regional (provincial) stratigraphic scales for the Middle Callovian in different paleobiogeo
graphic realms. Here and in Figs. 37, names of conditional (preliminary) biohorizons are given in quotes. The dark and light
gray colors indicate sequences of biohorizons based on cardioceratids and perisphinctids, respectively.

chaotic. In this work, we consider critically the devel zonal units, for example, the Ammonites calloviensis
opment history of the infrazonal biostratigraphy, ana and A. bullatus horizons in the A. macrocephalus Zone
lyze the main features and nature of biohorizons, (Oppel, 18561858, p. 2009). Slightly later, Waagen
assess their correlation potential, and formulate prin (1869), who established the first phylogenetic lineage
ciples of their recognition and application. In addi of Bathonian and Callovian ammonites, formulated a
tion, we propose a code of rules, which should concept of evolutionary mutations (quantitative mor
decrease, if not eliminate, ambiguity inherent now in phological transformations) through time and
the infrazonal biostratigraphy. described the zone as an interval corresponding to the
existence period of a single mutation. This concept
was further developed by Neumayr (1878, p. 40), who
A DEVELOPMENT HISTORY OF INFRAZONAL noted that the Oppels zones of the Jurassic System
BIOSTRATIGRAPHY chronologically correspond to the average existence
In his famous work dedicated to the Jurassic Sys period of a single mutation among most widespread
tem of England, France, and southwestern Germany, marine animals primarily such as cephalopods.
Oppel (18561858), who formulated the basics of the Already at that time, the inconsistency between the
zonal stratigraphy, described the zone as a horizon, historical continuity of zonal scales and their resolu
which is characterized by the same fossil assemblage tion became clear for many researchers of the Jurassic
even in remote areas of its development. He empha System. The zones that became generally accepted at
sized that the accuracy in defining zones depends on that time could be divided into smaller units. Thus,
the number of well described species (especially guide two different approaches to the zonal stratigraphy
taxa), in addition to other factors. In the same work, existed at the end of the 19th century. The zones were
this author defined the socalled horizons as intra accepted either as smallest biostratigraphic units or as


214 ROGOV et al.

some stable stratigraphic framework, which implied the BathonianCallovian boundary interval of Scot
the possibility of defining smaller stratigraphic units. land (Buckman, 1920), he subsequently increased
The further development of views on detailed their number to eleven based on materials on Dorset
stratigraphy is primarily connected with S. Buckman and Yorkshire defining five ammonite horizons in the
and his undeservedly forgotten concept of a hemera. same stratigraphic interval (Buckman, 1927).
The latter was in fact understood as a geochronologi Unfortunately, Buckman discredited his method
cal equivalent of the biohorizon. The last researcher by constructing subsequently incorrect hemerae
defined it as a chronological indicator of the small sequences based on fossils from other peoples collec
est stratigraphic interval corresponding to the acme of tions and hypothetical interpretations. The reputation
single or several species (Buckman, 1893, 1902). of this method most suffered significantly from criti
When studying limestones from the Inferior Oolite cism by Arkell, who was the recognized expert in the
Group in the Dorset and South Somerset (England), Jurassic ammonite stratigraphy. This researcher
Buckman (1893) was able to compile an unusually believed that small units such as hemerae cannot be
detailed sequence of faunal assemblages based on traced through any spacious regions and are absolutely
thorough bedbybed sampling of ammonites and cor inappropriate for correlation, which means that their
relation of their host sections. The matter was compli defining made no sense (Arkell, 1933, 1956). Time has
cated by the fact that the Lower Oolite rocks are proved this outstanding scientist wrong.
strongly condensed and none of their sections is strati As was noted, after Arkells criticism of the Buck
graphically complete. Practically every bed with mans method, zonal units were most frequently con
ammonites is separated from its neighboring counter sidered not from positions of maximal resolution in
parts by distinct or cryptic hiatuses. In order to over understanding by W. Waagen, M. Neumayr, and
come this difficulty, Buckman first established the S. Buckman, but from the standpoint of their correla
bedbybed sequence of ammonite assemblages in tion potential and preservation of the nomenclature
each section. Then, this researcher correlated identi stability (continuity). Being usually potentially divisi
cal assemblages from different sections with certain ble, these units represented in fact (and represent until
time intervals (hemerae) indexing them with most now) something resembling subsubstages. Mesezhni
characteristic species or genera. He arranged the chro kov (1993) termed such an approach as a strati
nological succession of the hemerae correlating suc 2
cessions of characteristic assemblages in many sec graphic impressionism .
tions. The recent revision of Middle Jurassic sections Nevertheless, single or successive infrazonal units
formerly studied by Buckman confirmed his strati usually termed as horizons gradually received recogni
graphic interpretations (Callomon and Chandler, tion in the Jurassic stratigraphy. This process was
1990). It should be emphasized that in the Buckmans spontaneous, when different criteria were used for
understanding, hemerae were precisely chronological, defining new horizons. Of great significance was the
not stratigraphic units representing time equivalents of work by Howarth (1958) dedicated to revision of
zones (Buckman, 1902). Because of the ambiguity in ammonites from the family Amaltheidae. Although
the use of the term zone in different Buckmans this author has never defined infrazonal units, he con
works, Trueman (1923) suggested to use an epibole sidered in detail peculiar features in evolution of
as a stratigraphic equivalent of the hemera. Amaltheidae representatives paying special attention
In his subsequent works, Buckman (19091930) to recognition of chronological subspecies, which
extended his method practically to the entire Jurassic characterized successive stratigraphic intervals. Being
System of England. He united hemerae into ages a staunch supporter of using the term subspecies
largely corresponding to the stratigraphic ranges of exclusively for geographic varieties, Howarth used in
particular ammonite families or genera. Buckman the situation under consideration the term transient
considered the composite sequence of hemerae and (this term was proposed by Bather (1927) as an equiv
ages as a geochronological calendar. He emphasized alent of Waagens mutation). Subsequently, chro
that the hemera corresponds to the existence period of nosubspecies became widely used for defining and
the index species (Buckman, 1898). Moreover, he indexing biohorizons.
noted that in absence of the index species, the use of Callomon (1964, p. 21) was probably the first to
another name for designating the corresponding time give an extended definition of a horizon as the smallest
interval is undesirable. In order to support this thesis, infrasubzonal biostratigraphic unit: At the lower
he used the following metaphor (Buckman, 1902, end of divisibility, a stratigraphic unit should meet cer
p. 557): Temp. Edward VII may date an event in tain minimum requirements to qualify even as a sub
Australia as well as in England, even though Edward
VII never visits Australia. 2 This
(impressionistic) approach itself is inconsistent with
In his later publications, Buckman (1920, 1927) optimization of one of the main stratigraphic tasks such as strati
graphic subdivision and, as follows from the practice, hampers
began defining infrazonal stratigraphic units (termed the solution of another stratigraphic problem, i.e., stratigraphic
as horizons, faunal horizons, or faunas) based on bra parallelization (correlation) decreasing its accuracy due to fre
chiopods. Establishing primarily two such horizons in quently doubtful increase of the correlation potential.



zone. It should be recognizable over the whole of some Phelps (1985) shares different views on the infra
other natural geographical unit, e.g. a whole basin of zonal stratigraphy. As a smallest biostratigraphic unit,
deposition, or lithofacies province. As a rough guide this author used a zonule considering it, in fact, as a
this seems to indicate distances of order of 300 km. A subsubzone (in some situations, he defines even
suitable term for such units is horizon The ultimate subzonules (Phelps, 1985, fig. 9), although avoiding
resolvable and observable stratigraphic unit on the 4
ammonite scale is the thinnest bed or packet of strata this term). Phelps noted that the horizon is a very
in a single section, which can be identified by a single widely understood term. According to him, the zonule
species. is a smallest biostratigraphic unit traceable through the
paleobiogeographic province, although its application
During a short period, such horizons were defined may be limited also by a less spacious area with the
in all the Jurassic stages of different regions. Moreover, high degree of endemism. The zonule should readily
it was considered that the peculiar features of the hori be distinguishable using the stratigraphic range of the
zons were both their insignificant stratigraphic range characteristic species. Phelps (1985, p. 343) suggested
and limited geographic distribution (Callomon, 1994). a list of subordinate criteria, which may be used for
As was noted in the review of Jurassic stratigraphy of defining the zonules: (a) in situ transition throughout
France (Mouterde et al., 1971), the zones frequently the geographical range, i.e. gradualistic chronospeci
correspond to the stratigraphic range of a genus, while ation; (b) quantum evolution of a small population
species may be used for more detailed subdivision, (with subsequent migration) showing no stratigraphi
although such units are characterized by the limited cal overlap of parent and daughter species; (c) quan
geographic distribution. Such an approach to defining tum evolution of a small population, with noticeable
horizons was also used in the work dedicated to the overlap of parent and daughter species; (d) acme event
Boreal Oxfordian (Sykes and Callomon, 1979). in a shortlived species; (e) acme event in a longrang
By the beginning of the 1980s, researchers had col ing species. Thus, when defining zonules, the prefer
lected a lot of data on infrazonal successions, which ence is given to ammonite groups that dwelt in shal
dictated the necessity in their interpretation. Never lowwater basins. In general, the stratigraphic resolu
theless, the intense activity of experts in Jurassic tion is sacrificed to the correlation potential and
ammonites and stratigraphy was ignored by the Inter zonules became smaller units as compared with zones,
national Commission on Stratigraphy, which practi although not necessarily potentially indivisible. Nev
cally paid no attention to infrazonal units (see below). ertheless, when justly criticizing the usage of a hori
zon, which represents as one of the most ambiguous
Three works published in the mid1980s played a stratigraphic terms, applied in different meanings, as a
key role in development of views on the infrazonal smallest unit, Phelps used a similarly controversial
stratigraphy. term. The Fentons (1928) were the first to introduce
In his article dedicated to problems of bio and the term zonule into the geological practice likely as
chronostratigraphy, Callomon (1984a) provided a def a paleoecological, not stratigraphic term. Although
inition of a faunal horizon: A faunal horizon is a bed the zonule was accepted as the smallest unit of the
or series of beds, characterized by a fossil assemblage, zone first in the North American Code of 1961
within which no further stratigraphical differentia 5
(Zhamoida et al., 1969) and then in the International
tions of the fauna and flora (sic!) can be distin Stratigraphic Guide (1976), its application in the geo
guished. In the work dealing with the evolution of 6
ammonites belonging to the family Cardioceratidae logical practice was extremely rare .
that was published a year later, Callomon (1985, p. 52) The late 20th century was marked by development
emphasizes the significance of phylogeny as a basis for of infrazonal ammonite scales practically for the
infrazonal subdivision, and a horizon is thus defined whole Jurassic System of northwestern Europe and the
is a unit in which no further evolutionary change is dis Mediterranean region as well as for separate Jurassic
cernible and one that may therefore be treated for all
practical purposes as of negligible duration. 4 Prior to this work by Phelps, the zonules have practically never
been used in the Jurassic stratigraphy. Only Imlay (1984) defined
When defining faunal horizons, Callomon high several zonules in the Bajocian of Alaska, although he likely
lighted chronological subspecies and suggested using considered them as synonyms of subzones.
for their designation nonLinnean symbols such as 5 These authors (Zhamoida et al., 1969, p. 56) wrote: The Fen
3 tons suggested the synonymous term (for a subzone) zonule,
Greek letters . As is shown below, such suggestion although the latter is less frequently used. In some works, this
cannot be considered as a fortunate one. As a geochro term is used for designating even smaller and more local unit
nological equivalent of the faunal horizon, Callomon than the subzone. In England, the similar sense is imparted to
the term horizon.
used the Buckmans term hemera (see above), 6 In the sense close to that proposed in the penultimate edition of
which means in Greek a day or time. the International Stratigraphic Guide (1976), the term zonule
was mainly used by experts in the Quaternary System for desig
3 Greek
letters were used for similar purposes as well (Phelps, nating very small biostratigraphic units. Now, the use of zonules
1985). is admitted to be undesirable (Murphy and Salvador, 1998).


216 ROGOV et al.

intervals of other regions. This resulted in almost an tion of a biohorizon is intimately related to the identi
orderofmagnitude increase of stratigraphic resolu fication of the index species/subspecies, the smallest
tion and correlation accuracy, which, in turn, offered distinguishable segment of a continuously evolving
new opportunities for paleontological and geohistori lineage. Only the occurrence of diagnostic transient
cal investigations. species can confirm the presence of a particular bioho
Page (1995) summarized the available views on the rizon, but the general generic or specific composition
usage of the infrazonal method in the Jurassic stratig of a fauna can be a useful guide to recognition. (2) Bio
raphy. Instead of Callomons term faunal horizon, horizons represent discrete but typically very short
7 intervals of geological time. (3) As the boundaries of
this author used in the same sense the term biohorizon . most successive biohorizons are not coincident, a sig
This author considered the biohorizons and zonules as nificant time gap is potentially present and is shown as
principally different infrazonal units (K. Page uses the an interval between successive units. (4) A sequence of
term intrasubzonal). biohorizons is established by first constructing a suc
Page (1995, p. 802) considers the zonule as a cession of faunal associations, and then distinguishing
smallest component subdivision of a chronostrati geographically persistent or morphologically distinct
graphical hierarchy, defined, as with higher divisions, associations, (5) The sequence of defined biohorizons
by a basal boundary stratotype, which has nothing to can be integrated with the existing scheme of standard
do with its primary understanding by the Fentons and subzones. Nevertheless, the current state of strati
is inconsistent with its practical use by Phelps. K. Page graphical knowledge inevitably means that boundaries
first determined the zonule as a chronostratigraphic of biohorizons and subzones may be not coincident.
equivalent of the biohorizon together with a potential (6) Biohorizons are usually named in a dual manner,
hiatus. Later, he turned back to the understanding of firstly by consecutive numbering and secondly by
the zonule in (Phelps, 1985). Despite the fact that 8
selecting a suitable species as an index .
K. Page continued considering the zonule as a smallest
unit of the chronostratigraphic hierarchy, in his prac According to Page, correlation between succes
tical investigations, the latter ceased being the chro sions of biohorizons provides its higher accuracy as
nostratigraphic equivalent of a single biohorizon with compared with zonal scale, since (1) Both the bases
a potential hiatus, but could correspond to several and tops of each biohorizon can be correlated, (2) The
(sometimes, threefour) successive biohorizons. intervals between biohorizons can be as important in
correlation as the biohorizons themselves, (3) A bio
Following Callomon, Page (1995, p. 802) deter
horizon can be correlated with a biohorizon plus the
mined the biohorizon as a bed or series of beds char
interval below and/or the interval above, or even a
acterized by a fossil assemblage within which no fur
sequence of biohorizons, (4) Following on from the
ther stratigraphical differentiation of the fauna (or
above, every line on the correlation diagram has a very
flora) can be made, i.e. a biohorizon is effectively
specific meaning and may require some discussion in
defined at both its base and top in a single reference
accompanying text, (5) Exactly correlated biohori
section. Such a characteristic makes the biohorizon
zons form time planes, and can be considered as being
different from conventional units of the chronostrati
equivalent in event stratigraphy.
graphic hierarchy recognizable based on the lower
boundary in a stratotype. The potential discontinuity Page (1995, p. 805) thoroughly analyzed the nature
of biohorizons is admissible. Such a situation more of biohorizons defining seven following processes or
adequately characterizes their real range in particular factors, which make easier their recognition: (1) The
geological sections, which usually include intervals evolution of one or more ammonite populations/lin
that cannot be unambiguously attributed to a certain eages within the biogeographical province under study,
biohorizon because of different reasons (rare occur leading to the development of distinguishable tran
rence or lack of fossils, their poor preservation, and sients. (2) The evolution and divergence of related
others). ammonite populations. (3) The evolution of an
Page (1985, pp. 802803) also considered other ammonite lineage present in the province under study,
important features of biohorizons: (1) The recogni or in a separated area of the same province, followed
by the migration of the new form into the study area.
7 In the International Stratigraphic Guide (1976, 1998) and (4) The presence of morphologically complex and
Stratigraphic Code of Russia (1992, 2006), the biohorizon is rapidly evolving groups. (5) The migration into the
defined as a certain boundary (datum plane) that has no thick area being studied, from another basin or province, of
ness (which is specially emphasized). In such a manner, the bio a new ammonite population/lineage. This migra
horizons are largely used by experts in microfossils. Neverthe
less, the ammonite biohorizons (horizons or faunal horizons) tion may be shortlived (i.e. one transient/biohorizon
were long ago introduced into biostratigraphic investigations
mostly of the Jurassic and Cretaceous systems as smallest bios 8 The ordered numbers are used for biohorizons only by some,
tratigraphic units, although characterized by some stratigraphic mainly British researchers. The introduction of ordered indices
range in particular sections. In the English guide to stratigraphi (numbers) into names of biohorizons is unreasonable, since it
cal procedure (Whittaker et al., 1991), the biohorizon is adds unnecessary detail and the further complication of the
accepted precisely in such a sense. scale.



duration) or may lead to the establishment of a using almost exclusively ammonoids, although there
local, possibly evolving, population. (6) Changes in are examples of their recognition by belemnites
faunal composition including acmeevents (includ (Mitchell, 2005).
ing dominance) of certain lineages. (7) The periodical
or occasional preservation of suitable ammonite fau
nas resulting from fluctuating sedimentary processes. RECOGNITION AND APPLICATION
According to Page (1995), the duration of zonules AND SCALES
(biohorizons with potential hiatuses) in Jurassic sec
tions ranges from 80 to 722 kyr averaging 200 The analysis of the more than a century long his
9 tory of the infrazonal approach in biostratigraphy,
350 kyr . The article by Callomon (1995), which was which was particularly consistent and fruitful during
published simultaneously with that by Page, is dedi the last three decades, allows the following definition
cated to problems of the infrazonal stratigraphy. Cal of a biohorizon to be proposed (we prefer this term as
lomon considered any first and last appearance of a the most frequently used in the following sense):
taxon as potential boundaries of biohorizons. Thus, The biohorizon is the smallest correlatable biostrati
their ranges (theoretical) were determined by the graphic unit, which encloses a unique integrity of taxa
composition of guide fossil assemblages, not by com and is further indivisible based on taxonomic differenti
plete stratigraphic ranges of index species. At the same ation of guide fossils (by phylogenetic and/or immigra
time, this author emphasized that such horizons are tional events that serve as a basis for biohorizon recogni
not necessarily of practical significance and that of tion). The necessary and sufficient condition for recogni
interest are only horizons, which may be used at least tion of the biohorizon in the particular section is
for correlation within the particular region and, con identification of the species/subspecies with the observ
sequently, for development of a regional scale. able stratigraphic range corresponding to this biohori
In his recent work, Meister (2010) demonstrated zon. The remainder of the guide fossil assemblage is of
the constructive approach to the infrazonal stratigra significance for correlation beyond the distribution area
phy using the Sinemurian and Pliensbachian stages as of the biohorizon.
an example. The last researcher considers biohorizons In other words, the biohorizon is a smallest discrete
(for local scales), faunal horizons (for integrated correctable unit (sui generis an atom) of biostratigra
regional scales), and standard horizons (for scales of phy. Having, by definition, both the lower and upper
biogeographic provinces and realms) as infrazonal boundaries in any section, it principally differs from
biostratigraphic units. He understands the zonule as conventional units of the stratigraphic hierarchy,
an infrazonal chronostratigraphic unit distinguishable which are and, essentially, go beyond this hierarchy
by the lower boundary and corresponding to a stan (for example, one cannot say that zones (subzones) are
dard horizon. divisible into biohorizons or that genera (subgenera)
Since the 1990s, the infrazonal units became fre are divisible into species). From the viewpoint of pre
quently used by Russian experts in the Jurassic stratig sumption of isochronisms (Lazarev, 1997), both
raphy (Mitta and Starodubtseva, 1998; Gulyaev and boundaries of each biohorizon are principal limits of
Kiselev, 1999; Gulyaev, 1999, 2001; Mitta, 1999, 2000; accuracy of measurements by the biostratigraphic
Kiselev, 2001; Rogov, 2001, and others). In the new method (as minimal divisions of the metrical scale
millennium, the development of the infrazonal regardless of its scale). Having a specific status of ele
approach in biostratigraphy is continued precisely by mentary biostratigraphic units, the biohorizons are
Russian researchers. They proposed nomenclature epistemologically defined (separated) according to the
rules for regulating the recognition, description, and principle of the difference (peculiarity) of biostrati
practical application of biohorizons (Gulyaev, 2002; graphic features; their sequences may, in turn, be
Gulyaev et al., 2010) and analyzed their correlation united into larger units by the conventional way based
potential (Rogov et al., 2009). In addition, they con on the principle of similarity of these features
sidered the biological nature of biohorizons reducing (Gulyaev, 2002). A century ago, Buckman used a sim
all their diversity to two main types: phylogenetic and ilar approach in geochronology (see above), when he
immigrational (Zakharov et al., 2007). defined hemerae subsequently uniting them into ages.
Similar to the Jurassic System, the infrazonal The same approach is used in any hierarchic taxon
approach became widely used in the Cretaceous omy ensuring its development as a scientific research
(Bulot et al., 1992; Vermeulen, 1997; Hoedemaeker program in the terminology by Lakatos (1995).
et al., 2003; and others) and Triassic (Goy, 1995) The main features of the biohorizon are as follows:
stratigraphy. The biohorizons are still distinguished (1) indivisibility based on features (phylogenetic or
9 Judging
immigrational events) that serve as a basis for its recog
from recent data, Pliensbachian and Toarcian chrons nition (more detailed, for example, phylogenetic
may differ in duration from each other approximately by an
order of magnitude (McArthur et al., 2000), while the minimal investigations may provide grounds for its division, not
duration of hemerae (chronological equivalents of biohorizons) subdivision of the biohorizon); (2) identification
may be as long as approximately 1020 kyr. exclusively based on the index species/subspecies;


218 ROGOV et al.

(3) occurrence of both the lower and upper boundaries much as the biohorizons are defined using different
in any section that are exclusively determined by the principles (evolutionary and migrational) and differ
observable distribution of the index species/subspecies ent taxa from the guide fossil group, their overlap is
(in the optimal case, the boundaries of neighboring admissible (Figs. 4, 5).
biohorizons in the section coincide between each As follows from the practical activity, the biohori
other). Inasmuch as these features are separately char zons are most convenient for correlation within pale
acteristic of other biostratigraphic units, let us pay obiogeographic provinces and realms, although some
attention to their differences from biohorizons. biohorizons or their sequences may frequently be
In some cases, the resolution of current zonal traced in several paleobiogeographic realms (Cal
scales may almost correspond to that of biohorizon lomon, 2001; Rogov et al., 2009). The correlation
sequences (i.e., zones in them are factually indivisi potential of biohorizons is immediately connected
ble). At the same time, we should remember that their with paleobiogeographic distribution of guide taxa and
construction principles are different. The biohorizons their ecological (adaptive) strategy; indirectly, it
reflect the biostratigraphic structure of sections more depends also on the completeness of the geological
adequately including also intervals, attribution of record in different regions.
which to any biostratigraphic unit is ambiguous. Page (1995, p. 805) outlined several geological and
Moreover, of correlative significance are both the bio biological factors that allow recognition of biohori
horizons proper and separating intervals (Page, 1995). zons. The geological factors are primarily related to
By the principle of their substantiation, the phyloz depositional environments, postdepositional pro
ones are most similar to phylogenetic biohorizons. At cesses, and denudation that determine the irregular
the same time, they are not indivisible by definition. preservation and occurrence of fossils. All the diversity
For example, by their ranges the phylozones in the of biological factors outlined by Page may be reduced
Jurassic System usually exceed considerably biohori to two types: phylogenetic and immigrational. This
zons. Such zones are based on the succession of provides grounds for defining two corresponding types
related ammonite genera or subgenera (for example, of biohorizons (Zakharov et al., 2007):
in the Callovian Kosmoceratidae succession), while (1) The phylogenetic biohorizons are distinguishable
biohorizons in this interval are distinguishable based by evolutionary events (phyletic speciation) in lineages
on successions of species/subspecies. of guide taxa that inhabited the region under consider
At the first glance, the biohorizon as a stratigraphic ation. The basis for defining such biohorizons is
unit, which may be defined among barren sediments, yielded by both stratigraphic investigations proper and
slightly resembles the socalled beds with fauna (flora) thorough study of the phylogenesis at the species and
(Stratigraficheskii , 2006). Nevertheless, the latter subspecies levels. The most frequent result of such
represent only subsidiary biostratigraphic units and studies is sequences of phylogenetic biohorizons based
meet none of requirements to the biohorizons. on evolutionary successions of guide taxa dominant or
As was mentioned, the boundaries of successive subdominant in the region under consideration
biohorizons may be inconsistent with each other and (Fig. 4).
potential hiatuses are presented in stratigraphic scales (2) The immigrational biohorizons are recognizable
in form of intervals between neighboring units. This is based on shortterm invasions of certain species/sub
natural and convenient, since only some levels sepa species to the region under consideration (Fig. 5)
rated by stratigraphic hiatuses or intervals barren of (Rogov et al., 2009). Such immigrants usually leave no
satisfactorily preserved guide fossils appear to be suffi descendant, although they may continue evolving in a
ciently characterized by paleontological remains in new region. Two important features should be noted:
most sections (Fig. 3). In this case, it is impossible to (a) the stratigraphic range of the index species charac
comply with the principle of continuity without spec teristic of the immigrational biohorizon may substan
ulative assumptions. In some intervals of sections lack tially be shorter as compared with that of this species
ing visible hiatuses and well characterized by guide in the eudemic (primary) part of its distribution area;
fossils (and well studied) through their entire thick (b) the same biohorizon may be phylogenetic in some
ness, the observed stratigraphic ranges of successive parts of its area and immigrational in the other one.
species/subspecies belonging to a single phyletic lin In this case, the migration rate may be ignored.
eage may join each other (Figs. 4, 5). In addition, inas According to the phrase by S. Buckman (19091930,

Fig. 3. The Upper BathonianLower Callovian section on the left side of the Volga River near the Prosek and Isady settlements
of the Lyskovo area in the Nizhni Novgorod region.
Stratigraphic ranges of ammonite assemblages (f1f10), which correspond to biohorizons: (inf) P. infimum, (am) P. cf./aff.
ammon, (jacq) M. jacquoti. (elat) P. elatmase, (sur) C. surensis, (subp) C. subpatruus, (ind) K. indigestus; (curt) L. curtilobus, (gal)
K. galilaeii, (call) S. calloviense (index species in lists are designated by asterisks). The biohorizons are separated either by barren
intervals lacking of reliably identifiable guide forms or stratigraphic hiatuses (wavy lines). The section stratigraphy and identifi
cations of ammonite taxa are given after D.B. Gulyaev. [M] macroconchs; [m] microconchs).



Rondiceras geerzense (Behrendsen) [M] sensu Mitta, 2000

Thickness, m

call f10 Novocadoceras sasonovi (Kiselev) [m]


Pseudocadoceras sp. [m]

gal f9 *Sigaloceras calloviense (Sowerby) [M]

Gulielmina quinqueplicata Buckman [m]
Proplanulites (Crassiplanulites?) sp. ind. [M]

curt f8 *Kepplerites (Gowericeras) galilaeii (Oppel) [M]
Rondiceras sokolovi (Kiselev) [M]
K. C.

4 Cadoceras tolype Buckman [M]

ind f7 Cadoceras(?) confusum (Gulyaev) [M]
Novocadoceras cf./aff. sasonovi (Kiselev) [m]
subp f6 Pseudocadoceras bellator (Kiselev) [m]
*Kepplerites (Gowericeras) curtilobus (Buckman) [M]
Toricellites curticornutus Buckman [m]
Proplanulites (Proplanulites) ferruginosus Buckman [M]

P. (P.) cf. excentricus Buckman [m]

sur f5 Chamoussetia chamousseti (dOrbigny) [M]
2g Pseudocadoceras boreale Buckman [m]
Pseudocadoceras aff. grewingki (Pompeckj) [m]
*Kepplerites (Gowericeras) indigestus (Buckman) [M]
Toricellites lahuseni (Parana et Bonarelli) [m]
Proplanulites (Proplanulites) cf. ferruginosus Buckman [M]
P. (P.) cf. excentricus Buckman [m]
*Cadochamoussetia subpatruus (Nikitin) [M]
Kepplerites (Gowericeras) cf. unzhae Gulyaev [M]
Lower Callovian

2f Homoeoplanulites sp. ind. [m]

*Cadochamoussetia surensis (Nikitin) [M]
elat f4 Cadoceras sp. ind. [M]
Pseudocadoceras aff. mundum (Sasonov) [m]
Kepplerites (Gowericeras) unzhae Gulyaev [M]
Toricellites pezhengensis Gulyaev [m]
Macrocephalites (Macrocephalites) pavlowi Smorodina [M]

2e Homoeoplanulites spp. [M, m]

*Paracadoceras (Rossicadoceras) elatmae (Nikitin) [M]
Cadoceras quensledti simulans Spath [M]
Pseudocadoceras mundum (Sasonov) [m]
Macrocephalites (Macrocephalites) prosekensis Gulyaev [M]
M. (M.) volgensis Gulyaev [M]
2d M. (M.) verus Buckman [M]
2c M. (Pleurocephalites) cf. terebratus (Phillips) [M]
jacq 2b f3 M. (Kamptokephalites?) cf. zickendrathi Mitta [m]
2 M. (K.?) sp. juv. [m?]
am f2 Paracadoceras (Rossicadoceras) ex gr. poultoni Gulyaev [M]
Pseudocadoceras sp. nov. (aff. pisciculus (Gulyaev)) [m]
1f Kepplerites (Kepplerites) sp. ind. [M]
Toricellites sp. ind. [m]
*Macrocephalites (Macrocephalites) jacquoti (H. Douville) [M]
inf 1d f1 *Paracadoceras (Catacadoceras) cf./aff. ammon (Spath) [M]
Pseudocadoceras pisciculus (Gulyaev) [m]
Upper Bathonian

Kepplerites (Kepplerites) sp. ind. [M]

1c Toricellites cf./aff pauper (Spath) [m]
*Paracadoceras (Catacadoceras) infimum (Gulyaev et Kiselev) [M]
Pseudocadoceras pisciculus (Gulyaev) [m]
Kepplerites (Kepplerites) svalbardensis Sokolov et Bodylev [M]
1b Toricellites pauper (Spath) [m]
scale 1 m




220 ROGOV et al.

Thickness, m
Substages, Lithology Phyletic lineage
Biohorizons of the genus Funiferites
zones, subzones

Cor Cordatum
datum Costicardia


1 cm
Spinosum K. kuklikum
Funiferites funiferus

K. rowlstonense

F. patruus

Upper Bathonian


K. proniae

1 cm
F. sp. nov.

Funiferites patruus
K. phaeinum

F. allae


1 cm
Funiferites sp. nov.

K. grossouvrei
Middle Callovian

K. posterior
Vertical scale 1 m

Obductum K. crassum
K. jason jason
1 cm

Medea K. medea medea Funiferites allae

Fig. 4. The MiddleUpper Callovian to Lower Oxfordian section in the Mikhailovtsement quarry near Mikhailov of the Ryazan
Oblast, after (Kiselev et al., 2003) modified.
Dark gray coloration indicates stratigraphic ranges of evolutionary successive species from the ammonite genus Funiferites (Car
doceratidae) and corresponding biohorizons; light gray coloration shows the standard sequence of biohorizons based on the
stratigraphic distribution in the phyletic lineage of the ammonite genus Kosmoceras (Kosmoceratidae).

pt. XXXVII, p. 24), the rate of ammonite migration units. In the practical activity, such a situation is rare
to that of deposition was like the flight of an aeroplane because of insufficient knowledge or incomplete geo
to the progress of bricklaying. logical record. The complete sequence of biohorizons
In the optimal case, the sequence of biohorizons in a single section cannot usually be established for dif
exactly corresponds to the previously established zonal ferent reasons and for constructing the continuous



Ammonite ranges Appearance/

Paralingulaticeras (Rogoviceras) cf. efimovi

Thickness, m
disappearance levels of


Zone Biohorizon taxa (potential

Paralingulaticeras (Rogoviceras) efimovi

boundaries of

stratigraphic units)
Klimovi Sokolovi Pseudoscythica


Franconites spp.
P. puschi

Ilowaiskya pavida

Sphinctoceras spp.
1/8a, b

Ilowaiskya sokolovi

?Fontannesiella sp.
?Danubisphinctes sp.
Ilowaiskya klimovi
S. neoburgense

Eosphinctoceras sp.
Pseudovirgatites puschi

Sutneria asema
Lower Volgian

I. pseudoscythica

Pseudovirgatites tenuicostatum

Schaireria neoburgense

Franconites 1/11

Aulacostephanus spp.
I. pavida 1/12

Ilowaiskya pseudoscythica
I. sokolovi
P. efimovi 1/13a, b
I. klimovi

N. steraspis 1/14

N. cf. praecursor 1/15


Neochetoceras steraspis
Neochetoceras cf. praecursor

Taramelliceras cf. franciscanum

Ochetoceras cf. zio
S. ilowaiskii 1/19

Sarmatisphinctes ilowaiskii

S. fallax

Neochetoceras rebouletianum
Sarmatisphinctes subborealis

Suboxydiscites cf. taimyrensis

Sarmatisphinctes fallax

S. zeissi
Upper Kimmeridgian

Sarmatisphinctes cf. subborealis

Nannocardioceras sp.
Sarmatisphinctes zeissi


Neochetoceras cf. subsidens

Nannocardioceras volgae
Nannocardioceras krausei
Nannocardioceras cf. anglicum

S. subborealis 9/1921
Sutneria aff. rebholzi

Schaireria sp.

Neochetoceras ex gr.

N. volgae 9/1011
S. aff. rebholzi 9/9

scale 1 m




Fig. 5. The Upper KimmeridgianLower Volgian section near the Gorodishchi village in the Ulyanovsk raion of the Ulyanovsk
The distribution of ammonites and infrazonal subdivision of the section is shown after (Rogov, 2010) modified. The stratigraphic
ranges of ammonite, the phyletic lineages of which are used for constructing the main scale of biohorizons (Sarmatisphinctes
IlowaiskyaPseudovirgatites) are shown in black; stratigraphic ranges of other ammonite species are given in gray. The phylo
genetic and immigrational biohorizons are shown in white and gray, respectively. (P.) Pseudoscythica.



Regional Stratigraphic structure of local sections (see numerals in the map)

scale (1) Churkinskaya
(2) Pezhenga
(3) Prosek
(4) Khvadukasy
( (5) Lazarevka
(6) Uzhovka
(7) Malinovyi
Shchelya Isady Yazykovo Ovrag Naryan

Biohorizons Mar

Biohorizons (gray), beds with fauna, gaps in observations, hiatuses

Ammonites are

Ch. crobyloides are not found *Ch. crobyloides

Hiatus Hiatus Hiatus M
C. uzhovkensis *C. uzhovkensis R? 1
Hiatus ?
Hiatus Hiatus
C. subpatruus C. subpatruus *C. subpatruus
Beds with Beds with
Cadochamoussetia Cadochamoussetia
and Kepplerites unzhae

C. surensis C. surensis C. surensis *C. surensis




C. tschernyschewi C. tschernyschewi *C. tschernyschewi Hiatus Hiatus Hiatus ? Hiatus Hiatus ?


P. elatmae P. elatmae P. elatmae *P. elatmae P. elatmae Ammonites are P. elatmae P. elatmae
not identified
Ammonites are Ammonites are

Lower Callovian
P. chvadukasyense *P. chvadukasyense not identified P. chvadukasyense P. chvadukasyense not identified
Inaccessible Ammonites are Ammonites are
for observation not identified not identified 2
P. primaevum *P. primaevum Ammonites are

Ammonites are not identified

not identified
P. poultoni *P. poultoni

M. jacquoti M. jacquoti M. jacquoti
P. cf./aff. P. cf./aff. ammon P. cf./aff. ammon P. cf./aff. ammon P. cf./aff. ammon
ammon Coastalmarine Vol
ga Kazan
ROGOV et al.

(subcontinental) R
Inaccessible 3 4
P. infimum P. infimum *P. infimum for observation P. infimum facies Hiatus Nizhni R.

Novgorod 5 Kam
Inaccessible Beds with Inaccessible 6
for observation Kepplerites (Kepplerites) for observation Coastalmarine
and Cadoceratinae (subcontinental) Samara

Upper Bathonian
Vo N


150 km

Vol. 20
Fig. 6. The regional scale of biohorizons in the BathonianCallovian boundary interval of European Russia based on correlated sequences of biohorizons in local sections (after

No. 2
Gulyaev and Kiselev, 1999; Gulyaev, 1999, 2001, 2005, 2007, 2011; Gulyaev et al., 2002). The scale is based on the phyletic lineage of endemic Paracadoceras (P.)Cadoch
amoussetia (C.)Chmoussetia (Ch.) representatives; in addition, the scale includes the biohorizon defined by the Tethyan immigrant Macrocephalites (M.) jacquoti and repre
senting an interregional biostratigraphic reference unit. The biohorizons are shown in gray. Asterisks designate stratotypes of biohorizons.


regional scale of biohorizons, one should correlate levels of taxa in Fig. 5). In such a situation, most suit
their successions in a series of sections scattered some able are parallel sequences and integrated scales of
times through a relatively spacious region (Fig. 6). The biohorizons (see above).
thorough reconstruction of phyletic lineages among In some cases, the biohorizons are distinguished by
guide fossils may be helpful in such correlations. the acme level of the index species (Page, 1995). Such
When zonal subdivision and recognition of bioho an approach should also be viewed as undesirable
rizons is based on different guide fossil groups, the bio because of the doubtful correlation potential of corre
horizon may overlap boundaries of zonal units. In the sponding stratigraphic units, since (1) no uniform cri
same stratigraphic interval of a single region (deposi teria exist for boundaries of the acme level and
tional basin, paleobiochorema), parallel sequences of (2) acme levels of the same species in different areas
biohorizons may be established using different phyl even of the same basin may be not coincident (for
etic lineages of guide fossils or invasions of migrating example, due to ecological reasons).
species. The distribution areas of such biohorizons and The recognition of biohorizons without the refer
their sequences are usually not coincident. At the ence to the particular section interval or, even, the
same time, in areas of their cooccurrence, these whole section, where they are defined, became the
sequences may be integrated into a single complex second undesirable trend in stratigraphy (Mitta and
scale, which offers wide opportunities for interre Starodubtseva, 1998; Kiselev, 2005; and others). When
gional correlations. It is understandable that bound the researcher has no chance to illustrate in his work
aries of parallel biohorizons in the integrated scale may particular sections and stratigraphic intervals or refer
not necessarily be coincident (Fig. 7). to their description in earlier publications, he should
operate with faunal assemblages (faunas) similarly to
OF BIOHORIZONS Some researchers define series of horizons in
irregularly condensed sediments by grouping the co
The rapid development and frequently spontane occurring, although presumably differentage species
ous application of the infrazonal method against the into consecutive assemblages. Moreover, the fact that
background of its relatively poor theoretical substanti the term horizon implies a certain stratigraphic
ation resulted in the unavoidable anarchy in defining range is absolutely ignored. In such a situation, we
biohorizons. should speak about provisional faunal assemblages.
The thoughtless approach to index taxa became
The existing nomenclatural ambiguity determined
one of main negative trends. This trend was initiated
the necessity in development of a code of basic rules
by Callomon (1985), who suggested designating the
for recognition and description of biohorizons
chronological index species of consecutive biohori
(Gulyaev, 2002; Gulyaev et al., 2010). In absence of
zons lacking proper names by nonLinnean sym
such a code, further investigations can discredit the
bols, i.e., by Greek letters (for example, Cadoceras
infrazonal method. In this work, we propose a prelim
apertum , , ). Subsequently, some researchers used
inary version of such nomenclatural rules based on
Roman or Arabic numerals for the same purpose
materials that were accumulated after works by Cal
(Dietl, 1994; Page, 2003; and others). In addition, the
lomon (1984a, 1985), which triggered rapid develop
species in the open nomenclature or only genera
ment of the infrazonal ammonitebased biostratigra
(sometimes, with additional numerals or letters) are
frequently used for indexing the biohorizons. It is clear
that such an approach introduces the ambiguity in the The availability and validity are most important
understanding of the defined stratigraphic units, characteristics of any taxon, the stratigraphic unit
which should be considered only as conditional (pre included.
liminary) units that need to be designated by a suitable The availability is determined by several criteria.
index species/subspecies. (1) The name of a biohorizon should include sev
In some works (Scweigert, 1998; Page, 2003; Meis eral components: (1) the word biohorizon or its
ter et al., 2005; and others), two (less commonly, replacing synonym (faunal horizon, horizon); the use
three) species from the guide fossil group are used for of its index number in the regional/local succession is
indexing the biohorizons. In such situations, one (two) unreasonable; (2) the name of a single suitable index
index species appears usually to be superfluous, since taxon (species or subspecies) in its short or complete
its stratigraphic range coincides with that of the other form without indication of the author; the use of non
index species or exceeds the latter. The recognition of Linnean symbols (letters, numerals) as well as selec
biohorizons based on the partial overlap of strati tion of species in the open nomenclature, genera, or
graphic ranges of several species is unreasonable, since yet not described taxa as indices are inadmissible: all
such an approach may potentially result in recognition such characteristics should be considered as condi
of many unimportant stratigraphic units with the dis tional (preliminary) and require further specification;
tribution area in common and practically without any (3) the Latin name of the author and year of the bio
correlation potential (see appearance/disappearance horizon name publication (establishment). The last


Integrated regional

Subzone scale of biohorizons C a r d i o c e r a t i d a e


Cordatum C. cordatum

Brief mass immigration of C. (C.) cordatum
Costicardia C. costicardia Subtethyan taxa C. (C.) costicardia

Bukowskii T. baccatum Taramelliceras baccatum C. (S.) bukowskii

C. bukowskii

C. praecordatum C. (S.) praecordatum

Praecordatum C. alphacordatum C. (S.) alphacordatum

C. (S.) sp.
P. praemattini [m=Protocard. praemartini]

C a r d i o c e r a s
Scarburgense C. scarburgense Kosmoceratidae C. (S.) scarburgense
K. (M.) zudacharicum Q. pseudolamberti
Q. paucicostatum [m=Q. paucicostatum]
K. mojarovskii K. (M.) mojarovskii ?
Lamberti Q. lamberti Q. lamberti

Q. praelamberti K. (L.) geminatim Q. praelamberti

Henrici Q. henrici Q. henrici

Quenstedtoceras (Scarburgiceras) (Cardioceras)


Spinosum K. kuklikum K. (L.) kuklikum ?
K. rowlstonense F. funiferus K. (L.) rowlstonense L. keyserlingi F. funiferus

Proniae F. patruus F. patruus
K. proniae F. sp. nov. K. (L.) proniae ?

F. sp. nov.
Phaeinum K. phaeinum K. (Z.) phaeinum L. lahuseni
F. allae F. allae

K. grossouvrei K. (Z.) grossouvrei ?
Grossouvrei ?

L. alpha
ROGOV et al.

K. posterior K. (Z.) posterior

K. crassum K. (Z.) crassum
L. stenolobum L. stenolobum P e r i s p h i n c t i d a e

K. obductum K. (Z.) obductum

L. praestenolobum L. praestenolobum

K. jason jason K. (G.) jason jason R. ? sp. nov.

Jason Pseudoperisphinctinae
K. jason
sedgwickii K. jason sedgwickii

K. medea magnum K. (G.) medea magnum
Medea R. milaschevici R. milaschevici
milaschevici K. (G.) medea medea milaschevici
K. medea medea

(Gulielmites) (Zugokosmokeras)(Lobokosmokeras) (Mojarovskia)

Anaplanulites submutatus


C. enodatum aeeta C. enodatum aeeta
C. enodatum R. milaschevici R. milaschevici
enodatum khudyaevi C. enodatum planicerclus khudyaevi
Enodatum Proplanulitinae
C. enodatum Anaplanulites difficilis

C. enodatum enodatum

planicerclus A. difficilis


Vol. 20
R. tcheffkini

eff .

P. cracoviensis C. pagei Poplanulites cracoviensis

tc R
C. pagei Anaplanulites sp.
R o n d i c e r a s

S. micans S. micans

Lower (pars)
Calloviense R. geerzense
Poplanulites ex gr. petrosus

No. 2
S. calloviense S. calloviense (sensu Mitta, 2000)


Fig. 7. The integrated scale of Callovian and Lower Oxfordian biohorizons for European Russia based on parallel phyletic lineages
of lowboreal kosmoceratids (gray) and highboreal cardioceratids (dark gray), the geographic distribution areas of which signif
icantly overlap each other (after Kiselev, 2001, 2005, 2006; Gulyaev et al., 2002; Kiselev et al., 2003; Kiselev and Meledina, 2004;
Kiselev and Rogov, 2005; Gulyaev, 2005; Kiselev et al., 2006; Wierzbowski and Rogov, 2011).
The scale includes the immigrational biohorizon based on the subTethyan Oppelidae representative, which is of particular
importance for correlation. The biohorizons based on subboreal Perisphinctidae species are largely used in areas, where kos
moceratids are rare or not found. Horizontal and vertical arrows show immigrations and phylogenetic connections of ammonites,
respectively. The dark gray and light colors designate biohorizons based on highboreal cardioceratids and lowboreal kosmocer
atids, respectively. Other biohorizons are given in white.

component is indicated in revisions and descriptions. lication, serves as a main criterion of the validity. In
The author of the biohorizon is the researcher, who case of biohorizons, it is reasonable to use the triple
first established the corresponding stratigraphic unit priority principle that includes subordinate principles
precisely as biohorizon, even though its index coin of (1) minuteness, (2) continuity, and (3) priority.
cides with that of previously defined host zone or sub (1) The principle of minuteness is most important
10 among characteristics following from the biohorizon
zone. The year of publication of the abovemen
tioned work by Buckman (1893) is considered as a definition proper. According to this principle, the bio
starting date for availability of biohorizon names. horizon with the shortest geochronological range is a
senior unit relative to its counterparts with wider geo
(2) A new name of the biohorizon as well as any
chronological ranges (for example, three biohorizons
nomenclatural operation or information that may
instead two in the same interval).
influence the nomenclature should be published in line
with same rules, which are accepted in current inter (3) The principle of continuity means that the bio
national codes of the zoological and botanical nomen horizon defined by the species (subspecies) of the
clatures, same phyletic lineage characteristic of their neighbor
(3) An index of the biohorizon should have a suit ing counterparts is senior relative to the biohorizon
able, although no necessarily valid name. To avoid dis defined by the species (subspecies) from the other
crepancy, the first description of the biohorizon should phyletic lineage, if this is consistent with the minute
be accompanied by the reference to the illustration ness principle. It is natural that evolutionary phases
and description of the index taxon as well as by illus (cycles) in different phyletic lineages may be not coin
tration of available specimens, which presumably cident; in such cases, the purpose of the continuity
belong to the latter. principle is to avoid the potential overlap of strati
graphic units. If neighboring biohorizons are defined
(4) Any biohorizon should have a stratotype. Its by species from different phyletic lineages, but their
main purposes are (a) to protect the nomenclatural ranges are similar, the name of the middle biohorizon
name (stability of the nomenclature) and (b) to pro should be selected by the conventional way, although
vide potential falsifiability (testing) of initial data. In there are always some preferences. In case of the avail
addition to the stratotype, the description of the bio ability of parallel phylogenetic and immigrational bio
horizon should be provided with indication of the stra horizons, it is reasonable to keep both types of strati
totype area, where this unit bears similar paleontolog graphic units within a single scale, since phylogenetic
ical and geological characteristics. In case of the loss of biohorizons reflect in the most degree the continuity
a holostratotype or impossibility of its establishment, principle, while immigrational biohorizons are usually
the latter may be replaced with a lectostratotype. characterized by the higher correlation potential.
Beyond the stratotype area, stratigraphic standards
(reference sections) may be selected. The latter bear The principle of priority means that the oldest suit
no nomenclatural significance and provide an addi able name of the biohorizon is senior relative to its
tional characteristic of the biohorizon in the study later names, when this is not inconsistent with the
region. It is desirable that the stratotype section in the principles of minuteness and continuity.
stratotype area represented also the stratigraphic stan It should be kept in mind that the nomenclature of
dard. When the lectostratotype cannot be defined in biohorizons is to a certain extent dependent on the
the stratotype area, any of the stratigraphic standards nomenclature of index species.
may be defined, if needed, as a neostratotype. (1) When the name of the index species is changed
Validity. In the zoological and botanical nomencla because of objective reasons (objective synonymy or
tures, the principle of priority, application of which is homonymy), i.e., the nomenclatural type is preserved,
reduced only to the seniority of the suitable name pub the name of the biohorizon becomes also automati
cally changed, although the author remains the same
10In some works (Hantzpergue, 1989; Biostratigraphie , 1997), and its last name is taken into parentheses.
the authors of senior zonal units are considered, through a mis
understanding, as authors of synonymous biohorizons; such an (2) When the name of the index species becomes
approach is unacceptable because of principal differences invalid due to subjective synonymy, the name of the
between these categories of stratigraphic units. biohorizon becomes invalid as well. This is explained


226 ROGOV et al.

by the fact that stratigraphic ranges of the senior and subdivision and correlation of Phanerozoic succes
junior synonyms may potentially be different. The sions using the experience available from the study of
authorship of a new name should belong to the the Jurassic System. Such examples are known: the
researcher, who was the first to revise the latter. If the biohorizons are used with progressively growing fre
geochronological range of the biohorizon and its posi quency in investigations of the Cretaceous and Triassic
tion in the scale remain unchanged, the initial name is systems; belemnitebased infrazonal scales are also
included into the synonymy of a new name. becoming available. Thus, we may expect the further
Following below is the recommended plan for progress in development of detailed biostratigraphic
description of biohorizons (n/o means a not obliga investigations.
tory item).
Name (with the authors name, year of publica ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
tions, and a mark nov. for new biohorizons).
Synonymy (with indication of reasons responsible We are grateful to our colleagues I.S. Barskov,
for their rejection for invalid names). V.N. Beniamovsky, A.Yu. Gladenkov, Yu.B. Gladen
Index (with the reference to the illustration and kov, V.A. Zakharov, O.A. Korchagin, V.V. Mitta,
description). S.V. Naugolnykh, V.A. Prozorovskii, D. Bert,
M. Hart, J.L. Latil, F. Olriz, and K. Page for joint
(Stratotype (with the obligatory indication of a par discussions of the main concepts of this work as well as
ticular interval in the published section). to its reviewers B.N. Shurygin and E.Yu. Baraboshkin
Stratotype area (n/o). for their valuable recommendations. This work was
Stratigraphic standards (n/o). supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic
Paleontological characteristic (position of the bio Research, project no. 090500456.
horizon in the local scale and correlation with scales Reviewers E.Yu. Baraboshkin and B.N. Shurygin
available for other regions).
Remarks (n/o).
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