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Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.

2007, 46, 5697-5706 5697

Multicomponent Adsorption Study of Metal Ions onto Bagasse Fly Ash Using
Taguchis Design of Experimental Methodology
Vimal C. Srivastava,* Indra D. Mall, and Indra M. Mishra
Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology-Roorkee, Roorkee 247667, India

This paper utilizes the Taguchi optimization methodology (L27 orthogonal array) to optimize various parameters
for the simultaneous removal of Cd, Ni, and Zn metal ions from aqueous solutions using bagasse fly ash
(BFA) as an adsorbent. The effect of such parameters as the initial metal concentrations (C0,i), temperature,
initial pH, adsorbent dosage (m), and contact time on the adsorption of the aforementioned metal ions has
been studied at three levels to determine their effect on the selected response characteristic (the total amount
of metal adsorbed on BFA, in terms of mg/g of BFA (qtot)). The Pareto analysis of variance shows that m is
the most significant parameter, with a 53.14% and 31.25% contribution to the qtot and signal-to-noise (S/N)
ratio data. The contribution of interactions between the C0,i values is also significant. Confirmation experiments
have been performed to prove the effectiveness of the Taguchi technique after the optimum levels of process
parameters are determined.

1. Introduction and both regeneration and disposal of the used carbon is often
very difficult. Therefore, the search for unconventional and less-
Heavy metals are toxic and resistant to biodegradation. expensive adsorbents such as bagasse fly ash (BFA), rice husk
Because of their mobility in natural water ecosystems and ash, silica, peat, lignite, bagasse pith, wood, saw dust, etc. for
adsorption onto soils, sediments, thick sludge, etc., they ac- the removal of various pollutants from industrial effluents has
cumulate in aquatic life forms such as fish, vegetation, and attracted the attention of several investigators.
horticultural products via the food chain. When consumed, these BFA, which is a waste that is collected from the particulate
metals accumulate in tissues, fats, and other organs of humans, collection equipment attached upstream to the stacks of bagasse-
causing malfunctions and damage to vital functions of the bodys fired boilers, causes disposal problems. It is mainly used for
system. In the past four decades, the uncontrolled discharge of land filling, and it is used in part as a filler in building materials
heavy metals from plating/rinsing industries and various other and paper and wood boards. BFA has good adsorptive properties
manufacturing process industries has resulted in serious con- and has been used for the removal of chemical oxygen demand
tamination of numerous sites. The heavy-metal ions are often (COD) and color from paper mill effluents.3 Various researchers
encountered at elevated levels, and their exposure is likely to have utilized it for the adsorptive removal of phenolic com-
persist for a prolonged time. The Central Pollution Control pounds,4 pyridine,5 dyes,6-8 and metals.9-12 This waste material
Board, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of is a potent low-cost adsorbent for the removal of heavy-metal
India (CPCB), has set minimal national standards of 1.0, 3.0, ions from industrial aqueous effluents.
and 5.0 mg/L, respectively, for Cd(II), Ni(II), and Zn(II) for Much of the work on the adsorption of heavy-metal ions by
the safe discharge of the industrial effluents that contain these various types of adsorbents has focused on the uptake of single
metal ions into surface waters.1 metals. Because of the fact that industrial effluents generally
Several methods (e.g., physicochemical, biological, and contain several metals, it is necessary to study the simultaneous
thermal processes) have been developed for the removal of sorption of two or more metals and also to quantify the
heavy metals from waters and wastewaters to decrease their interference of one metal with the sorption of the other. No
impact on the environment. Physicochemical processes apply information is available in the literature for the simultaneous
to all waste types, whereas biological methods are appropriate removal of Cd(II), Ni(II), and Zn(II) ions by BFA. However, it
for dilute wastewaters that contain metals and thermal techniques has also been reported that the adsorption of metal ions from
are applicable to organometallics.2 The physicochemical treat- aqueous solution by any adsorbent is drastically affected by
ment processes mainly include adsorption, precipitation, and several factors, such as the initial concentration of metal ion
ion exchange. Adsorption technologies for metals wastes include (C0), temperature (T), initial pH (pH0), adsorbent dosage (m),
activated carbon and ion exchange treatment. For high-strength and contact time (t). Generally, one-factor-at-a-time experi-
and low-volume wastewaters, the removal of heavy metals via ments have been conducted in most of the previous studies to
adsorption, using granular/powdered activated carbon, has been determine the operating conditions of optimum metal removal.
widely used. Most of the activated carbons available com- One-factor-at-a-time designs often overlook interactive effects
mercially are microporous and of high surface area, and exhibit of the factors on the sorption process. Fractional factorial design
high efficiency for the adsorption of gaseous molecules. based on Taguchis orthogonal array (OA) can be a very
However, the adsorption efficiency of bigger and high-molec- effective methodology to investigate the effects of multiple
ular-weight molecules on microporous activated carbon is very factors, as well as potential interactions between these factors,
low. Also, adsorbent-grade activated carbon is cost-prohibitive in a time- and cost-effective manner.13 To date, no work is
available in the literature on the optimization of process
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel.: +91-1332- parameters based on Taguchis OA experimental design for the
285889. Fax: +91-1332-276535, 273560. E-mail address: vimalcsr@ simultaneous removal of metal ions. The objective of this paper
yahoo.co.in. is to apply Taguchis fractional factorial experimental design
10.1021/ie0609822 CCC: $37.00 2007 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 07/14/2007
5698 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 17, 2007

to screen significant factors, which would have a great impact Table 1. Process Parameters for Multicomponent Adsorption Study
on the multicomponent adsorption efficiency of metal ions from of Metal Ions onto BFA Using Taguchis Orthogonal Arrays (OAs)
aqueous solution using BFA as an adsorbent. parameter level 0 level 1 level 2
The objective of the present study is to maximize the selected A initial concentration of cadmium, 0 50 100
response characteristic (the total amount of metal ions adsorbed C0,Cd (mg/L)
onto BFA in terms of milligrams per gram of BFA (qtot)) by B initial concentration of nickel, 0 50 100
C0,Ni (mg/L)
optimizing the various parameters that affect the simultaneous C initial concentration of zinc, 0 50 100
removal of Cd(II), Ni(II), and Zn(II) metal ions from aqueous C0,Zn (mg/L)
solutions by BFA. The effect of individual process parameters D temperature, T (C) 20 30 40
and their interactions on qtot will be examined using the standard E initial pH of solution, pH0 4 6 8
F BFA dose, m (g/L) 5 10 15
procedure suggested by Taguchi. The mean or the average G contact time, t (min) 30 60 90
values and S/N ratio of the quality/response characteristics for
each parameter at different levels have been calculated from
experimental data. For the graphical representation of the change design helps to identify the working levels of the design
in value of quality characteristic, and that of S/N ratio with the parameters, process parameter design seeks to determine the
variation in process parameters, the response curves will be parameter levels that produce the best performance of the
plotted. These response curves are used to examine the product/process under study. The optimum condition is selected
parametric effects on the response characteristics. The analysis so that the influence of uncontrollable factors (noise factors)
of variance (ANOVA) will be performed for the raw and causes minimum variation to the system performance. The OAs,
S/N data to identify the significant parameters and to variance, and S/N analysis are the essential tools of parameter
quantify their effect on the response characteristics. The most- design.
favorable conditions (optimal settings) of process parameters, Taguchis method of experimental design provides the optimal
in terms of the mean response of characteristics, would be selection of parametric values, based on their intraparametric
established by analyzing the response curves and the ANOVA interaction, to accomplish a process. This method minimizes
tables. the number of experiments to be conducted based on the
statistical significance of parameters and the interactive influ-
2. Materials and Methods ences of these parameters.
Taguchis methodology, as adopted in this study, consists of
2.1. Adsorbent and Adsorbates. BFA was obtained from a four phases (with various steps), viz., planning, conducting,
nearby sugar mill (Deoband Sugar Mill, U.P., India) and used analysis, and validation. Taguchis method of design of experi-
as an adsorbent without any pretreatment (except sieving). ments (DOE) involves the establishment of a large number of
Detailed physicochemical characteristics of the BFA have experimental situations, described as OAs, to reduce experi-
already been presented elsewhere.4,9 mental errors and to enhance their efficiency and the reproduc-
All the chemicals used in the study were analytical reagent ibility of the laboratory experiments. Each phase has separate
grade. Nickel chloride hexahydrate (NiCl26H2O) was procured objectives that are interconnected sequentially to achieve the
from Qualigens Fine Chemicals, Mumbai, India. Cadmium overall optimization process.
sulfate octahydrate (3CdSO48H2O), zinc sulfate heptahydrate
2.3.1. Design of Experiment (Phase 1). The first step in
(ZnSO47H2O), NaOH, HCl, HNO3, H2SO4, and CH3COOH
Phase 1 is to identify the various factors to be optimized in
were obtained from s.d. fine chemicals, Mumbai. Stock solutions
batch experiments that have critical effect on the simultaneous
of Cd(II), Ni(II), and Zn(II) metal ions (1 g/L strength) were
adsorptive removal of Cd(II), Ni(II), and Zn(II) metal ions from
prepared by dissolving exact amounts of 3CdSO48H2O, NiCl2
aqueous solutions adsorption onto BFA. Factors were selected
6H2O, and ZnSO47H2O separately in double-distilled water. The
and the ranges were further assigned based on the detailed
stock solution for each metal salt was diluted to give metal-ion
experiments for metal removal using BFA.9-12 Based on the
concentrations in the range of 0-100 mg/L for use in the
experience, seven process parameters that exerted significant
influence on the metal adsorption have been selected for the
2.2. Analysis of Metal Ions. The concentration of Cd(II), present experimental design. These process parameters, as well
Ni(II), and Zn(II) in the aqueous samples was determined using as their designations and levels, are given in Table 1. The initial
a flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer (GBC Avanta,
concentration of one metal ion (C0,i) significantly affects the
Australia) with the detection limit of 0.009, 0.040, and 0.008
adsorption of other metal ions in the simultaneous adsorption
mg/L at wavelengths of 228.8, 232, and 213.9 nm, for Cd(II),
of metal ions;9,10 therefore, it has been decided to study three
Ni(II), and Zn(II), respectively, using an air-acetylene flame.
two-parameter interactions between the initial concentrations
Before the analysis, the sample was diluted, if necessary, with
of metal ions, i.e., C0,Cd C0,Ni, C0,Cd C0,Zn, and C0,Ni
distilled water to a concentration in the range of 0.2-1.8 mg/L
for Cd(II), 1.8-8 mg/L for Ni(II) and 0.4-1.5 mg/L for Zn-
(II). Metal-ion concentrations were determined with reference Selection of Orthogonal Array (OA) and Param-
to the appropriate standard metal-ion solutions. eter Assignment. The next step in phase 1 was to design the
matrix experiment and define the data analysis procedure. The
2.3. Taguchis Methodology of Experimental Design.
appropriate OAs for the control parameters to fit a specific study
Taguchis methodology has been used extensively in conducting
experiments and devising a strategy for the quality control of were selected. Taguchi provides many standard OAs and
products in the manufacturing industries. Taguchis method to corresponding linear graphs for this purpose. The OA selected
improve the quality of the products is heavily dependent on must satisfy the following inequality:
designing and testing a system based on engineers judgment
of selected materials and parts, and nominal product/process total DOF of the OA g
parameters based on current technology.14 Although system total DOF required for the experiment
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 17, 2007 5699

where DOF denotes the degrees of freedom. It was decided to can be written as L(y) ) k(1/y)2 and the expected loss function
study each selected process parameter at three levels to account can be represented by
for nonlinear behavior (if any) of the parameters of a process.15
With seven parameters each at three levels and three second-
order interactions, the total DOF required is 26 [ ) 7 (3 -
E[L(y)] ) kE ()
1) + (3 4)], because a three-level parameter has DOF ) 2
(number of levels ) 1) and each two-parameter interaction term where E(1/y2) can be estimated from a sample of R as
has DOF ) 4 (2 2). Hence, an L27 (313) OA (a standard three-
level OA) has been selected for this phase of work. The L27
OA, with the assignment of parameters and interactions, is
shown in Table 2. The parameters and interactions have been E(1/y2) ) (4)
assigned to specific columns of the OA using the triangular R
2.3.2. Batch Experimental Adsorption Studies (Phase 2). Signal-to-Noise (S/N) Ratio. Taguchi created a
Batch adsorption experiments were performed for simultaneous transform for the loss function that is called the signal-to-noise
metal removal with BFA, using the selected 27 experimental (S/N) ratio, which looks at two characteristics of a distribution
trials, in combination with seven process factors at three and combines these characteristics into a single number or figure
levels (Table 1), and the result obtained from each set, in of merit. The S/N ratio combines the mean level of the quality
terms of the total amount of metal ion adsorbed onto BFA characteristic and the variance around this mean into a single
(in mg/g of BFA) (qtot) is shown in Table 2. The results metric.17
presented in the table represent those for three individual A high S/N ratio implies that the signal is much higher than
determinations. the random effects of noise factors. Process operation consistent
For each experimental run, 150 mL of aqueous solution, with the highest S/N ratio always yields optimum quality with
having 50 mL of each metal ion solution (viz. Cd(II), Ni(II), minimum variation.
and Zn(II)) of known concentration was taken in a 500-mL The S/N ratio consolidates several repetitions (at least two
stoppered conical flask that contained a specific amount of BFA. data points are required) into one value. The equations for
These flasks were agitated at a constant shaking rate of 150 calculating S/N ratios for HB-type characteristics are given as
rpm in a temperature-controlled orbital shaker (Remi Instru- follows:16

( )
ments, Mumbai, India) maintained at 20, 30, or 40 C. The
initial pH (pH0) of the adsorbate solution was adjusted using 1 1 1
N (36.5 g/L) HCl or 1 N (40 g/L) NaOH aqueous solution (S/N)HB ) -10 log
R i)1
without any further pH adjustment during the sorption process. yi2
The samples withdrawn after appropriate contact time were
centrifuged using Research Centrifuge (Remi Instruments, where yi is the value of the characteristic in an observation i
Mumbai, India) at 5000 rpm for 5 min, and then the supernatant and R is the number of observation or number of repetitions in
liquid was analyzed for the residual concentration of metal a trial. From among the methods suggested by Taguchi for
ions. analyzing the data, the following methods have been used in
The removal of metal ions from the solution and the the present work: (i) plot of average response curves; (ii)
equilibrium adsorption uptake in the solid phase, qtot (in units ANOVA for raw data; and (iii) ANOVA for S/N data.
of mg/g), were calculated using the following relationship: The plot of the average response at each level of a parameter
indicates the trend. It is a pictorial representation of the effect
3 C0,i - Ce,i of a parameter on the response. The change in the response
qtot )
i)1 m
(1) characteristic with the change in levels of a parameter can easily
be visualized from these curves. Typically, ANOVA for OAs
is conducted in the same manner as other structured experi-
where C0,i is the initial metal ion concentration (given in units ments.16 The S/N ratio is treated as a response of the experiment,
of mg/L), Ce,i the equilibrium metal ion concentration (also given which is a measure of the variation within a trial when noise
in mg/L), and m the adsorbent dose (given in units of g/L). factors are present. A standard ANOVA can be conducted on
2.3.3. Analysis of Experimental Data and Prediction of the S/N ratio which will identify the significant parameters
Performance (Phase 3). The obtained experimental data was (mean and variation).
processed with higher-is-better (HB) quality characteristics Prediction of the Mean. After determination of the
(i) to determine the optimum conditions for the adsorption, (ii) optimum condition, the mean of the response () at the optimum
to identify the influence of individual factors on adsorption, and condition is predicted. This mean is estimated only from the
(iii) to estimate the performance (qtot) under the optimum significant parameters. The ANOVA identifies the significant
conditions. Taguchi defines the loss function L(y) as a quantity parameters. Suppose, parameters A and B are significant and
proportional to the deviation from the nominal quality charac- A2, B2 (second level of A ) A2, second level of B ) B2) are
teristic, and he found the following quadratic form to be a the optimal treatment conditions. The mean under the optimal
practical workable function, viz., condition (optimal value of the response characteristic) then is
estimated as
L(y) ) k(y - mT)2 (2) )T h2 - T
h + (A h ) + (B
h2 - T
h) ) A
h2 + B
h2 - T
h (6)

where k denotes the proportionality constant, mT is the target where Th is the overall mean of the response, and A
h 2 and B
value, and y is the experimental value obtained for each trial. represent average values of response at the second levels of
In the case of HB-type quality characteristics, the loss function parameters A and B, respectively.

Table 2. Column Assignment for the Various Factors and Three Interactions in the Taguchis L27 (313) Orthogonal Array (OA) and Experimental qtot Values for Multicomponent Metal Ions Adsorption
onto BFA
Experimental qtot Values
expt 1, A expt 2, B expt 3, A B expt 4, A B expt 5, C expt 6, A C expt 7, A C expt 8, B C expt 9, D expt 10, E expt 11, B C expt 12, F expt 13, G R1 R2 R3 S/N
ratio (dB)
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3.90 4.00 3.86 11.86
3 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4.25 4.21 4.31 12.58
4 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 2.48 2.36 2.47 7.73
5 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 0 0 0 8.84 8.62 9.25 18.98
6 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 6.99 7.29 6.86 16.95
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 17, 2007

7 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 1 1 1 5.78 6.17 5.81 15.44

8 0 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 2 2 4.23 3.83 4.21 12.20
9 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 13.41 13.20 13.38 22.50
10 1 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 3.29 3.32 3.24 10.33
11 1 0 1 2 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 3.11 3.22 3.25 10.09
12 1 0 1 2 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 13.08 12.93 13.36 22.36
13 1 1 2 0 0 1 2 1 2 0 2 0 1 10.00 9.80 10.20 20.00
14 1 1 2 0 1 2 0 2 0 1 0 1 2 4.31 4.06 4.17 12.41
15 1 1 2 0 2 0 1 0 1 2 1 2 0 5.25 5.39 5.13 14.41
16 1 2 0 1 0 1 2 2 0 1 1 2 0 3.52 3.70 3.64 11.17
17 1 2 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 2 2 0 1 11.88 10.30 11.83 21.03
18 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 2 7.30 6.50 7.15 16.85
19 2 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 3.55 3.60 3.48 10.98
20 2 0 2 1 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 12.08 12.74 11.83 21.72
21 2 0 2 1 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 7.20 7.66 7.84 17.56
22 2 1 0 2 0 2 1 1 0 2 2 1 0 4.31 4.10 4.26 12.51
23 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 2 1 0 0 2 1 4.16 4.05 4.29 12.39
24 2 1 0 2 2 1 0 0 2 1 1 0 2 16.00 14.02 16.08 23.68
25 2 2 1 0 0 2 1 2 1 0 1 0 2 11.08 11.94 11.42 21.19
26 2 2 1 0 1 0 2 0 2 1 2 1 0 7.25 7.36 7.51 17.35
27 2 2 1 0 2 1 0 1 0 2 0 2 1 5.50 6.06 5.36 14.99
total 182.74 180.45 184.18
mean 6.76
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 17, 2007 5701

Table 3. Average and Main Effects of qtot Values for BFA: Raw and S/N Data
Raw Data, Average Value Main Effects (Raw Data) S/N Data, Average Value Main Effects (S/N Data)
L1 L2 L3 L2 - L1 L3 - L2 L1 L2 L3 L2 - L1 L3 - L2
A 5.55 6.78 7.95 1.23 1.18 13.14 15.40 16.93 2.27 1.53
B 5.68 6.84 7.75 1.16 0.91 13.05 15.45 16.97 2.39 1.52
C 4.95 6.60 8.73 1.65 2.13 12.15 15.34 17.99 3.19 2.65
D 6.01 6.98 7.28 0.96 0.31 13.81 15.44 16.22 1.63 0.77
E 6.06 7.43 6.78 1.37 -0.65 14.14 15.56 15.78 1.42 0.22
F 10.64 5.61 4.02 -5.03 -1.59 19.05 14.58 11.84 -4.47 -2.75
G 5.94 7.19 7.14 1.25 -0.05 13.84 16.22 15.41 2.38 -0.81
AB 5.89 7.01 7.38 1.12 0.37 13.71 15.72 16.04 2.01 0.32
AC 6.28 6.88 7.10 0.60 0.22 13.95 15.67 15.85 1.72 0.17
BC 5.96 7.22 7.09 1.26 -0.13 13.69 15.82 15.97 2.13 0.15 Determination of Confidence Interval. The estima- 2.3.4. Confirmation Experiment (Phase 4). The confirma-
tion of is only a point estimate based on the average of results tion experiment is the final step in verifying the conclusions
obtained from the experiment. Statistically, this provides a 50% drawn from the previous round of experimentation. The
chance of the true average being greater than and a 50% optimum conditions are set for the significant parameters (the
chance of the true average being less than . Therefore, it is insignificant parameters are set at economic levels), and a
customary to represent the values of a statistical parameter as selected number of tests are conducted under constant specified
a range within which it is likely to fall for a given level of conditions. The average of the results of the confirmation
confidence. This range is termed as the confidence interval (CI). experiments is compared with the anticipated average, based
In other words, the confidence interval is a maximum and on the parameters and levels tested. The confirmation experiment
minimum value between which the true average should fall at is a crucial step and is highly recommended to verify the
some stated percentage of confidence. experimental conclusions.
The following two types of confidence intervals are suggested
by Taguchi, in regard to the estimated mean of the optimal 3. Results and Discussion
treatment condition:16
(i) Around the estimated average of a treatment condition Experiments were conducted for Cd(II), Ni(II), and Zn(II)
predicted from the experiment. This type of confidence interval ion adsorption onto BFA, according to the test conditions
is designated as CIPOP (confidence interval for the population). specified by L27 OA (see Table 2). Each experiment was
repeated three times for each trial condition. The average or
(ii) Around the estimated average of a treatment condition
mean values of qtot and S/N ratio for each parameter at levels
used in a confirmation experiment to verify predictions. This
1, 2, and 3 are calculated from Table 2. It is observed that metal
type of confidence interval is designated as CICE (confidence
adsorption is strongly dependent on the parametric conditions.
interval for a sample group).
3.1. Effect of Process Parameters. The raw data for the
The difference between CIPOP and CICE is that CIPOP is average value of qtot and S/N ratio for each parameter at levels
associated with the entire population, i.e., all parts ever made 1, 2, and 3, along with interactions at the assigned levels, are
under the specified conditions, and CICE is associated with given in Table 3 for metal adsorption onto BFA. Various metal
only a sample group made under the specified conditions. removal parameters (C0,i, T, pH0, m, and t) significantly affect
Because of the smaller size (in confirmation experiments), the qtot values. The interaction effect of concentration of one
relative to the entire population, CICE must be slightly wider. metal ion with respect to (wrt) another metal ion also has
The expressions for computing the confidence interval are given significant influence on the qtot values. Individually, relative to
as follows:18 the level stage, with qtot as the desired response characteristic,
m (parameter F) has the highest influence at level 1, pH0

FR(1,fe)Ve (parameter E) has the highest influence at level 2, and C0,Zn
CIPOP ) (7) (parameter C) has the highest influence at level 3. The difference
between level 2 and level 1 (L2 - L1) of each factor indicates

x [ ]
1 1 the relative influence of the effect. The larger the difference,
CICE ) FR(1,fe)Ve + (8) the stronger the influence. Table 3 shows that no single
neff R
parameter has an overriding or predominant influence over
others for the removal of Cd(II), Ni(II), and Zn(II) from aqueous
where FR(1, fe) represents the F-ratio at a confidence level of
solution by BFA. C0,i shows a stronger influence on qtot than
(1 - R) against DOF ) 1 and a DOF error of fe, Ve is the error
that of other parameters. The qtot value increased as C0,i
variance (from ANOVA), and neff is defined as
increased, because the resistance to the metal uptake decreased
as the mass-transfer driving force increased.
neff )
The response curves for the individual effects of metal
N adsorption parameters on the average value of qtot and respective
1 + [total DOF associated in the estimate of the mean] S/N ratio for metal adsorption onto BFA are given in Figure 1.
An increase in the levels of factors such as C0,i, and T, from 1
where N is the total number of results. R represents the sample to 2 and from 2 to 3, has resulted in an increase in the qtot values.
size for the confirmation experiment. Because sorption is an exothermic process, it would be
Equation 8 shows that, as R approaches infinity (i.e., the entire expected that an increase in T would result in a decrease in the
population), the value 1/R approaches zero and CICE ) CIPOP. qtot value. However, if the diffusion process controls the
As R approaches 1, CICE becomes wider. adsorption process, the qtot value will increase as T increases,
5702 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 17, 2007

Figure 1. Effect of process parameters on qtot and S/N ratio for multicomponent adsorption of metal ions onto BFA.

because of the endothermicity of the diffusion process. An Metal-ion adsorption at low pH0 ( pH0 e6) is less than that
increase in T results in increased mobility of the metal ions at higher pH0 (6). This is due to the fact that the surface charge
and a decrease in the retarding forces acting on the diffusing that is developed at low pH0 is not suitable for the adsorption
ions. These result in the enhancement in the sorptive capacity of these metal ions. For pH0 <6, a significant electrostatic
of the adsorbents. However, the diffusion of the metal ions into repulsion exists between the positively charged surface of the
the pores of the adsorbent is not the only rate-controlling step,12 BFA and the cationic metal ions. Besides, a higher concentration
and the diffusion resistance can be ignored with adequate contact of H+ in the solution competes with metal ions for the adsorption
time. Therefore, the increase in sorptive uptake of the metal sites, resulting in the reduced uptake of metal ions.
ions with an increase in temperature may be attributed to As the pH0 of the system increases, the number of positively
chemisorption. charged sites decreases and the number of negatively charged
An increase in the level of contact time t, from 1 to 2, results sites increases on the surface of BFA, as shown below:
in an increase in the qtot value. However, the qtot value remains
constant with a subsequent increase from level 2 to level 3. -MOH + OH- f -MO- + H2O (11)
Also, the adsorption of metal ions increases as t increases until
equilibrium is attained between the solute molecules in the liquid
-MO- + Cd f s M-O-Cd (12)
and the solid phases. During the initial stage of sorption, a large
number of vacant surface sites are available for adsorption. As
the sorption process progresses, its intention is to occupy the A negatively charged surface site on the BFA favors the
vacant sites, because of the repulsive forces between the solute adsorption of cationic metal ions, because of electrostatic
molecules onto the solid surface and the bulk liquid phase. attraction.9,10
Besides, the metal ions are adsorbed into the mesopores that A pH0 value of 8 is supposed to be more favorable to increase
get almost saturated with metal ions during the initial stage of the qtot value; on the contrary, the qtot value decreases at pH0 8.
adsorption. Thereafter, the metal ions must traverse farther and It is known that metal species [M(II) ) Cd(II), Ni(II), and Zn-
deeper into the pores, encountering much-greater resistance. This (II)] are present in deionized water in the forms of M2+,
results in the slowing of the adsorption during the later period M(OH)+, M(OH)20, M(OH)2(S), etc.21 At pH 4.0, the solubility
of adsorption.19 (CT,M) of the M(OH)2(S) is great, so M2+ is the main species.
An increase in pH0 has resulted in higher adsorption up to At pH 8.0, the CT,M value for M(OH)2(S) is much smaller.
level 2 and subsequent increase resulted in the decrease in the With the increase of the pH value, the CT,M value for M(OH)2(S)
desired characteristic (qtot). The removal of metal ions is decreases further. In the alkaline region, therefore, the main
determined to increase as pH0 increases from 4 to 6. The species in the solution is M(OH)2(S), which is electrically neutral.
maximum uptake of metal ions was obtained at pH0 6, and Hence, in the alkaline region, the removal of cationic metal ions
the qtot value decreased at pH0 >6. The oxides of aluminum, is not due to electrostatic attraction but rather precipitation.
calcium and silicon present in the BFA develop charges when Because Cd(II), Ni(II), and Zn(II) ions are simultaneously being
in contact with water. Except silica, all other oxides possess a removed, because of some complex mechanism, the qtot value
positive charge for the pH range of interest, because the zero- decreases.
point charge (pHZPC) of SiO2, Fe2O3, Al2O3, and CaO are 2.2, In the case of m, an increase in m from level 1 to level 2 and
6.7, 8.5, and 11.0, respectively.20 A positive charge develops subsequently to level 3 led to a decrease in the value of qtot.
on the surface of the oxides of BFA in an acidic medium, Mall et al.6 showed the that unit adsorption decreases as m
because of the aqua complex formation of the oxides present, increases, although the percentage metal removal increases,
as follows: because of the availability of a greater surface area and more
adsorption sites.22
H+ Table 3 indicates that the interactions between initial con-
-MO + H-OH 98 M-OH2+ + OH- (10) centrations of Cd(II), Ni(II), and Zn(II) metal ions [(A B),
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 17, 2007 5703

Figure 2. Interaction between parameters A, B, and C at three levels on qtot and S/N ratio for multicomponent adsorption of metal ions onto BFA.

(A C), or (B C)] are significant in regard to affecting the metal ion decreases the number of binding sites available for
average value of qtot. These interaction graphs are shown in the adsorption of other metal ions. This ultimately leads to the
Figure 2 for qtot values, along with the S/N ratios, for metal antagonism behavior. The screening effect may be another
adsorption onto BFA. possible explanation for the observed antagonism. The increas-
If the lines are parallel in the interaction graph, then it implies ing concentrations of metal ions that are not adsorbed can mask
that there is no interaction between the factors. Nonparallel lines preferentially adsorbed metal ions.
in the interaction plot indicate the existence of an interaction
between the factors. According to Taguchi,18 the greater the At lower initial metal concentrations, the antagonistic nature
difference between the slopes of the lines of two factors in the is least observed. Therefore, when the initial concentration is
range tested, the greater the interaction. increased from the lowest level to the next higher level, qtot
Figure 2 shows that the difference in the slopes of the lines values show the highest incremental rate. When the initial
is greater when the level of the parameters is lower. Hence, it concentration is further increased, this rate of increment of qtot
may be concluded that the effect of the initial concentration of decreases for the adsorption of Cd(II), Ni(II), and Zn(II) metal
metal ions on qtot is more pronounced when the C0 value of ions by BFA.
metal ions is increased from the lowest level to the middle level,
as compared to that when C0 is increased from the middle level The contribution of individual factors is the key for the control
to the highest level. to be enforced for the adsorption of various metal ions onto
Srivastava et al.9,10 have shown that the mutual effect of one BFA. ANOVA results for raw and S/N ratio data with desired
metal ion on the adsorption of another metal ion is antagonistic response characteristics (qtot) are given in Table 4 for multi-
in nature. The most logical reason for the antagonistic action is component metal ion adsorption onto BFA. From the calculated
claimed to be the competition between the adsorbate ions to ratios (F), it can be referred that all factors and interactions
occupy vacant adsorption sites on the adsorbents. It appears that considered in the experimental design with qtot as the desired
Cd(II), Ni(II), and Zn(II) metal ions share the binding sites on response characteristic are statistically significant at the 95%
the surface of adsorbents, and, therefore, the adsorption of one confidence limit.
5704 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 17, 2007

Figure 3. Percent contribution of various parameters for qtot for multicomponent adsorption of metal ions onto BFA: parameter A, C0,Cd (mg/L); parameter
B, C0,Ni (mg/L); parameter C, C0,Zn (mg/L); parameter D, T (C); parameter E, pH0; parameter F, m (g/L); and parameter G, t (min).

Table 4. ANOVA of qtot and S/N Ratio Data for Multicomponent Adsorption of Metal Ions onto BFA
Raw Data S/N Data
parameter sum of squares DOFa mean square % contribution F-value sum of squares DOFa mean square % contribution F-value
A 78.25 2 39.13 6.45 305.47 65.50 2 32.75 8.58 4.58
B 58.36 2 29.18 4.81 227.82 70.07 2 35.03 9.18 4.90
C 194.44 2 97.22 16.04 759.03 153.74 2 76.87 20.14 10.75
D 23.63 2 11.81 1.95 92.23 27.11 2 13.55 3.55 1.90
E 25.52 2 12.76 2.10 99.60 (14.30) (2) (7.15) POOLED
F 644.37 2 322.19 53.14 2515.43 238.54 2 119.27 31.25 16.68
G 27.01 2 13.51 2.23 105.46 26.38 2 13.19 3.46 1.84
AB 65.85 4 16.46 5.43 128.53 59.96 4 14.99 7.85 2.10
AC 21.36 4 5.34 1.76 41.70 42.21 4 10.55 5.53 1.48
BC 66.87 4 16.72 5.52 130.53 65.57 4 16.39 8.59 2.29
residual 6.92 54 0.13 0.57 14.30 2 7.15 1.87
model 1205.67 26 564.18 99.43 4404.79 763.39 24 332.61 98.13 46.52
cor. total 1212.59 80 564.31 100.00 777.69 26 339.76 100.00
a Degrees of freedom.

Table 5. Predicted Optimal qtot Values, Confidence Intervals, and Results of Confirmation Experiments
optimal levels of predicted optimal confidence average of confirmation
adsorbent process parameters values (mg/g) intervals (95%) experiments (mg/g)
BFA A3, B3, C3, D3, E2, F1, G2 16.41 CIPOP: 16.00 < BFA < 16.82 16.01
CICE: 15.88 < BFA < 16.94

By studying the main effects of each of the factors, the general type quality characteristic, the greater qtot value is considered
trends of the influence of the factors on the adsorptive metal optimal. Table 5 summarizes the optimal level of various
removal process can be characterized. The characteristics can parameters obtained after examining the response curves (Figure
be controlled such that a lower or higher value in a particular 1) of the average value of qtot and S/N ratios for metal adsorption
influencing factor produces the preferred result. Thus, the levels onto BFA. Table 5 indicates that the first level of parameter F
of factors necessary to produce the best results can be predicted. (m), the second level of parameters E (pH0) and G (t), and the
The percentage contribution of each parameter, for qtot as the third levels of parameters A, B, C (C0,i), and D (temperature)
desired response characteristic, is shown in Figure 3. Table 4 have higher average values of qtot and S/N ratio. Because the
shows that parameter F (m) is the most significant factor with intent of the work is to remove the maximum amount of metals
53.14% and 31.25% contribution to the raw and S/N ratio
with the highest possible concentration of Cd(II), Ni(II), and
data for the metal adsorption with qtot as the desired character-
Zn(II) metal ions present together, the third levels of parameters
istic within the assigned levels for each factor. It can also be
A, B, and C (C0,Cd, C0,Ni, and C0,Zn) are suggested for further
observed from Table 4 and Figure 3 that the interactions between
the parameters A, B, and C contribute significantly to both raw calculations.
and S/N ratio data for simultaneous metal removal onto BFA. Thus, the significant process parameters that affect the metal
3.2. Selection of Optimal Levels and Estimation of removal by BFA and their optimal levels (as already selected)
Optimum Response Characteristics. Because qtot is an HB- are A3, B3, C3, D3, E2, F1, and G2.
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 17, 2007 5705

The average qtot values (from Table 3) are given as large number of variables spanned by factors and their settings
with a small number of experiments. Factors such as initial
h 3) ) 7.95
third level of concentration of Cd(II) ion (A metal-ion concentration, temperature, pH0, adsorbent dose, and
contact time at three levels with a OA layout of L27 (313) could
h 3) ) 7.75
third level of concentration of Ni(II) ion (B be optimized with the higher-is-better-type quality charac-
h 3) ) 8.73
third level of concentration of Zn(II) ion (C teristics with 27 sets of experiments only. The interactions
between initial concentrations of Cd(II), Ni(II), and Zn(II) metal
h 3) ) 7.28
third level of temperature (D ions [(A B), (A C) or (B C)] is significant in affecting
the average values of qtot. The effect of initial concentration of
h 2) ) 7.43
second level of pH0 (E one metal ion (C0,Cd or C0,Ni) on qtot values is more pronounced
at the lower concentration of the other metal ions (C0,Ni or C0,Zn)
h 1) ) 10.64
first level of adsorbent dosage (F
for all possible interactions. All factors and interactions
h 2) ) 7.19
second level of contact time (G considered in the experimental design with qtot as the desired
response characteristic are statistically significant at the 95%
h BFA) is 6.76 (from Table 2).
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