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Alcala 1

Alfonso Alcala

Ms. Justice

English III AP

24 May 2017

Cesar Chavez Free-Response (Revision)

Cesar Chavez uses moments in history to prove that nonviolence is more powerful than

violence. Through these examples, he contradicts violent resistance with nonviolent. Boycotts,

strikes, and demonstrations of violence lead to conflicted world of what is right and what is

wrong. Chavez believed that by using nonviolence, as other protesting leaders in history, he

could make a better life for himself and the those who worked in same conditions that he was

fighting to change.

One of the first things that Chavez said was, we advocate militant nonviolence as our

means of achieving justice for our people, . Chavez ensures that though peaceful protest and

using reasonable force will lead to the justice that his people deserve. He gives credit to Dr.

Kings life as the source that inspired him to be an advocate and leader of the farm workers

movement. Chavez believes that when nonviolent measures are taken, you have already beaten

the oppressors. Nonviolence supports you if you have a just and moral cause. Chavezs moral

cause being that the workers were not being paid as much as they should. The injustice of not

getting enough benefits, both health and economic, from the employers lead to the uprising of

workers that Chavez leads.

Alcala 2

If the workers do not act then nobody would ever take them serious. Or there will be a

total demoralization of the workers. Their problems would be ignored and no action would be

put against those with power over them. This past week there was a boycott, in which I

participated, that believed that through the use of nonviolent resistance we can take a stand on

those who want our absense from this country. Violence does not work , Chavez knew that

with violence he would not achieve the civil rights that he fought so hard for. He mentions

Gandhi and his teaching that the perfect instrument of nonviolent change is boycotting. Along

with Chavez, the farm workers boycotted the grape industry for which they worked. This

ultimately lead to the start of something that would change the industry. The support of the

people is the most important thing in a protest. If people do not support a cause then there will be

no reason for the people to support the action to accomplish their goals.

The contradiction surfaces when Chavez introduces the effects of the use of violent

measures. But if we are committed to nonviolence only as a strategy or tactic, then if it fails our

only alternative is to turn to violence. Chavez understands the risks of using violence and does

not eliminate violent resistance from the few options that he has to solve the problem. Even

though violence is something that he is against, Chavez is willing to do whatever it takes.

Examine history, we have seen countless moments in history where people have fought for

what they believe and think is right. Dr. King was assassinated because of his fight for civil

rights, Gandhi starved until there was justice and Chavez boycotted. These three men have made

a differnce in the world. Chavez says, time is our ally, some say that time fixes all problems.

Yes nonviolent resistance takes time but the problems and rebuttals that would come up from

taking violent measures would not be worth all the suffering.

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