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Rocket Project

Kristen Lloyd
Written for
Mr. Hendricks
Honors Physics Class

This project included launching rockets that had varying engines, after calculating their
heights. These heights were found, or predicted, by using skills that have been practiced
throughout the year. The predicted heights were fairly similar to the actual heights that were
calculated after the rockets had been set off. The actual purpose of this lab was to cement the
understanding of physics concepts that had been taught all this school year in class.
Height (+1.5) meters Predicted Height

85 77
125 132
109 186
155 281
97 36

In this project, there were rockets that were launched into the air after their heights were
predicted. The actual heights of these rockets were calculated once in the air using trigonometry,
specifically numerical iteration. Numerical iteration is the process of breaking up a model into
time intervals to get a more accurate prediction. For this project, the time interval was .1 second
and the force was assumed to be constant in this interval. Numerical iteration was used for this
project because it is not possible to analytically solve. But before all of this, the drag force for the
rockets with different engines. This was done by using the impulse/momentum theorem,
F t= impulse or change in momentum, P . This theorem was derived from Newtons
second law of motion, which states the F=ma . Acceleration, a , can have a substitution
of v / t , because this is the definition of acceleration. Multiplying the t to both sides,
the left is cancelled and the equation becomes F t=m v . v is replaced by v f v i
and the mass was distributed. This becomes: F t=mvf mvi . The mass x velocity is
defined as momentum, meaning the impulse is equal to the change in momentum, the final
equation being this: F t = P . Now to the engines. The engines used in the different rockets
were: A8, B6, C6 and the 1/2 A that was used for only one rocket. An A8 engine means that the
engine has a force of 2.5 Newtons, and will burn for 8 seconds. A B6 engine has a force of 5
Newtons and
will burn for 6
seconds. C6
engine has a
force of 10
Newtons and
will burn for 6
This lab was meant to help the class better understand how model rocket engines work
and how to calculate the
force at which they will
burn. This data will be
needed later in order to
predict how high the rockets
will go. To find the force,
the rocket engine was first
tested in a controlled
experiment. The experiment
was set up like shown to the
right. The calculator was set
to graph every tenth of a
second, the force that was
exerted on a force gauge. To set the calculator up to do this, the program Datamate was used. The
threshold was set at -2, so once the force exerted on the gauge hit 2 Newtons, the calculator
would record. It would continue to record for 3 seconds, which was set up in the process, using
the trigger. The threshold was -2 because the force on the gauge was being pushed, meaning it
would record negative. So the Datamate program was set to decreasing so it would record
correctly. The pre-store was set to 10%, meaning that it would save the 10% before and after the
trigger went off to be used as data. The gauge had to be zeroed after everything was set up
because the book under the track was throwing off the data. Actually setting off the rocket was
done not with matches, but with phosphorus-lined wire (ignitor) that was attached to a battery.
Then the experiment officially began
The first couple of times the experiment worked well but the data that recorded wasnt
correct or good to work with so it was redone. The fourth or fifth time the experiment was run,
the data was accurate and that is what was used to further the project. The data from that final
experiment is shown here:

The data was transferred into calculators, using L 1 for the time and -L 2 for force, negative
so it would be easier to understand as all the force would be recorded as negative. This would
make it positive.
Now all that needed to be done was to find the area under the curve, and then the
engine used could be determined. The area under the curve can be found like this:
take multiple rectangles, all with the same width. In this case, the width of all the
rectangles will be .1, for each point plotted on the curve. Then, using right-end
triangles in the interval t=0 to t=2.3. In this report, sigma notation, or summation,
was used to calculate the area. This is shown in the work space below. Anytime after 2.3 seconds
can be counted as insignificant and can be disregarded for this project. Once the areas were all
added together, the sum came to be about 8.1667.

Using this information, the engine is one step closer to being identified. The engines are found
by how much impulse they give, going in an order such as this: A engine gives out 2.5 Newtons,
B=5 N, C=10 N, D=20 N, and E=40 N. Since the data came to be about 8 Newtons of force, it is
most probable that it is a C engine that just happens to have less force than average. The number
after the letter on an engine corresponds to the average force exerted by the engine. To find this
force, The equation that needs to be used would be Impulse= Force x change in time. This was
changed algebraically to solve for what needed to be solved. It ends up being Impulse/change in
time= Force. The variables were replaced with numbers, Impulse being 8.1667 and change in
time being 2.3 (2.3-0 = t f -t i ). So, the F=3.55 approximately; this is then rounded up to be
4 Newtons. In conclusion, the engine used in this experiment was a C4 engine, according to the
calculations stated in this report. But, afterwards, the engine was actually a C6 engine and not a
C4. The data couldve been off to give the wrong results for a number of reasons. The angle at
which the rocket shot was not put into account when calculating. It is also possible that the
wrong data was recorded because once the engine was lit, the base moved slightly. This could
account for the discrepancies.

Drag Force Analysis

The purpose of this portion of the rocket project was to find the drag coefficient, k of
two rockets that have different masses to better understand drag force in general and how that
will help in the future of the project, launching the rocket into the air.
Before starting the experiment portion of this section, the drag coefficient needed to be
found for the rocket. To find this, there was first an example to work through to make sure the
material was understood by all. In this experiment, a ping pong ball was connected to a string in
the wind tunnel and the angle at which the ball hung when the wind was going was found. The
mass, 2.3 grams or .0023 kg, was given to the class, and also the velocity, 12 m/s, of the wind in
the tunnel. The angle was found to be 73 degrees from the vertical. The equation that is used in
this scenario is Fd =k d v 2 , where Fd is the drag force on an object, k d is the drag
coefficient, a constant based on the size and shape of the object in play, and v 2 is the velocity
of the object.
The drag coefficient needed to be found first before using this equation, and this is done
by using Newtons second law of motion. It is being solved first in the x direction, meaning the
equation looks like this: F x =ma x . F x can be substituted for Fd Tsin because, as
shown below, the vector needed to be broken into its components, starting on the x component.
On the other side of the equation, m ax can be substituted for 0 because there is no acceleration
in the horizontal direction. There is still two unknowns after this equation so another is needed to
get only one unknown, therefore being able to solve the equation for k d .
Going back to Newtons second law, now an equation will be made for the y direction, or
vertical. This equation, starting from F y =m a y simplifies to Tcosmg=0 . Now the
equation needs to be solved for T . Adding the mg to the other side and then dividing by
cos , the equation is now solved to find T , T =mg/cos . Going back to the first
equation, the second can be substituted into the T . Now there is one equation, one unknown.
This single equation is this: Fd =(mg /cos )sin . This can be simplified even more, as
tan =sin /cos , making the final equation Fd =mgtan . Now substituting in the
numbers that were found in the ping pong ball example, the equation to find the drag force is
this: Fd =.00239.8tan( 73) . The drag force in this example comes out to be .0737
Newtons. Now having this variable solved, the original equation, Fd =k d v 2 , can finally be
used to find k d , the drag coefficient. Some very simple algebra needs to be used so the
equation is solved for the right thing, so the final equation that will be used is Fd /v 2=k d .
Substituting in the numbers from above, k d =.0737 /122 , equaling it all out to be
k d =5.118104 .
Now for the experiment using the rocket and the data found in class. The setup was very
important to the experiment. A wind tunnel was used, lying between benches in the Physics lab.
This wind tunnel blew wind at 30 m/s, which will be used as the velocity, v , in the equation
later. In the wind tunnel, there is a honeycombed-shaped air filter. This shape is important, giving
a laminar flow to the air, making the data more accurate. The rocket, with a mass of 61 g or .061
kg, was hung in the wind tunnel and then it was started up. The angle at which the rocket was at
was approximately 32 degrees from the vertical. After this experiment was done, the numbers
were recorded and now the drag
coefficient can be found for this
rocket. This is done by
calculations using the same
equation as above,
Fd =mgtan . Plugging in the
correct numbers for the variables,
the equation comes out to be

Fd =.0619.8tan(32) ; meaning Fd = .374.

Now to find the drag coefficient, using Fd =k d v 2 ,
rewritten to find the correct variable, k d =F d / v 2 .
Plugging in the velocity and the force that was just found, k d =.374 /302 k d =4104 ,
rounded off for significant figures.
In the case of the white rocket, it was too big to put into the wind tunnel, therefore not
being able to be experimented on. Using this new understanding of drag force, it is safe to
estimate its drag coefficient. It is known that the white rocket has a larger drag coefficient than
that of the red rocket that was experimented on. Yet, it has a smaller coefficient than the ping
pong ball that was used in the example in the beginning. This is because the pointed end of the
rocket makes it more aerodynamic than the ping pong ball because it reduces its drag force. This
would be the case if not for the size of the rocket compared to the ping pong ball. Presumably,
the rocket will be slightly larger than the ping pong ball, given the size difference. The red
rocket came to be 4104 , or .0004, and the ping pong ball is about 5* 104 , or .0005. This
means that it is probable to assume that the larger, white rocket has a drag coefficient of .0006,
just slightly more than the ping pong ball and even more than the red rocket.

Numerical Model
The last part of this lab before the actual shooting of the rockets was to make predictions of the
heights of the various rockets given. To actually predict the heights, a Microsoft Excel
spreadsheet was used. Doing this section of the lab was not only to predict the heights of the
rockets but to better understand numerical models and the physics involved. On the spreadsheet,
these were things included: total mass in grams, but later changed to kilograms, of the rocket and
the engine, and the drag coefficient of the rocket(s). These variables can be changed depending
on what rocket and engine, and the table will change with the correct numbers, using the new

The first column was was reserved to the time, the values being every tenth of a second.
The second column is the thrust of the engine at the corresponding time. This data was found on
the engine companys website that was copied onto the chart. The third column was the average
thrust, calculated by taking the first and second thrusts and dividing them by two, averaging it
out. The fourth column was the drag force for the .01 second interval, and that was found by
using the equation in the last section of the lab, Fd =k d v 2 . The v used came from the final
velocity found in the row above. The fifth column, the average net force, was found by taking the
average thrust, found earlier in the row, and subtracting the mass of the rocket multiplied by the
force of gravity and also the drag force. The equation looks like this: Thr avgmgFd . The
next column found the average net impulse by multiplying the average net force by the change in
time, .01. The next column is for the initial velocity, the final velocity from the row one above.
The next column is for final velocity, which was predicted by taking the initial velocity and
adding it to the impulse divided those by the mass of the rocket and engine together. The
equation looks as follows: ( net t)/m . The next column was the average velocity, taking
V i=
the initial and final velocities and dividing them by two. The next and final column was the
height predictions of the rockets, found by taking the initial height, the one directly above it in
the column, and adding it to the average velocity multiplied by the change of time. This equation
looks like this: hi + v avg t .
The values of the total mass,
drag coefficient, and the engine thrusts
for every .01 second were copied in.
After rewriting them into the
spreadsheet, the other columns
automatically changed to fit the data.
One by one, the data was changed to
calculate everything for each of the
rockets with each engine inside of them.
This turned out to be nine different
scenarios with nine different sets of
data. The rockets and engines used were: Red/Silver, Red/Yellow, Red/Black,
B6, C6, and A8 engines. The small white rocket with the 1/2A engine will
also be found. The masses of just the rockets and just the engines were given,
Those would be added together before being put into the table for data. The
drag coefficients were available too because those were found in the last lab,
The red and silver rocket had a drag coefficient of .0005, red and yellow had
one of .0003, the red and black was .0004 and the small white one predicted
to have one of .0002. Once these values were plugged in, the predicted
maximum height could be found by scrolling down the spreadsheet and
looking for the biggest number on the height column. For example, if the C6
engine was used in the red and yellow rocket, the total mass came to be .063 kg and the drag
coefficient was .0003. These were typed into the space provided and after typing in the thrust
values given by the company, the table will be accurate. Now that it is correct, when the
spreadsheet is scrolled down, the maximum height was found and that was about 280.85, or 281
This process was done over and over many more times, changing either the rocket or the
engine. These results are found here:
Rocket Engine Maximum height (meters)

Red/Silver A8 32
B6 77
C6 186

Red/Yellow A8 63
B6 132
C6 281

Red/Black A8 24
B6 67
C6 184

Small White 1/2A3 36

It is known that these are not the exact heights the rockets reached. Forces like wind and
gravity changed the results, even if just slightly. Also, the drag coefficient for multiple rockets
were just an estimate considering they couldnt be found for this experiment. They also only
allowed for one significant figure, which is not very accurate but as close as this project allowed.
Because of this, there are actually error bars and the number found above is within the bar. For
example, the red and black rocket could have a drag coefficient anywhere from .00035 and .
00045. Therefore, the experiment used .0004, as an average coefficient. To find the length of the
error bars now, the maximum height with the maximum k d and the maximum height with the
minimum k d were subtracted to find the difference. This difference would be the length of the
error bars. Here are two examples, the Red/Yellow rocket and the Red/Black rocket:
Rocket Engine Max height w/ Max height w/ Error Bar (max-
maximum k d minimum k d min k d )

Red/Yellow A8 66 61 5
B6 143 125 18
C6 309 259 50

Red/Black A8 25 24 1
B6 69 66 3
C6 194 176 18
This lab was not only done to find the maximum height, it also showed the importance of air
resistance and how it can affect outcomes. To understand this importance, the data found was
recorded above and then the drag coefficient was changed to zero, modeling no air resistance for
the data. It changed the maximum height substantially. For example, the same data was used as
above, with the C6 engine in the red and yellow rocket, but the drag coefficient was now zero.
The number was so high that the spreadsheet didnt reach it. The data below shows that it
reached more than 938 meters and was continuing to climb:

The purpose of this portion of the lab was to launch the rockets and compare this data to what
was predicted earlier in the project. The experiment was set up like this: a launchpad that the
rockets were loaded onto. From there an ignitor was placed into the engine, where it was
attached to a battery, ready to be ignited. There were three groups of two people, all equally
placed 50 meters from the launchpad. They had two people for a reason; one to measure the
angle at which the rocket launched from their perspective and the other to record that angle.
There were three groups so the angles that they all found could be averaged out, giving more
accurate results because it is known that the rockets would most likely not go straight up and
down like the predicted model. Before the rockets could be launched, the engine was inserted
with a plastic plug to keep the place. The parachute was carefully folded and placed into the
rocket along with a paper called wadding that is flame-resistant so the parachute would not burn.

Then the rockets were launched. First the red and silver rocket with a B6 engine. Second was the
red and yellow with the B6 engine. Next, the red and silver rocket with the C6 engine was shot.
This was very off course and discounted. It was then done again. The fourth was the red and
yellow with the C6 engine. Last of all, the small white rocket with the 1/2 A engine. All of this
data is recorded here:
Rocket Engine Angle 1 Angle 2 Angle 3

Red/Silver B6 58 58 61

Red/Yellow B6 64 71 68

Red/Silver C6 61 70 64
Red/Yellow C6 68 67 82

Small White 1/2A 61 65 61

The angles shown above were then averaged. To find the heights for each rocket,
trigonometry was then used, using the angles that were just averaged. A right triangle was
formed between the launchpad, the rocket at maximum height, and the angles found. The
distance from the launchpad and the angle was 50 meters. This means the tangent of the average
angle of the launch is equal to the height of the rocket, divided by 50 meters. As an equation, it
looks like this: tan =h/ 50 . Switching it around to solve for what needs to be solved, it then
looks like this: h=50tan . This equation is then applied to each of the launches to find the
height. However, 1.5 meters needed to be added to each height since this is the height at which
the angle was measured. 1.5 meters was used because it is the average height of a high school
student, the people who measured the angles. These results are shown here:
Rocket Engine Angle 1 Angle 2 Angle 3 Average Height Predicted
Angle (+1.5) Height

Red/Silver B6 58 58 61 59 85 77

Red/Yellow B6 64 71 68 68 125 132

Red/Silver C6 61 70 64 65 109 186

Red/Yellow C6 68 67 82 72 155 281

Small White 1/2A 61 65 61 62 97 36

Within this lab, there were many small errors that will be addressed now. First, the engine
that was figured out in the engine thrust portion of this lab very possibly is not what it was
originally thought to be. The engine that was figured out was B4 but this is most likely incorrect.
The ramp of the setup would move once the engine was fired, giving incorrect results. The data
was most likely lower than it shouldve been, meaning the engine was most likely a B6 instead
of B4. This could be correctly solved by using a different engine and using that one in the
experiment. Also, the data was then used in an area under the curve problem. To get more
accurate results there, the width of each rectangle could be made smaller, giving a smaller error
margin in the calculations.
The next has to do with drag coefficients. The red and yellow rocket, measuring .0003 is
most likely accurate, even if the wind tunnel may have caused the rocket to bounce slightly. An
answer to this possible incorrect result would be to do it again, maybe multiple times, to get the
angle correct. To get it to bounce less, maybe a better filter than the given honeycomb, even
though it is one of the best. The accuracy of the measured angle is also questioned, because of
how it was found. A better way of finding the angle could be done, possibly to be more accurate.
The height predictions were also prone to mistakes, as the iteration assumed the force
was constant at each interval, which is not reality. Also, the mass was always changing as the
fuel ran out and the acceleration of the rocket wasnt taken into consideration as the average
velocity was used instead.
As expected, the actual heights of the rockets were not completely accurate, but they are
actually pretty close. The red and silver with a B engine was predicted to reach 77 meters but
actually reached 85 meters. The red and yellow with a B predicted to be 132, actually 125. Red
and Silver with a C was predicted to reach 186, but actually reached 109. Red and yellow with a
C reached 155, where it was predicted to be 281, pretty far off. The small white was also pretty
far off, with a prediction of 36 but actually reaching 97. Mistakes were made, the main one being
that the rockets didnt go straight up and straight back down. The equation that was used to
calculate assumed this, meaning it was slightly off. To get more accurate results, the rockets
would need a way to go up straighter than they did in this lab. Also, the wind couldve thrown
off the rocket, so it would need to be a more controlled environment. The straighter the rocket
goes up, the more accurate the model/equation that was used to find the heights.

This project was the opportunity of a lifetime in my opinion. It gave me a great understanding of
physics in action and how to take all Ive learned and apply it to accomplish something great.
Initially, I was terrified for this project; it is infamous to this class for its difficulty and
intenseness. Im not a confident person in my work, especially physics and this put it to the test.
Though this may have been some of the most stressful weeks of school, it was all worth. I
understand physics so much more now and how to actually use it. I feel like I started behind
most of the class in terms of my comprehension of the core ideas, but this project caught me up
quickly. I started to enjoy writing lab reports, and conveying what I learned onto paper. I feel like
that really made sure I actually understood what I was learning. Overcoming the challenges
became easier as the project went on. I had to humble myself and get help from my peers and my
sister so I could understand whatever section of the project I needed help to understand. This was
a huge step in my understanding of rocket science and even just physics in general.

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