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Dejar de fumar mientras duermes

Dejar de fumar es una cuestin de voluntad, pero ya sabemos que el homo sapiens
sapiens tiene poca fuerza de voluntad per se, la escala evolutiva ni nos brind ni nos
facilit esa determinada virtud. Desafortunadamente el ser humano es perezoso por
naturaleza y la ley del mnimo esfuerzo impera en el hipotlamo del homo tecnologicus

Si usted es un fumador que quiere empezar a dejar el vicio quiz le interese el siguiente
artculo... La clave estriba en asociar al tabaco un pestilento olor a huevos podridos,
quiz despues de leer esto prefiera seguir fumando... usted mismo, la decisin es suya.

Odor Conditioning Reduces Cigarette Smoking

Anat Arzi, Yael Holtzman, Perry Samnon, Neetai Eshel, Edo Harel, et al.
(see pages 1538215393)
Many students wish they could study while they sleep. Unfortunately, while the
importance of sleep for memory consolidation is well documented, evidence that people
can learn new declarative information during sleep is lacking. Nevertheless, some forms
of learning can take place during sleep. For example, presenting tones paired with odors
to sleeping volunteers caused the participants to sniff when the tones sounded after they
awoke. Arzi et al. now show that such implicit olfactory conditioning might have
practical value. Cigarette smokers who wished to quit smoking were presented with
aversive odors at different sleep stages or during wakefulness. When aversive odors
were presented during sleep, participants smoked fewer cigarettes in the subsequent
week than they had in the previous week. The reduction was greatest when aversive
odors were presented immediately after cigarette-smoke odor during stage 2 sleep, and
it did not occur if aversive odors were presented when subjects were awake. Future
studies should determine whether such olfactory conditioning facilitates long-term
smoking cessation.

Publicado 17th November 2014 por Jorge Garca

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