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Present Simple

- Radnje koje se stalno ponavljaju, navike i rutine

He gets up early every day.

She goes for a walk everyday.
I never drink orange juice.
She reads every night before she go to sleep.
I have an English lesson three times a week.
He plays football on Saturdays.
We always go at a seaside for our holidays.

- Opste istine

Cats like milk.

People make choices because they have to.
Time passes very quickly when you get older.

- Nesto sto je tacno i trajno u sadasnjosti

He lives in London
I am a student.
She loves her job.

- Naucne cinjenice

Water boils at 100 C.

The Earth moves around the Sun.

- Fiksne stvari i rasporedi

The train leaves at 9:30 am.

The lesson starts at 12.30 tomorrow.
Lunch is at a 14.00.
School begins on Wednesday.
The tv show starts at 8pm tonight.

- Nekoliko kratkih uzastopnih radnji

He takes the ball, he runs down the wing, and he scores!

First I put some butter in the pan and then I turn on the cooker.
- Davanje instrukcija

Put the things on the table.

Read the questions first and then write down your answers.

- Naslovi u novinama

Messi leads Barca to the final.

Man rescues child from lake

- U nultom i prvom kondicionalu

If people eat too much, they get fat.

If babies are hungry, they cry.
If I study today, I'll go to the party tonight.
If I see her, I'll tell her.

- Dramski prezent

I rush to the station and find I have missed the train.

- Za buducnost posle predloga kao sto su: when, before, until, like, after, as soon as

I will call you when I have time.

I am going to make a dinner after I watch the news.

Cesti prilozi: often, not often, sometimes, usually, normaly, always, every
day/week/month/year, twice a weak ...

2. Present Continuous

- Radnja koja se desava u trenutku govora

I'm watching the game.

She's working at the moment.
I am sitting down, because I am tired.
This calculator isn't working properly.

- Radnja koja se desava u sadasnjosti sire od momenta govora, privremena radnja

I'm driving a new car this week.

You are working hard today.
I'm reading a really great book.
She is studying Law.
He's eating a lot these days.
It's snowing a lot this month.
I'm learning Chinese.

- Budua radnja koja je planirana, dogovorena

I'm buying a house this week.

She's leaving at 3 o'clock.
I'm washing my hair tonight.
Mary is playing piano on the tv show on next Saturday.
I 'm meeting a friend for lunch tommorow.

- Tekuci trend, razvoj situacije

It's getting colder.

Your english is getting better.

- Konstantna iritirajuca navika

He is always getting in trouble in school.

3. Past Simple

- Radnja koja se desila u proslosti, posebno kada znamo tacno vrijeme kad se desila

She washed her car.

He fell off his bike.
We went to Spain for our holidays.
I saw a movie yesterday.
I met my wife in 1983.
Last month I traveled to Budva.

- Kada znamo koliko je neka prosla radnja trajala

We talked on the phone for an hour.

I lived in Brazil for two years.
They sat at the beach all day.

- Navika iz proslosti

I worked in a bar everyday after school.

I studied French when I was a child.
They always enjoyed visiting their friends.
He visited his parents every weekend
They travelled to Italy every summer

- Cinjenice iz proslosti

I didn't eat pizza before.

The earth was once a big ball of gas.
She was shy as a child.
He enjoyed being a student.

- Nekoliko uzastopnih radnji u proslosti

I finished my homework, phoned my friend and went to the mall with her.
I finished work, walked to the beach, and found a nice place to swim.
He came in, took off his coat and sat down.

- Za detalje i objasnjenja nakon neke druge prosle radnje.

I've been on holiday. I went to Spain and Portugal.

- Uslovne recenice sa when

When i pressed the button I heard the sound.

- U drugom kondicionalu

If I won the lottery, I would buy a house.

- Posle I wish (volio bih da)

I wish I had more time.

esti prilozi: yesterday, two days ago, last week/month/year/Monday/February

4. Past Continuous

- Radnja koja je trajala u proslosti (bilo da se zna ili ne zna vrijeme u kom je

The dog was barking.

I was watching TV last night.
I was looking for you yesterday.
This morning at 8.30am I was driving to work.
The birds were singing.

- Radnje koje su istovremeno trajale u proslosti

I was listening to music while she was making a dinner.

The family was eating the dinner and talking.
When Bob was painting windows, Mary was working in the kitchen.
The dog was eating my food while I was talking on the phone.

- Prekinuta radnja u proslosti

I was reading when he came in.

I was watching TV when she called.
While we were having the picnic, it started to rain.
While John was sleeping last night, someone stole his car.
I was talking with James when the telephone rang.
She was walking to work when she met John.

- Opis situacije u proslosti, pozadina price

The sun was shining, people were walking down the street and he was sitting on
the balcony.
The birds were singing, the sun was shining and in the cafs people were laughing
and chatting.
I was reading a book, the kids were running, and the boys were playing football.

- Razvoj situacije

The rain was getting heavier and heavier.

I was becoming less and less certain about what she said.
It was getting warmer and warmer.
- Iritirajuca navika iz proslosti

He was constantly talking.

She was always coming to class late.
He was always losing his things.

- Past Continuous - om mozemo izraziti radnju koja je privremeno trajala u


She was trying to lose weight the whole last year.

I was working in the Sales Department last month.

- Kao sto present continuous moze izrazavati buduce vrijeme tako i past continuous
moze izraziti nesto sto je u nekom momentu u proslosti trebalo da se desi u

When I saw James last week, he was studying hard because he was taking an
exam the next day.

- Izuzetno se moze Past Continuous - om odrediti trajanje radnje kad zelimo da

naglasimo ono sto je slijedilo nakon radnje.

We were cooking all morning because we had 15 people coming for lunch.
5. Present Perfect

- Radnja iz proslosti koja ima rezultat ili posledicu u sadasnjosti

She has cleaned her room.

You have changed so much!
I 've broken my leg.
My English has really improved.
The government has become more interested in arts education.
I have finished my work.
Tom has lost his keys.
She has found a solution for her problem.

- Dostignuca i uspjesi

Our son has learned how to read.

Man has walked on the Moon.
I've had some profesional success
She has learned to speak Russian.
He has won the tournament.

- Radnja koja se upravo desila/zavrsila

I have just written my homework.

I 've just seen Lucy.
She has just arrived from Budva.

- Radnja koja je pocela u proslosti a i dalje traje u sadasnjosti

I' ve known Karen since 1994.

She's worked here for three years.
I havent' seen her this month.
She's drunk three cups of coffee today.
She has been a waitress since her mid twenties.
We have been best friends since we were kids.
They 've been enemies for ages.

- Radnja koja se desila u vremenskom periodu koji jos traje

I have been to Budva this week.

She has been to the cinema twice this week.

- Radnja koja se desila jednom ili vise puta u proslosti a ne znamo niti nas
interesuje kad

She has met a friend.

They have seen that film six times.
We have eaten at that restaurant many times.
He has lived in the jungle.

- Radnja koja oznacava dozivljeno iskustvo

They have never been to California.

Have you ever been in Italy?
Has he ever eaten snails?
She is the most intelligent person I've ever met.
This is the first time that Spain have won the World Cup.
He has driven a car for the first time
We have visited Portugal several times.

- Kad se u novinama objavljuje neki skori prosli dogadjaj

Famous actor has died age 89.

- Kad je neka radnja radjena vise puta a i dalje nije gotova pa se ocekuje da ce se
opet desiti (kao nedovrsena radnja u prosirenom smislu - moja napomena)

- Present Perfect se moze koristiti umjesto Present Simpl-a posle veznika kao sto
su: if, when, as soon as, before, until.

If I manage to talk to him, I will tell you

If I 've managed to talk to him I will tell you.
Akcenat je na tome da ce se neka stvar desiti ili se mora desiti prije neke druge.

You 'll sit there until you apologize.

You'll sit there until you 've apologized.

esti prilozi: just, already, yet, since, for, ever i never


You must always use the Present perfect when the time of an action is not important
or not specified.
You must always use the Simple past when details about the time or place that an
action occured are given or requested.

What did you do at school today?" I use the simple past tense because the question
is about activities, and the school day is considered finished.
What have you done at school today?" I use the present perfect because the
question is about results : show me . The time at which the question is asked is
considered as a continuation of the school day.

Use the simple past to talk about a finished action that happened at a specific time.

Past Simple stavlja akcenat na radnju samu po sebi.

A Present Perfekt na rezultat odnosno posledicu radnje

Kod dovrsenog vremenskog odredjenja koristi se Past Simple - Last year

A Kod nedovrsenog Present Perfect. - This week
6. Present Perfect Continouos

- Radnja koja je trajala i nedavno se zavrsila sa primjetnim posledicama

I am tired because I have been running.

I'm so tired, I've been studying.
Ive just been cleaning the car.
Its been snowing
He's been doing his science project all night.
It's been raining.
Someone's been eating my chips

- Radnja koja je pocela u proslosti i koja i dalje traje

I have been reading for 2 hours.

Ive been reading your book its great.
Hes been living in Belgrade since 1995.
She has been waiting for you all day
I've been working on this report since eight o'clock this morning
They have been talking for the last hour.
She has been working at that company for three years.
I have been waiting for you for three hours.
I have been working here for 6 months.

- Radnje koje se ponavljaju od nekog momenta u proslosti pa sve do sad

Ive been going to Spain on holiday every year since 1987.

I havent been eating much lunch lately. Ive been going to the gym at lunchtimes.
Shes been playing tennis on and off for three years.
I've been going everywhere by bike for the last two months.
She has been watching too much television lately.
Have you been exercising lately?
Lisa has not been practicing her English.
I have been watching the news every evening

Present perfect - om izraavamo koliki se broj puta nesto desava

Present perfect continuous - om izraavamo koliko dugo se nesto desava.

He has voted Green in the last three elctions

He has been voting Green since he got right to vote.
Whats the difference?
Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Continuous

Present Perfect Simple Present Perfect Continuous

Radnja koja je trajala u proslosti i i Radnja koja je trajala u proslosti i i
dalje traje u sadasnjosti sa stative dalje traje u sadasnjosti sa action
verbs. verbs.
Ive known John for three years. Shes been living here for three years
nekad nema razlike nekad nema razlike
Theyve lived in London since 2004. Theyve been living in London since

PP koristimo kad govorimo koliko je PPC koristimo da bi naglasili duzinu

necega, how much, how many. vremena koje je proslo.
She's drunk at least a litre of soda They have been waiting for hours.

PP se fokusira na to da je radnja PPC se fokusira na samu radnju.

zavrsena. I've been reading the book you gave
I've read book you gave me. me.

PP se koristi kad je radnja zavrsena a PPC se koristi kad posledica dolazi od

posledica dolazi upravo iz toga sto je same radnje nebitno da li je zavrsena
radnja zavrsena. ili ne.
I've eaten dinner, so let's go out. I've been eating dinner so there are
She has done her homework so she plates all over the table.
can go out. She has been doing her homework, so
she's tired.

PPC se koristi da naglasi da je nesto

. She's been running a lot recently.
I've been studying in the library for
the last week.
7. Past Perfect

- Prosla radnja koja se desila ili trajala prije neke druge prosle radnje ili nekog
drugog vremenskog odredjenja proslosti.

I had washed my hair before I went out.

She only understood the movie because she had read the book.
Kristine had never been to an opera before last night.
We had gone at Plaza hotel for ten years before it broke down.
They were sad about selling the house because they had owned it for more than
forty years.
When I got home yesterday, my father had already cooked dinner.
As soon as she had done her homework, she went to bed.
When he graduated, he had been in London for six years.
Id been to five countries in Europe by 2001.
By the time I was 15, my father had taught me how to drive a car.

- Da bi objasnili razlog za nesto u proslosti

I had eaten dinner so I wasn't hugnry.
I couldnt get into the house. I had lost my keys.

- Nemoguce ili zamisljene stvari u proslosti - Treci kondicional i I wish

If I had known you were ill, I would have visited you.

I wish I hadn't gone to bed so late!

- Sa if only da izrazi zelje u vezi sa prosloscu

If only I had been with them, I migh have saved them

If only you had asked me to help you the job would have been done in half the

- Situacije koje su se promijenile u proslosti, planovi, zelje

I had planned to go to the beach but look at the rain.

I had wanted to be an actor but I am studying Political science now.
8. Past Perfect Continuous

- Radnja koja je pocela prije nekog momenta ili radnje u proslosti i trajala do tog
momenta ili radnje

They had been talking for three hours before she left.
She had been working at that company for three years when she left it.
How long had you been waiting to get on the bus?
James had been teaching at the university for more than a decade before he left for
I had been dating her for 3 years before we got married.
At that time I had been studying in London for three years.

- Razlog za nesto sto se desilo u proslosti

He gained weight because he had been eating too much

Jason was tired because he had been jogging.
Sam gained weight because he had been overeating
The road was wet because it had been raining.

- Moze se koristiti i u Trecem kondicionalu

If it hadn't been raining, we would have gone to the park.

Present Perfect Countinious and Past Perfect Countinious nemaju pasiv.

9. Future Simple

- Za odluku (namjeru) donesenu u momentu govora

I'm cold, I'll close the window.

Hang on! I'll have a word with you.
Its too expensive to fly on the Friday. - Well fly on Thursday then.
I will gou out now.

- Za predvidjanje buducnosti, i kad smo sigurni i kad smo manje sigurni

AC Milan will defeat Manchester United.

I hope you will do the exam well.
I think they'll come.
In my opinion, she'll send him a letter.
I think she'll win win the competition.
The boss won't be very happy.
I think we'll get on well.

- Obecanja, ponude, zahtjevi, odbijanja, naredbe

I will bring the book back tonight.

I will help you with your homework.
I will call you when I come home.
I will hold this bag for you.
Will you give me some cash?
I won't go. - You will come with us.
Will you come to the cinema with me?
Will you shut the door, please? (

- Radnje koje ce se desiti bez uticaja govornika

The sun will shine tommorow.

Peter will be 15 next Tuesday.

- Radnja koja ce se desiti u buducnosti u tacno odredjenom vremenu.

The sun rise at 7am.

He will get up at 6 am.

- Za predvidjanje navika, opstih istina, stvari koje se uvijek ponavljaju itd.

She will cry and my mom will tell her to calm down.
People will always complain.
Cat will always find a warm place to sleep.

Predvidjanja sa will su obicno dalja nego sa going to.

- Za objekat koji nece da ''odreaguje''

The car won't start.

- U prvom kondicionalu

If I pass my exams, I 'll go on a long holiday.

10. Future Continuous

- Radnja ili dogadjaj koji ce biti u toku u nekom vremenu u buducnosti

This time tommorow I will be taking my driving test.

We will aready be swimming when you come.
It will be raining when you return.
This time next week, Ill be taking photographs with my new camera.
Next week they will be flying to Australia from Saudi Arabia
Unfortunately we wont be attending the wedding.
This time next week I will be sun-bathing in Bali.
I guess you'll be feeling thirsty after working in the sun.
I'll be seeing Jim at the conference next week.
Tomorrow at this time, I will be taking my English langauge exam.
In an hour, I will be sitting in front of my TV.
In the evening, I will be baking a birthday cake.
I'll be watching TV when my mother arrives.

- Za radnju koja ce privremeno trajati u buducnosti

They will be sleeping in the living room for next two weeks.

- Za radnje koje su ocekivane da nastupe

The train will be arriving in a few minutes.

- Sa prilogom still, ukazuje se na radnju koja traje i sada a ocekuje se da ce trajati i

u tom nekom buducem vremenu.
Tomorrow he'll still be suffering from his cold.
Will she still be wearing a size six next year?

- Future Continuous moze biti iskoriscen i da opise situaciju, slicno kao Past
Continuous, odnosno da kaze da ce dvije radnje trajati istovremeno. Medjutim
mora se znati da u recenicama sa time clause, ne moze stajati buduce vrijeme.

Tonight, they will be eating dinner, discussing their plans, and having a good time.
While Ellen is reading, Tim will be watching television

When I arrive at the party, everybody will be celebrating. Some will be dancing.
Others will be talking.
While I am finishing my homework, she is going to make dinner.

- Za nesto sto pretpostavljamo da se desava u momentu govora.

The kids are very quiet, they'll be doing something wrong.

11. Going to

- Namjera za buducnost, isplanirana buduca radnja

I'm going to buy some groceries.

We are going to sing at the party.
Im going to look for a new place to live next month.
Is Freddy going to buy a new car soon?
We are going to have dinner together tomorrow.
I am going to buy a new car.

- Zakljucak o buducnosti na osnovu dostupnih cinjenica

The sky is getting darker. It's going to rain.

Its going to snow again soon.
He's going to be a brilliant politician.
It's 8.30! You're going to miss your train!

Will izrazava odluku donijetu u momentu govora

There is no milk. - Really, ok, I'll buy some.

Going to izrazava odluku koja je donijeta prije vremena govora, koja je vec
planirana ili je jos u toku njeno planiranje.
There is no milk. - I know, I'm going to buy some.

- Moze se koristiti i za naredjenje

Youre going to pick up all of those toys right now. (koja je razlika u odnosu na
Will za naredbe)
12. Present Continuous (Future)

- Definitivni dogovori za blisku buducnost

I'm going to the cinema tonight.

I'm travelling to Paris tommorow.
My son is taking his girlfriend to dinner tonight.
We are going on holiday to Italy this summer.
I am doing my homework this evening.
I am leaving at three.
Are you coming to the party?
I'm doing my homework this evening.
I'm starting high school in September.

Present Continuous koristimo kad imamo dogovor u vezi neke buduce

situacije/radnje. Kada je vec uredjeno da se nesto desi u buducnosti. U tom smislu
kad se zna vrijeme i/ili mjesto te radnje. (Najcesce vrijeme)

Present Continuous je najcesci nacin za izrazavanje necijih planova za blizu

buducnost. To je vie lian i neformalan nacin.

Present Continuous and Going to mogu se upotrebljavati u veoma slicnim

kontekstima (nekad, prakticno identicnim) ali treba znati:

Going to, vise akcentuje namjeru a Present Continuous naglasava da je stvar

uredjena, dogovorena.
I am going to get a new job. - Namjeravam da pronadjem posao.
I am getting a new job. - Pocinjem da radim. (Vec je odluceno, sredjeno)

I'm going to visit my brother on Friday. - Posjeticu brata u petak.

- Ja to namjeravam. A nisam se ni cuo, ni najavio ni dogovorio.
I'm visiting my brother on Friday. - Posjeticu brata u petak.
- Sve je dogovoreno, culi smo se, on me ocekuje.
13. Present Simple (Future)

- Fiksne i servisne stvari, rasporedi, termini itd.

Her birthday falls on a Friday next year.

The train arrives at 20.12.
She has a yoga class tomorrow morning.
The restaurant opens at 19.30 tonight.
The plane leaves in ten minutes.
The films starts at 20.00
The doctor works from 9 am. to 12 am.
My train leaves in two hours.

11. Future Perfect

- Radnja koja ce se desiti prije neke druge radnje ili momenta u buducnosti

When you arrive, I will have left.

He will have come home by 10pm.
They will have left the library by 8 pm.
By 10 o'clock, I will have finished my homework.
I will have learned some Japnese before I go there in July
Mom hopes that she will have passed her driving test before she go on holiday.
I think theyll have got there by six oclock.
Before they come, we will have cleaned up the house.
I will have retired by the end of this year.
I will have read the book by Tuesday.
Do you think you will have finished it by next Thursday?

- Radnja koja ce u nekom momentu u buducnosti vec biti trajala odredjeno vrijeme
ovo je kao upotreba future perfect continuous ali sa state/stative glagolima
By 2020 I will have lived in Podgorica for 25 years.
On Tuesday, I will have lived here for one year.
Next month my parents will have been together for thirty years.
At the end of this month, they will have been in their house for one year.
By the next year, I will have known Monica for 30 years.
Patrick will have lived in Hong Kong for 20 years by 2012.
On Thursday, I will have known you for a week.
12. Future Perfect Continuous

- Radnja koja ce u nekom vremenu u buducnosti vec trajati odredjeno vrijeme

At 8 pm, I will have been working for 12 hours.

By the end of the month I will have been working here for six years.
I will have been waiting here for three hours by six o'clock.
By 2021 I will have been living in London for sixteen years.
When I finish this course, I will have been learning English for twenty years
In September, she will have been living in France for a year.
They will have been talking for over an hour by the time Thomas arrives.
How long will you have been studying when you graduate?
Before they come, we will have been cleaning the house for 5 hours.
In November, I will have been working at my company for three years.
At five oclock, I will have been waiting for thirty minutes.

Uzrok za nesto u buducnosti kada se koristi prije neke druge buduce radnje.

takodje se uptorebljava daleko bilo i kad govoris o nekoj randji koja se ponavlj alu
proslosti isve do sad i ocekujes da se desava desi i sad i sad

It is time to annsver the questions manuy of you will have been askin yourselves

futur continuous and futur perfect continuous nemaju pasiv

Ako nema vremenske odrednice, onda se obicno koristi Future Continuous, ali
treba voditi racuna jer
Future Continuous oznacava radnju koja ce trajati u nekom momentu u buducnosti
Future Perfect Continuous oznacava radnju koja ce trajati vec neko vrijeme do tog
momenta. (moze i dalje trajati ili skoro biti zavrsena)
13. Nulti kondicional - Zero conditional

- Naucne cinjenice i generalne istine, stvari koje su uvijek istinite

If you heat ice, it melts.

If people eat too much, they get fat.

If + Present simple => Present simple

14. Prvi kondicional - First conditional

- Moguci buduci dogadjaj koji zavisi od nekog drugog buduceg dogadjaja

If the weather is fine, we'll go to the beach.

If you study hard, you will pass the test.
She will be sad if he leaves.
If it rains, I won't go to the park.
If I study today, I'll go to the party tonight.
If I have enough money, I'll buy some new shoes.

If + Present simple => Will

moguce je jos
If + Present simple => Can, May
If + Present simple => Imperative

15. Drugi kondicional - Second conditional

- Za malo vjerovatne ili nemoguce buduce dogadjaje

If I met Ronaldo, I would ask him for an autograph.

If I were you, I would buy a new phone.
If I won the lottery, I would buy a big house.
If we were in London today, we would be able to go to the concert in Hyde Park.
If I went to China, I'd visit the Great Wall.

- Za nemoguce sadasnje situacije i dogadjaje

If I had his number, I would call him.

If she got up ten minutes earlier, we wouldn't be late for school every day.
If they were older they could go there on their own.

IF + Past Simple => Would

moguce je jos
If + Past simple => Could, Might

16. Treci kondicional - Third Conditional

- Zamisljeni dogadjaji koji bi se desili da je ispunjen neki uslov iz proslosti koji se

nije desio. Rezultat prosle situacije koja se nije desila.

If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam.

If we had taken a taxi, we wouldn't have missed the plane.
If I had known you were ill, I would have visited you.

She wouldn't have been tired if she had gone to bed earlier

IF + Past Perfect => Would Have + Past Participle.

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