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Dogme is an approach to teaching that argues that teaching

should focus on the learner and not be driven by the resources
available, including course books. It is a recent movement in ELT,
started by a group of teachers who are against 'resource heavy'
teaching, arguing that if learners are not interested they will not
learn and therefore all material should be generated by the
learners and the lessons directed by them, rather than the teacher.

Learners come to class discussing something that is in the news.
The teacher encourages and facilitates discussion and provides
answers to questions about grammar and vocabulary as they arise.

In the classroom
In a Dogme lesson, the classroom as such does not exist, as there
are no resources, course books or lesson structures apart from
those that learners bring. The teacher involves the learners in
deciding on their priorities each lesson, and takes the role of
facilitator of their objectives.

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