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11. Year 1900: Brian J. L. Berry, ``Urbanization'' Pp. 103119 (110, gure 7.8) in B. L. Turner et al.

, 1990, The Earth as Transformed by

The Future of Population

Human Action, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Year 1950: United Nations Population Division, World Urbanization Prospects:
The 1996 Revision, 1 May 1997, 12. Year 2050: gure pertains to 2030; 13. Year 2000: World Resources 19981999, 274.
12. Calculated from percent of people in cities and total global population size.
13. United Nations Population Division, World Urbanization Prospects: The 1996 Revision, 1 May 1997, 103.
14. Ibid.
15. United Nations Population Division, brieng packet, 1998 revision, 27.
16. Ibid., 26.
17. Ibid.
18. United Nations Population Division, World Population Prospects: The 1998 Revision, 2. World Population Projection to 2150, 6, table 3.
For 1900: Individual country life expectancies given by Angus Maddison, Monitoring the World Economy 18201992, 27, range from
twenty-four years for India (low) to fty-six years for Sweden (high) among twelve countries for which estimates are available. Global
estimate of thirty years is from Samuel H. Preston (personal communication, April 1999).
19. For 19502050: United Nations Population Division, World Population Prospects: The 1998 Revision, 2.
20. Ibid. Estimates from population size for other dates.
21. Assumes 10 percent of all land can be used for permanent crops. One square kilometer equals 100 hectares.
22. Robert Engelman, Proles in Carbon: An Update on Population, Consumption, and Carbon Dioxide Emissions ( Washington, D.C.:
Population Action International, 1998), 18, gure 6. Years 2050, 2100: estimated allowable emissions per person with high or low
future population growth.
23. C emissions per person times total population. Years 2050, 2100: estimated allowable emissions per person with high or low future
population growth.
24. 3.3 in 2000: World Resources 199899, (Oxford: World Resources Institute, Oxford University Press, 1998), 304. 4.4 in 2000:
Sandra L. Postel, Gretchen C. Daily, Paul R. Ehrlich, 1996, ``Human Appropriation of Renewable Fresh Water,'' Science 271: 785788.
Other gures: Peter H. Gleick, ``The World's Water 19981999,'' graphed in New York Times, 8 December 1998, p. 7 of special section
``The Natural World.''
25. J. F. Muller, 1992, ``Geographical Distribution and Seasonal Variation of Surface Emissions and Deposition Velocities of Atmo-
spheric Trace Gases,'' Journal of Geophysical Research 97: 37873804. For 1900 and 1950: personal communication from J. F. Muller via
Elisabeth A. Holland (2 April 1999). For 2000: extrapolation from estimates up to 1990.


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