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Pongpisit Nett Iamsomboonkorn

Mr. Abel Cadias

English 10 / 10:02

May 16, 2017

Students General Study Skills

Girls have better self-discipline and they are more adept in many things in reading test

instructions before proceeding to the questions; they pay more attention to a teacher rather

than daydreaming; they choose to do homework rather than watching TV; and they spend

more time on assignment rather than getting frustrate about it (Gnaulati, 2014). Girls spends

more time on homework. On average, they spend five and a half hours per week doing

homework while boys spend just four and a half hours (OCED, 2015). Boys brains need

more rest times during a day of learning. When bored, boys do zone out more than girls and

require rest periods before re-engaging in learning. Girls are simply more motivated to earn

better grades because they are more enthusiastic to prove themselves to be good girls, to

make teachers and their parents proud of them (Dahlsgaard, 2015). According to Gurian, 75%

of students in a special education classroom are boys. The vast majority of special education

student populations are boys. This finding shows that boys are diagnosed with learning

disabilities at a much higher rate than girls. Since elementary school until college, the average

female is doing better than the average male when it comes to academic subjects like math

and science (Dahlsgaard, 2015).

Do General Study Skills Affect Students Grade?

Since kindergarten, self-discipline for girls carries into middle-school and beyond. In

middle school, girls beat down boys in overall self-discipline and it contributes their grades

across all the subjects. The reason that girls earn better grades than boys is not that girls are

smarter or more academically able. Girls and boys perform about equally on IQ tests. They

also perform similarly on tests of academic abilities. People believed that girls are motivated

more than boys do (Dahlsgaard, 2015). From the survey, it shows that girls didnt earn better

than boys. Boys and girls are doing almost the same in science subject but in math subject,

boys earn better grades than girls do. From the survey, 10:02 girls mostly study before the

exam by summarizing the lesson and reading the lesson throughout the weekend but 10:02

boys mostly practice after teachers have taught, so when they have the examination, they will

not have a hard time to read compared to girls which are very different.

10:02 Grades

This section shows boys and girls grades in Math, Science and English.

Math Science English

1. A 95% B+ 88% A 92%

2. B+ 85% C 73% B 81%

3. B 83% C+ 77% B 80%

4. C 71% F 56% B+ 85%

5. D+ 68% D+ 65% B 81%

6. B+ 89% A 94% B 83%

7. A 96% A 99% B 80%

8. C 71% B 80% A 93%

9. B 81% C+ 77% C+ 79%

10. B+ 86% B 80% A 93%

11. C+ 76% C+ 75% B 83%

12. A 90% A 90% B+ 85%

13. D+ 69% D+ 69% A 90%

14. C 71% C+ 76% C 73%

15. B 80% D+ 67% A 91%

16. A 93% B 83% B 84%


17. A 92% A 98% C+ 78%

Average = C 79.2% B 82.1% B 84.2%

Table 1. Seventeen girls grades and average (Semester 1, 2016-2017)

From the data table, there is a difference in number of boys and girls, so the

researcher solved the problem by looking at the highest grades that both genders earn to see

who are learning better. In math, girls have five A grades same as boys but one boy failed,

so it shows that girls perform better grades. Even though, boys average grades are higher but

there is difference in number of boys and girls. In English, girls have five have A grades,

Math Science English

1. C+ 77% C+ 79% A 90%

2. A 94% A 95% B+ 87%

3. A 97% B+ 88% B 81%

4. A 97% A 92% A 92%

5. F 42% D+ 65% B+ 86%

6. A 96% B+ 88% B+ 85%

7. A 99% B+ 85% B+ 85%

Average = B+ 86% B 84% B+ 86.5%

boys have two A grades, lowest grades that boys earn is B but lowest grades that girls

earn is C. The average of boys grades in English is higher than girls; it shows that boys

perform better. The first data table shows that girls are learning best in English and girls

weak in Science.
Table 2. Seven Boys grades and average (Semester 1, 2016-2017)

From the data table, there is a difference in number of boys and girls, so the

researcher solved the problem by looking at the highest grades that both genders earn to see

who are learning better. In

Science, boys have two A and

the lowest grades is D+, girls earn four A but the lowest grades is F and other grades

are lower than boys and some are equal, so it shows that boys perform better grades, boys

average grades are also better than girls. The second data table shows that boys are learning

best in English.

The Ways to Make Students Learn Better

There are some problems that make a lack of studying; which are lack of organization

and planning, revising but not practicing, no motivation, losing track of what youve covered,

this is the example of general study skills and you can see that it is the ways to make your

grade become better (Langley,2015). The ways to improve in learning are students need to be

well organize. The key is to find an enough time for the revision but balance with fun activity.

After lesson students need to practice not just revising and frustrate during the exam period.

For motivation, students need to set their own goals by thinking the career in the future and

try to make it come true. Moreover, students also need to think about disadvantages of failing

the exam. For example, retaking the exam and it will be a wasting of time and money, and

also parents will be upset and disappointed, etc. Creating timetable and study planners can

work well for every student, it will help students to know how long they should spend on one

subject, and where students need to spend more time, keeping on track by using excel, word,

notepad or other tools to record the data. As students use technology to help in planning,
students can also use it for learning by self-learning on the internet, so students will learn

beyond the lesson and have more knowledge in their life. These solutions helped over one

million students to boost their grades (Langney, 2015).


This research report aimed to raise awareness for students to have better general study

skills and provide ways in effectively improving them. This research report concluded that

girls are learning better in Math, and boys are learning better in Science and English. Boys

have better general study skills, so it shows that general study skills affect students grades.

There are ways to help students improve their grades by practicing the lesson every day and


balanced it with fun activity. This research report recommends further studies on the

disadvantages of lack of general study skills to getting good grades.



Girls may perform better at school than boys but their experience is
much less happy

(2016,Aug 24). Retrieved by April 25, 2017, from


Gnaulati, E. (2014,SEP 18). Why Girls Tend to Get Better Grades Than Boys Do. Retrieved

by April 25, 2017, from https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2014/09/why-


Katherine, K. (JUNE 2,2015). Why do girls earn better grades than boys. Retrieved by April

25, 2017, from http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/healthy_kids/Why-do-girls-earn-


Knapton, S. (2013, Dec 2). Girls really do mature quicker than boys. Retrieved by April 26,
2017, from http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/science-news/10529134/Girls-

Langley, P. (n.d.) 10 most common study problems for students and how to beat them.

Retrieved by April 26, 2017, from http://www.independent.co.uk/student/student-


Schneider, A. (2013, Feb 13). How Boys Learning Styles Differ. Retrieved by April 26,

2017, from http://www.goodtherapy.org/blog/how-boys-learning-styles-differ-


The Economist (2015, Mar 6). Why girls do better at school than boys. Retrieved by April

25, 2017, from http://www.economist.com/blogs/economist-


Zamosky, L. (n.d). How Boys and Girls Learn Differently. Retrieved by April 25, 2017, from


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