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Shadow Work

Below is a ritual format through which one can connect to, work with, and overcome the portions of
their shadow. It follows a strict flow and I would not recommend straying from it, lest you endanger
yourself. The sigils for each part of the shadow self can be found at the bottom of this article, and I
would suggest that you only utilize one at a time. Do not draw them unless you intend to use them.

Ritual Outline
1. Provide offerings to your guardian spirits

By this point, you should have a pretty decent handle on the nature of your guardian spirits,
both local and ancestral, as well as the allies you've cultivated through your ongoing spirit work.
2. Perform an Invocation of your Higher Self

By this point, you should have your own method for getting in contact with your HGA/HS for
ritual use. Proceed with it, as you will need the essence of this portion of you present to balance
out the extreme negativity that will be raised as you progress through this rite.
3. Draw the sigil for the aspect of your Shadow that you intend to invoke

You will need to use consecrated parchment paper for this purpose. I would suggest that you
trace out the sigil, then pray over it to empower it.
4. Prayer to the Keystone

The Keystone an entity I've worked with for quite some time. Its purpose is simple: to watch
over the keys so that they are not accidentally activated through tracing them, visualizing, etc.

Keystone, bearer of possibilities

Stir, waken, hear, and become available to me
I invoke thy name and call for thy presence
Stand alongside me as I work through the Umbric Keys
Face me so that I might face my Self

[Seal the invocation by tracing a lemniscate in the air]

5. Evoke or invoke the Shadow's aspect

How you proceed here is up to you. Evocation tends towards being gentler than invocation, but
invocation will allow you to do more than simply wrangle with that aspect of your Self.
6. Complete the rite and dismiss all invoked forces

Dismiss that which has been conjured and ground yourself in the manner of your choosing.
7. Deal with the outcome of the rite

If you did the work right, you will have stuff to deal with. You'll learn about certain things that
motivate you, how to diffuse your temper, etc. That's the real reason behind this work, after all.
If you should need help, which you may, you'll want to reach out to me through my contact

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