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Global Expansion of Solar Power by Maximizing Participation in a Utility Ran Program

Global Studies and World Languages Academy Senior Project

Stephanie Alexander

Table of Contents
1. Abstract..pg
2. Literature Review.......pg
3. Limitations..pg
4. Introduction.pg
5. Body........pg
6. Conclusion..pg
7. Bibliography...pg
8. Appendicies.pg

Its no surprise the world is ending. As more carbon emissions are put out, the need for a

green energy source has become evident. Human activity should help the earth, not hinder it. A

sustainable form of energy will ignite the nation's status, economy, and development in Green

Initiatives. The earth has suffered years of destruction due to coal ash spills and nuclear wastes

being handled improperly. The most beneficial action humans can do for the earth is to integrate

solar energy into an everyday form. The best way to do this is to set up a utility run program that

will provide an easy setup of solar energy by creating a plan, easily accessible to anyone.

Emphasis is put on what the program can become, what it has the power to be. The program will

revolutionize the way renewable energy is used in such a developed country. The United States

can use Spains tips on integration in order for the U.S to boost its ranking in sustainable energy

usage. By creating competition around the world, eventually the world will see the value in

taking care of the earth, while saving money as well.


Literature Review
Constantly in the media recently in the last about 10-15 years especially there have been

increased amounts of coal ash dilemma incidents occurring. A very popular coal ash spill is the

one in North Carolina that made it into the newspaper. The spill was caused by a hurricane and

totaled in a 600 million dollar fine for Duke Energy. The coal ash that has spilled into the Dan

River has majorly affected the North Carolina area. According to the Virginian Pilot, an article

titled Duke Energy Seeks to Boost Renewables, mentions how North Carolina has a high ranking

in solar capacity, therefore Duke Energy has suggested to add 400 megawatts of mainly solar

energy, the most dominant of the renewable energies. (Richardson, 2016) Another major coal ash

spill occurred in Tennessee in 2008 and still has yet to make any true clean up. The cleanup effort

is worth 1.2 billion dollars. This is due to a dike rupturing at the plant and causing a spill that

equates to about a football field nearly half a mile high. The earth even went through a 16-month

record heat streak due to the repetitive conditions that are occurring. The newspaper article

Earths 16-Month Record Heat Streak Ends, is all about the super warm weather finally

plateauing. (Borenstein, 2016) Currently the Navy has decided to take a lead in a solar energy

project. In reference to the newspaper article, Navy Solar Project Lights the Way, the U.S Navy

has seen the value in solar energy and is announcing the commencement of a 21 megawatt solar

farm at Oceana Naval Air Station. (Richardson, 2016) This will hopefully set off a major echo

for solar energy integration in the United States.

While solar panels are the perfect solution to reducing coal ash and nuclear forms of

energy, integration comes with its own set of limits. In short spoken terms, people do not like

change. The idea of quickly transferring a whole energy system, especially in a home, may bring

up questions and worries. This may be because the homeowners feel as though they will have to

learn about how the system works inductively and thoroughly know all the ins and outs. Doubt

may also be the system's biggest obstacle when the customer is trying to figure out just how

cost-effective the system really is and what their monthly power bill will look like. Not only

the overall, long term costs may be of concern, but the upfront costs as well. The universal theme

of if its not broken, dont fix it may preside in this case for not buying into the program. This

ties into the limitation that there may not be enough homeowners who care about the situation

of the earth, therefore the program needs to create an incentive strong enough with the cost

savings amount in order to keep every customer on board. The idea will hold importance to those

who are educated and informed about the complexity the coal ash dilemma has incurred on the

In order to truly maximize participation the utility run program, which will later be

discussed in detail, must accompany a certain set of standards in order to reach every level of the

socioeconomic class. Difficulties will incur especially in low income areas, because they might

feel as though they cannot join the program due to instability of their income and that they will

not be able to make the payments. The program must meet a level of accommodation in order to

benefit those of low income and to include them into the cost saving plan. The price will in turn

be driven down more due to greater participation.

The style and the look of the solar panels may be of concern for some who are on the

verge of making the decision to join the program. Many solar panels are noticeable on the roof

and very bulky. The solar panels may even cause some stress to already worn out structures.

Therefore, a different style of the panels could solve this case.

There are those who are skeptical about the transition to solar power due to the decrease

in hours of absorption in the winter. Frequent changes in weather may also act as a deal breaker

for a few homeowners because of the lack of information of the construction and material of the

cells. Another reason for skepticism of the solar cells may be due to the change in seasons, such

as how the panels would work in the winter and if they would be as reliable and durable. In the

winter the solar panels may endure less hours of absorption, but the installation utility company

will know the best position for the panel to sit.

A possible limitation of the solar panels may be a lack of interest or backlash from

Dominion Power, depending on their stance of the evolution into increased solar energy use.

Dominion Power is currently running a monopolistic business in energy due to the very high

amount of customers they have since it is not an easy startup type of business, therefore they

dominate most areas and supply electricity. Dominion Power might see the change to solar as

competition rather than a benefit to the customer and to the earth.

Finally, the challenge of truly integrating a full blown solar power grid may be the

biggest concern. A problem will be the need for additional power lines to carry the DC power.

This additional need for space at each site, and who is going to pay for the buildout, is probably

the largest obstacle to switching a full Solar Power.


Global Expansion of Solar Power by Maximizing Participation in a Utility Ran Program

A push for global expansion of solar power is instrumental to the preservation of the

earth and the core principles that keep the human race alive. No other gimmick is best to use than

the one about the world coming to an endliterally. If current energy sources continue to be

exploited there will be a huge downfall in not only our economy, but our nations confidence as

well. The solution to this, is to create a program to integrate solar energy, so good, it is

undoubtedly chosen. The program will help the United States in the development of a sustainable

energy source for the future and pose the U.S as a model for the rest of the world. The United

States needs to continue to develop its future energy sources. Much of Europe has decided to go

green, and the U.S needs to be competitive in all areas. Specifically focusing on Spain,

comparing the advancement of solar energy to the United States, Spain is widely more advanced

in its development of solar energy; constituting why the United States should study the

techniques used by other countries such as Spain to further its development in renewable energy.

Solar energy is a renewable energy source that works through the absorption of suns heat to put

out thermal energy to use for electricity. A hypothetical solution to the mass integration of solar

panels is the use a utility ran program, like a subscription, but for electricity. The program would

be ran by an electric utility company, similar to Dominion Power. It would create a new industry

that helps diversify the power grid. Features of the program will later be explained in detail,

although it is imperative to state that a flexible program is strategic in enticing home owners to

participate in the program. Creating an incentive to stay will be crucial in the balance of the

relationship between the utility and the customer, since the utility will be acting as the investor

and need the most reliable way to receive a high return. Specified cost evaluations concerning

upfront and long term costs will be discussed in the body as well. The specific solar energy that

would hypothetically apply to the utility ran program is the establishment of photovoltaic cells,

also known as solar panels, on roofs, which harness the suns energy to run the electricity at a

much cleaner, cost effective rate. The current use of coal and nuclear power plants needed to

fuel energy needs are catastrophic to the earths physical well-being and therefore, the existence

of human life on earth. Coal and nuclear power plants are obviously nonrenewable and come at a

huge expense to the earth. Hazardous output has led to many incidents of pollution and

irreversible damage. Not only will solar energy reduce the output of hazardous material, it will

reduce the use of nuclear power which are susceptible to damage from natural disaster. Besides

the incentive of participating in Green Initiatives, the benefits will also include reduced power

costs for customers who subscribe to the utility ran program. The benefits even extend to areas of

limitation such as lower income areas and those who are not homeowners. How to incorporate

them into the program as well is of high value and importance, as the program is designed not

only to increase participation, but to maximize it. Therefore, if the costs are equal between solar

energy and the production costs of electrical energy, then people will choose solar, because of the

benefit in reduction of carbon emissions, reduction in costs, and benefits to global change.

The Need for Sustainable Energy

The human race lives not a second longer without a sun in the sky, but takes the life of

the earth for its own. There is no human race, no humanity, once resources run scarce, or extinct.

The need for sustainable energy is rationalized due to the depletion of energy sources that are

finite, such as fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are nonrenewable and cannot be counted on as viable

resources to the rapid growing population on earth. If the world really comes to an end, its going

to be due to the detrimental effects of overcompensation of the earths resources. Soon the

demand for energy will outweigh the supply. With the growing amount of energy usage around

the world, there is a growing need for thousands more power plants. Carbon dioxide emissions

are causing global warming, which is setting off a snowball effect to climate changes as well.

The adverse effects of the emissions are affecting biodiversity, precipitation patterns, fresh water

supply, agriculture and food supply, and the safety of those living in low-lying coastal areas.

(BisolarCells, 2016) Renewable energy will never run out, making it a very reliable source. A

plan for sustainable energy is important since the earth carries a vast, inexhaustible supply of

renewable energy. The plan for renewable energy will also lead to little to no global warming

emissions, improved public health and environmental quality, jobs and other economic benefits,

and stable energy prices. The overall energy system will be much more resilient.

(ConcernedScientists, 2013) Global warming is impacting the earth and its ecosystems that are

less than resilient. It is obvious the earth needs a plan to save it from more pollution and

corruption of its intrinsic beauty.

Deficits of the Current Uses of Nonrenewable Energy

The current use of coal and nuclear power plants are less than viable. In this direction the

earth is spiraling towards literal death. Obviously what is currently being used is not the best way

to maximize the resources available, while being eco-friendly. Without viable sources of energy

that do not deteriorate the land, the land will suffer with every added waste from the

reprehensible means of unrenewable products. How coal ash is actually formed is simple. The

current process that is in place in order to produce energy is burning of carbon fuels such as coal,

oil, or gas to generate steam that drives large turbines that produce electricity. These plants can

generate electricity reliably over long periods of time. However, by burning carbon fuels they

produce large amounts carbon dioxide, which causes climate change. They can also produce

other pollutants, such as sulphurous oxides, which cause acid rain. Nuclear power plants use

the heat produced by nuclear fission to generate steam that drives turbines, like in fossil fuel

plants. However, no greenhouse gases are produced in this fission process, and only small

amounts are produced across the whole fuel cycle. (WorldNuclearAssoc., 2016) The burning of

fossil fuels leads to hazardous carbon emissions that take a huge toll on the earths atmosphere.

The burning of coal, natural gas, and oil for electricity and heat is the largest single source of

global greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gas emissions from industry primarily involve

fossil fuels burned on site at facilities for energy. (EPA, 2016) Coal ash is a huge dilemma

currently due to the burning of coal for energy. According to the Huffington Post The bulk of

our coal combustion waste (CCW) is simply dumped into large open, unlined, uncovered

landfills. There are numerous documented cases of cancer, birth deformities, and respiratory

illnesses in people living close to these dumps, or anywhere it is being applied outside, ie, next to

roads where it has been used for resurfacing. Also, there are numerous cases of water

contamination around the country, both where toxics are leaching into groundwater, and into

water bodies that are public drinking water sources. Though not all of them are known, our

reliance on coal for electricity production has produced about 600 coal ash dumps around the

country. (Fair, 2011) Continuous incidents of coal ash will push each state to move towards

better planning and facilitation of waste products, as well as curing the production of the waste to

begin with. Incidents that contaminate water are hugely looked at as the deal breaker for the use

of coal and nuclear energy. The incident in North Carolina in February 2014, when 39,000 tons

of coal ash was dumped in the Dan River ended in a huge fine for Duke Energy, but many

incidents like this are not held accountable for the waste. Also a relevant incident that recently

occurred is the finding that older ash was stored underground in Chesapeake that homes,

neighborhoods, businesses and schools were built on. According to court filings, the site has

more than three million tons of coal ash buried under ground. (LIN, 2016) The coal ash

dilemma, a national issue, should be enough for the nation to realize, there needs to be big

change. Energy that does not challenge the earth, rather energy that guides it is the breakthrough

the world needs to see. The clear solutions for sustainable energy are solar energy, wind energy,

hydro energy, and biomass. All of which are perfect solutions, since they are readily available

and easily accessible. The topic of solar is broad enough to focus on and has great value, as the

infrastructure for the power grid is already set in place.

Solar Energy has Potential to Dominate Power Grid

Solar has the potential to dominate all other sources of nonrenewable and renewable

energy. Solar is the perfect advancement to solve the carbon emission dilemmas, as well as

diversify the power grid. The power grid should be diversified, since the current energy sources

are a huge threat to the overall safety and health of the environment and humans. Solar power is

energy from the sun that is converted into thermal or electrical energy. According to the Solar

Energy Industries Association (SEIA), Solar energy is the cleanest and most abundant

renewable energy source available, and the U.S. has some of the richest solar resources in the

world. Modern technology can harness this energy for a variety of uses, including generating

electricity, providing light or a comfortable interior environment, and heating water for domestic,

commercial, or industrial use. The U.S. solar market faces both challenges and opportunities;

the industry is working to scale up the production of solar technology, and drive down

manufacturing and installation costs. (SEIA, 2016) Renewable energy investments are usually

spent within the United States, frequently in the same state, and often in the same town. This

means your energy dollars stay home to create jobs and fuel local economies, rather than going

overseas. Renewable energy technologies developed and built in the United States are being sold

overseas, providing a boost to the U.S. trade deficit. (RenewableEnergyWorld, 2016)

Photovoltaic (PV devices) or solar cells change sunlight directly into electricity. Individual PV

cells are grouped into panels and arrays of panels that can be used in a variety of applications

ranging from single small cells that charge calculator and watch batteries, to systems that power

single homes, to large power plants covering many acres. Solar cells are perfect for usage since

the space for them already exists. Roof space can be easily used to put the photovoltaic cells on

and start harnessing energy in neighborhoods, businesses, and industries. (EIA, 2016) The way

solar panels work is to trap sunlight and transfer those photons to DC, direct current. Then the

electrons flow out of the panel through an inverter that converts the DC electricity into AC,

alternating current, which is what homes use for electricity. (CaliforniaEnergyCommission,

2016) Solar energy can also be stored through the process where the photovoltaic cells charge a

rechargeable battery in order for energy to be used at all hours of the day. (SolarTribune, 2016)

Solar energy may even be ideal at all seasons of the year. In the winter, although the days are

shorter, the panels collect light, not heat, so the temperature does not hinder the cells. Snow does

not affect the cell, since the material of cell allows the snow to slide or melt off easily, rather than

sticking to it. The cells may even be engineered so that drastic cyclical changes in temperature do

not cause cracking or any damage to the cells. Solar energy is infinite, limitless, therefore it

accounts for a perfect solution to carbon emissions and to serve as a replacement for the way

energy is collected.

Spain Leads the Way in Going Green

Europe has led the way in moving towards more environmental friendly processes of

harnessing energy. Moreover, they have expanded greatly into the realm of solar and have made

a remarkable step forward in reducing their carbon footprint. In fact, Rotterdams port, the

largest port in Europe, completed the installation of a rooftop solar power system.

(SustainableEnterprisesMedia, 2016) The primary production of renewable energy within the

EU-28 in 2014 was 196 million tons of oil equivalent (to) a 25.4 % share of total primary

energy production from all sources. The quantity of renewable energy produced within the EU-

28 increased overall by 73.1 % between 2004 and 2014, equivalent to an average increase of 5.6

% per year. (Eurostat, 2016) Spains determination towards renewable energy and attitude

towards being a leader serves as a model for the rest of the world, especially the U.S. With Spain

acting as a role model it brings great potential for the United States. Most of Spains energy

comes from renewable resources. According to the Smithsonian Magazine, Twenty miles west

of Seville, the Solcar solar farm, built by the company Abengoa, is part of Spains push to

produce more energy from renewable sources. The nation currently produces up to 3.65

gigawatts of power from the sun, second in the world after Germany. Those gigawatts make up

about 3 percent of the countrys power, the highest percentage in the world. (The United States

generates less than 1 percent of its energy from the sun.) (Covington, 2016) Spain wants to

compete with the U.S and the rest of the world. The countrys leadership role push on renewable

energy will insinuate the positive outcome of global participation.

How the United States Will Join the Action

The United States needs to compete with Spain. The U.S needs to become competitive in

all aspects, especially in solar energy, which has the most potential. The infrastructure and solar

capacity is already in existence in the U.S. Using roofs as a power grid for solar panels makes

bundling easier and more economical. In order to integrate solar efficiently, the U.S should look

at Spain as a model. The U.S needs a clear way to integrate solar better. Furthermore, the perfect

solution in order for the United States to integrate solar at a cost effective way in order to

maximize participation is a utility ran program for solar.

The current monopolistic company that is used for power is Dominion Power. Dominion

Power is lacking competitively due to the fact that nuclear and fossil fueled means are the

companys best source of reliability. (Dominion, 2016)

The Utility ProgramMaximizing Participation.

The United States has the potential to be the number one leader in solar energy sources

with the development of a utility run program similar to Dominion Power. Similar due to the way

the solar panels on roofs will be integrated and maintained. What the program would be exactly

is a way to easily integrate communities to solar power as the primary source of energy. The

program would be a subscription for electricity, because the solar energy company, the electric

utility, would act as an investor by renting the roof space. Then the company would maintain the

panels annually. The rent would be returned in the form of cheaper electricity to the home or

business owner. If homeowners do not have an interest in the solar panels simply due to the way

they look, or the style, there is a clear solution. The solar panels may be disguised as individual

shingles on the house.Electricity is generated through solar shingles when the sun strikes a

semiconductor layer, typically made from crystalline silicon and laminated to the shingles

surface. According to an article on Thisoldhouse.com, a single solar shingle produces about 50-

200 watts of energy, enough to power a wall fan. Not bad for one tiny shingle; imagine what you

could do with a whole roof-load? (SolarPowerAuthority, 2016) In fact, more recent models that

are better constructed and take up to 10 hours less time to install are more affordable and easily

disguised. The electric utility company would be responsible for installing and maintaining the

solar panels on the home owner or business roofs. Any jobs lost by reducing coal fired or

nuclear plants, would be compensated through the need for additional solar power engineers,

roofers and electricians. The current electrical grid distribution points would not be lost real

estate either, they would now become the direct current (DC) accumulation points for conversion

to alternating current (AC). Since the need for additional power lines in order to carry DC power

may be an issue the solution may be an alternative. The alternative to remove the need for

additional power lines might be to convert from DC to AC power right at the home or business,

this would require additional space, possibly the size of a closet to house the DC inverters. An

inverter is used to convert the DC to AC power. It would be best for the electrical utility to

partner with each home/business owner. If the utility, can combine federal incentives, with a

small home owner/business owner investment that shows over 10 years, the owner begins to

enjoy an increased savings, the home/business owners would buy-in. If the home or business

owner decides to purchase and install the solar panels outright, they receive an even greater

savings for their power. It is quite possible they could have their power paid for at 95-100%

level. Eventually, entire new communities could be built that run exclusively on a minimum of

80% solar power. Home and business owners will still pay for the power, but the source will be

80% solar instead of coal or nuclear based. This plan has the potential to make any electrical

utility, willing to take the risk and transform the Westing-House/General Electric of the 1800s to

the Power House of the 2100s.

The plan can even be executed in low income areas, proving its accessibility and motion

to maximize participation. Low income housing tenants will not have to worry. The entity that

owns the building will be made responsible to negotiate with the utility to install and maintain

the solar panels. The housing entity could then provide a lower cost electrical energy to the


The incentive to stay with the program, is as more home or business owners invest in

converting to Solar Energy, the power gets cheaper. After 10 years, the cost of the energy created

might be reduced enough to cover 100% of the costs of installation and maintenance of the

program. However, the electric utility deserves to make a profit on the investment they made,

therefore each home and business owner should expect to pay approximately 20 30% of

todays energy prices.



Moreover, an evaluation on the detrimental amount of deterioration the current energy

system possesses is needed. The total amount of coal ash output has spiraled in the recent years

and disrupted the natural environment. The need for a sustainable system is in high demand. As

Spain has modeled a well-constructed pathway to become a solar nation. A decrease in carbon

emissions would help the earth greatly and expand new horizons for the nation to see that change

is good. Change is saving the earth and solar energy is something that is sustainable and timeless.

It cannot be beat. Furthermore, the overall reduction in carbon emissions is huge and a great push

on Green Initiatives for the United States to act as a model for the rest of the world to go green.


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