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Samantha James

6 Grade Social Studies


Ancient Egyptian Culture and Pharaohs.

This four part social studies unit for 6th graders will be about the ancient

Egyptian civilization. The students will be actively using technology and social

media to further their understanding of the culture and Egyptian rulers. We will

explore the life of King Tut and learn to search through reputable sources. The

influence social media has on today's students is grand. Social media enriches their

learning experiences because it connects what they are learning to their everyday

lives. It also allows students and teachers to connect and interact in new and

exciting ways. The common core standards that will be addressed throughout this

unit are as follows:

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.5: Describe how a text presents

information (e.g., sequentially, comparatively, causally).


Identify aspects of a text that reveal an author's point of view or

purpose (e.g., loaded language, inclusion or avoidance of particular facts).


Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos,

or maps) with other information in print and digital texts.

My goal for this unit was to create a more culturally relevant classroom by

integrating twenty-first century technology skills. An article from PBS states

Think about it: would you give the keys to a brand new Ferrari to a 13-year-old

with no driving lessons and say, have fun? This is essentially what we are doing with

social media (Leicht, G., & Goble, D.). The final project aimed to show the

students that using social media can be a useful academic tool to find reputable

sources. In a research study, the teacher, Joanne Marciano asked her ten

students if they believed Facebook was a useful academic tool. To her surprise,
many of them said yes. Many students stated that Facebook helps with the college

admission process and to talk with their peers about questions on homework

assignments, class projects, and due dates (Marciano, J. E. 2015).

The first lesson will be an introduction to the ancient Egyptian culture. The

students will begin by filling out a KWL chart as a class. A KWL chart is a table

that contains two rows and three columns. In the first column, the students are to

write examples of what they already know about the ancient Egyptian culture, the

second column is where they write what they would like to learn, and the final

column is for the students to write what they learned. Once the class has finished

filling out the first two columns, the teacher will guide the students through a

virtual field trip through ancient Egypt. At first, the students will follow along

with the teacher. After about five or ten minutes the students will be able to

independently explore the interactive while filling out the last column of the KWL


The students will then participate in a second lesson where they will learn

about the ancient Egyptian pharaoh. The teacher will guide the students through a

Prezi presentation about different pharaohs while probing them with questions.

The students will then watch a short video about the discovery of King Tuts tomb.

After learning a little background knowledge about King Tut, the teacher will

show the class his Facebook Page. The Facebook page was designed to be in the

1st person, so it is almost as though King Tut was posting himself. After reading a

few aloud, the students will be given a couple of websites where they can learn

more about the boy king. After they have researched for a few minutes, they are

to write a post for the Facebook Page. They can either post a picture with a

caption, a link to an article he would have posted, a video, or write a brief status

The fourth and final activity will require the students to use their new found

knowledge on Egyptian Pharaohs. The students will create their own Facebook page

for any Egyptian Pharaoh of their choice, excluding King Tut. The teacher will

assist the students choices based on available research. Students will be given a

brief overview on how to create a profile on Facebook, but they must have a signed

parental consent form. If any student does not have parental consent, he or she

will create a poster designed to look like a Facebook profile. The students will

have to share at least seven posts on their pharaohs Facebook and they can

include, but are not limited to, written statements, photos with a caption, or a

video with a caption.

Students will complete activities regarding the Ancient Egyptian culture and
Objectives its rulers. The final activity and assessment will be to research an Egyptian
Pharaoh and create a Facebook page for him/her.

Standards CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.5: Describe how a text presents information

Addressed (e.g., sequentially, comparatively, causally).
Identify aspects of a text that reveal an author's point of view or purpose
(e.g., loaded language, inclusion or avoidance of particular facts).

Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or
maps) with other information in print and digital texts.

Monday By the end of the lesson, the students will be familiar with the Sphinx,
Pyramids, and other aspects of the Ancient Egyptian Culture.
Class Activity The lesson will begin with the students filling in a KWL chart together,
#1 discussing what they already know and want to learn about ancient Egypt.
Then the students will take a Virtual Field Trip through Ancient Egypt
starting by following along with the teacher, then independently exploring
the interactive and filling out the last column of the KWL chart (what they
learned in the lesson).

Virtual Field Trip of Egypt

Students should have at least 5 facts in Things I have Learned column

Tuesday By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify what a Pharaoh is,
what they did for the civilization, and who is Tutankhamen.
Class Activity
#2 The teacher will guide the students though a Prezi presentation engaging in
several discussions. Prezi to Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs

The teacher will provide the students with a video to have a peek inside King
Tut Tomb King Tut's Tomb Discovery
Wednesday Central Focus: Using the websites given and their prior knowledge, find
information on King Tut to post on his Facebook Page
Class Activity King Tut
#3 Biography on King Tut
History of Ancient Egypt
Students will be shown the Facebook page made for King Tut. Students will
be called on one by one to read the individual posts followed by a brief
discussion of the post.
Students will then use the provided articles and their prior knowledge of
the ancient civilizations culture and write a post as if it was King Tut posting
it himself.

Facebook Page of King Tut

Central Focus: Students will create a Facebook Page for any

Egyptian Pharaoh of their choice (besides King Tut). Students
Thursday and
will be guided on their choices based on available research.
Students will be taught how to create a Facebook page (with
Class Activity parental consent). If the student does not have parental
#4 consent, the student will create a Poster designed to look like a
Facebook profile.
Students must share at least 7 posts on their Pharaohs
Facebook page. These posts can include (but are not limited to)
Written statements
Photos with a caption
A video with a caption

Complete this project by the end of class on Friday

KWL Chart
Classroom Computers, laptops, or tablets
Poster board and outlines for students who do not have a signed consent
form for the use of Facebook
Student Work Sample

Rubric for Pharaohs Facebook

Ancient Egypt for Kids. (n.d.). Retrieved December 04, 2016, from

Clark, L., & Tyson, P. (2011). Explore Ancient Egypt. Retrieved December 04,
2016, from http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/ancient/explore-ancient-
Kong, P. (2013). Ancient Egypt: Pharaohs. Retrieved December 04, 2016, from

Laukens, D. (2015, November). Tutankhamun | King Tut. Retrieved December 04,

2016, from http://www.ancient-egypt-online.com/king-tut.html

Leicht, G., & Goble, D. (n.d.). Should teachers be using social media in the
classroom? Retrieved December 04, 2016, from

Marciano, J. E. (2015, May 1). Becoming Facebook friendly: Social media and the
culturally relevant classroom. English Journal, 104(5), 73-78.

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