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What are Core Values?

The core values of an organization are those values we hold which form the
foundation on which we perform work and conduct ourselves. We have an
entire universe of values, but some of them are so primary, so important to us
that through out the changes in society, government, politics, and technology
they are STILL the core values we will abide by. In an ever-changing world,
core values are constant. Core values are not descriptions of the work we do
or the strategies we employ to accomplish our mission. The values underlie
our work, how interact with each other, and which strategies we employ to
fulfill our mission. The core values are the basic elements of how we go
about our work. They are the practices we use (or should be using) every day
in everything we do.

Govern personal relationships Operating practices

Guide business processes Business strategies
Clarify who we are Cultural norms
Articulate what we stand for Competencies
Help explain why we do business Changed in response to market/
the way we do administration changes
Guide us on how to teach Used individually
Inform us on how to reward
Guide us in making decisions
Underpin the whole organization
Require no external justification
Essential tenets

QUESTION: What are moral values?


Moral values are the standards of good and evil, which govern an individuals behavior and choices.
Individuals morals may derive from society and government, religion, or self. When moral values
derive from society and government they, of necessity, may change as the laws and morals of the
society change. An example of the impact of changing laws on moral values may be seen in the
case of marriage vs. living together.
Moral values also derive from within ones own self. This is clearly demonstrated in the behavior
of older infants and young toddlers. If a child has been forbidden to touch or take a certain object
early on, they know enough to slowly look over their shoulder to see if they are being observed
before touching said object. There is no need for this behavior to be taught; it is instinctive. Once,
however, any form of discipline is applied to modify the childs behavior, the child now gains the
capacity within himself to distinguish his right behavior from his wrong behavior. Now, the child can
make correct choices based on his own knowledge. The choices that are made by an individual from
childhood to adulthood are between forbidden and acceptable, kind or cruel, generous or selfish. A
person may, under any given set of circumstances, decide to do what is forbidden. If this individual
possesses moral values, going against them usually produces guilt.

Religion is another source of moral values. Most religions have built-in lists of dos and donts, a
set of codes by which its adherents should live. Individuals who are followers of a particular religion
will generally make a show of following that religions behavioral code. It is interesting to note that
these codes may widely vary; a person whose religion provides for polygamy will experience no guilt
at having more than one spouse while adherents to other religions feel they must remain

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