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Ireland is currently a microcosm of a greater attack on parental

rights, informed consent, agency capture and human rights
violations being played out globally. To governments and their
health agencies, borders and official statements attempt to shape
reality. Unfortunately in the real world, clear evidence of vaccine
injury and the dangers of the HPV vaccine do not adhere to such
limitations and magical thinking.

Over the last four years, one of the main points of contention has
been the officially ordered withholding of informed consent at the
educational level. An internal document sent to school principles in
February 2017 again ordered school officials to unethically
continue withholding informed consent from parents. The
instructions stated:
Please only distribute these HSE information materials about the
vaccination programme and do not forward any other non HSE
vaccine information to parents.

The recent instructions to principles were ordered by Dr Kevin

purposely who publicly stated in 2014, while he was the acting
assistant national director of the HSE the following concerning
informed consent:

I want to give them [parents] the knowledge to make the decisions

I want them to make.

The current Irish Health Service Executive (HSE) information

materials omit the known and documented severe adverse
reactions that are contained in the full HPV vaccine patient
information leaflet (PIL). Parents have taken it upon themselves to
create a complete PIL and give it to schools. Secondary schools
have refused to take the corrected leaflets. However, parents have
managed to get the new leaflets giving full informed consent into
some primary schools.

Why has the HSE stepped in to be the middleman between

parents and their informed consent?
In relation to the PIL, the HSE says that . . . about 1 in 4 Irish
adults have literacy problems. Many adults therefore would have
difficulty understanding the technical details in the Patient
Information Leaflet.

The number of HPV vaccine-injured girls has steadily grown in

Ireland. Over the last few years, the official stance from the HSE
and its health ministers has been to simply ignore the girls, their
medical needs and their families. Over time, the Irish media and
politicians began giving the HPV vaccine-injured girls and their
families a voice. To this, the Irish health minister and HSE, without
medically examining the girls or their medical records, publicly took
the official stance that all girls claiming injury after the HPV
vaccination were suffering from a psychosomatic condition. In
other words, it was all in their head and they should get over it.

Something has changed over the last 6 months and it is being

seen rolled out in a concerted effort across Ireland and in other
countries. The medias rhetoric towards vaccine injury and those
seeking justice has shifted from simply ignoring to vicious
attacking. First they ignore youthen they fight you. The increased
efforts appear to be a direct result of health agencies losing the
moral high ground along with the hearts and minds of their people
due to the continued omission of the truth about vaccine injury and

The coordinated attack on parents and their daughters in Ireland has reached
appalling and historically dangerous levels. Providing balance or exposing the
country's failing HSE and flawed secondary school HPV immunization program
has not been a priority for the Irish media. The concerning behavior of the media
in Ireland has been out shined by the steady authoritarian statements of Health
Minister Simon Harris. Instead of listening to the parents and daughters of his
country, Harris has sided with Big Pharma by attacking anyone who questions his
countrys failed HPV vaccine program. A program that has, in the absence of
transparency and truth, plummeted to under 50 percent uptake due directly to
the dishonesty and deceit of the HSE. Harris reply to families looking for answers
to the injuries caused by the countrys unethical HPV vaccine push is the

If you want to give medical advice on vaccinations, become a doctor. If not, get
out of the way and stay away from our public health policy.

Harris reply to mounting facts and research pointing to the verified mechanisms
of injury and severe adverse reactions being caused by the HPV vaccine are,
There is no scientific evidence that the HPV vaccine causes any long-term

The Irish media gleefully amplifies Harris messaging by continuing to report only
one side of the story while abusing and attacking parents and their daughters at
every turn. In May, TheJournal.ie floated the idea that parents who dont get the
recommended vaccinations for their children should have their child benefit cut
in half. On May 16 The Irish edition of the UK Times flat out lied to its readers by
reporting "Misinformation about the side-effects of the [HPV] vaccine has
resulted in 520 preventable deaths over four years from 2010 to 2014." The
statistics reported by the Times could not be confirmed. The misinformation
mentioned by the Times is comprised of families, who have seen and are
currently experiencing the difficulties of vaccine injury first hand, attempting to
warn other families difficulties not being told about the risk of HPV vaccination.

The plummeting HPV vaccination rates in Ireland are an unmistakable barometer

of the widespread rejection of false information given by the HSE and the Irish
media. In addition, the growing number of Irish families distrusting carefully
manicured talking points is a direct result not of a handful of unruly parents, but
of widespread corruption and what appears to be the deep influence of Big
Pharma on the HSE and Irish media.






















Gardasil Update from Europe:

Marketing Tactics and Injuries in
Posted on June 12, 2015 by Thinking Moms' Revolution

HPV vaccine-injury stories are making headlines all over

the world, most recently in Ireland, the U.K., Japan,
France, Spain, Denmark, India, Australia, and Colombia.
In contrast, not one mainstream media outlet in the U.S.
has covered this recurring, consistent global trend. The
pattern appears to be that one day these girls are healthy,
and shortly after receiving the vaccine things start to
deteriorate. In some cases the reaction is immediate, with
headaches and fainting, in others, the onset is later and
more devastating, with autoimmune disorders or POTS-
like symptoms. The most tragic cases have resulted in
death. Injuries in the U.S. appear to be similar in nature
to those around the world, yet there remains a media

Im going to focus on Ireland as they have had recent press

coverage and I have a particular interest there as my
nickname may suggest. Five years ago, the press was even
more open than today with a precautionary piece in the
Irish examiner detailing a stern warning from one of the
safety researchers on Gardasil, Dr. Diane
Harper. However, that piece was published on the last day
of summer, and Ireland had adopted the vaccine a few
months before. There was little time for busy moms to
read it before their kids would go back to school and
receive the vaccine for the first time.
My main concerns about the HPV vaccine program stem
from the problems I see with the vaccine program itself.
Ireland is one of the few countries in Europe that does not
have a no-fault vaccine-injury compensation program,
while at the same time having one of the most aggressive
vaccine schedules. A baby in Ireland will receive 30 doses
of 14 vaccines before she reaches 13 months old if you
include the much-hyped flu shot. Vaccines are not
mandatory, but there is immense pressure to conform to
the schedule, which is rarely questioned. In Ireland, the
HSE (equivalent to our CDC) financially compensates
doctors for each vaccine administered. They are also given
a bonus if patients complete the entire schedule. Unlike
the United States, citizens of Ireland are far less litigious
and not likely to sue the manufacturer or the government
for damages due to the vaccines they were pressured into
giving their children, partly because the cost of doing so is
A steering committee was set up to look into the possibility
of establishing a no-fault compensation scheme in Ireland,
acknowledging that vaccines come with inherent risks. In
2009, the committee issued a recommendation to the
government in favor of its implementation, but so far
nothing has been done. The committee noted The State,
through many call and recall programs, exerts
considerable influence on families to immunize their
children with a view to achieving the social benefits for the
community in general referred to earlier. It is against this
background that the very small number of cases of
children who suffer serious adverse reactions to some
vaccines need to be considered . . . . The State should
acknowledge that and make arrangements for a payment
scheme . . . . I can see why the government might be
reluctant to act. It can get expensive. Despite being very
unpopular because it has not turned out to be the easy
no-fault program it was envisioned as, and is instead
remarkably slow and adversarial, the vaccine-injury
compensation scheme in the U.S. has paid out almost $3.5
billion to victims since its inception and has a huge
backlog of cases to review. When you pressure people to
get repeated doses of something that is bound to harm a
percentage of them and you take financial responsibility
for that harm, it can get very expensive indeed.
So what about the HPV vaccine program in Ireland?
Gardasil was adopted as the vaccine of choice in 2010, and
teenagers were given three shots over three visits. In 2014,
it was changed to two shots over two visits. The HSE calls
it a Blitz and Mop campaign which they describe in
detail on page 7 in this HPV instructional document for
schools. The first Blitz has a Tdap booster complement
and the second, a MenC booster.
Why only two shots in Europe when three are given in the
U.S.? For some reason a new marketing authorization
was issued from the makers of Gardasil and Ceravix in
2014, who decided arbitrarily? that there is a strict
cutoff at 13 years and 364 days old, after which a child in
Europe will then need an extra dose if she hasnt already
received two shots. Try as I might, I could not locate a
scientific reason for this distinction. Rather, it appears to
be a 33.3% cost reduction incentive for European
countries where uptake has historically been inconsistent.
The U.K. and Ireland have rates well over 80% in school-
aged girls, whereas, other countries rates vary widely from
17% to 81%. With rates in the U.S. hovering around 30%, I
think we might expect to see a similar incentive here once
the two-dose experiment plays out over the pond.
Although vaccine mandates appear to be the preferred
tactic to increase uptake in the U.S. In fact, Rhode Island
recently mandated it for boys.
Parents in Ireland are asked for their consent before the
school administers vaccines, but some have reported that
not enough information is given as to the side effects of the
vaccines. The PIL (patient information leaflet) should be
given with each vaccine as per the manufacturers
recommendations. However, the HSE specifically instructs
the local health authorities NOT to give a PIL for Gardasil.
(Page 10 on this slide show). The PIL is important because
not only does it outline the risks and contraindications, it
also gives details on the ingredients (HPV Types 6, 11, 16,
and 18, amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate,
yeast protein, sodium chloride, L-histidine, polysorbate
80, sodium borate) and how to file a report if there are any
adverse reactions. For example, if the teenager (or any
woman) is pregnant, Gardasil can harm the fetus. This is
extremely important information. So I was very curious to
find out why the HSE would want to conceal this from the
public and deny a generation of teenagers their right to
have informed consent. What I found was shocking to say
the least. In relation to the PIL, the HSE says on page 22
here that: . . . about 1 in 4 Irish adults have literacy
problems. Many adults therefore would have difficulty
understanding the technical details in the Patient
Information Leaflet. Please read that last sentence again,
and tell me if you are not wondering what century we are
living in? While I am sure that literacy in some categories
is weak, the overall literacy rate in Ireland is 99%, the
same as the United States. Are we really penalizing 99% of
parents (and their daughters) because 1% would have
difficulty understanding the technical details?
In other words, I think Irish parents could read a PIL if the
health of their children depended on it and it does. The
government has already acknowledged that vaccine injury
is something to be considered; so it is very worrying that
the PIL would be deliberately withheld. It puts so many
children at risk, especially since 80-90% of Irish school-
attending teenagers have been vaccinated with Gardasil.
What IS given to the teenagers is an information packet
that is supposed to go home with the consent form. This
packet is really a marketing brochure with fun graphics
aimed specifically at schoolchildren. It is not a PIL as key
facts and risk information are missing. This is surely
contrary to the specific instructions of the Irish Medical
Organisations recommendations regarding the
advertising code of ethics when marketing health related
products to children. The marketing material uses
language that is clearly coercive as it makes exaggerated
and untrue claims. For example, the claim that HPV
vaccine protects us from cervical cancer is not one made
by Merck, the manufacturers of Gardasil. In fact, they
cannot currently and most likely will never prove that
Gardasil protects from cervical cancer. The FDA, who
authorized the fast-track approval of Gardasil, does not
require it. It may be safe to say that without a Patient
Information Leaflet, the patient cannot have true informed
consent. And vaccination is a medical procedure that
requires informed consent.

Marketing materials sent to Irish teenaged girls

This has led a group of parents who claim to have
Gardasil-injured teenagers to set up the support group
called R.E.G.R.E.T. to bring attention to their complaints.
The support group has only been active for a few weeks,
but already they are receiving many emails citing similar
stories of reactions to this vaccine that is heavily marketed
to teenagers. The primary goal of R.E.G.R.E.T. is to get
help for their daughters who have been injured by the HPV
vaccine. These girls, like many around the world, are
unable to live normal lives and need lots of help and
support. Just as important to these moms is raising
awareness among Irish parents about the safety issues
surrounding the HPV vaccine, in the hope that when those
parents have to decide on this vaccine they will be in a
position to make a truly informed decision. The group
feels that the information provided by the HSE is
incomplete and biased and is downplaying the safety
issues while exaggerating Gardasils effectiveness.
R.E.G.R.E.T. hopes that by sharing their stories, the truth
will out itself, a belief which we share at the Thinking
Moms Revolution.

So just how safe is Gardasil? And how safe is it to combine

it with Tdap and MenC? Could these girls stories be true?
If there are even a handful of reported serious post-
vaccination reactions, then Sanevaxs dire prediction from
that Irish Examiner article almost five years ago would
now be a reality. Every vaccine is unavoidably unsafe
according to the U.S. Supreme Court; therefore, the
answer to how safe is in the fine print. For this we need
to look at the package insert where Merck provides
excerpts from its clinical trials. You will note that
throughout Mercks clinical trial data Gardasil is
compared to a placebo which contains an aluminum
adjuvant, an ingredient already found in Gardasil. The
gold standard of medicine is to test new drugs against an
inert substance like a saline placebo. The aluminum
adjuvant primes the immune system to mount a response
to the antigen (the HPV virus in this case) and therefore,
by definition, is anything but inert. There was one small
cohort study conducted with an inert saline solution.
When you compare adverse events from this cohort to
Gardasil, the results are staggering in their contrast. See
page 5 of the package insert for examples. After that point
in the insert, Merck combines the saline and the
aluminum placebo results together in one comparison
group in order to present a more streamlined and less
jarring comparison. (This sort of practice is
highlighted in TMRs blog Critical Thinking 201:
Vaccine Science.) This is the data that the world relies
on when assessing the safety of Gardasil.
When healthy children are given preventive medicine, the
precautionary principle should hold sway. When reports
of adverse events outnumber the cases of illness the drug
is meant to prevent, the prudent thing to do is halt the
administration of that drug until further studies have been
done. In the case of the HPV vaccine, we may never know
if or how many cases of cancer this drug will prevent
because it is not possible to calculate for at least another
25 years, as the mean age for cervical cancer is 50 years.
(This theme is explored in detail in TMRs blog The
Evidence on Gardasil: Modern Miracle or Dangerous
Scam? The number of cases of cervical cancer in
teenagers is close to zero. Therefore, considering the
number of reported adverse events among these teenagers,
what would be the prudent thing to do?
Ever since the end of the last century, patients reactions
to vaccines have been routinely dismissed as if the victims
were raving lunatics who needed to pipe down because
there isnt a triple-blind placebo-controlled study to back
up their claims. The medical profession is supposed to be
practicing evidence-based medicine (EBM), which is a
modern concept developed in the 1980s. The idea behind
EBM is sound, except in cases where you have illnesses
doctors cant explain since it takes a long time to formulate
and produce the evidence that provides the basis of EBM.
In such cases, patients anecdotes may our best
guides while the good doctors are figuring it all out.
Facebook is turning into a triage center for vaccine
injuries, autoimmune disorders and every other 21st
century medical emergency that seems to be dismissed as
normal by the medical establishment. If it doesnt fit the
pharmaceutical medical paradigm, then it either doesnt
exist or it is a psychosomatic illness and the sufferer
should just have a lie down and stop complaining. Heck, it
is even suggested that we should embrace autism as if it
were some kind of quirky personality trait that we have
only just noticed we just never realized that it was here
all along. Its better diagnosing; so stop talking about it as
if it is iatrogenic and debilitating in nature. Love your kids
and embrace it. Completely ignoring the fact that all the
recent research shows a huge environmental component
in the development of autism.
This is not about vaccine injury alone. It is about a system
of practiced cognitive dissonance so widely accepted as to
be ingrained in the medical establishment, with many
doctors unaware that they are active participants. We are
living in an age where research is being compromised in
favor of the status quo and the truth is being stifled in
favor of a promotion or a paycheck.
So please pay attention to what is happening overseas as it
seems to be the only place where the press is free to report
both sides of the subject. I will be keeping a close eye on
events in Ireland with the hope that the government will
hold true to its promise to protect those most vulnerable to
the side effects of vaccines, and in particular Gardasil.
More worrying is that Gardasil 9 is just around the corner,
and the same kids will be given this new vaccine on top of
the old. My fear is that we will see a whole new wave of
adverse events being reported to VAERS and a lot more
emails being sent to R.E.G.R.E.T. in Ireland. When will it
end? When is enough, enough (for Merck)?
Read the package insert and .



In the case Planned Parenthood v. American Coalition of Life Activists, the en banc Ninth
Circuit court concluded that a true threat is a statement which, in the entire context and
under all the circumstances, a reasonable person would foresee would be interpreted by
those to whom the statement is communicated as a serious expression of intent to inflict
bodily harm upon that person. It is not necessary that the defendant intend to, or be able
to carry out his threat; the only intent requirement for a true threat is that the
defendant intentionally or knowingly communicate the threat.

The mainstream media, in the US and abroad, is now taking a dangerous, unethical, and
seemingly unlawful stance towards parents who exercise their health freedom. The
mainstream corporate media is also viciously attacking parents who openly question and
debate reality that happens to run contrary and outside of the few transparent and false
sales pitch talking points of pharmaceutical companies. What are we talking about here?

On May 8, The Boston Herald ran an editorial calling for the following:

"These are the facts: Vaccines dont cause autism. Measles can kill. And lying to
vulnerable people about the health and safety of their children ought to be a
hanging offense."

The piece was in response to a recent event in which Somali American families,
who have the highest rate of autism in the United States, voiced their concerns about the
vaccine injury they were experiencing. The Minnesota Somali community is being
aggressively targeted for rounds of MMR vaccines.

Who wrote the piece? The Herald's inciting piece didn't list names or authors. Instead,
the credit for the tough words was simply attributed to "Boston Herald editorial staff." The
"Boston Herald Staff" has been active lately touting the new zika virus vaccine being
developed right down the road at Boston's Center for Virology and Vaccine Research is
located within Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. The shadowy editorial team also
runs such moving, investigative pieces like the recent "CDC Offers Recommendations for
Adult Vaccines." Readers visiting the Boston Herald's website to read its news and
'journalism' are greeted with pop-up ads like the one:

This is an ad for a pharmaceutical company. Humira is manufactured and patented by the

drug company Abbvie. Abbvie has research facilities in Worcester, MA and at the
Foundational Neuroscience Center, Cambridge, MA. According to clinicaltrials.gov,
Abbvie currently has 37 open clinical drug trials running in the Boston area (60 if you add
completed, actively recruiting and terminated clinical trials.)

The trend of media being a simple pharmaceutical company propaganda arm and
gatekeeper has been clear to anyone watching. It wasn't long ago that Robert F.
Kennedy Jr., made this statement live on FOX news with Tucker Carlson:

"I'm called anti-vax all the time because the pharmaceutical industry is so powerful...both
with the media they give $5.4 billion dollars a year to the media. And they've gotten
rid of the lawyers so there's no legal interest in those cases. And they really have been
able to control the debate and silence people like me. I'm very grateful to you for having
the courage to allow me on the show and talk. This is the second show in 10 years that's
allowed me to talk about this, the other being Bill Maher, which doesn't take
advertising [from Big Pharma].

The elusive "Boston Herald editorial staff" and other parent-targeting media outlets, if they
were free to report truth, would have checked the insert sheet [which is denied to parents
effectively removing their full informed consent] of the Tripedia vaccine which states
autism as a documented adverse event.

The Vaccine Revolution for Truth
Posted: 4/19/2017
Text Size:

The Vaccine Revolution for Truth

Posted: 4/19/2017 2:13:33 PM | with 1 comments
By Barbara Loe Fisher
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then click any superscripted number below to access a hyperlinked
reference, or scroll down to the bottom of the article to view all hyperlinked
We are gathered in our nations Capitol representing many
thousands of Americans and their families, who cannot be here
today because they are sick or caring for someone who is sick. 1 2 3
We are here for families and physicians living in fear they will be
discriminated against and punished if they speak honestly in their
communities about what they know to be true. 4 5 6 7 8
We have come to defend freedom of thought, speech and
conscience, the inalienable natural rights that unite us, regardless
of where we live, the color of our skin, the faith that sustains us, or
the philosophies that define us.
We are calling on government to do its job and protect the peoples
health - instead of protecting profit-making industries doing
business with government and manipulating information released
by the mainstream media.

We are advocating for the right to know the truth about the safety
of the food we eat, 9 the water we drink, 10 the drugs doctors
prescribe 11 12 13 and the vaccines Americans are forced to get to
attend school, 14 and receive medical care, 15 16 and hold a job. 17 18
And we are here to witness the suffering of our children, who have
no voice and have no choice except the one that we, their mothers
and fathers, give to them.
We want government officials to explain to us why our country,
which spends the most on health care 19 20 and has one of the
highest child vaccination rates in the world, 21 is crippled by a
chronic disease and disability epidemic that costs more than two
trillion dollars a year 22 and has created the sickest child and young
adult population in Americas history:
3 1 child in 6 learning disabled; 23
3 1 in 9 with asthma; 24
3 1 in 10 diagnosed with a mental disorder; 25
3 1 in 13 severely allergic to food; 26
3 1 in 20 epileptic; 27
3 1 in 50 developing autism; 28
3 1 in 400 with diabetes 29
and millions more struggling with other kinds of brain and immune
system damage marked by chronic inflammation in the body.
There is no price tag high enough to put on the costs that will
bankrupt our nation as these children grow up and many face a
lifetime of health care and housing needs. 30
What kind of jobs will they hold? Where are they going to live?
What happens when their parents die? 31
We will not be silent as the biological integrity of another
generation of children is destroyed in this bitter harvest that can
only continue if we allow it to continue.
I say this as a mother who witnessed my healthy, bright two and a
half year old child suffer a convulsion, collapse shock and brain
inflammation 32 33 within hours of his fourth DPT shot in 1980, that
left him with multiple learning disabilities and 12 years confined to
a special education classroom in the public school system. My son
did not die and he was not severely brain damaged like so many
children for whom the risks of vaccination turn out to be 100

But he was part of the tidal wave of learning disabled children

emerging in the 1980s, growing larger in the 1990s, and
exploding in the first decade of the 21st century 34 35 at precisely the
same time that the federal child vaccine schedule tripled from 23
doses of seven vaccines in 1980 36 to 70 doses of 16 vaccines
during the next 30 years? 37
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) now directs doctors
to give pregnant women vaccines that were never licensed for use
during pregnancy.38 Then, on the first day of birth and continuing
throughout childhood, doctors are told to give children six dozen
doses of vaccines that contain genetically engineered viruses and
bacteria, plus ingredients like mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde,
phenoxyethanol, gluteraldehyde, proteins, synthetic particles,
antibiotics, and human, animal and insect DNA and RNA. 39
Where is the good science that demonstrates children are
healthier when repeatedly given vaccines that artificially hyper-
stimulate inflammatory immune responses 50 times before age
six? 40
Just how sick do highly vaccinated children in America have to get
before government health officials re-evaluate the assumption that
more and more vaccination equals better health?
Show us the Science and Give Us a Choice.
Where is the credible scientific evidence that it is safe to give
children amphetamines and anti-depressants with side effects that
include suicidal thoughts and violent behavior, 41 or that children
are healthier when they drink water full of fluoride, 42 and have
teeth filled with mercury amalgams, 43 and when they eat
genetically engineered and processed foods laced with pesticides,
chemicals, hormones and antibiotics? 44 And why is government
joining with the chemical industry and blocking the labeling of
GMO food 45 so that Americans do not have the right to know and
freedom to choose what they eat and feed their children?

Why was the 21st Century Cures Act created by Congress 46 and
signed into law last year so FDA licensing and informed consent
standards could be lowered even further? Now the skids have
been greased for the pharmaceutical industry the biggest lobby
on Capitol Hill - to experiment on people without their consent, and
to fast track drugs and vaccines to market even more quickly -
without proving they are safe and effective first.
And why did Congress create a federal vaccine injury system
administrative alternative to a lawsuit in the National Childhood
Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 - but take no action when the
Departments of Health and Justice systematically gutted that law
and turned it into a cruel joke? 47 Today, the majority of vaccine
injured children are denied compensation so government officials
do not have to admit just how many children are being brain
damaged and dying after vaccination in America. 48
In 2011, Congress never said a word when Big Pharma used that
law to persuade the U.S. Supreme Court to effectively ban all
vaccine injury lawsuits in America by declaring that FDA licensed
vaccines are unavoidably unsafe. 49
The $3.6 billion dollars in federal vaccine injury compensation that
has been awarded to more than 5,000 vaccine victims since 1988
doesnt begin to pay for the damage done, not when two out of
three claims are denied, 50 and not when drug companies have no
incentive to make vaccines less harmful because all Americans are
legally required to purchase and use their liability free vaccine
Every promise that Congress made to parents in 1986 was a lie.
And 30 years is long enough for parents to wait for that failed
experiment in tort reform to work.
The liability shield protecting Big Pharma must
come down.
No industry should ever be allowed to escape accountability in a
civil court of law in front of a jury of our peers when profit-making
products injure and kill people.
In 1962, American environmentalist Rachel Carson warned that
the alliance between industry and government was poisoning the
earth and human health. She said, If the Bill of Rights contains no
guarantee that a citizen shall be secure against lethal poisons
distributed either by private individuals or by public officials, it is
surely only because our forefathers, despite their considerable
wisdom and foresight, could conceive of no such problem. 51
Twenty years later, parents of vaccine injured children in the
Washington, D.C. area founded the educational charity known
today as the National Vaccine Information Center, and launched
the vaccine safety and informed consent movement in America, 52
while the environmental, 53 safe food 54 and holistic health 55 56 57
movements in the 1980s were also being powered by ordinary
people demanding the peoples right to know and freedom to take
control of their health.
These grassroots movements have been united by one truth:
government has betrayed the public trust by forging business
partnerships with the chemical and pharmaceutical industries that
put profits, not people, first. 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
And, now in the 21st century when everybody knows somebody
who was healthy, got vaccinated and was never healthy again, the
public-private partnership between industry and government is
moving to strip citizens of the human right to informed consent to
medical risk taking. Laws are being passed that eliminate the right
for Americans to exercise freedom of thought, conscience and
religious belief 65 so they can be blackmailed into using vaccines
with unacceptable risks that are also failing to work as advertised.
66 67
Albert Einstein, who risked arrest in Germany in the 1930s when
he spoke out against censorship and persecution of minorities,
said, Never do anything against conscience even if the State
demands it. 68
There is no liberty more fundamentally a natural, inalienable right
than the freedom to follow our conscience when choosing what we
are willing to risk our life or our childs life for.
While we are all born equal, with equal rights under the law, we are
not born all the same. Each one of us is born with different genes
and a unique microbiome influenced by epigenetics that affects
how we respond to the environments we live in. 69 70 71 72 We do not
all respond the same way to infectious diseases 73 - or to
pharmaceutical products like vaccines 74 - and doctors cannot
predict which of us will be harmed. 75
This means that vaccine risks are not being borne equally by
everyone in society, and forced vaccination is a de facto selection
of the vaccine vulnerable for sacrifice.
Why should the lives of those vulnerable to vaccine complications
be valued any less than those vulnerable to complications of
And why should people not be free to choose to stay healthy in
ways that pose far fewer risks? 76
These are legitimate scientific and ethical questions that should
not be ridiculed by government, medical organizations and
members of the mainstream media demonizing a growing number
of people who are wondering why they either have a child, or know
a child, who was born healthy and then suddenly regressed
physically, mentally and emotionally and joined the ranks of the
walking wounded. The people do not understand why government
refuses to fund or conduct methodologically sound scientific
studies to find out why the bodies of so many highly vaccinated
children and adults are on fire, riddled with chronic inflammation
that is common to most brain and immune system dysfunction 77 78
79doctors diagnose as:

ADHD; 80 81 82
epilepsy; 83
allergies; 84
autism; 85 86 87 88
inflammatory bowel, 89 90 thyroid 91 and metabolic disease; 92
rheumatoid arthritis; 93
obesity; 94
cancer; 95 96 97
schizophrenia, 98 99 and
depression 100
It was not always this way in America. I grew up in the 1950s and
60s and remember when every child got measles, mumps and
chickenpox before age 10, but there were no special education
classrooms in public schools to house legions of learning disabled,
autistic and emotionally disturbed children. I remember when it
was the rare child who could not learn and half of the students
were not carrying Epi-pens 101 and asthma inhalers 102 in their
pockets, and there was no need to store student supplies of Ritalin
and Prozac in the school nurses office. 103 I remember when we
ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch without being
afraid it would kill one of our classmates. 104 105
The biggest public health emergency in America is not a few
measles cases at Disneyland in a population of 320 million people,
106 107 108 where less than one percent of children are unvaccinated
109 and 95 percent of them have gotten two measles shots, and five
pertussis shots, 110 plus dozens of doses of other vaccines.
The real public health emergency in America is the one that is
being covered up by government agencies working overtime with
industry and mainstream media to distract, deceive, stonewall and
restrict the freedom of Americans to take control of their health.
The reaction by vaccine developers and others promoting no
exceptions forced vaccination laws is to label parents disagreeing
with them as selfish and to suggest they are child abusers. Or
to insist, like pediatrician Paul Offit, that vaccine injuries and
deaths are a myth and that children can safely receive 10,000
vaccines at once. 111 Or, like pediatrician Peter Hotez to call on the
U.S. government and the G20 to wage a war on American parents
defending exemptions in vaccine laws. 112
Dr. Hotez calls for parents disagreeing with him to be snuffed out
which means to "to extinguish, to suppress, to crush; to kill. 113

So when Congress appropriates $1 trillion dollars a year to the

Department of Health, 114 government officials employed by the
CDC, NIH and FDA do not use that taxpayer money to fund quality
research to identify children at high risk for vaccine injury, or to
compare the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated children to find
out why parents consistently report that unvaccinated children are
healthier and get higher grades in school than vaccinated children.
They do not use that money to find out why infectious microbes
are evolving into more virulent and vaccine resistant forms, 115 116 117
118 or to find out how many children are developing genetic
mutations after vaccination that damages their DNA. 119
Instead, public health officials hide their heads in the sand and
collaborate with industry to create hundreds of new experimental
vaccines 120 that will be fast tracked to licensure 121 and forced on
you and everyone you know no exceptions and no questions
asked. They create government operated electronic medical
records tracking systems; 122 they pit citizen against citizen by
publicly posting the vaccination rates of schools on the CDCs
website; 123 and they go into churches and legislatures to lobby for
all Americans to adhere to cradle to the grave vaccine schedules.
124 125 126 127 128
Today, if you live in California 129 or another state that has
eliminated conscientious and religious belief vaccine exemptions
and you refuse a government endorsed vaccine, you cannot get a
school education, medical care or be employed as a child or health
care worker unless you can find a doctor to write a medical
exemption that 99.99 percent of Americans do not qualify for under
CDC guidelines. 130131132
And tomorrow? Well, if Americans do not get up off their knees and
stop worshipping doctors promoting junk science, tomorrow you
will not be able to get on a bus, train or plane; enter a store or
sports arena; obtain a drivers license, file your taxes or function in
society unless you can prove you have gotten every vaccine that
industry creates and doctors implementing government policy
order you to get.
And if you or your child get vaccinated, suffer brain inflammation
and never recover your health, you can be sure that it will either be
dismissed as just a coincidence, or you will be labeled genetically
defective with the claim you would have become brain damaged
even if no vaccines had been given.133 It is already being done and
it is so easy to do, when nobody making, selling, licensing, giving
and voting to mandate vaccines has any accountability in a civil
court of law.
And the ones who know deep in the core of their being that their
children are in danger, are the mothers, who carry their babies
inside them for nine months and give birth and are endowed with a
primal instinct that God gave women so they have the courage to
protect their babies from harm until they are able to survive on
their own. That biological imperative is hard wired into our DNA
because it is what protects the survival of every species on this
earth. 134 135136 137And yet, mothers, who know their children best,
are being bullied, ridiculed and punished if they use their intellect
and listen their gut instincts and refuse to violate their conscience
when caring for their children. 138

It is time to reject the cruel pseudo-ethic of utilitarianism propping

up mandatory vaccination laws that justify child sacrifice by
reducing what is moral to a mathematical equation. 139
When the State considers one of us to be expendable, then we are
all considered expendable.
And if the State can tag, track down and force individuals to be
injected with biologicals of known and unknown toxicity today, then
there will be no limit on which individual freedoms the state can
take away in the name of the greater good tomorrow
We can only throw off the chemical chains making us sick if we act
to instill truth, integrity and compassion in government and defend
freedom of thought, speech, conscience and informed consent to
medical risk taking.
There is no greater calling for Americans in the 21 st century than to
defend those cultural values and human rights that protect against
We will not be silent. We will not go away.
We are the daughters and sons of liberty, and our mission
No forced vaccination. Not in America.
Privacy Ranks Low in Federal Vaccine Data
Posted: 2/26/2017
by Theresa Wrangham, NVIC Executive Director
Federal Vaccine Advisory Committee Update
As 2017 unfolds, federal advisory committees - the Advisory Committee on Immunization
Practices (ACIP), the National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC), and the Advisory
Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) - will be holding meetings throughout 2017.
Over the past few years, the FDA Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory
Committee (VRBPAC) has been reducing the numbers of times it holds public meetings
to discuss new vaccine licensing issues and currently has only one meeting scheduled in

These federal vaccine advisory committees shape national vaccine policies and influence
state vaccine laws and policies. During 2016, each vaccine advisory committees
meetings were punctuated with discussions on topics such as an HPV vaccine series
dose reduction; discontinued use of live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV); strategies
to insure the success of the National Adult Immunization Plan (NAIP); vaccine
development innovation; and the ever increasing vaccine injury caseload for attorneys in
the U.S. Department of Justice and Special Masters in the U.S. Court of Claims
adjudicating the federal vaccine injury compensation program (VICP).

Though these committees are advisory in nature, the reality is that their
recommendations and reports often get turned into state vaccine mandates and policies
that negatively impact the availability of vaccine exemptions, as well as threaten
consumer privacy and how vaccine exemption data is collected and shared across state
and federal databases and with third parties (interoperability). In recent years, many of
the recommendations made by these committees have resulted in an increase in the
introduction of state bills and policies to restrict voluntary vaccine decision-making.

No State is Safe from Attacks on Vaccine Informed Consent Rights

It is the end of February and in most states, that means that the legislative sessions are
underway and new bills are being introduced. The question is not if legislation to restrict
your vaccine exemption and information disclosure rights will come to your state; the
question is only when. NVIC is already monitoring over 100 vaccine-related bills in more
than 30 states.1

The National Vaccine Information Center, now in our 35th year of working to prevent
vaccine injuries and deaths through public education, is an information clearinghouse on
vaccine science, policy, law and ethics. Among our commitments to the public are
providing public comment to and independent oversight on the actions being taken by
federal vaccine advisory committees.

This information can be used when action is needed to defend informed consent rights,
including protection of vaccine exemptions, but there is no substitute for citizen
participation in the law and policy making process.

If you havent already registered to be a user of NVICs Advocacy Portal so you can stay
up-to-date on vaccine bills moving in your state and receive email alerts on critical
actions that need to be taken, please sign up now. It is a free public resource that
provides analysis, talking points and puts you in contact with your own legislators. It is
important that you visit the Advocacy Portal often so you dont miss any vaccine-related
bill moving in your state legislature and can make your voice heard even before NVIC
issues an action alert.

DHHS Supports Tracking Vaccine Status of All Adults

While immunization information systems (IIS), better known as vaccine tracking
registries, are largely already in place in every state so public health officials can track
the vaccination status of all children, chief among the goals of the NVACs launch of the
National Adult Immunization Plan (NAIP) 2 is to use these registries to also track the
vaccination status of all adults. As NVIC previously reported, the NAIP is being launched
to increase vaccine uptake in adults. Key strategies in the plan include incentivizing
health care professionals to administer up to 11 vaccines to all adults starting at age 19
through 65, in accordance with the Centers for Disease Controls (CDC) recommended
adult vaccine schedule;3 outreach and networking with employers to require vaccination
as a condition of employment; and tracking adult vaccine status with state owned
registries (IIS) and health information exchange (HIE) databases.

In 2016, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Acting Assistant
Secretary for Health (ASH) Karen DeSalvo M.D. reaffirmed support for the NAIP. Dr.
DeSalvo also reported the tripling of health care providers creating Electronic Health
Records (EHR), which are electronic versions of personal health/medical records created
by health care professionals. Use of EHRs under meaningful use provides the ability for
government health officials to target populations for vaccination when needed. During the
meeting the acting ASH stated that DHHS would use their bully pulpit to increase adult
vaccination for emerging diseases like Zika.4

State Vaccine Registries Use Electronic Medical Records

Much like state vaccine registries, rules for state HIE databases
that contain personal medical information on Americans differ from
state to state.5 Your ability to opt-in or opt-out and/or place
restrictions on how your medical, inclusive of vaccine status, is
shared in EHRs with third parties and the government is largely
decided at the state level.
Click to view full size image in new tab.
One of the goals in the NAIP is to automate the transfer of vaccine
data from EHRs into state vaccine registries operated by state
health departments.6 Removing interoperability barriers that may
prevent the transfer of personal medical information, or prevent
vaccine data sharing in general is seen by the NVAC as a leverage
mechanism to compel all Americans to comply with federal vaccine
recommendations.7 This data automation means that any
information about your vaccine status that your doctor records in
your EHR may end up in your state health departments vaccine
registry and can be shared with third parties without your
knowledge or informed consent.
Patient Privacy Is Eroding
Health care providers were paid to create EHRs under the Health
Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of
2009 (HITECH).8 After 2015, health care professionals can be
penalized for not implementing EHRs for all patients. 9
However, the real danger of the continued erosion of patient
privacy posed by EHRs is that EHRs are attractive targets for
ransomware,10 11 security breaches,12 and changes to the 1996
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) that
allow disclosure of your personal medical records to the
government and other third parties.13 The use of EHRs to leverage
vaccine compliance is only the latest example of erosions of
medical privacy.
NVIC recommends contacting your health care provider with any
concerns you have about how your EHR data or your childs EHR
data is shared so that you can take steps to protect your medical
privacy. You may also use the vaccine registry links NVIC provides
on its website in the Quick Facts box for each state to learn more
about how your states vaccine registry operates and whether you
have the right to opt-in or opt-out of participating in the registry.
Pregnant Women Reclassified for Research
2016 NVAC meeting discussions also waded into the possible use
of existing maternal research data collected in various research
efforts to create a research data repository on pregnant women.
The repository would allow records collected with informed
consent from pregnant women for use in one research study to be
used in a different research studies without the womens additional

Another subject involving ethics that was discussed by the NVAC was whether or not to
redefine pregnant women as a scientifically complex population 14 instead of a
vulnerable population, which is the current definition and provides pregnant women and
their fetus special research subject protections.15
Redefining pregnant women in this manner would permit pharmaceutical companies to
recruit pregnant women for premarketing clinical research trials. One NVAC member
stated concern that pregnant women must be a part of the stakeholder process and
allowed input into any redefinition of their status for scientific research purposes.
However, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has issued
an opinion supporting use of the new definition by arguing that pregnant women have the
ability to render informed consent and protect themselves and, therefore, are not a
vulnerable population.16

NVIC stressed to the committee during public comment that use of previously collected
data for repository purposes without the express permission of the research subject was
unethical, a violation of privacy and does require specific advance informed consent.
NVIC also affirmed the right of pregnant women to ultimately decide their participation in
any scientific research.17

More Vaccines on the Horizon for Pregnant Women

During 2016, the ACIP was advised of efficacy problems with
Phase III clinical trials for the Novavax respiratory syncytial virus
(RSV) vaccine. The Novavax Phase III trial showed little to no
protection in seniors and the company is refocusing development
of the vaccine for use in pregnant women.18 There are numerous
RSV vaccines under development19 and it seems likely that an
RSV vaccine candidate will be licensed in at some point in the
near future.

RSV infects most children before their second birthday, with the
primary symptoms of RSV resembling those of the common cold,
and most RSV infections resolve without complications. However,
for a small percentage of children, RSV can cause bronchiolitis
and be life-threatening. Those at greater risk of severe infection
are premature infants, children born with heart or lung disease,
babies with weakened immune systems and children under eight
weeks of age.2
Safety Data on Maternal Tdap Vaccination Is Limited
Information on the safety of Tdap vaccine use in pregnant women was also presented to
the ACIP. The CDC recommends that all pregnant women receive a booster dose of
Tdap vaccine in the third trimester of every pregnancy and this is an off-label
recommendation, due to the fact that Tdap was never approved by the FDA for use in
pregnant women.21 Although the government maintains that no significant health
problems have been proven to be associated with use of Tdap by pregnant women,
accurately detecting adverse outcomes is compromised by the lack of valid comparative
data on pregnancy outcomes in women who do not get Tdap during pregnancy.22

The NVAC also solicited public comment on the draft report and draft recommendations
for overcoming barriers to vaccine uptake and identifying opportunities for developing
maternal immunizations.23 The report failed to recognize ethical issues and lack of pre-
licensure clinical data on vaccine safety and effectiveness in promoting vaccination of
pregnant women. Instead the report focused on how to increase Tdap and influenza
vaccine uptake among pregnant women.

NVIC submitted written public comment for consideration by the NVAC, which was critical
of maternal vaccination promotion in the absence of baseline data. NVICs public
comment also was critical of the NVACs support of metrics that compel health care
providers to vaccinate pregnant women according to federal vaccine policy rather than
acknowledging a professional obligation to respect an individuals informed consent
rights, values and beliefs, medical history and individual susceptibilities that increase
risks for vaccine harm.24

ACIP Withdraws Live Nasal Flu Vaccine Recommendation

Based on the CDCs finding that the live attenuated (nasal) influenza vaccine (LAIV) has
not been effective for the past three years, the ACIP voted against recommending use of
LAIV for the 2016-2017 flu season. The CDC estimated LAIV effectiveness to be about
three percent and concluded that there was no protection provided by LAIV.25

ACIP affirmed the current recommendations for use of inactivated, injectable influenza

HPV Vaccine Schedule Reduced to Two Doses

Several past ACIP meetings have involved discussions of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
vaccine effectiveness data that suggests giving two doses is as effective as giving the
originally recommended three doses.

The ACIP voted during their October 2016 meeting to approve a two-dose HPV vaccine
schedule for adolescents, which is reflected in the CDCs 2017 recommended childhood
vaccine schedule.26

Flu Shot Injury Petition Meets Uphill Battle

During the ACCVs June 2016 meeting, the committee heard a rare petition request from
the public to add more influenza vaccine injuries to the Vaccine Injury Table (VIT). 27 For
many of the requested additions, the vaccine injuries were either already a part of the
VIT, or are soon to be added. However, for the remaining petitioned conditions of Multiple
Sclerosis (MS), and myelitis/transverse myelitis (TM) federal officials advised the ACCV
that there was a lack of science supporting influenza vaccine as a cause for these
conditions and the ACCV voted against adding these conditions to the VIT.
In a public comment to ACCV, NVIC noted that information provided to the committee for
this petition did not include historical data on influenza vaccine injury awards made in the
VICP associated with multiple sclerosis and transverse myelitis. Similar VICP historical
data information was provided to the ACCV when considering adding Guillain Barre
Syndrome (GBS) to the VIT for influenza vaccine, which prompted federal officials and
the ACCV to make a policy decision to include GBS as an influenza vaccine injury on the

NVIC requested that as a matter of transparency, future discussions of public VIT

petitions should include similar historical data on VICP award information and supporting
testimony/science that was submitted by plaintiffs attorneys.

Vaccine Injury Compensation Flat Compared to Increase in Claims

During the December 2015 ACCV meeting, the US Department of Justice reported that a
successful VICP petitioner had initiated an appeal of their original vaccine injury
compensation award from the VICP. The purpose of the appeal was to increase the
amount of the original compensation awarded to adequately to meet the financial needs
of the vaccine injured individual.30

As revealed by the federally commissioned Altarum report provided to ACCV in 2009, 31 a

significant number VICP petitioners who have received compensation have voiced similar
concerns relating to VICP compensation awards being inadequate to cover the costs to
care for a vaccine injured person. The Altarum report also noted that no mechanism was
in place to measure satisfaction with the VICP and recommended the creation of an
ongoing process for evaluating satisfaction.
During the June 2016 ACCV meeting, it was reported that greater numbers of petitions
were being processed through the VICP in a shorter amount of time, while the overall
payout amount from the trust fund remains about the same as previous years with fewer
cases processed. ACCV Commissioner Kraus, a vaccine injury attorney, expressed
concern that this trend may indicate a rush to settle petitions, which may result in
inadequate compensation to the vaccine injured.

During public comment, NVIC echoed Commissioner Kraus' concerns and renewed its
request to the ACCV to revisit the recommendations made by the Altarum report to create
a process that would measure VICP petitioner satisfaction. Such an effort could identify
why petitioners are dissatisfied and potentially provide incentive to the VICP to take steps
to assure that adequate compensation is awarded to vaccine injured victims. 32

Sanofi Pasteur and MSD will end their vaccines joint venture in
Europe, to independently manage their product portfolios and
pursue their own vaccine strategies in Europe. Modern Slavery

MSD Vaccines Stock Status 5th May 2017 Vaccines supply



Remarkable era of treating HIV/AIDS and hep C

By J Pinching22. May 2017 09:09

Death sentence revoked

The last few decades have witnessed remarkable milestones

in treating HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C.

Not so long ago, being informed you were HIV positive, or had
contracted hepatitis C, meant your entire future was thrown into
grave doubt if you had a future at all.
Over the last 35 years, however, AIDS has gone from a virtual death
sentence to a perfectly manageable condition. Indeed, my Uncle
Professor of Immunology, Anthony Pinching reflected that the
HIV/AIDS model of research had become the standard bearer for
other diseases.

Meanwhile, Hepatitis C treatments have reached new highs, with

thousands given renewed optimism and even a cure.

Now we hear exclusively from Jane Anderson a uniquely-placed

expert who has been involved in HIV/AIDS for 30 years and Mykie
Leong Chadwick, an award-winning hepatitis C Service Development
Manager, from MSD.

Chance of a lifetime

Jane Anderson Director at the Centre for the Study of Sexual

Health and HIV, and Chair of the National AIDS Trust

I have been privileged to work in one of the most interesting and

fast moving areas of medicine; to have worked with some of the
most inspiring and committed clinicians, patients and activists, and
to have witnessed enormous progress during the course of my
medical career.

I started work over 32 years ago as a newly qualified houseman at

St. Marys Hospital Medical School, which saw the arrival of the very
first patients with AIDS in the early 1980s. In those early days
almost everyone died, there was a great deal of fear and an intense
period of learning about AIDS and HIV.

By the time I became a consultant at St Bartholomews Hospital in

1990, although medications were being developed they were often
unpleasant to take and not particularly efficacious. It was the use of
drugs in combination and - in 1995 - the introduction of the protease
inhibitors, which made the difference. We began to see fewer deaths
and better outcomes.

Working in East London with a very diverse population I became

increasingly interested in the impact of HIV among migrant and
ethnic minority communities, and the particular needs of women
and families. This lead to the establishment of the Centre for the
Study of Sexual Health and HIV, at Homerton Hospital in Hackney. I
have also been privileged to Chair the British HIV Association and
work with both Public Health England and NHS England and, in
2015, I became the Chair of the National AIDS Trust - our main policy
and campaigning charity for HIV in the UK.
More people than ever before about 105,000 are living with HIV
in England, as effective therapy increases longevity and new
infections continue. For those diagnosed in time and who have
lifelong access to antiretroviral medications, HIV has changed from a
universally fatal infection into a manageable condition for the long-
term, with clinical and virological outcomes that are world leading.

Virological suppression is key, both to avoiding HIV related ill-health

and to prevention, as those with completely supressed viral activity
are not infectious to other people. More people with HIV are now
living into old age, often with added complications. Late and
undiagnosed infection is a major challenge more advanced
infection being associated, not only with increased morbidity and
mortality, but also with the risks of unwitting onward transmission.

Estimates suggest that about 17,000 people with HIV are as yet
undiagnosed and at least a third of people newly diagnosed have
advanced infection, making expanded HIV testing a crucial

Despite enormous clinical advances HIV continues to take a

significant toll on peoples lives. For example, quality of life for
people with HIV is below that of the general population, poor mental
health is common and HIV-associated stigma and discrimination is
unrelenting. Knowledge and awareness about HIV within the general
population is dispiritingly low.

We now have the wherewithal to ensure long life for people with HIV
but, as economic constraints deepen we must not allow the
phenomenal progress of the past 30 years to stall. The next few
years are crucial in ensuring that treatment evolves to effectively
meet the changing needs of an increasing and ageing population.
Measures that improve quality of life in particular, through reducing
stigma and discrimination, need to be implemented.

Following the 2012 health reforms all three commissioning bodies

have responsibility for some aspects of the prevention and care
pathway. Ensuring a joined up approach that delivers seamless care
to people is a challenge that must be overcome. Making sure new
information is translated into action on the ground for example,
securing access to Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis for all those at high risk
of acquiring HIV must be a key priority.

Cure in the community

Mykie Leong Chadwick Service Development Manager,

Hepatitis C, at MSD
For the 214,000 estimated people chronically infected with the
hepatitis C virus (HCV) in the UK[1], there are more treatment options
available than ever before.

Over the last decade, mortality due to hepatitis C-related cirrhosis

or liver cancer in the UK had been increasing at an alarming rate;
over twice as many people died of HCV-related illnesses in 2014
than in 2005[2]; but, in 2015, there was an 8% reduction in the
number of deaths related to HCV compared with the previous year[2].

In recent years more people are becoming aware of their HCV status
and seeking treatment. As HCV is usually asymptomatic, however, it
can be a challenge to identify infected people the number of
people in England diagnosed was five times greater in 2015 than in
1996[2], but half of HCV patients are estimated to be undiagnosed[3].

Treatments available for HCV have improved dramatically in the last

few years, with the introduction of direct-acting antiviral (DAA)
treatments. Historically, treatment used to be 48 weeks long,
involved injectable and oral dosing, and was effective in only 56% of
patients[4]. DAA treatments can now be taken as a single pill per
day, are well tolerated and have cure rates exceeding 90%[5].

The majority of HCV patients are from marginalised groups in

society, including people who inject drugs[6], however, infection
could occur through unprotected sex, infected blood transfusions
received before September 1991[7] or sharing toothbrushes, razors
and tattooing or body piercing equipment.

The HCV team at MSD has a vision achieving a future free of

hepatitis C; for patients and the NHS. We believe that each person in
the UK living with chronic HCV infection deserves to be cured.

As treatment is only a part of the solution to eliminate HCV, we are

also committed to collaborating with organisations to promote
awareness and prevention, especially among the populations most
at risk for chronic HCV.

Curing a patient of HCV is an amazing achievement, but it is also

about developing holistic treatment strategies and reducing risk of
re-infection that gets me up and ready to go every day.


1: Public Health England. Hepatitis C in the UK 2016 report.
Available online (last accessed April 2017):

2: Public Health England. Hepatitis C in the UK 2017 report.

Available online (last accessed April 2017):

3: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Costing

template: Implementing the NICE guidance on ledipasvir-sofosbuvir
(TA363), daclatasvir (TA364) and ombitasvir-paritaprevir-ritonavir
with dasabuvir (3D) or without dasabuvir (2D) for treating chronic
hepatitis C (TA365)

4: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Technology

appraisal guidance [TA75]: Interferon alfa (pegylated and non-
pegylated) and ribavirin for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C

5: World Health Organization, Hepatitis C, July 2015. Available online

(last accessed April 2017):

6: Public Health England, Hepatitis C in the UK 2015 report, 2015.

Available online (last accessed April 2017):

7: NHS Choices, Hepatitis C causes. Available online (last accessed April 2017):


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Europe leads the way


Vaccine History


The Genius of Vaccines









The Future of Vaccines














State of the worlds vaccines and immunization

State of the Worlds Vaccines and Immunization: Unprecedented
10 facts on immunization

Global Vaccine Action Plan 20112020
Vaccination Week in the Americas celebrates 15 years
Alba Maria Ropero, Elizabeth Thrush, and PAHO Vaccination week team


Pfizer drops the price for humanitarian organizations

MSF welcomes Pfizers pneumonia vaccine price reduction
for children in humanitarian emergencies









Open letter to Pfizer employees: We need allies
Dear Pfizer employees,

Almost a year ago to the day, we were outside your office in

New York City piling fake cash in front of your doorstep.
Six months ago, we returned to lay 2,500 flowers into a
criball this to illustrate that the life-saving pneumonia
vaccine Pfizer makes isnt reaching children in need.
I know we may not have started off on the right foot, so let
me introduce myself: Im Mary Jo, and Ive worked as a
nurse with Doctors Without Borders for 17 years.

By now you may have heard what our campaign, A Fair

Shot, is asking of you: pneumonia vaccine for $5/child for
all developing countries and humanitarian organizations. I
need this possibility to become a reality, because the reality
we live in nowwhere nearly a million kids die every year
from this preventable diseaseis heartbreaking.

Let me tell you about Mohamed, a six-year-old boy I met

on my most recent mission to Nigeria. He was sitting on
the floor with his younger brother when I arrived at the
clinic. They both looked very thin and had terrible, painful-
looking ulcers on their lips. Mohamed was pretty much
non-responsive. At the same time, though, he was huffing
and trying desperately to breathe. He had a respiratory
rate of 60, about three times higher than what it should be
for a kid his agemeaning his lungs were working extra
hard to get the amount of oxygen he needed.

I picked him up immediately. His breathing rate was a

clear sign of pneumonia. Later we confirmed that
Mohamed had malaria, measles, pneumoniathe trifecta
of childhood killersand malnutrition, too. We found an
isolation bed for him and placed an IV in to administer the
fluids and medicine he needed.

What struck me most about Mohamed was his seriousness.

Even though I could tell he was in a lot of pain, and he
didnt have an appetite to eat or drink water, he was
committed to his own autonomy. He wanted to hold the
cup in his own hands, because its not normal to need
someone else to have to feed you when youre six years old.
He was so weak, but he was committed to holding on.

Mohamed went home with his mom and brother that

night. The next day, I went to another MSF clinic, closer to
his home, and looked for him. When I walked into the
pediatrics ward, I saw him just as when I met him the day
before, sitting on the floor with his brother. But this time,
he was lively. He was smiling. The turnaround was
incredible. Mohamed was lucky he came into our clinic
when he did, and we were lucky the antibiotics worked
against his pneumonia. This isnt always the case.
I think about what kids like Mohamed experience. Many of
the kids we meet go through so much in life at such a
young agewar, conflict, the constant running, and
horrible poverty. We cant prevent these things from
happening. But the diseases? Those we can prevent. If we
can at least protect kids with vaccination, then
they have a fighting chance of surviving the rest of
this stuff.

Mohameds pneumonia couldve been prevented if your

vaccine was available. Even when countries, like Nigeria,
have introduced the pneumonia vaccine into the regular
immunization schedules, sometimes conflict or natural
disasters will disrupt routine health programs. Thats when
humanitarian organizations can help provide some relief
until situations stabilize.

Mothers line up with their kids to get the measles vaccinations at an

MSF clinic in Nigeria. Sylvain Cherkaoui/COSMOS

Thats why its important to lower the price of the

pneumonia vaccine for countries who dont receive donor-
funded vaccines and humanitarian organizations.
We know that in order for this to become a reality, the
desire for change has to come from within Pfizer, too. Will
you stand in solidarity with kids like Mohamed?

It may not be easy, but if this resonates with you, please

help spread the word by sharing this with a co-worker.

Thank you.

GSK lowers the price of the pneumonia vaccine for some of the
world's most vulnerable children










There is no such thing as free vaccines: Why we rejected

Pfizers donation offer of pneumonia vaccines.










Donations of medical products, such as vaccines and drugs, may

appear to be good quick fixes, but they are not the answer to
increasingly high vaccine prices charged by pharmaceutical giants
like Pfizer and GSK.







MSF calls on GSK and Pfizer to slash pneumo vaccine price to $5 per
child for poor countries ahead of donor meeting

In July 2014, MSF held the first of three rounds of a mass vaccination campaign in Adjumani district of
northern Uganda to protect children from deadly respiratory infections. Sydelle WIllow Smith

New MSF report reveals countries struggle with

skyrocketing vaccine prices amidst market shrouded in
Geneva, 20 January 2015Mdecins Sans Frontires (MSF) today
called on pharmaceutical companies GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and
Pfizer to slash the price of the pneumococcal vaccine to US$5 per
child in developing countries, ahead of a major vaccination donor
conference in Berlin. Today, MSF released the second edition of its
vaccine pricing report, The Right Shot: Bringing Down Barriers to
Affordable and Adapted Vaccines, which shows that in the poorest
countries, the price to vaccinate a child is now a colossal 68 times
more expensive than it was in 2001, with many parts of the world
unable to afford new high-priced vaccines like that against
pneumococcal disease, which kills about one million children each
"just think of how much further taxpayer money
could go to vaccinate more children if vaccines
were cheaper"
Download the full report here:
The price to fully vaccinate a child is 68 times more expensive than
it was just over a decade ago, mainly because a handful of big
pharmaceutical companies are overcharging donors and developing
countries for vaccines that already earn them billions of dollars in
wealthy countries, said Rohit Malpani, Director of Policy and
Analysis for MSFs Access Campaign. Donors will be asked to put an
additional $7.5 billion dollars on the table to pay for vaccines in poor
countries for the next five years, with over one third of that going to
pay for one vaccine alone, the high-priced pneumococcal vaccine;
just think of how much further taxpayer money could go to
vaccinate more children if vaccines were cheaper. We think its time
for GSK and Pfizer to do their part to make vaccines more affordable
for countries in the long term, because the discounts the companies
are offering today are just not good enough.







"In one week, donors will gather in Berlin to

pledge more money for vaccination, so were
asking GSK and Pfizer to hurry up and cut the
price of the pneumococcal vaccine before then"



The Right Shot: Bringing down barriers to affordable and adapted

2nd Edition January 2015

Immunisation is one of the most efficient ways to reduce child
mortality. Yet, every year 1 out of every 5 children (under the age of
1 year) is not fully vaccinated, putting them at risk of dying of
preventable diseases such as measles, pneumonia or diarrhoea.
















Why must Member States continue to invest in immunization? 10

Year Anniversary. European Immunization Week, last accessed
November 2016
140th WHO EB - Briefing - Addressing the global shortage of
medicines and vaccines - Agenda Item 8.3
EU and United Nation Global Vaccine and and Biologicals trials toxic
poison, Filled with Mercury, Genetic Modified and Metal, and Bateria
from injected Homornes from other Animals and transferred into
Children and Adult Human bodies,
No Thank you, keep your own Toxic and Cancerous Wastes

Credit is deserved where credit is due. Up until the recent Tucker Carlson moment, only
rare glimpses of airtime on corporate media were allowed for individuals who questioned
settled science and the official talking points of captured regulatory agencies such as the
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. On Thursday evening Robert F.
Kennedy Jr, the public face of The World Mercury Project, appeared on FOX news for an
interview with host Tucker Carlson.

In the last month, Kennedy Jr has been extremely active appearing as the keynote
speaker in Washington, D.C. at The Revolution For Truth rally, snagging a large portion of
airtime on the recently aired 7-part docu-series The Truth About Vaccines, and speaking
at fundraisers. However, the fact that Kennedy Jrs was even allowed to appear on FOX
symbolized a big win for the growing mass of families who have been shut out of the
discussion not only by the corporate media, but largely by legislation and establishment

Tucker opened his segment with a pre-taped introduction that was carefully read off a
teleprompter. It went as follows [with commentary by author]:

Well the vast majority of medical experts insist that vaccines are
generally [generally?] safe [over 3.6 billion paid out through a severely flawed National
Vaccine Injury Compensation Program] and that there is no link between vaccines and
autism [one major study proving that link was authored by a fugitive currently on the
run for 13 counts of wire fraud and 9 counts of money laundering. The other study
proving that link had its lead author, Dr. William Thompson, admit to research
fraud]. That is widely accepted [except for the parents who saw their child regress into
autism immediately after vaccination] but not universally.

It is at this point in the interview that Tuckers on-air education began as Kennedy Jr.

"What you have to understand is that the vaccine regime changed dramatically
around 1989. The reason it changed, Tucker, is that congress drowning in
pharmaceutical industry money did something theyve never done for any other
industry. They gave blanket legal immunity to all the vaccine companies.

Over the recent years, Big Pharma has revised their strategy as their flimsy 'safe and
effective' talking point has been continually shredded to pieces by facts, truth, research
and reality. The vaccine industry PR has retreated to their Alamo. That Alamo is called
'herd immunity.'

At this point in the interview, the exchange between Carlson and Kennedy Jr symbolized
perfectly the transparent ideology of not only Big Pharma, but also of the classically-
flawed lunacy of the greater good:

RFK Jr: "Mercury has been taken out of three vaccines in this country. But it
remains in the flu vaccine 48 million flu vaccines and it's in vaccines all over
the world. And it is the most potent neurotoxin known to man that is not
radioactive. How can we inject that into a child? If you take that vaccine vial and
break it, you have to dispose of that as hazardous waste; you have to evacuate the
building. Why would we take that substance and inject that into a little baby?"

Carlson: "So the argument is, as you know, that group immunity, herd immunity, is
what you're searching for and yes there are downsides but in the big picture
everybody benefits."

Towards the end of the interview Carlson appeared to have his ah-ha moment, or at least
as close as we have seen revealed on-air from corporate media up until this
point. Kennedy Jr explained that, according to a Danish study that looked at kids
vaccinated with DPT vaccine (the most widely distributed vaccine in the world) verses
unvaccinated kids, those who were DPT-vaccinated were ten-times more likely to die
within the next two months. Kennedy Jr. continued by adding "they [the
researchers] said that that vaccine is killing more people than diphtheria, pertussis
and tetanus combined."

And like a collective bell ringing in the heads of viewers, Carlson said it. He knowingly, or
unknowingly, exposed the wizard behind the curtain. It was the Achilles heel that cuts
through decades of Big Pharma propaganda, lobbying, and funded [biased] research.
When confronted with the simple, common sense facts and truth, Carlson replied, "Why
has the point that you're making, that doesn't seem crazy, been so discredited?"
This article will close with Kennedy Jr's reply to Carlson:

"I'm called anti-vax all the time because the pharmaceutical industry is so powerful...both
with the media they give $5.4 billion dollars a year to the media. And they've gotten
rid of the lawyers so there's no legal interest in those cases. And they really have been
able to control the debate and silence people like me. I'm very grateful to you for having
the courage to allow me on the show and talk. This is the second show in 10 years
that's allowed me to talk about this, the other being Bill Maher, which doesn't take
advertising [from Big Pharma].

Cancer vaccine warning

Monday, August 30, 2010
By Jennifer Hough

MEET the Gardasil girls.
































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