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Agua pequea 0,60

Agua grande 1, 00
Caf (Coffee) 0,80
Caf con leche (Coffe with milk) 0,90
Caf americano
Caf bombn
Caf con Baileys 1,20
Batido de chocolate (Chocolate milkshake) 1,50
Infusin (Infusion) 0,80
Cola Cao (Hot chocolate)
Refresco (Soda) 1,50
Zumo natural de naranja (Natural orange juice) 1,50
Zumo naranja- pia- melocotn (Juice: Orange pineapple- peach) 1,50

Buuelos (Fritters) 0,30

Pasteles surtidos (Cakes) 1,00

Con aceite o mantequilla (With olive oil or butter) 1,00
Mixto -jamn cocido y queso- (Mixto ham and cheese) 1,20
Catalana (Catalan: serrano ham and tomatoes) 1,30
Bacon 1,20
Lomo adobado (Marinated loin) 1,20
Atn (Tuna) 1,20
Filete de pollo / Cerdo (Chicken fillet / Pork fillet 1,30

Pitufo- Mollete
Con aceite o mantequilla (With olive oil or butter) 1,50
Mixto -jamn cocido y queso- (Mixto ham and cheese) 1,80
Catalana (Catalan: serrano ham and tomatoes) 2,00
Bacon 1,50
Lomo adobado (Marinated loin) 1,80
Atn (Tuna) 1,60
Filete de pollo / Cerdo (Chicken fillet / Pork fillet 2,00

Mixto -jamn cocido y queso- (Mixto ham and cheese 1,50

Con aceite o mantequilla (With olive oil or butter) 2,00
Mixto -jamn cocido y queso- (Mixto ham and cheese) 2,50
Catalana (Catalan: serrano ham and tomatoes) 2,70
Bacon 2,20
Lomo adobado (Marinated loin) 2,50
Atn (Tuna) 2,50
Filete de pollo / Cerdo (Chicken fillet / Pork fillet 3,00
Lomo en manteca (Loin in butter) 3,00

Desayunos/ Breakfast

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