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Your thoughts become your beliefs; Your beliefs become your words; Your words become your actions;
Your actions become your habits; Your habits become your values; Your values become your character;
Your character becomes your destiny. Lao Tse

Development of the intelligence and character are two very important goals of education to produce a
wholesome individual. Education in the 21st. century emphasizes developing the intelligence more than
the character from primary school and all the way up to further education and beyond. Intelligence
involves the development of the mind or intellect to be able to think intensively and critically to make
decisions and judgments. Character development, which concerns producing students with ethics,
morals, kindness, love, compassion, life skills and a good heart, has been the underdog right from the
time formal education began. Education focusing on intelligence without character development is a
disaster. It can produce self-centered and unscrupulous individuals who use their abilities to deceive,
outsmart and manipulate others to satisfy their selfish ends. In view of this imbalance, KYKO character
building assessment for student is specifically designed to measure the current status of students' levels
of intellect and the various dimensions of their character, in order that education systems can take steps
for a balanced development to produce a more all-rounded student to achieve the goals of a true and
holistic education. KYKO character building assessment is a diagnostic tool to map out the magnitude of
the factors (variables) of intelligence and character encompassed in its five dimensions of self-
actualization, egocentricity, socio- centricity, security, and complexity on a Likert scale of 1 to 7 from
which the students' measures on each of these dimensions may be measured on a log-linear scale in
logits. Individuals responding to items on this instrument will be given a report. The first part of the
report describes the personality in terms of the traits and characteristics and the strengths and
improvement needs on each of the variables based on the measures of the factors of the five
dimensions. The second part of the report provides recommendations for appropriate interventions by
parents, teachers and the schools or institutions to work together synergistically and symbiotically to
realize the full potential of the students and equip them with the skills and abilities to overcome
challenges and accomplish their goals and destiny.

The report is in the form of narratives and graphics. Each dimension is represented by a color as below:
- Self-Actualization

- Egocentricity

- Sociocentricity

- Security

- Complexity

The intensities (from "High" to "Low") of measures on each of the five dimensions, Self-actualization,
Egocentricity, Sociocentricity, Security and Complexity Dimension are represented by the intensity of the
five colors.

High - above 5.6

Fairly High - from 4.6 to 5.6

Average - from 3.6 to 4.6

Fairly Low - from 2.6 to 3.6

Low - below 2.6

KYKO Dimensions



Self Actualization Dimension


Egocentric Dimension


Sociocentric Dimension


Security Dimension

Complexity Dimension


Diagnostic Report

Dimension Breakdown


Self Actualization Dimension defined as the need, want, or drive for achievement, fulfillment, and
personal growth and upon reaching the peak of human development becomes a fully functioning person
and live a meaningful life.


Fairly High

You are a fairly high achiever. You are quite achievement oriented. Often you want to score good
grades. You are likely to pay attention in class and do all the homework assigned by your teachers. You
are quite studious and somewhat hardworking. You tend to chase after good results in your
examination. You have high growth needs. You take the initiatives to understand the nature of things.
You are keen to grow your potentials and are willing learners. You see learning as a process of seeking
knowledge and skills to prepare yourself to face the world. You have a fairly high desire for fulfillment.
You often get excited learning new things. You always enjoy studying and get the satisfaction of getting
good grades in your report cards. You have moderate ethics and morals. Your integrity and values are
inconsistent and often vary with the people and the situations you are dealing with. You have good
thinking skills. You are a fast learner. You learn best by using your logical skills to understand concepts
and theories presented by your teachers.


Fairly high achiever, quite result oriented, fairly hardworking, somewhat responsible.

Quite studious, Often takes initiatives to learn new things

Fairly enthusiastic, quite motivated

Inconsistent in being trustworthy and reliable.

Fairly good thinking skill, Often make the sound decision.

Factors Breakdown

Achievement and Result Orientation


The motivation to work hard and chase after good grades

Personal Growth Needs

The driving force to seek knowledge and be a lifelong learner

Learning Motivation and Enjoyment


The passion in seeking satisfaction and fulfillment of learning new things

Ethics and Moral Values


The motivation to have high integrity and seek good values such as honesty, fairness, and justice in
extolling goodness

Thinking Skills


The ability to think extensively and critically to make decision and judgment


Egocentric Dimension defined as the need, want, or drive for power, status, and image and to take
charge and control the environment.



You have high self-confidence. You want to make the decision both at home and in school. You believe
you have the power and ability to overcome any challenges and problems. You also believe that you can
achieve good results if you put your heart into your studies. You are a fairly strong will. Often you will
persist in accomplishing your goals. You will always endure in overcoming challenges, difficulties and
barriers. Quite likely, you will never give up challenging the odds and will keep on going until you
succeed. You want to keep a positive image of yourself in school. You want your schoolmates to look up
to you. You will get upset if someone talks bad about you behind your back. You want to protect your
reputation and good name. You are dominant and aggressive. You are vocal, assertive and expressive.
You do more talking than listening. You force others to accept your ideas and follow your way. You want
to take charge, lead and control. You would compete to become the class monitor, and captain of
societies, games, and clubs. You would take the initiative to stand for positions of power in school


Fairly strong self-concept, quite confident, fairly decisive

Fairly high persistent, fairly strong determination

Positive self-image

Dominant, aggressive, controlling, forceful and talkative.

Want to lead and take charge

Factors Breakdown



The belief in one's abilities to make things happen.



The ability to deal well with rejection and unforeseen obstacles and to persist, endure and overcome life


The drive for a positive mental image of oneself.



The quality of being self-assured and the ability to express one's feelings, thoughts, and desires in a
positive way without hurting the feelings of others.

Taking charge


The desire to direct and take the lead


Sociocentric Dimension defined as the need, want, or drive for love, compassion, affiliation,
comradeship, social interaction, and acceptance.


Fairly Low


You are somewhat not concerned about the sufferings of others. You are quite lacking in compassions
and care for humanity. Often you will not show up to do volunteering services to serve mankind. You
prefer to work alone than working in a team. You are quite uncomfortable working with others. You are
neither warm nor guarded. Your response to others is lukewarm. You are a person of fairly low empathy.
You often cannot sense the feelings and needs of your friends in a conversation. You tend to talk about
yourself than about your friends. Often you are not sensitive to the pains and sufferings of your friends
and will not be bothered to help them. You have a moderate spirit of comradeship. You take a neutral
stance in establishing and building a close relationship with your friends.

Quite cold-hearted. Somewhat unconcerned over the well-being of others.

Fairly poor team player. Often find difficulty working in groups

Moderately friendly and pleasant.

Fairly low empathy, Quite unconcerned on others' feelings and needs

Average at building relationship and connecting with others Average spirit of comradeship

Factors Breakdown



The tendency to love and care for others.



The ability to cooperate and work together with others in a team.



The ability to make others feel pleasant and comfortable and be likable.



The ability to understand how someone thinks and feels because you can imagine what it is to be like

Building Relationship


The ability to connect, develop and maintain a cordial relationship with others.

Security Dimension defined as the need, want or drive for safety, compliance, orderliness, precision, and




Your respect for safety and protection is average. You are likely to take a moderate risk in your
endeavor. You often dislike red tapes. You always see rules and regulations as a barrier to your creativity
to do things better and become more efficient. Often you go around rules to get things done. You are
fairly weak at organizing. Your room is rather messy and cluttered with rubbish. You are quite impulsive
and are likely to do things spontaneously at the last minutes. You are not too concerned over the trivial.
You often skim through your homework before handling to your teacher. You prefer certainties. You
always want to be assured you do the right thing. Often you can predict your future. You always know
what you want and where you are going. You like to feel safe and secured in your endeavor to reach
your own destiny.


Average concern for safety

Often break rules

Fairly poor organizer, seldom plan, often unscheduled, somewhat spontaneous

Quite lacking precision, Often shoddy

Prefer certainties, Take fairly low risk

Factors Breakdown
Safety Consciousness


The awareness of hazards and alertness to danger and the need to be safe and protected from harm and



The tendency to obey and adhere to rules and regulations.

Personal Organization


The tendency or habit of keeping things orderly and organized.

Precision & Accuracy


The aptitude and ability to be thorough and accurate.



The need for assurance, comfort, stability, and predictability.


Complexity Dimension defined as the need, want, or drives for information, adaptability, influence,
analyze and strategize for survival and to realize and perpetuate dominant goals.



You are curious, inquisitive and well-informed. You are interested to find out things happening around
you. You look for information wherever you go. You can tell exactly what is going on in your school when
someone poses you a question. You are flexible and can adapt to people and situations. You can easily
work with anyone and are willing to accept a task you have not done before. You are willing to change
your mind if your team offers a better idea of doing things. You have fairly good influencing skills. Often
you can convince and persuade your friends to accept your ideas and follow your ways. Whenever you
give a talk, almost everybody will listen attentively to you and give you support. You are analytical,
tactical and strategic. You look at a situation or problem from many angles and know many ways to find
a solution. You are mysterious. You have a lot of secrets. You do not share everything about yourself
with your friends. Your friends cannot guess what you are going to do next.


Curious, inquisitive, well-informed.

Capable of being flexible and adaptable to people and situations

Quite persuasive, fairly good influencing skills.

Analytical, tactful and strategic

Good at disclosing, filtering and withholding information.

Factors Breakdown

Environmental Awareness


The ability to be alert, aware and be well- informed.



The ability to be flexible and adjust to people and situation.


The ability to persuade, convince and win others to support a cause.

Cognitive Abilities


The aptitude and capacity to strategize, analyze, anticipate, assess and adjust to accomplish a goal.


Information Dissemination

The discretion to disclose filter and withhold information.


Fairly positive mental attitude, quite hardworking, quite responsible and works relatively hard to
achieve good grades.

A willing learner. Takes initiative to seek knowledge and to understand the nature of things.

A fairly enthusiastic and self-motivated student who enjoys learning new things.

Fast learner. An intellectual and critical thinker.

High self-esteem. Believe in one power and ability to overcome challenges.

Fairly high self-resilient. Often persist and endure. Always never give up in face of difficulties and

Have a positive self-image. Conduct oneself in a manner others look up to him or her.

High assertiveness. Able to stand up and communicate clearly in disagreements or conflicts.

A potential leader. Like to compete, to take the lead and take charge.

A person who prefers assurance and stability and is quite capable of predicting the consequences of
what he/she is doing and where he/she is going.

Good self-awareness. Skillful at gathering absolving information. Knows very well what is happening
around them.

Good at being flexible and adapting to others and the situations.

Fairly good influencing skills. Quite skillful in influencing, convincing and persuading others for support.

Good cognitive skills. Strategic, tactical and analytical. Know many ways of getting things done.

Good at information dissemination. Able to filter, disclose and withdraw information when sharing with

Improvement Needs

May need to improve one's ethics, morals, and principles. Inconsistent in honesty, reliability,
trustworthiness, and integrity.

Need to develop the heart to improve one's compassions and concerns for others.

Need to learn how to work in groups. A fairly poor team player.

May need to learn to be warm and friendly to connect with people.

Need to learn to be more sensitive to others' feelings and needs. Fairly low empathy.

May need to improve building relationship and the spirit of comradeship.

May need to improve one's need for security.

Quite lacking in system compliance. Need to be more discipline. Learn to follow rules, regulations, and

A fairly weak organizer. Need to learn how to plan and organize. Learn not to be spontaneous and
impulsive and do things at the last minutes.

May need to improve one's eye for details.

Treatment/Invention Report

May need to improve one's ethics, morals, and principles. Inconsistent in honesty, reliability,
trustworthiness, and integrity

Need to instill and cultivate good values into your child behavior. Be a role model in ethics, morals, and
integrity. Teach the child to fear God. Bring your child regularly to the house of worship.


Stand up for fairness and justice. Need to demonstrate or show that you are a teacher of high integrity,
strong principled, truthfulness, trustworthiness, and righteousness. Lead by example.


Need to set up more co-curricular activities in promoting ethics, morals, and integrity. Make it
compulsory for this student to become a member of a religious society or club.

Need to develop the heart to improve one's compassions and concerns for others.


Need to nurture your child to be caring and compassionate. Be the role model by being compassionate,
caring and doing acts of kindness. Develop the heart of your child. Teach the child to treat each other
with respect. Teach your child ways to be affectionate and kind, and to relieve the pains and sufferings
of others. Cultivate the child good manners. Let the child understand the consequences of being cold-
hearted, rude and name calling. Show your child how to help people in needs such as the destitute,
disables and victims of natural disasters.


Need to develop a caring relationship with your students. Visit their homes to understand whether their
needs are met. Identify students who are abused and deprived of their basic needs. Try to help them,
for example, by recommending them to boarding school.


Organize field trips to visit the home of the orphans, elderly, and the disables. Create the opportunity
for students to give care services to them.

Need to learn how to work in groups. A fairly poor team player.


Promote teamwork at home. Parents to work cooperatively with their children towards a shared
purpose. Get your children to work together on a house chore or a project. Share the joys and sorrows
together with the family. Teach your children that disagreements are a normal part of life. Teaching
them the healthy strategies to support each other in coping with life and solving problems.


Organize group work. Coach the students how to work in teams, Train the teams as they need help, and
model the behaviors they want the students to learn.


School curriculum and co-curriculum could provide the students in experiencing teamwork in many
different forms. Students may be asked to work in pairs, small groups, or larger groups on a variety of
different things. They may be asked to work in teams for physical activities such as ball games or running
games or more formal activities such as projects.

May need to learn to be warm and friendly to connect with people.


May need to nurture your child to be warm and friendly. Create a loving, warm, and friendly home
environment. Be a nurturing parent. Show your love and affections by verbal and non-verbal cues, such
as smiling, expressing your love and hugging. Spend quality time with your child. Give unconditional love
but take note to be cautious not to pamper your child. Help your child to connect with others. Be a role
model by being warm, friendly and pleasant to others.


May need to create a healthy and favorable classroom environment. Establish and build a close
relationship among the students. Teach the students to be cordial, warm and friendly with each other.


May need to improve a healthy, conducive and favorable environment to promote affinity and a sense
of belonging
Need to learn to be more sensitive to others' feelings and needs.


May need to cultivate the child to be more empathetic. Teach the child to understand how others think,
feel and act by imagining what it is to be like them. Learn to be an active and good listener. Listen to
feelings and concerns and communicate help and support. Be an empathetic parent and become a role
model for your child to emulate.


May use teaching techniques for, example, role play, case study, and group dynamics, to show how
empathy affect behaviors positively and adversely follow with a group discussion on the consequences
of your relationships with a person of high empathy and with a person of low empathy. Be a role model.
Point out cases of the student with high empathy and with low empathy in class.


Equip your schools with the media facilities for students to view poverty, pains and sufferings.

May need to improve building relationship and the spirit of comradeship.


Need to learn on how to build the relationship with others. Help your child to communicate his/her
similarities and differences with others and to accept and respect the person as what he/she is. Show
love, care, and concerns. Be considerate and build trusts. Learn to support and help each other in times
of needs.


Teachers could incorporate the skills of establishing, developing and maintaining the relationship in the
curriculum and co-curriculum activities.

Organize inter-school competitions. Encourage your students to connect and establish and develop the
relationship with other students.

May need to improve one's need for security.


Need to improve the safety consciousness of your child. You can start to develop the safety
consciousness of your child at home. Teach your child how to activate and deactivate the home security
system. Ensure all the entrances and gates are close and nobody can enter your home without
permission. Prepare a list of emergency contact numbers available and let your children know who to
contact if they need help. Monitor your child social activities. Get to know his/her friends and their
parents. Ensure you know your child whereabouts and can contact him/her at any time. Teach your child
the safety tips on how to protect himself/herself from possible harms or dangers. Encourage your child
to get friends to accompany him/her in solitary places and at night. Tell your child to avoid any contact
with strangers. Be a role model of safety consciousness.


Teach your students on emergency drills for example, how to get out of the house in a fire, what to do if
a stranger is in the house. Make sure your students know how to make an emergency call when they are
in dangers. Prepare a list of safety measures for the students to follow.


Incorporate safety education as part of your school curriculum.

Quite lacking in system compliance. Need to be more discipline. Learn to follow rules, regulations, and

Need to encourage your child's obedience to rules and regulation. Set the home rules and regulations.
Explains the importance of having the rules and regulations and the adverse consequences of breaking
them. Enforce the rules consistently. Rewards on the obedience of rules and regulations. Be gentle and
caring when you counsel and guide your child for breaking rules. Failing counseling and guidance,
discipline is the last resort.


Set up a list of rules for classroom and display prominently on the bulletin board at the back of the
classroom. Enforce the rules fairly and consistently. Counsel and guide for rule breakers.


School rules and regulations should be displayed prominently on the school building. Make sure the
rules and regulations are enforced fairly and consistently.

Need to learn how to plan and organize. Learn not to be spontaneous and impulsive and do things at the
last minutes. A fairly weak organizer.


Need to develop the organizing abilities of your child. Help your child to plan and organize. Get your
child to keep a diary and list down a checklist of things the night before. Teach your child to prioritize
the things he/she needs to do and develop a schedule on what and when to get something done. Ensure
the child follow the schedule until it becomes a habit.


Need to improve the organizing skills of students. Provides a routine and by clearly stating directions
and expectations. Establishing a classroom schedule to provide students with a sense of where they are
going and what materials they will need. Help the students to prepare a checklist of what they need to
accomplish for the day. Monitor the students to ensure they stay on the schedule. Get the students to
organize the classroom desks. Ensure the students put the right things and in the right place neatly and

Ensure the school resources and facilities are well organized. Ascertain that the right things are put in
the right place.

May need to strive for precision and accuracy


Need to assist your child to strive for precision and accuracy. Teach your child to develop an eye for
details. Nurture your child to be observant, aware and alert, and be concerned over the trivial. Improve
attention to detail by using organizational tools, limiting distractions, and provide conditions for your
child to focus. Also, practice attention improving exercises to further sharpen child's skills. Teach your
child to cultivate the habit of being meticulous, systematic and thorough in spotting mistakes.


Create the opportunity for students to develop precision and accuracy by creating workshops and
exercises, for example, analyzing a set of measurement data, and decide whether their analysis is
precise and/or accurate. Teach your students the guidelines for precision and accuracy.

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