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HTML fundamental:

Congratulations on completing the first unit of HTML & CSS! You are well on
your way to becoming a skilled web developer.

Let's review what you've learned so far:

The <!DOCTYPE html> declaration should always be the first line of code in
your HTML files.

The <html> element will contain all of your HTML code.

Information about the web page, like the title, belongs within the <head> of
the page.

You can add a title to your web page by using the <title> element, inside of
the head.

Code for visible HTML content will be placed inside of the <body> element.

What you learned in this lesson constitutes the required setup for all HTML
files. The rest of the course will teach you more about how to add content
using HTML and how to style that content using CSS!

2. HTML Content:

Congratulations on completing the second unit of HTML & CSS! In this unit,
you learned how to add content to a web page using some of the most
common HTML elements.

Let's review what you've learned so far:

You can add headings of different sizes using the different headings
elements: <h1> through <h6>.

Paragraphs are added with the <p> element.

Unordered lists are created with the <ul> element and list items are added
using the <li> element.

Ordered lists are created with the <ol> element and list items are added
using the <li> element.
You can add links to your web page using the <a> element - don't forget the
href attribute!

Images can be added with the <img> element - don't forget the src attribute!

Images help support visually impaired users when <img> elements include
the alt attribute.

You can turn anything into a link by wrapping it with an <a> element.

White space in the HTML file does not affect the positioning of elements in
the browser.

The W3C recommends 2 spaces of indentation for nested HTML elements.

Comments are used to take notes inside of an HTML file. You can add a
comment with <!-- This is a comment -->.

So far, the content you added in this unit isn't very visually appealing. In the
next unit, you'll learn how to modify the appearance of your content using


Great job! You learned how to link an HTML file and a CSS file together.

Let's review what you've learned so far:

1. HTML and CSS are kept in separate files in order to keep code maintainable
and readable, as well as keep structure separate from styling.

2. The <style> element allows you to write CSS code within an HTML file.

3. A CSS stylesheet can be linked to an HTML file using the <link> element,
which requires three attributes:

href - set equal to the path of the CSS file.

type - set equal to text/css.

rel - set equal to stylesheet.

In this lesson, you learned about the two different places in which you can
write CSS code, but you didn't write any CSS code at all.

In the next lesson, you'll learn about the basic structure and syntax of CSS so
that you can start using CSS on your own.


Great work! You've learned the basics of CSS structure and syntax. We'll
continue to build on these basics as you learn more about CSS.

Let's review what you've learned so far:

1. A CSS selector targets an HTML element.

2. CSS declarations style HTML elements. Declarations must contain the

following two things:

property - the property you want to style.

value - the value for the property you are styling.

3. CSS declarations must end in a semicolon (;)

4. A CSS rule consists of a CSS selector and the declarations inside of the

5. Multiple element selectors can be used to style multiple elements at once.

6. Comments keep code easy to read and allow you to experiment with new
code without having to remove old code.
7. CSS follows certain best practices for spacing and indentation:

One line of spacing between a selector and the opening curly brace.

No spacing between CSS declarations and the opening and closing curly
braces of the CSS rule.

Two spaces of indentation for CSS declarations.

One line of spacing between CSS rules.

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