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Song Title ________________________________________________________________________________

Writer(s) _________________________________________________________________________________


1. Title: is the 5tle obvious? Is the song wri<en to the 5tle consistently? __________

2. Does this song have a strong opening line that pulls in the listener? __________

3. Song structure: does the song ow and hold the listeners interest? __________

4. Is the hook/idea memorable and well placed (visible & repeated) in the song? __________

5. Verse lyric: do all verses support the chorus and clearly tell the meaning? __________

6. Chorus lyric: does it 5e the verses together? Is it memorable? Highlight the hook? __________

7. Prosody: does the music emo5onally match and support the lyric? __________

8. Does the melody and tempo (metering and phrasing) ow? __________

9. Is the melody memorable & create separa5on between verses & chorus? __________

10. Rhyme pa<ern: does the rhyme pa<ern work in favor of the song? __________

11. Rhyme pa<ern: is the rhyme pa<ern in the chorus dierent from the verse? __________

12. Overall: does this song provide a sa5sfying listening experience? __________

Addi5onal Comments:

Linda A. Schaible | shibes@SongChops.com | SongChops.com 2014 Desert Muse Media

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