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Static Stability

This section of the report will include the analysis and sample calculation to
determine the static stability parameters of our aircraft. Static stability in general is
described as the initial tendency of an aircraft to return to its original attitude after
a disturbance. As described in the definition, the intention of this analysis is to
determine the static stability of our aircraft influenced by the tail region of the
aircraft as well as designing the tail region that suits the objective of our microlight
aircraft. In general, the horizontal and vertical tail region will either be designed in
an airfoil shape or by using a simple flat plate since the application does not involve
large aerodynamic loadings. The report will contain the design of both horizontal tail
and vertical tail.
Tail Volume ratio
Tail volume ratio is denoted by the letter V which is determined through
equation where one equation is used for horizontal tail and another similar equation
is for vertical tail. The tail volume ratio tends to relate the area of surfaces, distance
between the surface and the aircrafts c.g., the wing area, the mean aerodynamic
wing chord and the wing span. The aircrafts which have the same volume
coefficients tend to have similar static stability characteristics.
Horizontal Tail Volume Ratio

S H lt
Sw c

V H = Horizontal Tail Volume Ratio;

S w = Wing Area;

c= Wing Chord;

S H = Horizontal Tail Area;

l t= Distance between Aerodynamic Center of Wing to Aerodynamic Center of


( 3.143 ) ( 3.8 )
VH= V H =0.53
( 14.19 ) ( 1.588 )

The horizontal tail of our aircraft is designed with NACA 6412. This is because
NACA 6412 is a small aspect ratio airfoil that has a lift curve slope that suits the
design. Since the design of the wing had already been determined in the previous
report, the parameters of tail plane was designed to produce the required range of
result for neutral point calculation which will be discussed at the later part of this
For common small aspect ratio aircraft, the horizontal tail volume ratio lies
between 0.5- 0.6. Therefore, from our tail area and the distance between
aerodynamic centers of wing to aerodynamic center of tail, we can determine
whether our design is within the range.
Vertical Tail Volume Ratio

Sv l t
V v=
Sw b

V v = Vertical Tail Volume Ratio;

b= Wing Span;

S v = Vertical l Tail Area;

l t= Distance between Aerodynamic Center of Wing to Aerodynamic Center of


( 1.235 ) ( 3.8 )
V v= V v =0.037
( 14.19 ) ( 8.936 )

For vertical tail, flat plate is chosen to ease out the design process since most
microlight aircrafts apply flat plate design of vertical tail. The lift curve slope of flat
plate is determined by using the formula below

CL =

AR = aspect ratio of vertical tail

Neutral Point
Figure zz

Figure xx shows the forces and moments acting on an aircraft flying at a level
flight. The lift force of the aircraft is acting at the center of pressure in front of the
c.g. location. This causes an unstable motion resulted from the increment of angle
of attack due to lift increment. The nose up motion of aircraft is counteracted by the
moment produced by the lift of horizontal stabilizer acting behind the c.g. location.
As the c.g. location moves forward, the stability of aircraft will increase making the
aircraft to be statically stable. When the c.g. moved behind (aft c.g.) the aircrafts
stability decreases which is known as statically unstable. Neutral point in this case is
defined as the point between forward and aft location of c.g. where the aircrafts
stability is neutral. The following equation is used to determine the neutral point of
the aircraft

hn=h+V H ( )(1 )

hn= Neutral Point;

h= Aerodynamic Center;

i= Lift curve slope of NACA 6412 at tail;

= Lift curve slope of wing;

= Downwash gradient;

hn=1.487+0.53 ( 0.117
0.106 )
( 10.2771 ) hn=1.9099m

The above formula is used to determine the neutral point of our microlight design.

Cg Location
The c.g. location of our aircraft was calculated by using the location of
landing as the reference point. Four different cases were considered to determine
the location of c.g. This analysis was used to determine the two extreme conditions
that results in the large movement of c.g. as well as the largest magnitude of c.g.
movement. The result were used to determine the stability of aircraft.

Object Mass (kg) x (m)

Power Unit 81.9 2.322
Wing 85.3 1.756
Tail 20.1 5.462
Undercarriage 12.1 1.746
Pilot 80 1.665
Passenger 80 1.665
Fuel 25 2.410

Condition 1: Full Tank without Pilot and Passenger

( 81.9 )( 2.322 ) + ( 85.3 ) ( 1.756 ) + ( 20.1 ) (5.462 ) + ( 12.1 ) ( 1.746 ) + ( 25 ) ( 2.41 )

cg 1= cg 1=2.3669 m
( 81.9+ 85.3+ 20.1+ 12.1+ 25 )

Condition 2: Full Tank with Pilot but Without Passenger

( 81.9 )( 2.322 ) + ( 85.3 ) ( 1.756 ) + ( 20.1 ) (5.462 ) + ( 12.1 ) ( 1.746 ) + ( 25 ) ( 2.41 )+(80)(1.665)
cg 2=
( 81.9+85.3+ 20.1+ 12.1+ 25+ 80 )
cg 2=2.1824 m

Condition 3: Full Tank with Pilot and Passenger

( 81.9 )( 2.322 ) + ( 85.3 ) ( 1.756 ) + ( 20.1 ) ( 5.462 )+ ( 12.1 ) ( 1.746 ) + ( 25 ) ( 2.41 )+ ( 160 )( 1.665 )
cg 3=
( 81.9+85.3+ 20.1+12.1+25+ 160 )
cg 3=2.0747 m

Condition 4: Empty Weight

( 81.9 ) ( 2.322 )+ ( 85.3 )( 1.756 )+ ( 20.1 )( 5.462 ) + ( 12.1 )( 1.746 )

cg 4= cg 4=2.3614 m
( 81.9+85.3+ 20.1+12.1 )

Static Stability

h ncg
kn = 100

Condition 1:

kn =
1.588 | 100 k n =28.77

Condition 2:

kn =
1.588 |100 k n =17.16

Condition 3:

kn =
1.588 |100 k n =10.38

Condition 4:

kn =
1.588 |100 k n =28.43
After we determine the neutral point and cg location of 4 different conditions, we
have to determine whether the design is statically stable. k n , which is the
difference between neutral point and cg location of all conditions must be in the
range of 10 to 30 percent of chord.
From the above calculation, we can observe that our design is statically stable.

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