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Using Image Analysis and GIS for coffee Mapping

Sandra Bolanos
Department of Geography
McGill University, Montreal
April, 2007

A thesis submitted to the faculty of Graduate Studies and

Research in partial fulfillm ent of the requirements of degree of
Master of Science

Sandra Bolanos 2007

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To my husband, fo r his unconditional support,

To the Sun and the moon I have at home...

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Currently, the system that developing countries use to map coffee crops is

expensive, tedious and inaccurate; therefore coffee maps cannot be updated

frequently and production cannot be accurately estimated. If such countries could

map coffee crops in a cost-effective way, they would have an advantage in terms of

setting the prices and getting a higher return for their product.

Here I hypothesize that coffee systems can be properly characterized and

mapped using the spectral and spatial information derived from satellite images and

topographic data. I also believe that during the spatial analysis of the data, the

additional information provided by an object-based approach (comprehensive

information about the shape and context of a particular area) provides more

information than a pixel-based one, traditionally used in the integration of Remote

Sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

I statistically analyzed spatial and spectral characteristics of different coffee

systems (monoculture, polyculture and agroforestry systems) in three study areas in

Colombia of 70km2 each. I integrated satellite images and topographic grids using

both pixel-based and object-based approaches in a hierarchical approach and the

results were compared. Following this hierarchical approach, a preliminary

classification was performed to reduce the number of classes spectrally similar to


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coffee systems. Then in a second step, the classification was refined using decision

rules from the statistical analysis of objects (composed of at least 3 pixels). Finally,

using the same objects, the classification was refined further, through linear spectral


The results show that the rule-based classification combined with an object-based

approach can improve the overall accuracy of the classification by 3% and by 17.47%

for the coffee class when compared to the pixel-based analysis. The linear spectral

unmixing, however, does not contribute to improve the classification accuracy when

Landsat images are used to map the different types of coffee systems


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Actuellement, le systeme que les pays en voie de developpement emploient

pour cartographier les recoltes de cafe est cher, penible et imprecis. Ainsi, les cartes

de cafe ne peuvent etre mises a jour frequemment et la production ne peut pas etre

estimee avec exactitude. Si ces pays pouvaient cartographier les recoltes de cafe d'une

maniere plus economique, ils auraient un avantage pour fixer les prix et obtenir des

revenus plus eleves pour leur produit.

Je pose ici lhypothese que les zones de cafe peuvent etre correctement

caracterises et cartographies en utilisant l'information spectrale et spatiale derivee des

images satellites et des donnees topographiques. Je suppose egalement que pendant

l'analyse spatiale des donnees, l'information additionnelle foumie par une approche

object-basee (informations completes sur la forme et le contexte dune zone

particuliere) fournit plus d'informations que quune approche pixel-basee \

traditionnellement utilisee dans l'integration de la teledetection et des systemes

d'information geographiques (GIS).

J'ai analyse (statistiquement) les caracteristiques spatiales et spectrales des

systemes de cafe dans trois secteurs d'etude en Colombie de 70km2 chacun. J'ai

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integre des images satellites et des grilles topographiques en utilisant les 2 approches

"pixel-basee et object-basee dans une approche hierarchique et les resultats ont ete

compares. Des objets ont ete formes sur la base de la similitude spectrale des bandes

2.3.4 5 et 7. Apres l'approche hierarchique, une classification preliminaire a ete

effectuee pour reduire le nombre de classes spectralement semblables aux systemes

de cafe. Alors, dans une deuxieme etape, la classification est affinee en utilisant des

regies de decision sur l'analyse statistique de plus petits objets (composes de 5 pixel

ou moins). Finalement, en utilisant les memes objets, la classification a ete de

nouveau affinee, par unmixing spectral lineaire.

Les resultats prouvent que la classification basee sur les regies a combine avec

une approche objet-basee peut ameliorer l'exactitude globale de la classification de

3% et par 17.47% pour la classe de cafe une fois comparee a l'analyse Pixel-basee. Le

unmixing spectral lineaire, cependant, ne contribue pas pour ameliorer l'exactitude de

classification quand des images de Landsat sont employees pour tracer les differents

types de systemes de cafe


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This research could not be achieved without the support of the J.W.

McConnell, that provided me a McConnell fellowship in environment for two years,

and without the support of both; my advisor, Dr. Raja Sengupta, at McGill University

and Dr. Thomas Oberthur, my mentor at the International Center for Tropical

Agriculture. I would like to acknowledge the German Cooperation Agency -G T Z -

for providing financial support for this research through the macro project New

Opportunities for Hillside Farmers: Matching Product Quality, Environments and

Market Demandfor High-Value Agricultural Products developed by CIAT.

Thanks are extended to the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute for

providing a Levinson Fellowship for my studies and to Department of Geography at

McGill University, for the Warren Fellowship in GIS I got. I sincerely thank to the

professors and classmates at the Geography department for their valuable support

during my stay at McGill. I want to give special thanks to professor Jonathan

Seaquist for his technical and professional advice.

I also want to acknowledge German Escobar, Herman Usma and Natalia Uribe

for their technical support during the fieldwork. I want to give special

acknowledgments to the coffee farmers associations in Colombia, especially to

Federation Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia FNC for providing the technical


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and financial support for my fieldwork. I hope this methodology can be integrated

into their information system and improve the strategic planning by providing a better

quantification of the coffee areas in Colombia.

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A B S T R A C T ............................................................................................................................................................................I l l

R E S U M E ...................................................................................................................................................................................V

C O N T E N T S ...........................................................................................................................................................................IX

L IS T O F T A B L E S ................................................................................................... XI

L IS T O F F I G U R E S ..........................................................................................................................................................X I I

I N T R O D U C T I O N ................................................................................................................................................................ 1

1 .1 . R e s e a r c h O b je c t iv e s ............................................................................................. :.................................... 4
1.1.1 What are the physical features that characterize different coffee systems?...................... 4
1.1.2 What is the accuracy that can be obtained as a result o f combining spectral and
elevation data to map coffee systems?.................................................................................................. 4
S T U D Y A R E A A N D D A T A ....................................... 6

2.1 S t u d y A r e a .........................................................................................................................................................6
2 .2 G IS a n d I m a g e D a t a : ....................................................................................................................................8
2 .3 F ie l d W o r k M e t h o d o l o g y ..................................................................................................................... 10

C O N T E X T ......................................... 13

3.1 T h e U s e o f S at el l it e Im a g e r y f o r C r o p M a p p i n g ...................................................................13
3 .2 T h e U s e o f I m a g e A n a l y s is f o r C o ffe e M a p p i n g ..................................................................... 16
3 .3 T h e U s e o f O bject B a s e d Im a g e A n a l y s i s ............................................. !.....................................19
3 .4 In t e g r a t e d G e o g r a p h ic I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m s .............................. 20
3 .5 T h e U s e o f D ig it a l E l e v a t io n M o d e l s (D E M s ) f o r L a n d C o v e r A n a l y s i s 24

M E T H O D S .................................................................................. 25

4 .1 D E M E v a l u a t i o n .......................................................................... 25
4 .2 I m a g e P r e p r o c e s s in g ................................................................................................................................. 26
4.2.1 Radiometric Correction.........................................................................................................27
4.2.2 Terrain Illumination Correction........................................................................................... 30
4.3.4 Soil Background Influence:...................................................................................................33
4 .4 H ie r a r c h ic a l C l a s s if ic a t io n ..................................................... :......................................................33
4 .5 S e g m e n t a t io n : b u il d in g t h e u n it s f o r o bjec t - b a s e d a n a l y s i s .......................................34
4 .6 S c a l e effec ts o n im a g e s e g m e n t a t i o n .......................................................................................... 35
4 .7 S h a p e a s a d d i t io n a l fe a t u r e f o r l a n d c o v e r c h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n : .............................37
4 .8 S i g n a t u r e E v a l u a t io n : S t a t is t ic a l a n a l y s is o f s a m p l e s ..................................................3 8
4 .9 R u l e - b a s e d im a g e c l a s s if ic a t io n .......................................................................................................42
4 .1 0 th e L in e a r M ix in g M o d e l f o r S p e c t r a l U n m ix in g i n c o f f e e f ie l d s !............. 44
4 .1 1 A c c u r a c y A s s e s s m e n t ...............................................................................................................................47

R E S U L T S ................................................................................................................................................................................ 52

5 .1 D E M E v a l u a t io n .....................................................................................................................................5 2


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5 .2 I m a g e P r e p r o c e s s in g : ................................................................................................................. 54
5 .3 P r e l im in a r y C l a s s if ic a t io n :.................................................................................................................54
5 .4 E x p l o r a t o r y A n a l y s is : P ixel B a s e d A n a l y s is ............................................................. 57
5.4.1 ND VI vs. percentage o f shade............................................................................................. 57
5.4.2 Spectral separation between coffee and non-coffee fields...................................... 58
5 .5 P ixel - b a s e d c l a s s if ic a t i o n ................................................................................................................... 60
5 .6 Im a g e S e g m e n t a t i o n : C h o o s i n g t h e A p p r o p r ia t e S p a t ia l U n i t s ................................ 63
5 .7 S ig n a t u r e A n a l y s is : .................................................................................................................................. 65
5 .8 R u l e d - b a s e d C l a s s if ic a t io n u s in g o b je c t s : ................................................................................68
5 .9 E v a l u a t in g L in e a r S pe c t r a l U n m i x in g T o M a p d if f e r e n t ty pe s o f c o ffe e
s y s t e m s ................................................................................................................................................................................ 73

5 .1 0 A c c u r a c y A s s e s s m e n t .............................................................................................................................. 75

D IS C U S S IO N ...................... 79
SUMMARY A N D CONCLUSIO NS.....................................................................................................86
BIBLIOGRAPHY.................................................................................. 89

ETM+ CALIBRATION PARAMETERS............................................................................................ 101
BOX PLOTS FOR COFFEE SYSTEMS VS. NON-COFFEE SYSTEMS.................................... 107
NORMALITY TEST................................................................................

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List of Tables
Table 2-1: Spectral Bands in Landsat ETM+ image................................... 8
Table 5-2. Differences between coffee and non-coffee systems..................................60
Table 5-3: Features ranges used in pixel-based classification..................................... 61
Table 5-4: Accuracy statistics for per-pixel classification........................................... 61
Table 5-5 Comparison between mean objects and pixels values fo coffee..............64
Table 5-6 Comparison between mean objects and pixels values for Non-coffee ... 65
Table 5-7: Non-significant differences between coffee and non-coffee systems.
Radiometric features.............................................................................................. 67
Table 5-8: Significant differences between coffee- and non-coffee systems Shape
features.............................................................................................................................. 67
Table 5-9: Non-significant differences between coffee and non-coffee systems:
Shape Features................................................................................................................. 67
Table 5-10: Range values for object-based classification.................... 68
Table 5-11: Accuracy statistics for object based classification................................ 69
Table 5-12: Accuracy statistics after the spectral unmixing........................................ 76
Table 6-13: Comparison between different methodologies......................................... 79


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List of Figures
Figure 2-1: Study Area and distribution of Sampling Points......................................... 7
Figure 2-2: Structure for Field Sampling......................................................................12
Figure 3-3: Spectral Behavior of Vegetation....................... 14
Figure 3-4: Representation of polygon classification functionality.............................23
Figure 4-5: Box Plot Diagram............................................. 39
Figure 4-6: The Spectral Angle Mapping in a two-dimensional space....................... 46
Figure 4-7: Methodological Sequence...........................................................................51
Figure 5-8: DEM evaluation...........................................................................................53
Figure 5-9: Overlap between image and rivers generated from D E M ........................53
Figure 5-10: Terrain illumination correction................................................................ 54
Figure 5-11: Preliminary classification..................................................... 56
Figure 5-12: Correlation between percentage of cover and N D V I.............................58
Figure 5-13: Scatter plot in all bands for coffee and non-coffee areas....................... 59
Figure 5-14: Box Plot for both land cover classes in band 1 ........ 60
Figure 5-15: Ruled-Based classification map obtained from pixel-based analysis... 62
Figure 5-16: Omnidirectional variogram.......................................................................63
Figure 5-17: Ruled-Based classification using object-based analysis........................ 70
Figure 5-18: Spatial distribution of coffee systems in the area....................................72
Figure 5-19: Spectral separation between mean values of coffee and non-coffee areas
in bands blue and green.............................................. 73
Figure 5-20: Spectral separation between mean values of coffee systems and non
coffee areas, in bands green and red ............................................................................... 74
Figure 5-21: Classification map resulting from the linear spectral unmixing 75
Figure 5-22: Spatial distribution of the error: the RMS image.................................... 78


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Chapter 1


Coffee ranks as one of the world's most important commodities, being second in

the list of income-generating products exported from developing countries after

petroleum, and represents the main source of income for 25 million families on the

hillsides of Latin America, Southeast Asia and East Africa (Gresser and Tickell, 2002).

In Colombia, coffee has traditionally been an essential part of the economy, the social

networks, and the culture in the tropical mountain forest (Garcia, 2001).

Coffees role in the economy of developing countries has always been of primary

importance: in 2000, coffee represented 79% of the exports in Burundi, 54% in Ethiopia,

43% in Uganda, 31% in Rwanda and between 7 and 24% for many other countries in

Latin America (Gresser and Tickell, 2002; Varangais et al., 2003). However, in 2002,

coffee reached its lowest historical price. Continuous global overproduction caused

coffee prices to fall below production cost for many producers (Gresser and Tickell,

2002), which led to social and economic problems such as unemployment, migration and

diminishing well being (Del Corral et al., 2002; Hoyos, 2002; Ponte, 2002; Varangais et

al, 2003; Bacon, 2005).

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Furthermore, decreases in prices lead producers to change from traditional

agroforestry systems (shade coffee) to non-shade coffee varieties with higher

productivity. This has generated environmental problems due to deforestation and the

use of agrochemicals (Evenson and Gollin, 2003, Lee, 2002; Roach, 2003; Smithsonian,

1997a; Rainforest Alliance, 2000). Considering the strong impact on the environment,

many international certification programs are using differential coffee brands to promote

the use of shade coffee (Rainforest Alliance, 2000, Smithsonian 1997b, Dietsh et al.

2004, Perfecto et al. 2005) which requires less fertilizers due to improved soil

management (i.e., leaf litter from the trees serves to fertilize the soil), thus influencing

coffee quality (DaMatta, 2004).

The increase in the participation of smaller farms provides the opportunity to

grow specialty coffee, which benefits from shade (Muschler, 2001). Shaded systems also

contribute to food security and economic income from accompanying species (e.g. fruits).

However, the inventory and monitoring of areas of shade coffee plantations is a tedious

task with the current methodologies. Therefore, is not clear to what extent areas suitable

for growing shade coffee have been sustainably utilized worldwide.

Also, not much has been done to evaluate the impacts of changes in coffee

systems on the environment in large geographical regions. Any evaluation of the impacts

will require a cost-efficient methodology to analyze land use change. Cost-efficient

methodologies for coffee mapping have yet to be developed (Croome, 1989; Moreira,

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2004) because the existing methods are expensive (e.g. use of infrared photography by

NASA, 2005 or IKONOS by Widayatti et al, 2005), inefficient (use of manual editing

after image processing), or not applicable to all types of coffee systems.

Landsat data provides an affordable means of mapping vegetation, and has been

widely used for crop mapping and monitoring. Many studies have focused on few

agricultural crops, specifically on sugar cane, wheat, maize, and rice, which have a

seasonal pattern of growth (Maas 1988, Van Niel and Me Vicar, 2004, Wall et al, 1984,

Zwiggelaar, 1998). But permanent crops, such as coffee have not yet been analyzed to

the same extent. Due to the spectral similarity with forest, shade-coffee systems have

been difficult to reliably map under different shade densities (Moreira, 2004).

In order to contribute to a better strategic planning of coffee production areas, this

research evaluated the potential of merging GIS data and Landsat imagery to characterize

diverse coffee systems using an integrated approach. The proposed approach consisted

of image and spatial data segmentation for landscape analysis. The main hypothesis is

that different coffee growing systems can be mapped using spectral information derived

from Landsat imagery and topographic features derived from DEMs. It is also

hypothesized that the additional information contained in an object-based approach will

lead to a better characterization o f th e different co ffe e system s as com pared to th e

traditional pixel-based analysis.

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1.1. Research Objectives

To determine how different coffee growing systems can be mapped and

characterized by integrating Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data and Remote

Sensing (RS) information, two specific objectives are addressed:

1.1.1 What are the physical features that characterize different coffee systems?

It is well known that coffee grows on hillsides. Therefore, it is expected that the

degree of slope can be used as complementary information for determining the existence

of coffee plantations. It is also known that quality of coffee is influenced by temperature

associated with elevation (Chapman and SuranSubhadrabandhu, 2001) and yield is

associated with the amount of solar radiation (Matoso et al, 2004). The correlations

between environmental variables, spectral information and crop characteristics such as

leaf area index (Asrar et. al., 1984), plant health (Apan, 2004) and yield (Doberman and

Ping, 2004; Hatfield, 1983; Vina et al., 2004) have been widely analyzed in the literature

(Moran et al., 1997; Moulin et al., 1998; Wiegand et al., 1991; Zwiggelaar, 1988).

Therefore, it is hypothesized that the type of coffee system (shade, non-shade) can be

identified using specific topographic (altitude, slope and aspect) and spectral signatures.

1.1.2 What is the accuracy that can be obtained as a result o f combining spectral and

elevation data to map coffee systems?

In order to analyze if the several coffee systems can be differentiated, a statistical

analysis should be done to evaluate their differences. If differences exist for some

characteristics, those characteristics can be used to map coffee systems. It is expected

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that the accuracy will be lower for shaded systems, due to the confusion with forest and

other agroforestry systems.

To answer the above questions, I combine topographic (altitude slope and aspect)

and spectral data to differentiate between the two coffee systems, from question 1 above.

By doing this, I expect to establish a cost-efficient methodology to map coffee systems.

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Chapter 2

Study Area and Data

2.1 Study Area

The study area encompasses the region of coffee cultivation in the Department of

Huila in Colombia, located between 1 45 N to 237 N of latitude and from 7550 to

7650 W longitude, elevation values between 1270 to 2070 meters above sea level, and

slopes between 15 and 30 degrees. With precipitation ranges from 1200-1800 mm per

year and temperatures from 8 C to 30 C, the natural vegetation in the area consists

predominantly of coffee, secondary forest, grasslands and riparian vegetation along

streams and in lowlands. As part of the Diversification Agriculture Project Alliance -

DAP A - funded by the German Ministry for International Cooperation and Development

-B M Z - (Oberthur, 2004), a total of 240 farms in the municipalities of Oporapa, Palestina

and Timana in Huila were georeferenced by a high-precision Trimble PRO-XRS Global

Positioning System (GPS) device that provided the latitude, longitude, and elevation

value. DAPAs main objective is to help farmers to make decisions that lead to the

production and marketing of high value products (such as tropical fruits, nuts, specialty

coffees and medicinal plants) for diversification on particular farm sites not suitable to

sustain commodity coffee production. Fig.2-1 shows the location of the study area and

the distribution of sample points:

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Figure 2-1: Study Area and distribution of Sampling Points

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Study Area and Data

2.2 GIS and Image Data:

The data sets available for this analysis include:

A Landsat image ETM+path 09 row 059 from August 24th 2001. The image was

obtained from GLCF1 web site. The spectral information carried by this image is

shown in Table 2-1.

Nominal Spatial
Spectral Bands Colour
Resolution (m)
28.5 0.450-0.515 Blue
28.5 0.525 -0.605 Green
28.5 0.630 - 0.690 Red
28.5 0.760 - 0.900 Near IR
28.5 1.550 - 1.750 MidIR
60 10.40 -12.5 Thermal IR
28.5 2.080 - 2.35 MidIR
12.5 0.52 - 0.92 Panchromatic
T able 2-1: Spectral Bands in Landsat E' TV1+ image

A Digital Elevation Model (30 m pixel) generated by the Shuttle Radar

Topographic Mission of NASA (SRTM-NASA).

Aerial photography at a scale of 1:40000, taken in 1996 in the three municipalities

in the department of Huila, Colombia, provided by Federacion Nacional de

Cafeteros, FNC2. These photographs were georeferenced using first-grade

polynomial algorithm (Mather, 2004) and ground control points.

A total of 26,355 points that contains the geographic position of the all coffee

farms surveyed by a Garmin eTrex GPS system in the three municipalities. This

dataset belongs to the coffee information system -SICA-, built and managed by

FNC. It represents an exhaustive sampling of all coffee farms in the study area.

In addition the X,Y and Z coordinates, this data set contains the farm size, age of

the plantation, density (i.e. number of plants), variety, and illumination conditions

'GLCF: Global Land Cover Facility Project: (http://glcf.umiacs.umd.edu/index.shtml)

2 FNC is the coffee farmers association in Colombia.

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Study Area and Data

A total of 240 points established in 2004 by a Trimble PRO-XRS GPS device

with OmniSTAR real-time differential correction that determined the latitude,

longitude, and elevation in the center of each farm. Those farms were located in

Huila, within the framework of the DAPA project.

44 polygons with different percentage of shade (23 in Oporapa, 6 in Palestina and

15 in Timana) surveyed as well by a Trimble PRO-XRS GPS device with

OmniSTAR real-time differential correction3 during august 2005. Each polygon

contains information about the coffee system (polycuture or agroforestry system),

the illumination conditions (percentage of cover over the coffee) and geographic

position (X, Y, Z) of selected farms in the three municipalities. Farms were

selected on the criterion that the minimum percentage of shade was 30%. The

methodology for this data collection is described in section 2.3. Due to

accessibility to most polyculture systems (coffee grown with plantain or banana)

in the study area, the sampling contains mainly agroforestry systems (coffee

grown with citric fruits and/or introduced species of secondary forest such as Inga

sp. and Erythrina sp.)

300 points randomly taken in areas that do not contain any type of coffee system

at all (called non-coffee areas, from this point forward). Those points were taken

by visual interpretation of the image, and were selected due to a) their spectral

similarity with coffee systems and b) their location: away from areas with high

density of coffee farms, determined by the SICA inventory (see above). This set

3 This term will be explained in the next section

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Study Area and Data

of points was divided in two groups: 140 points for training and 140 points for

accuracy assessment.

2.3 Field Work M ethodology

The coffee systems can be extensively classified as: a) monoculture, also known

as non-shade or Sun coffee b) polyculture, which is shaded coffee, consisting of mainly

plantain over the coffee bushes and c) agroforestry systems (partially shaded coffee).

Sites were picked, in an attempt to cover as much variation as possible. In the first step, a

reconnaissance trip was done in order to test techniques for data collection in the field

and to evaluate the appropriateness of the classification system mentioned above.

The fieldwork methodology followed the guidelines provided by GLOBE (2005):

a representative4 square of 30 meters long was selected (Figure 2-2a) and georeferenced

with a Trimble Pro-XRS GPS system provided with OmniSTAR real-time differential

correction. A real-time differential correction occurs when the base station (a GPS

receiver) compares its precisely known location to the position co-ordinates as obtained

from satellite signals to estimate the errors in the satellite signal as it receives the data

(Leick, 1995). The correction is calculated by the difference between the calculated and

known coordinates and broadcasted to the roving GPS receiver via radio signal if the

source is land based, or via a satellite signal if it is satellite based. The correction is then

applied to the position the differential GPS is calculating to correct its positional estimate.

The premise underlying this concept is that the receivers will experience similar

4Representative of the coverage over coffee bushes


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Study Area and Data

atmospheric errors. Differential correction reduces the error in location from some

meters to a few centimeters, depending on the topographic and atmospheric conditions.

Crown closure5, also called canopy closure (i.e. % of shade over coffee) was

measured by the amount of ground area the tree crowns occupies (see Fig. 2-2b).

Transects located within the polygon were used to measure canopy closure. The percent

of crown closure was determined by the presence or absence of tree crown at 2m

intervals along the transects. Each diagonal (in north East and South West directions)

was surveyed with a tubular densitometer by walking on it and stopping every two

meters, looking up and counting the number of times a tree was at the crosshairs (taken as

a positive record). The number of positives divided by the total number of readings (i.e.

the length of the diagonal divided by two) gives us the percent of tree canopy cover over

the coffee field within the sample area, which is taken as a representative of the

percentage of cover over the coffee in the whole farm. Given that our pixel is 30m

length, the minimum farm size was one hectare. Figure 2-2 shows the structure for

sampling. .

5The progressive reduction o f space between crowns as they spread laterally, increasing canopy cover.


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Study Area and Data

30 m


Figure 2-2: Structure for Field Sampling: a) sampling square b) canopy closure taken
from Becker et al., 2004


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Chapter 3


3.1 The Use o f Satellite Imagery for Crop M apping

Remote sensing technology offers a broad array of opportunities for crop mapping

and monitoring (Moran, 1997). However, previous studies have focused on crops such as

wheat, com, maize, soybeans and rice, which have a seasonal pattern of growth, allowing

for the adoption of multi-seasonal approaches (Daughtry et al, 1992; Badhwar, 2001;

Lobell, and Asner, 2003; Vina et al., 2004). Some tropical crops are included in these

seasonal varieties; but permanent crops such as coffee, usually require mapping

methodologies that call for an intense process of editing after the initial image processing.

The use of image analysis for crop mapping is grounded in the physical and chemical

characteristics of the plants, which determine their spectral response to solar irradiation

(Figure 3-1). Some of these characteristics include chlorophyll absorption, leaf pigment

content, biomass and water content.

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Pigments Structure Water Content Leaf


Water Content


0 ,4 0 ,6

Visible Near Infrared SWIR

Figure 3-3: Spectral Behavior of Vegetation, Sand and Water for Different Wavelengths.
Adapted from Chuvieco, (2002).

As mentioned earlier, remote sensing has primarily been used to map seasonal

crops with several combinations of the near infrared and red bands of the spectrum

(Haboudane et al, 2002; Sims, 2002; Daughtry, 1992; Zwiggelaar, 1998; Apan et al.,

2004, Vina et al., 2004). Some approaches use raw bands (especially the information in

the green, red and near infrared part of the spectrum), while others use spectral

enhancements (mathematical transformation of raw bands, such as vegetation indices) or

temporal variation in spectral response of seasonal crops for mapping and monitoring

(Wall et al., 1984; Odenweller, 1984; Badhwar, 1984; Fisher, 1994; Grignetti etal., 1997;

Ippoliti-Ramilo, 2003; Markley, 2003; Van Niel and McVicar, 2004). Combinations of

bands into vegetation indices are useful to differentiate between land cover classes as

well. The basis behind vegetation indices is the difference between the absorption by

chlorophyll in the red part of the spectrum (0.650pm) and the reflectance in Near Infrared


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-N IR - (0.79 - 0.90(Am) in healthy vegetation. The most widely used index has been the

Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), which is the difference between NIR

and red values divided by their sum. Healthier, denser and more productive crops have

higher values of NDVI. The use of NDVI and other vegetation Indices - Plant Pigment

Ratio, Photosynthetic Vigor Ratio, and Greenness - have also been incorporated into

cost-effective systems for crop management and monitoring (Mettemicht, 2003; Sims,

2002 ).

Satellite imagery has also been widely used to tune crop growth and yield models and

improve their predictive capacity (Maas, 1988; Moulin et al, 1998). The two ways in

which remote sensing information has contributed to yield prediction/assessment have

been through the use of empirical and semiempirical models. In the former, a regression

equation between vegetation indices and measured yield in seasonal crops is found, and

this function is used to predict future yield of the same crop (Vina et al., 2004). In the

latter, semi-empirical models use other plant parameters, such as harvest index (dry

biomass/total biomass) to predict future yields but utilize remote sensing information for

calibration and parameterization. Calibration usually involves the use of Leaf Area Index

or Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (APAR) values from measurements

with satellite imagery -specifically red, near infrared and NDVI - and parameterization

involves the calculation of light use efficiency of the plant, inferred from measurements

in the visible bands. Usually semi-empirical models can be more universally applied,

requiring less calibration for application to other regions and temporal domains than the

fully empirical models.


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3.2 The Use of Image Analysis for Coffee M apping

Mapping coffee plantations have been of special interest to the remote sensing

community in Brazil (Moreira, 2004), and interest in studies of plantation dynamics has

grown in Colombia over the last decade; (Guhl, 2004). The total area used for coffee

plantations can provide an indicator of the production limits in terms of the area available

to each crop and the associated environmental conditions. Furthermore, the

quantification of the total existing and potentially developable coffee area might serve to

analyze accessibility to local markets (Southworth et al 2002), strategic planning

(Rubiano, 2004) and for the creation of special databases for precision crop management

(Moran, 1997).

As an example of the applications of image analysis in monitoring of coffee

plantations, coffee yields are being predicted using infrared photography (NASA, 2004).

In a special partnership program with the private industry, NASA6 supports Community

Coffee Inc., a company which buys coffee primarily from Guatemala and Brazil, in

monitoring coffee growth and yield trends. The project involves the use of remote

sensing data and Geographic Information System (GIS) technology as a means of

tracking coffee growth and assessing crop health. NASA provided satellite imagery of an

area in Guatemala and supplemented it with infrared aerial photography of the same area.

The resulting product was a composite colour image of the area showing the size,

National Space Aeronautics Administration


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location, health status and yields of coffee-growing areas. However, for larger areas, the

use of commercial infrared photography is extremely expensive. Only Croome (1989)

and Moreira (2004) have used Landsat images for coffee mapping. They integrated

topographic data and Landsat images together to map coffee fields.

Moreira (2004) and Croome (1989) found useful spectral band combinations to

distinguish between shade and non-shade coffee using spectral enhancements of Landsat

Thematic Mapper (TM) images. Nevertheless, they highlight the need for more research

in coffee mapping. The methodologies used by Moreira (2004) and Croome (1989)

involved intensive editing after image processing, as well as the use of masks over steep

areas which isolates the coffee without the influence of topographic shade.

Croome (1989) established a methodology to map coffee systems as heavily shaded,

lightly shaded and non-shaded. In his study, band 2 of TM (0.52 - 0.60 pm) was

determined to be the most useful channel to distinguish coffee from other vegetation

types, and also to identify spectral variations within different coffee systems (shade and

non-shade). Croome suggested that a color composition of the far infrared (TM7), green

(TM2) and infrared (TM5) will accurately identify the coffee plantations. By using an

affine transformation7 algorithm, bands TM2 (green) and TM7 (medium infrared) were

combined to identify the three coffee systems (shade, partial shade and non-shade). The

results from the TM image were evaluated with aerial photography. However, in slopes

greater than 20 degrees, the influence of shadows resulted in poor coffee discrimination.

A n affine transformation is a linear combination followed by an offset factor, which performs a multidimensional
manipulation o f the image data


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Croome also used the first two components of a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to

distinguish between shade and non-shade coffee but is not clear why this approach led to

accuracte results. Although Croome (1989) evaluated his results using aerial

photography, the accuracy assessment process was not described.

In his study, Moreira (2004) analyzed the spectral and temporal behavior of coffee

crops in Landsat Images. He found that the images acquired during the dry season were

more efficient to map coffee plantations at an early development stage and under

production. Band 4 (near infrared) of Landsat Thematic Mapper and Enhanced Thematic

Mapper (ETM+) gave the best performance for spectral differentiation between coffee

and other land cover classes during the dry season. During the rainy season, mature

coffee was mixed with pastures, forest and coffee at an early development stage.

According to the author, higher accuracies were obtained during the dry season using

band 4 of TM because the canopy structure is denser in coffee areas as compared to the

sparser surroundings. In Moreiras study, the variability within the reflectance values for

active producing coffee plantations :caused by different plant ages, development stages

and space between plants indicating a need for further field work for the identification

of coffee crop in Landsat images. For instance, the loss of leaves during the harvest

resulted in lower band 4 (NIR) values, and higher values in band 3 (Red). As with

Croome, Moreira also evaluated his results with aerial photography.

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3.3 The Use o f Object Based Image Analysis

The traditional approach in remote sensing imagery has been per-pixel classification

using multidimensional spectral band analysis (i.e. several spectral bands). In this

approach the objects in the image are grouped into categories using statistical analysis on

a per-pixel basis (De Jong, S. and Van der Meer, F., 2004), a process known as image

classification. Some of these algorithms for image classification, such as the well-known

maximum likehood classifier, assume normal distributions for data analysis, which is not

always the case. Frequently, the classification analysis ends with filtering in order to

eliminate noisy pixels in the final land cover map. By introducing the concepts of

neighborhood, distance and location, homogeneous pixels can be grouped into objects

through a segmentation of the image (Haralick and Shapiro, 1985; Blaschke and Strobl

2001), the main conceptual framework behind object-based remote sensing. In contrast

to traditional image processing methods, the basic processing units of object-based

analysis are image objects, not single pixels. Image objects are created through a process

called image segmentation, which is the grouping of pixels into homogeneous objects.

The overall objective of image segmentation is to define regions in an image that

correspond to homogeneous areas in the image, reducing the amount of data for analysis

and reducing uncertainty (Lucieer, 2005). It is assumed that those homogeneous areas

(called objects) have low internal variance. Image information can be represented in

different scales based on the average size of image objects. The concept of hierarchy in

image segmentation recognizes the presence of different scales in homogeneous areas in

the image (Woodcock and Harward, 1992). Using different levels, context-based


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features, such as texture features (e.g. homogeneity, compactness) can be also be used to

characterize each object.

In addition to texture, shape features and spatial distribution have been used to

characterize landscape in object-based approach, assuming the organization of landscape

patterns as a complex of homogeneous areas, called patches (Southworth et al., 2002). A

patch refers to a spatial and functional unit of the landscape and has a spatial geometric

and thematic pattern. Coffee plantations can be seen as homogeneous objects with

different levels of spectral patchiness depending on the canopy cover of the trees over the

coffee (in shaded coffee systems) and the density of the coffee bushes (in Sun or non

shaded coffee systems) (Widayati et al, 2002).

3.4 Integrated Geographic Information System s

A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer system that allows the

analysis and display of spatially referenced data. Through spatial analysis of topographic

information stored in digital elevation models, biophysical attributes of specific locations

on a landscape, such as elevation, slope, curvature, incident solar radiation, and

topographic indices, can be derived using GIS routines (Wilson and Gallant, 2000). It

has been demonstrated that when these biophysical attributes are combined with spectral

information from satellite imagery, the accuracy in the characterization of land cover is

improved (Wheatley et al., 2000, Walsh et al., 1998, Michalak, 1993). For instance,

Walsh et al. (1998) used data from Landsat TM, and landscape metrics to assess the


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composition and spatial organization of alpine vegetation associated with different

drainages. In another example, Janssen et al. (1990) combined objects from digitized

polygons with a per-pixel classification: Objects were assigned to the land cover class

with the highest frequency. The 12% improvement in classification accuracy obtained by

Janssen et al (1990) provides an example of the potential benefit to classification

accuracy that could be obtained from the inclusion of geometric data.

The term Integrated Geographic Information Systems (IGIS) has been used to

describe the link between an image analysis system and GIS (Hinton, 1996). GIS and

remote sensing have been widely linked for spatial data analysis, such as: image

georeferencing, supervised image classification using field data, extraction of landscape

characteristics from image interpretation (such as roads or rivers), image terrain

illumination correction and orthorectification using digital elevation models (Justice et al.

1980), generation of digital elevation models from satellite images (Bolanos, 2000), land

cover change analysis (Michalak, 1993; Muller and Zeller, 2002; Xiuwan 2002), natural

hazards research (Nagarajan et al. 1998, Walsh et al., 1998) and sustainable land

management (Skidmore et al., 1997) among others.

Traditionally, data stored in a GIS needs to be converted into raster format in order to

be integrated into the image processing chain. Raster layers generated from remote

sensing data are incorporated into a GIS database through a transformation (e.g.

classification, vectorization or re-formatting) before the data integration step. This

causes certain problems due to generalization such as loss of accuracy (when data are


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converted between formats) and constrains the full range of applications, caused by

differences between vector-based and raster-based spatial models. Once transferred to

the image analysis system, GIS functions can no longer be applied to the data (e.g.

attribute and topological queries, etc). Similarly, products derived for image analysis

(e.g. land cover maps) loose their raw radiometric data, and are generalized into a limited

number of classes.

Obviously, a full integration can optimize the extraction of information from imagery

and vector data by utilizing all of the relations and functions that GIS and image analysis

might provide in a two-way flow (Hinton, 1996, Janssen and Molenaar, 1995). For

instance, in the selection o f training areas for image classification, image and topographic

statistics might be combined to make optimum use of the full range of terrain data and

spectral information in an object-based analysis (Fig.3-2). Raster topographic

information and vector data can also be used as additional bands in image segmentation,

in which the creation of objects at different scales minimizes much of the heterogeneity

in the image (heuristic optimization). Figure 3-2 shows the conceptual framework in

image segmentation integrating topographic and imagery data using an object based



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Figure 3-4: Representation of polygon classification functionality: Attributes of objects stored in the
database table are used for image segmentation and classification. Those attributes are generated form
spectral information (e.g. mean of red) or from GIS data (e.g. soils, topography). The output classification
still contains a database table associated to the object using the polygon identifier. Adapted from Hinton

The object-based approach is used to generate image objects or GIS statistics within

and between polygons, and then to incorporate those statistics directly into a database.

Those statistics, stored as polygon attributes, can be used for image classification or

generation of thematic maps. The result is a description of the image content by objects

with a number of attributes (e.g. mean reflectance, size, shape and neighborhood

relations). Furthermore, IGIS technology gives us an analytical framework for data

synthesis. The user can generate thematic or statistic raster products by evaluating the

occurrence of spatial and non-spatial attributes through operations such as attribute query,

and neighborhood analysis. One of the most common spatial attributes used to

characterize the environment of a specific land cover class is the elevation value, derived

from digital elevation models.


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3.5 The Use o f D igital Elevation M odels (DEMs) for Land Cover A nalysis

The use of DEMs to represent terrain conditions as a surrogate for soil information -

often unavailable- for landscape characterization is an approach that has been widely

used in the literature (Walsh et al., 1998, Franklin et al. 2000). Topographic indices such

as relative elevation, slope, wetness index, upslope length and curvature have also been

used to explain spatial variability in crop yields and biomass (Zeleke, et al 2004).

Therefore, there is a need to carefully evaluate the use of digital elevation data in

landscape characterization based upon a detailed knowledge of the methods used in their

generation and the evaluation of documentation of errors.


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Chapter 4


4.1 DEM Evaluation

The DEM used in this research was generated by the 11-day Shuttle Radar

Topographic Mission (SRTM) of NASA and obtained from the GLCF8. The data

acquired by two antenna pairs in C and X bands, by Interferometric Synthetic Aperture

Radar (InSAR), represents the most complete high-resolution digital topographic

database of the Earth. The reported horizontal accuracy of this DEM is 3m, and 6 to

10m for the absolute and relative vertical accuracy, respectively (Rabus, 2003).

Since most applications of the DEMs depend on representations of surface shape,

absolute measures of elevation error do not provide a complete assessment of DEM

quality. For instance, sinks (i.e., local depressions) and horizontal shifts between the

images and the DEM affect subsequent procedures such as image orthorectification and

environmental characterization. Therefore, the vertical and horizontal accuracy of this

DEM were evaluated and the descriptive statistics are presented in the results section.

For the vertical accuracy, the elevation available in 240 data points obtained in the field

8GLCF is the acronym for the Global Land Cover Facility project, supported by NASA.


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using a high precision Trimble PRO-XRS differential GPS system were used. For the

horizontal accuracy, a stream network produced from the DEM was overlaid on the

Landsat image. The stream network was produced by performing a full drainage analysis

on the DEM, as described and proposed by Jenson and Dominique (1988). In this

analysis, primary and secondary topographic attributes such as slope9, aspect, flow

direction and flow accumulation are derived from a DEM and the stream network layer is

produced using the higher flow accumulation values. The methods to derive primary

topographic attributes such as slope and aspect (i.e., orientation of the line of steepest

descent) are described in detail by Gallant and Wilson (2000).

Based on slope and aspect values, the primary flow direction determines the direction

of water moving over the land surface. Once the flow direction is established for each

cell, a value, equal to the number of cell that flow to it is assigned, resulting in a flow

accumulation data set. The flow accumulation is used to produce a raster drainage

network dataset, in which cells with a greater accumulation value of threshold are

selected. As the threshold decreases, the density of the network increases. Finally, a

raster to vector conversion is used to translate it into a vector format.

4.2 Image Preprocessing

When topography is irregular, as is normally the case with coffee fields, it is

necessary to correct localized horizontal displacements and radiometric errors created by

the viewing geometry in areas of moderate relief.

9 Slope measures the rate of change of elevation in the direction of steepest descent Slope influences the
flow of water, and hence, the soil water content


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The geometric correction involves modeling relationships between the image and

a set of accurately measured ground coordinates (in X, Y and Z). The product is an

orthorectified image, an image that appears as if the satellite or the viewer is looking

perpendicular to the Earth at every location. The orthorectified image is geo-coded to

Earth coordinates, and is corrected to remove errors due to elevation changes (Cheng et

al., 2000). The image used in this research was orthorectified by Earth Satellite

Corporation using methods described by Tucker et al. (2004). It is expected that the

positional error of the image is less than 50m, as described by Tucker (2004). A few

GPS points were also located in roads intersections to verify this. The radiometric

correction for this image, however, deserved a more detailed analysis, as described


4.2.1 Radiometric Correction

The scattering of electromagnetic energy by the atmosphere results in the clear

sky being a source of illumination. Consequently the Earth's surface is illuminated by

incoming solar radiation and diffuses radiation from the sky, or skylight. This skylight

prevents absolute darkness in shadows where direct sunlight is absent and acts as a

masking agent, reducing the clarity of images obtained from airborne or spacebome


Therefore, satellite images need to be corrected for top-of-atmosphere reflectance

by adjusting for sensor measurements, on-ground gains and offsets, Sun angle and Earth-

Sun distance. Conversion from digital numbers to reflectance values and constants

follows the equations provided by Markham and Barker (1986) and Chavez (1996). To


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implement this conversion to reflectance values, Irish (2002) proposed equation 4-3 to

convert digital numbers in Landsat ETM+ to spectral calibrated radiances

Equation 4-1

2 1 1
L ; Spectral calibrated radiance, in units w m ' sr fim
DN ; Digital Number (0, 255),

(Lnax/^.n) upper and lower spectral radiance limit, units wm ~2s r ]jum~\

Offset=Lmm. Rescaled offset, in units wm ~2sr~Jfim 1,

Gain= jy"'"'
(C^max C/min/ | Rescaled gain, in units wm ^ s r 1fa n 1.

The lower and upper radiance limits are related to their correspondent minimum

(Q m m ) and maximum (Q*) digital number, equal to 0 and 255 respectively, in Landsat


The reflectance values for bands 1 to 5 and 7 are calculated using the Dark Object

Subtraction (DOS) procedure described by Chavez (1996):

Vca=(x*L M *d$)

Equation 4-2


R ea ; xhe reflectance at the Top of the Atmosphere for a given Spectral

calibrated radiance.

Lcai(A) xhe spectral calibrated radiance at the TOA.


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E* : Solar spectral irradiance at the TOA atmospheric irradiances, units

wm '2f/m'] (for values of solar spectral irradiance in each band, see annex 1).

9s ; Solar zenith angle, degrees units.

d : The radius vector (ratio of mean to actual Sun-Earth distance) that can be
computed as:

d= 1
(1 0.016729*cos(0.9856(Z)(9]/ 4))) w here^O E is the julian day number10.

Band 6 is also converted from spectral radiance (as described above) to at-satellite

temperatures of the viewed Earth-atmosphere system under an assumption of unity

emmissivity11 and using pre-launch calibration constants (see annex 1), using the formula

provided by Irish (2002):


Equation 4-3

Where T = Effective at-satellite temperature in Kelvin

K2 = Calibration constant 2 (see annex 1)

K1 = Calibration constant 1 (see annex 1)

L = Spectral radiance in wm 2sr'um !

Satellite imagery data are observed from viewing angles that vary from near to far

range12 of the image, which causes differences in reflectance of the same type of

coverage depending on their position within the image. To correct for this variation, a

10 The Julian day number is a continuous count o f days that have elapsed since January 1st.
11 It means that the material absorbs all electromagnetic radiation that falls on to it
12 The width o f the track covered by a sensing system. Also called the range


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Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) can be applied, which is based

on viewing and illumination geometry (Susaki et al., 2004). A BDRF model consists of a

set of equations that relate surface physical properties (e.g. soil reflectance, canopy

archictures, canopy reflectances) to the observed signal as a function of wavelength. To

model bi-directional reflectance, parameters such as scattering albedo13 of leaves, leaf

inclination, distribution and anisotropic properties of canopy and soil are required (Qi et

al., 2000). However, the BDRF effects mainly affect satellite images that have a wide

swath7 (e.g. NOAA-AVHRR or MODIS that have a swath of approximately 2300 km)

but have a negligible effect on images covering smaller areas. Therefore, the BDRF

effect is considered to be negligible in the image subset used for this research.

4.2.2 Terrain Illumination Correction

The area selected for this study is mountainous, as are many agricultural areas in

the tropics. In such areas, the steepness of the terrain causes the slopes of hills facing

away from the Sun to appear darker and the slopes facing towards the Sun to appear

brighter than corresponding flat areas. This differential illumination effect causes

difficulties in quantitative remote sensing procedures such as automated land cover

classification from satellite images. In order to reduce this variation, the illumination

effect is corrected for each pixel in the image by a proper simulation of illumination

determined by elevation, slope, aspect, Sun elevation and Sun azimuth (Eastman, 2001).

13 The ratio of the radiation reflected from an object to the total amount incident upon it, for a particular
portion of the spectrum
17 The width of the track covered by a sensing system. Also called the range


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There are two different approaches to correct for the varying illumination and

reflection geometry caused by topography. The first approach employs radiative

transfer14 models to obtain a deterministic description of the correction of topographic

effects (Pons and Sugranes, 1994; Sandmeier and Klaus, 1997; Dymond, 1999). The

difficulty with this approach is that the estimation of radiances, transmittances, and

diffuse solar fluxes for each land cover in the image is necessary before this technique

can be applied (Richter, 1997; Shepherd and Dymond, 2003). The second approach is

empirical, and uses band ratios (Justice et al., 1980; Holben and Justice, 1981; Colby,

1991) or statistical transformations, such as principal component analysis or regression

techniques (Eastman 200115) to derive band-specific and scene-dependent correction.

Although, is the simplest and most used approach, the main drawback is the

differentiated diffuse radiation16 in each band. The most common of these methods is

called cosine correction which has proved to over-estimate the value of slopes close to

0 (Law and Nichol, 2004; Teillet et al., 1982; Uribe, 2005).

In this research, a scene-dependent approach, the c-correction algorithm, was used

because it leads to the appropriate correction for topographic effects of coffee fields in

Landsat ETM+ (Uribe, 2005). Teillet et al (1982) and Meyer et al. (1993) found that the

c-correction algorithm improves classification accuracy on forest environments as well.

In the c-correction algorithm, the intensity reflected by diffuse scattering is modeled as

14 A radiative transfer model is the fate of electromagnetic radiation as it is scattered, absorbed or reflected
while passing through a medium
15 Eastman (2001) proposes a topographic correction based on a linear regression between a hillshade and
the image, and uses the slope of this regression to calibrate the hillshade and subtract it from the original
image to apply the correction.
16 Diffuse radiation is the radiation scattered by particles in the atmosphere, and is wavelength dependent


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being proportional to the cosine of the emergent angle of reflection defined with respect

to the surface normal vector (i.e. the incidence angle). The c-correction algorithm is a

semi-empirical function, that uses a c-factor, defined as c=h/m, where m represents the

slope and b the intercept of a linear regression between L, the radiance and cos the

incidence angle (see Fig. 4-1). The c-correction is defined by Teillet et al. (1982) as:

r cos# + c
L h LT

Equation 4-4

Where: LH - radiance observed for horizontal surface

L t = radiance observed on sloped terrain

i = incident angle with respect to surface normal

0S= Solar zenith angle (i.e. 90 - solar elevation angle. See Fig. 4-1)

c = the correction factor, as described above.

According to Smith et. al. (1980), the incidence angle can be calculated as:

cos 7 = cos 0Scos 0 + sin 0Ssin0 cos (Os - On)

Equation 4-5

Where, 0Z= Solar zenith angle

0 = Surface normal zenith angle or slope of the terrain surface

<l>s = Solar azimuth angle

On = Surface azimuth or aspect angle

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Therefore, the c-correction simulates the effect of indirect illumination from sky:

the c-factor simulates the effect of path radiance17 on the terrain at given slope and aspect.

Figure 4-1: Representation of the solar zenith angle Z and the incidence angle i

4.3.4 Soil Background Influence:

Soil background also has an effect in the radiometric spectral signature of land cover

(Huete, 1988; Rondeaux, 1996). However, due to the density of the coffee bushes and

the pixel size, the effect of soil background on the signatures of coffee systems was not

considered in this research.

4.4 Hierarchical Classification: separating the more suitable areas for coffee

The classification of a satellite image in several stages is known to improve

classification results (Benz et al., 2004). A preliminary classification that separates the

areas that have higher probability to have coffee fields will help to focus the image

analysis for such areas (e.g. areas of agroforestry systems). In this stage, the minimum

distance to means classifier was used to run a preliminary classification of clouds,

17 Path radiance is the effect of the atmosphere acting as a reflector itself, adding scattered radiance to the
signal detected by the sensor (Lillesand and Kiefer, 1994)


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pastures, water, forest, urban and agricultural areas (that include coffee systems as well as

any other type of agriculture or agroforestry systems). The algorithm uses the mean

reflectance on each band for a signature and each pixel is assigned to the class with the

mean closest to the value of that pixel (Mather, 2001). Subsequent steps with object-

based and pixel-based approach were run using only the mask of both forest and


4.5 Segmentation: b uilding the units for object-based analysis

The reflectance from bands 1 to 7, the at-satellite temperature (obtained from the

thermal infrared band) and the DEM can be integrated in a database to run segmentation

and classification algorithms in e-cognition software (Baatz et al, 2004). Meinel and

Neuberth (2002) evaluated different segmentation algorithms using high-resolution data

and they showed accurate shape estimates (e.g, area, diameter, shape index) using e-

cognition. The software combines neighboring pixels that show a degree of spectral

similarity, which is lower than a threshold defined by the scale parameter18. The smaller

the scale parameter, the larger the number of objects and the smaller their size. The

resulting topological network gives more characteristics that can be distinguished as

intrinsic features (e.g. color, shape), topological features (e.g. position regarding to

another object) and context features (e.g. texture, a measure of the amount of tonal

change between neighbor objects). However, context features characterize an area only if

the pixel size is much smaller than the objects of interest. Therefore, only intrinsic

features will be used in this research.

18 The segmentation results (polygons, delineating objects) can be converted into a GIS-readable vector


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4.6 Scale effects on im age segm entation

Segmentation in object-based image analysis can provide multiple solutions

(Blaschke and Strobl 2001). Therefore, the objects created through image segmentation

process must be meaningful; in order to analyze their properties and make the

correspondence between the objects (as defined) and their attributes. Statistical and

geostatistical19 models can quantitatively characterize spatial structures. As the main tool

for geostatistical analysis, the variogram is a quantitative descriptive statistic that has

been long used to characterize spatial continuity/heterogeneity (Curran, 1988; Atkinson

and Tate, 2000). A variogram analysis consists of the experimental variogram calculated

using the data and the variogram model fitted to the data. The experimental variogram is

calculated by averaging one-half the squared differences of the values over all pairs of

observations with the specified separation distance (called lag distance) and direction

(Goovaerts, 1997):

I n (h )

Yk = O /AA Z W h (*,) - dnk (X, + h ) y

2(/r) ,=I

Equation 4-6

Where n(h) is the number of pairs in lag h, dn(xi) represents the image digital

number values at location x, and (x i +^ ) and k denotes the waveband.

19 Geostatistics is a branch of statistics that deals specifically with the spatial relations indexed over
continuous space and focus on spatial variability.


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The variogram is plotted as a two-dimensional graph, with lag distance in x-axis

and semi-variance in the j-axis. Variogram analysis has also been used to characterize

the local variance in satellite images to determine optimal pixel size (Atkinson and

Curran 1997). It has been shown (Woodcock and Strahler, 1987, Woodcock et al.,

1988a, 1988b) that the variograms range (i.e. the x coordinate of the sill point of the

variogram, see fig. 4-2) is directly related to the texture and/or object size (i.e. the scale

of spatial variation), while the sill (i.e. the y coordinate) estimates the a priori variance at

certain support (i.e. pixel size). The nugget effect represents variability at distances

smaller than the pixel, and is attributed to the measurement error, caused by noise. The

magnitude of variation in spatial data is a function of the characteristics of the objects in

the ground and the sampling framework, constituted by the pixel size, the sampling

scheme and the sampling density (Atkinson, 2004)



I 0.6

W 0.4

0.2 Nugget

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Lag (meters)

Figure 4-2: Representation of the experimental variogram


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Assuming that the variance is the same in all directions (i.e. isotropy) the

variogram is used in this research to estimate the size of the homogeneous areas in the

image, for the creation of objects, by analyzing coffee fields in aerial photographs.

Despite their multiples advantages, the segmentation of an image into objects will

involve the modifiable areal unit problem -M A U P- (Openshaw and Taylor, 1981). It

refers to the fact that the same pixels can be aggregated differently and that the results of

the spatial analysis depend to some extent of the aggregation strategy used. Spatial

aggregation reduces the size of data by converting raw data into spatial units that are

modifiable, and affect the statistical analysis when the information is grouped at different

levels of spatial resolution (called the scale component of the MAUP). The variability in

the statistical results obtained as a result of the different ways in which the information is

grouped at a given scale is the aggregation component of the MAUP, which also affects

the spatial analysis (Wrigley et al., 1997). In order to explore how much variation is

attributed to the aggregation system, statistics from pixels and objects are compared and

the effects of aggregation are analyzed using the differences. As described by Wong

(1996) reporting the scale-sensitivity of the results (e.g. the error due to aggregation

process) give us an indication of how variable the results can be.

4.7 Shape as additional feature for land cover characterization:

Shape features are based on the statistics of the spatial distribution of the pixels that

form each image object and have been widely used to characterize different types of land


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cover (Southworth, 2002). Some of the general shape features used for land cover

characterization are: area, ratio length/width (calculated by dividing the length by the

width of the bounding box surrounding the object), border length, shape index20

(calculated by dividing an image objects border length by four times the square root of

its area), density (calculated by dividing the area of the image object by its radius: a

square image object has the highest density), compactness (i.e., the product of its length

and width, divided by the number of pixels forming the object) and asymmetry:

expressed as the ratio of the lengths of minor and major axes of an ellipse surrounding the

object. As an alternative way to characterize the objects shape, the elliptic and

rectangular fits compare the object to an ellipse and rectangle, respectively. While 0

means no fit, 1 stands for a complete fitting object.

4.8 Signature Evaluation: Statistical analysis of samples.

The descriptive statistics (e.g. means, standard deviations, minimum and maximum

values) provide measures of central tendency21 and variability in spectral bands and

topographic data that characterize each land cover, and assist in the analysis of their

differences. A first step in using these measures is plotting the samples on a two-

dimensional feature space, in which each axis represents a spectral band, gives an idea of

the spectral separability of the samples.

20The shape index is used to describe the smoothness of the image object boundaries: the more fractal an
image object appears, the higher its shape index.
21 The tendency of the set of measurements to cluster


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Graphs such as the histogram, which represents the distribution (values and

frequency) of the data values, and the box plot were analyzed for each land cover class in

each band in order to evaluate the data distribution. The box plot is a graph based on

quartiles of the data set (see Figure 4-3). Quartiles are values that partition the data set

into four groups, each containing 25% of the measurements. The lower quartile contains

25% of the measurements, the middle quartile is the median and the upper contains 75%

of the data set. A box plot is drawn on the interquartile range, the distance between the

lower and upper quartile. The two lines emanating from the borders of the box (the

whiskers) extend 1.5 times the box length (i.e. 1.5 times the interquartile range) and it

contains the smallest and largest measurement. Values that are beyond the whiskers are

extreme values that represent rare occurrences. In fact, in normal distributions less than

1% of the data are expected to fall outside the whiskers. Measurements that fall beyond

three times the interquartile range are called outliers. Outliers are very extreme

measurements that stand out from the rest of the sample and may be faulty (e.g. incorrect

recorded observations).

> Chillier

> yyjusker
3rd quartile

* Median

~ -> 1st quaitile

G ro u p A G ro u p B

Figure 4-5: Box Plot Diagram

Most of the signature evaluation (divergence, transformed divergence and

Jeffries-Matusita distance) and classification algorithms (e.g. maximum likehood) are


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based on a normal distribution of the sample data for each land cover class. Then, in

order to determine the type of test that best fits the type of data and to make inferences

about the parameters of the population, a test of normality should be carried out. The

Shapiro-Wilk test (Shapiro and Wilk, 1965) tests the hypothesis that a random sample

comes from a normally distributed population. It is recognized as the best test for

evaluating normality (Griffith, 1997, Meyers, 2006). It is based on a W statistic, which is

given by:

( )2 i
^ = , where x =~ x>

Equation 4-7

Where x,- represents the value for each observation, and a are a series of

weights generated from the means, variances and covariances of the statistics of a

sample of size rt from normal distribution.

The significance value associated with the W statistic (known as a p-value)

represents the probability of obtaining a result by chance alone. A p-value of .05, for

example, indicates that we would have only a 5% chance of drawing the sample being

tested and reject the hypothesis, when the null hypothesis was actually true. The p-value

measures consistency: a small p-value is strong evidence against the null hypothesis

while a large p-value means little or no evidence against the null hypothesis, i.e., that

there is high probability of having the wrong sample.


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P-values are compared with a , the significance level. The significance level is the

pre-chosen probability that the null hypothesis will be rejected when is true (also known

as type I error, i.e., observing a difference when in fact, there is none). Common levels

of significance are 5% and 1%, and these are chosen arbitrarily. If a test of significance

gives a p-value lower than the a level, such result are normally referred as statistically

significant and the null hypothesis (of equality) is rejected. If the chosen alpha level is

0.05 and the p-value is less than 0.05, then the null hypothesis of normality is rejected. If

the p-value is greater than 0.05, then the null hypothesis cannot be rejected. Note that in

this situation, the hypothesis being tested is accepted (or rejected) if the p-value is greater

(or lower) than a certain significance level. This is called an one-sided hypothesis.

If the samples do not follow a normal distribution, as measured by the Shapiro-

Wilk test, a non-parametric test can be used in order to evaluate their differences of

means. The Mann-Whitney test can be used to test the differences between the medians

in two groups when the data are collected using different subjects in each group (as is the

case in the sampling of remote sensing data for land cover analysis). As a non-parametric

test, the Mann-Whitney test works by looking at the differences in the ranked positions of

scores in different groups. Although it is a non-parametric test, it does assume that the

two distributions are similar in shape. In the case where the only distributional difference

is a shift in location, this can indeed be described as a difference in medians.

Theoretically, in large samples the Mann-Whitney test can detect differences in spread

even when the medians are very similar. It test the null hypothesis that the two samples

are drawn from the same population, and therefore that the medians are equal. It requires

the two samples to be independent, and the observations to be ordinal or continuous


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measurements. It is one of the best-known non-parametric tests (Field, 2000) to evaluate

differences between groups. The test involves the calculation of a statistic called U,

whose distribution under the null hypothesis is known, which is defined as the minimum

value between:

Equation 4-8

Where rti and n2 are the two samples sizes and Rj and R2 is the sum of the ranks in

sample 1 and 2, respectively. The maximun value of U is the product of the two sample

sizes. With samples above about 20, the U statistic aproximates to a normal distribution,

with mean mu: and standard deviation a u . Using the normal approximation, the z

statistic (under the null hypothesis of equal means), is calculated as:

z-(U mu ) / a u where m u = nsn2/2 and

Equation 4-9

If the chosen alpha level is 0.05 and the p-value associated with this z value is less

than 0.05, then the null hypothesis is rejected, otherwise it is accepted.

4.9 Rule-based image classification.

Traditional methods for land cover classification with satellite imagery do not

handle the use of ancillary data appropriately (Oruc et al., 2004). In the integration of

GIS and remote sensing data, the use of ruled-based (also know as knowledge-based

classifiers), neural networks and expert-knowledge has provided higher accuracies

(Goodenough et al., 1987; Fierens et al., 1994, Benediktsson et al., 1990) than statistical


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classifiers. For instance, Murai and Omatu (1997) demostrated that ruled-based methods,

when integrated to neural networks, can improve the classification by about 9%.

The ruled based classification is implemented in this research through the use of a very

simple decision tree. A decision tree is defined as a classification procedure that

recursively partitions a data set into smaller subdivisions on the basis of tests defined at

each branch in the tree (Friedl and Brodley, 1997). In this framework, a data set is

classified by subsequentially dividing it according to the decision framework defined by

the tree, and the pixel (or object) is assigned to a class according to the leaf node into

which the observation falls. As opposite to other classifiers, this method do not rely on

normality assumptions and handles numeric and categorical data in the same routine

(Quinlan, 1986) The decision rules in each node can be based solely on analyst

expertise, which is difficult to implement across different times and geographic places, or

they can be defined based on the statistical analysis of training data. The classification

system used in this research uses an univariate decision tree in which the decision rule in

each branch is defined by statistical analysis of a single feature (e.g. elevation). To

improve accuracy, the tree is pruned by removing leaf nodes until training samples are

classified correctly (Friedl and Brodley, 1997). The elimination of leaf nodes is stopped

when further removal reduces the classification accuracy with respect to the independent

group of samples (used for accuracy assessment).

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4.10 R efining the classification: Using the Linear M ixing M odel for Spectral

Unm ixing in coffee fields.

In order to refine the classification results after the ruled-based classification, and

identify the specific type of coffee system, a mask can was created to delineate areas

most likely to have coffee fields, given their spectral and environmental characteristics

(topography and temperature, specifically). However, due to the small size of the

individual coffee fields in this area, this mask contains some pixels with features that are

smaller than the resolution of the sensor. For instance, the reflectance of a pixel that has

coffee in an agroforestry system (i.e. shade coffee), will contain the combined reflectance

of forest and coffee co-existing within that pixel.

The mixed pixel problem has called the attention of many scholars in remote sensing

(Foody, 2004, Foody et al. 1996, Huguenin et al. 1997, Quarmby et al.,1992, Settle and

Drake, 1993, Sohn and McCoy, 1997, Van der Meer, 1997). In order to segregate a pixel

into its components, a technique called spectral unmixing is performed. Different cover

types are discriminated with a pixel by comparing the observed spectra of the pixel with

the end-members. An end-member is the signature of a pure pixel, which only contains

one cover type.

There are several models for spectral unmixing (Ali, 2002): the linear mixture, the

probabilistic, the geometric, geometric-optical and stochastic. The linear mixture model,

also called linear unmixing model, assumes that the reflectance in each pixel is a linear


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combination of the response of each component in it (Shimabukuro and Smith, 1991).

Because its simplicity and independence of the normality assumption, the linear mixture

model is often preferred. In equation form, the linear mixture model can be represented


i'i = a n x, + a 12 + ......... + a, x n + c,

f tl7 Omi X ] ........ An i C,))

Equation 4-10

Where m represents the number of spectral bands, n represents the number of

components within the pixel, r represents the mean spectral reflectance of the pixel in

each band, x represents the proportion of the each component (or land cover class) in the

pixel, amn represents the spectral reflectance of the each component in the pixel for the

specific spectral band and e represents the error component, caused by noise. Assuming

that the sum of proportions within a pixel is one, the proportions are positive and the

number of components does not exceed the number of spectral bands, this equation can

be resolved using the constrained least-squares method described by Shimabukuro and

Smith (1991). The method estimates the proportion of each component inside the pixel

by minimizing the sum of squares of the errors.

The key factor to resolve this model relies in the selection of the end-members.

The selection o f the end-members can be achieved using a spectral library (from field or

laboratory measurements) or from the purest pixels in the image (Van der Meer, 1999).


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If a spectral library is not available for the type of cover of interest, the purest pixels in

the image can be used for end-member selection. This method has the advantage that the

spectral signatures for the end-members are collected under the same atmospheric


The identification of the purest pixels in the image can be done using Principal

Component Analysis (PCA), Pixel Purity Index (PPI) and Spectral Angle Mapping (Ali,

2002). For its simplicity, the principle of the Spectral Angle Mapping (SAM) is preferred

to assess the selection of endmembers. The spectral angle mapping calculates the

spectral similarity between two spectra by calculating the spectral angle between them,

treating them as vectors in a space with dimensionality equal to the number of bands

(Van der Meer, 1995, 1997). Figure 4-4 shows a two dimensional example of spectral

angle mapping. This method was implemented for the selection of end-members.

Sand j

Figure 4-6: The Spectral Angle Mapping in a two-dimensional space. Taken from Ali

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4.11 Accuracy A ssessm ent

The classification accuracy can be evaluated by comparing the classified image

with ground truth data. For this research, GPS polygons representing coffee farms in

Huila, surveyed using DGPS units, were compared with the classified image. The

number of samples for accuracy assessment (as well as for training) depends on the

budget and practical issues, but it should be adequate to maintain the validity of the

proposed statistical analysis. Most of the statistical tests are based on binomial or normal

distribution of the error, for each land cover class. Therefore, the sample size should be

computed using the multinomial distribution. Usually, 30 samples are the minimum

required for the t-test to approach a normal distribution, but this number can be adjusted

according to the importance of certain category (or the complexity of the landscape for

certain category) or by the variability within each land cover signature. In any case, the

minimum number of samples must be preserved for all land cover classes. If we

calculate the number of samples required in a multinomial distribution, with 9 categories

(k=9), and a confidence level of 95% (a =5%) that the classes are in average 20% of the

map area ([X=0.20), we get approximately 47 samples per class, according to the

equation (Congalton, 1999):

_ ^ n .o no

Equation 4-11

The value for /? is determined from a chi-square table with 1 degree of freedom

and (1- a/k). If the confidence interval is lower, the required sample size decreases.


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Note, however, that the sampling scheme (simple random, systematic, stratified

random, cluster, stratified systematic unaligned) determines the distribution of samples

across the landscape. Good statistical properties result from random selection of samples,

which guarantees independence (i.e. equal and independent chance to be chosen).

However, a fully random sampling is not always possible due to accessibility in many

areas. Therefore, for this research, both training and accuracy assessment, the area is

divided up according to land cover classes, and a random sampling is carried within each

land cover (i.e. stratified random sampling). This method has been demonstrated be

adequate for classification accuracy (Stehman, 1992)

The overall error can be estimated using the error matrix and the kappa index of

agreement (Congalton, 1999). The error matrix is a square array of numbers set in rows

(the map labels or classified data) and columns (the reference data) that shows the labels

of sample units (pixels or polygons) assigned to a particular category, in the classification

relative to the labels assigned to the same point in the reference data.

The output of the error matrix is a matrix of percentages that allows the evaluation

of the number of pixels in each sample that are assigned to each class. The error matrix

will give us the errors of omission, commission, the producers and the users accuracies

as measurements of the overall accuracy. A commission error (or inclusion error) is

defined as including an area into a category when it does not belong to that category. An

omission error (or exclusion error) is defined as the exclusion of an area from the


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category in which it truly belongs. Every error is an omission of the correct and

commission to the wrong category. The overall accuracy is the sum of the major

diagonal (which is the correctly classified sample data) divided by the total number of

sample units. The users accuracy (rows) is computed by dividing the total number of

correctly classified pixels in a category by the total number of pixels classified as that

category. Producers accuracy (omission error) refers to the percentage of reference

pixels correctly identified in the map (the proportion of pixels or objects that are correctly

recognized by the classifier), while users accuracy (commission error) is the percentage

of the areas identified in the map that actually belongs to that category on the ground (the

proportion of pixels identified by the classifier that agree with the ground truth).

The kappa index is another indicator of accuracy derived from the values in the

error matrix. It indicates the probability that a pixel classified on the image corresponds

to the same category as observed on the ground, taking into account all marginal

distribution of the error matrix (Congalton, 1991). A binomial distribution would be

appropriate only to determine the accuracy of one category as right or wrong based on the

proportion of correctly classified pixels, the allowable error, and the desired level of

confidence. However it will not be related with the error matrix with n land cover

classes, in which there is one correct and (n-1) incorrect possibilities. This case is better

described by a multinomial distribution. The estimate of kappa is based on the difference

between the actual agreement (the major diagonal) and the chance agreement indicated

by the row and column totals. This value is computed for each error matrix and is a

measure o f how well the produced classification agrees with the reference data and it


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goes from -1 to +1. The higher the value of kappa, the better the classification

performance: as the values in the off-diagonal increase, the value of kappa decreases.

The estimate of kappa value is defined by:

N T ux - Z < x + #x)
= ^ ----- _i=!-------------

Equation 4-12

Where N is the total number of samples, r is the number of classes, xu is the entry ii

(the diagonal) and xi+, x +i are the marginal totals of row i and column /, respectively.

Errors in the reference data, the sensitivity of the classification scheme to

observer variability, or the inappropriateness of the data for mapping a specific land

cover class can cause differences in the error matrix. The misapplication of the

classification scheme to the map or reference data (i.e. a reference point which land cover

class is in between one or more classes in the classification scheme), the subjectiveness in

interpretation and reference sampling and land cover change, all contribute to differences

in the error matrix.

As summary, the flowchart in figure 4-5 presents the sequence of the

aforementioned steps that constitute the methodology used in this research.


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Image pre-processing DEM Evaluation

Preliminary Classification Derivation of Secondary

Topographic Attributes
Mask: Miscellaneous Class

Object segmentation Pixels

Definition of objects
Signature Evaluation size: scale analysis Signature Evaluation

Ruled Based Classification Ruled Based Classification

Mask: Coffee Accuracy Assessment (error Matrix)

Linear Spectral unmixing

Land Cover Map: Sun coffee and

Shaded Coffee

Accuracy Assessment

Error Matrix RMS Image

Evaluation of the Spatial Distribution

of Land Cover classes

Figure 4-7: Methodological Sequence


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Chapter 5


5.1 DEM Evaluation

The quality of the DEM was evaluated by comparing the 280 DGPS22 points

taken in the field and analyzing the differences between the GPS height and DEM values

for the study area. The mean error was 24.039m. The standard deviation, minimum

and maximum values of the error were 10.33, -59.6 and 2.30 meters, respectively. The

distribution of the error is shown in figure 5-1. Given the scale of the analysis and the

pixel size (28.5m) of Landsat images, this error was considered to be acceptable for the

purposes of this study. The evaluated DEM will be used for topographic illumination

correction (see section 4.3.3. and 5.2), and to generate secondary topographic attributes

(slope and aspect) that characterize the topography of coffee and non-coffee fields.

22Differential Global Positioning System DGPS -See section 4.7 for theoretical details


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Error D istribution DEM SRTM



1 - 2 0.00 0

g - 3 0.00 0
1 - 4 0.0 0 0

5 0.00 0

- 60 .0 0 0

- 70 .0 0 0

Figure 5-8: DEM evaluation. Error Distribution calculated as DEM values-GPS height.

In order to evaluate the overlap in X, Y between the image and DEM, a drainage

network was created using hydrologic modeling in Arcview-SWAT23, as described in

section 4.2. The fitting between image and DEM was then analyzed by visual inspection

of the overlap between image and vectors on rivers. Figure 5-2 shows the overlap for

two areas of the image.

Figure 5-9: Overlap between image and rivers generated from DEM in two subareas.

See section 4-2 for theoretical details


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5.2 Image Preprocessing:

The geometric and radiometric corrections were done following the procedure

described in section 4.3. The values for gain, offset, solar spectral irradiance, solar zenith

angle and calibration constants K1 and K2, are given in Annex 1. The terrain

illumination correction was done using the c-correction method described in section 4.3.3

by Uribe (2005). Figure 5-3 shows the image before and after the terrain illumination

correction was applied.

Figure 5-10: Subset over the study area showing the image before (left) and after (right) the
terrain illumination correction was applied. Band Combination: Blue:ETM3, Green:ETM5, Red:

5.3 Preliminary Classification:

As described in section 4.4, a preliminary unsupervised classification was

performed in order to extract the most likely areas to have coffee fields. The

classification scheme contains seven classes: forest, pastures, clouds, shadows, urban,

water and miscellaneous. The miscellaneous category includes areas that contain all

coffee systems and non-coffee areas as well. Non-coffee areas include those land cover


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classes whose spectral signature is either, similar to coffee systems or very different to

the other six classes (pastures, clouds, etc.). The overall classification accuracy obtained

was 97%, as evaluated by the kappa statistic (see section 4.11). Points for classification

training and accuracy assessment at this stage were taken by visual interpretation of the

image. Two sets of fifty points per class were randomly localized for training and

accuracy assessment, respectively (as described in section 4.11). A mask was created

using the miscellaneous class and all the subsequent analyzes on the image and GIS data

were done using this mask. Figure 5-4 shows the result of this preliminary classification.


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Preliminary Classification Map

H i Forest
I | C lo uds

P astures

M is c e lla n e o u s
3 0 3 6 9 12 Kilometers

Projection: UTM 18 North, Datum: WGS84

Figure 5-11: Preliminary classification


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5.4 Exploratory Analysis: Pixel Based Analysis.

5.4.1 NDV1 vs. percentage o f shade

Because the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) has been long

related to biomass content (Baret and Guyot, 1991; Hatchfield, 1993; Lobel, 2003;

Moran, 1997, Moulin et al., 1998; Vina et. al., 2004; Zwiggelaar, 1998), the NDVI was

used to explore the capability of Landsat images to discriminate between non-shade and

shade coffee systems, which have a higher biomass content. The NDVI enhances the

differences between band 4 (reflection by the plant structure) and band 3 (absorption by

the chlorophyll):

N IR -R E D B 4 - B 3
NDVI = ---------------= -----------

Using the reflectance in these two bands, the NDVI was calculated in order to

evaluate the correlation between NDVI values and percentage of shade (overstory) over

coffee bushes, as measured by 44 points taken in the field (see section 2.3).


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MPVt v& % of cover over coffee plants

0.80 -

S Ip 'J H #**

ft ?ft 1 ---
* * * * *

0 0,1 0.2 0J 0,4 63 m 0.7 0.8 0.0


Figure 5-12: Correlation between percentage of cover (measured in the Field) and NDVI values
calculated using reflectances in Landsat

Although the slope of the regression line between the two variables is 0.745, i.e, it

is almost a linear relationship, the NDVI values only explains 12.33% of the outcome

variable (i.e. percentage of shade) with a significance level of 0.05. The linear

relationship, if exists, seems to be stronger at NDVI values of 0.5 to 0.8. This can be

associated to the saturation of the model at NDVI values higher than 0.8. Note also, that

at NDVI values lower than 0.1, the model does not detect any change in percentage of

shade. One possible reason for this is that changes in percentage of shade can be

occurring at short distances (i.e. less than 30m) that will not be detected by a Landsat

image, with a minimum mapping unit of 30m.

5.4.2 Spectral separation between coffee and non-coffee fields

In order to choose the bands that will separate coffee from non-coffee fields and

to analyze their representative signature, the spectral reflectance in each one of the seven


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bands for all sample points (280 for coffee systems and 300 for non-coffee areas) was

mapped in a scatter plot, as shown in figure 5-5. From the figure, it is noticeable that

some combinations of bands 3, 4, 5 and 7 will provide better separation between the

coffee systems and non-coffee areas (miscellaneous), and that band 1 shows the highest

overlap between both. For this reason, band 1 was discarded for subsequent analysis.

00 A3 3
0 A 3 3
/ A 3 0
p PP
0 0 P 0
0 0 P
bl to hi M
/b5 bT

Figure 5-13: Scatter plot in all bands for coffee (dark blue) and non-coffee classes (green)

Samples were also evaluated through the inspection of histograms (see Annex 2)

and box plots for coffee systems and non-coffee areas for bands 1 to 7, temperature,

elevation, slope and aspect, shown in Annex 3. The box plot for band 1 in both land

cover classes confirms the strong overlap in this band (see figure 5-7). Given that the

samples have strong deviations from normality24, the difference between both land cover

classes was analyzed with a Mann-Whitney test (see table 5-1).

24 See Annex 3 for normality test


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I !'!



o mm
29... 2?




Figure 5-14: Box Plot for both land cover classes in band 1

M ann-W hitney U Z p-value

B and 1 29070 -5.83 .00
B and 2 20317 -10.30 .00
B and 3 18675 -11.13 .00
B and 4 20987 -9.94 .00
B and 5 28203 -6.26 .00
B and 7 21000 -9.94 .00
T em perature 34573 -3.02 .00
Elevation 29830 -5.72 .00
Slope 40147 -0.27 .78
A spect 38410 -1.14 .25
Tab e 5-1: Differences between coffee systems and non-coffee areas using pixel-based signatures

5.5 Pixel-based classification

As described in section 4.9, a ruled-based classification was performed on the

image using pixel-based statistics, i.e., range values of sample pixels in bands 2 to 7,


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temperature, elevation, slope and aspect. The criterion used to get coffee systems is

shown in table 5-2:

Factor Range
Band 2 0.08 <b2< 0.135
Band 3 0.030 <b3 <0.10
Band 4 0.15 <b4< 0.50
Band 5 0.05 < b5 < 0.30
Band 7 0.025 <b7< 0.17
Temperature 17 < temp < 25
Elevation 1200 < elevation < 1850
Table 5-2: Features ranges used in pixel-based classification

A total of 1429 points were used to evaluate accuracy. For forest, clouds,

shadows, pastures, urban, miscellaneous and water, the points were located by visual

inspection of the image. For the coffee class, the points were selected form the SICA

database (see section 2.2 for details), using two criteria: a) the farms size was bigger than

1 hectare and b) The density was higher than 4500 plants. The overall accuracy was

71.89% and the kappa statistic25 was 0.659. The 95% Confidence Interval ranges from

69.553% to 74.219%. Table 5-3 shows the user and producers accuracy and the kappa

statistic for each class, based on the confusion matrix.

Class Name Producer's 95% Confidence Users 95% Confidence Kappa

Accuracy (%) Interval (%) Accuracy (%) Interval (%)
Clouds 99.55 (98.46 - 100.65) 97.39 (95.11 -99.67) 0.97
Shadows 78.33 (72.04 - 84.63) 96.57 (93.28 - 99.87) 0.96
Urban 87.50 (72.18- 102.82) 84.00 (67.62 - 100.37) 0.84
Water 30.19 (16.88 - 43.49) 100.00 (96.87- 103.12) 1.00
Pastures 96.72 (91.43 - 102.01) 51.75 (42.14-61.36) 0.45
Forest 97.72 (95.88 - 99.55) 81.52 (77.42 - 85.62) 0.76
Miscellaneous 23.67 (18.69-28.64) 51.45 (42.75-60.15) 0.39
Coffee 70.22 ( 65.04 - 75 .39 ) 51.85 (47.02 - 56.68) 0.38
Table 5-3: Accuracy statistics forper-pixel classification

Note that despite the overall accuracy being acceptable, the accuracy achieved for

coffee systems and non-coffee (i.e. miscellaneous) areas, is about 40%, and, according to

25 See section 4.12 for technical details

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the confidence interval, it goes up to 60% for the users accuracy. Likewise, note that the

omission error (as measured by the producers accuracy) is less than the commission

error. Therefore, there are more pixels classified as coffee than actually are in the

ground. Figure 5-15 shows the classification map.

Ruled-based Classification Map

(pixel-based analysis)

I I C loud s

W ater

12 Kilometers a
C of fe e S y s t e m s
I M isc e lla n e o u s

Projection: UTM 18 North, Datum: WGS84

F igure 5-15: Ruled-Based classification map obtained from pixel-based analysis


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5.6 Image Segmentation: Choosing the Appropriate Spatial Units

The corrected image (following the removal of geometric and radiometric errors)

was segmented using a region growing segmentation technique, where neighboring pixels

whose spectral properties (in bands 2,3,4,5 and 7) are similar enough, were aggregated,

by a region-growing scheme described in section 4.5. Two neighboring pixels were

considered to be similar enough if the absolute value of the difference between their tone

intensities was smaller than a threshold (Haralick and Shapiro, 1985). The threshold is

defined by the scale parameter in e-cognition. In order to evaluate the scale component

of the MAUP (see section 4.6) a variogram analysis was performed. It determined an

average objects diameter of 100 meters for coffee fields, which results in a scale

parameter of 10 for the segmentation. To define this scale parameter, the variogram

analysis was done on a representative coffee fields identified on aerial photographs using

the spatial dependence modeler in Idrisi software. Aerial photographs were used for

this part of the analysis, because coffee fields are easier to distinguish due to their higher

spatial resolution. Figure 5-8 shows the variogram.

distance between pairs

Figure 5-16: Left: omni-directional variogram for a coffee field in an aerial photo. Right:
segmented image


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Mean value Mean value Mann-Whitney Z Significance

(object-based) (pixel - based) U (2-tailed)
B2 0.09 0.07 337 -0.61 0.22
B3 0.05 0.09 284 -1.33 0.48
B4 0.36 0.05 281 -1.69 0.09
B5 0.16 0.36 384 -0.29 0.11
B7 0.06 0.06 302 -0.18 0.07
Temp 20.52 21.49 39520 -1.65 0.09
Elevation 1469 1326 35247 -0.22 0.08
Slope (dg) 16 18 46781 -0.56 0.57
Aspect (dg) 156 168 43156 -1.26 0.21
Table 5-5 Comparison between mean objects reflectance and pixels values for Non-cofFee areas

Note that, according to the test, the differences between pixels and objects mean

value for the same point are minimal. From this comparison, I conclude that the

aggregation of pixels into objects will not modify the mean spectral signatures for the

coffee and non-coffee fields in the area. One possible reason for this, is that the objects

size were kept as small and as homogeneous as possible, in order to avoid introducing

variations in the signatures when pixels from different land cover classes are merged into

the same object (that normally occurs when the objects size is increased).

5.7 Signature Analysis:

In order to determine the appropriate statistical tools for subsequent analysis, a

normality test was applied to all signatures for coffee systems and non-coffee areas for

mean values and standard deviations in bands one to seven, elevation, slope and

curvature. Since the algorithm uses a rule-based classifier, minimum and maximum

values in each object can also be used for classification. Those were evaluated for

normality as well (see Annex 4). The general shape features described in section 4.8

were obtained from the segmented image (e.g. area, diameter) and evaluated for


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normality, because they can also be used in the decision rule. Results of the normality

tests for these features are provided in annex 4.

Given that the data had significant deviations from normality, a Mann-Whitney U

test for difference of means (see section 4.9) and a careful analysis of the box plot for

object-based features was used to choose the variables in which the coffee systems were

significantly different from non-coffee areas. Tables 5-5 through 5-8 summarize the

results of this test.

Mann-Whitney U Z Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)

Mean B2 2764 -2.73 0.00
Mean B3 2337 -4.05 0.00
Mean B7 2226 -3.87 0.00
Mean elevation 2332 -3.39 0.00
Stdev. B2 3276 -6.27 0.00
Stdev. B3 2772 -7.36 0.00
Stdev. B4 2548 -3.72 0.00
Stdev. B5 2885 -2.88 0.00
Stdev. B7 2425 -4.11 0.00
Stdev. Aspect 1944 -4.28 0.00
Min B2 2306 -3.93 0.00
Max B2 1955 -4.82 0.00
Min B3 2712 -2.88 0.00
Max B3 2115 -4.26 0.00
Max B5 2743 -2.48 0.01
Min B7 2787 -2.48 0.01
Max B7 2427 -3.30 0.00
Min Elev 2618 -2.74 0.00
Max Elev 2812 -2.30 0.02
Min Aspect 2378 -3.30 0.00
Max Aspect 2511 -2.99 0.00
Table 5-6: Significant differences between coffee systems and non-coffee areas -radiometric and
topographic features


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Mann-Whitney U Z Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)

Mean B4 3101 -1.64 0.10
Mean B5 3305 -1.19 0.23
Mean Slope 3430 -8.93 0.37
Mean Aspect 3658 -0.37 0.70
Stdev. Temp 3039 -1.78 0.07
Stdev. Elevation 3326 -1.13 0.26
Stdev. Slope 3067 -1.72 0.08
Min B4 3363 -1.05 0.29
Max B4 3383 -1.00 0.32
Min B5 3428 -0.91 0.36
Min Temp 3193 -1.43 0.15
Max Temp 3386 -0.99 0.32
Min Slope 2983 -1.91 0.06
Max Slope 3532 -0.66 0.51
Table 5-6:>: Non-significant di Ferences between co: Fee systems and non-coffee areas -ra
and topographi c features

Mann-Whitney U Z Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)

Area 30112 -8.01 0.00
Length 31692 -7.32 0.00
Width 33609 -6.48 0.00
Compactness 39795 -3.69 0.00
Border Length 32885 -6.79 0.00
Shape Index 40048 -3.57 0.00
Density 29972 -8.08 0.00
Perimeter 33803 -6.37 0.00
: Significant differences between coffee systems an< non-coffee areas: Shape features

Mann-Whitney U Z Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)

Length Width 44672 -1.51 0.13
Elliptic Fit 43317 -2.14 0.03
Rectangular Fit 44332 -1.66 0.10
Asymmetry 46162 -0.84 0.40
Table 5-8: Non-


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5.8 R uled-based Classification using objects:

Features that show significant differences between all types of coffee systems and

non-coffee areas were used to create a rule-based classification. For instance, elevation

(as shown in table 5-5), presents significant differences for coffee systems and non-coffee

areas, using the sample data. Although there were significant differences between coffee

systems and non-coffee areas in many features, not all of them lead to accurate

classification results. Therefore, using the group of variables with significant differences

between coffee systems and non-coffee areas, several classifications were done, adding

one feature each time. This can be described as a trial and error process, where features

for classification were entered (or removed), as the classification accuracies were higher

(or lower). The structure of the decision rule is shown in table 5-9.

Factor Range
Mean Band 2 0.08 <b2 < 0.135
Mean Band 3 0.030 < b3 < 0.10
Mean Band 4 0.15 <b 4 < 0.50
Mean Band 5 0.05 <b 5 < 0.30
Mean Band 7 0.025 <b 7 < 0.17
Mean Temperature 17 < temp < 25
Mean Elevation 1200<elevation< 1850
Std. Dev B3 0.005<St.Dev.B3<0.01
Std. Dev. B7 0.005<St.Dev.B4<0.03
Std. Dev. B7 0.005<St.Dev.B7<0.03
Max. B2 0.06<MaxB2 <0.13
Min. Aspect Min Asp>3
Table 5-9: Range values 'or object-based classification

Note that not all features show significant differences between coffee systems and

non-coffee areas. For instance, although the slope is a feature that characterize the

topography of coffee fields, the use of a narrow range, as the one shown in Annexes 2

and 3 (see box plot for slope, object-based statistics) constrains the algorithm to select

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only those fields that have slopes values higher than 20, which excludes many objects of

the same area with lower values.

The corresponding classification result is shown in figure 5-9. Note, that though

the coffee systems area (shown in red) is overestimated, the classification clearly

eliminates some areas very unlikely to have any type of coffee system. As an example,

note that the area surrounding the urban center, the areas surrounding the clouds and the

piedmonts are classified as such areas.

Using the same data set described in section 5.5, the overall accuracy was

74.881% and the kappa statistic26 was 0.696. The 95% Confidence Interval ranges from

72.629% to 77.133%. Table 5-7 shows the user and producers accuracy and the kappa

statistic for each class.

Class Producer's 95% Confidence Users 95% Confidence Kappa

Name Accuracy (%) Interval (%) Accuracy (%) Interval (%)
Clouds 100.00 (99.77-100.22) 96.97 (94.54 - 99.39) 0.96
Shadows 78.77 (72.50 - 85.04) 96.92 (93.38 - 99.45) 0.95
Urban 91.30 (77.60 - 104.99) 87.50 (72.18-102.81) 0.87
Water 34.61 (20.72-48.51) 100.00 (97.22 - 102.78) 1.00
Pastures 98.33 (94.26 - 102.41) 51.30 (41.73 - 60.87) 0.49
Forest 97.71 (95.87-99.55) 81.47 (77.36 - 85.58) 0.76
Miscellan. 66.66 (61.17-72.17) 56.02 (50.73 -61.31) 0,45
Coffee 42.46 (36.93 - 47.49) 65.71 (59.06-71.37) 0.56
Table 5-10: Accuracy statistics for object based classification

Although the overall accuracy is improved only in 3% by the object-based

classification, the accuracy for the coffee class is improved by 17%. As indicated by the

26 See section 4.12 for technical details


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user and producers accuracy, the omission errors are still less than the commission

errors. It means that there is more likely to find that a coffee field in the map is not a

coffee field on the ground, than to find a coffee field in the ground that is not mapped as

such. I other words, the area of coffee class has been overestimated.

Ruled-based Classification Map

(object-based analysis)

m | Forest
I | C lo uds

P astures

W ater
C o ffe e S y s t e m s
3 0 3 6 9 12 Kilometers

Projection: UTM 18 North, Datum: WGS84
M is c e lla n e o u s

Figure 5-17: Ruled-Based classification using object-based analysis: Coffee areas are in red


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As another measure of accuracy, the SICA points, which contain an exhaustive sample of

all coffee farms in the municipalities of Pitalito, Oporapa, Palestina and Timana were

overlaid on this map, in order to evaluate the spatial distribution of the coffee systems

land cover class in the map versus the true spatial distribution of the coffee fields from

the ground truth survey (26535 points from SICA27).

27 SICA is the Spanish acronym used to denote Sistema de Informacion Cafetera


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Spatial distribution of coffee fields

w e

I i M unicipal B oundary
SICA points
m F o re s t
[ I Clouds
m S h ad o w s
P a s tu re s

12 Kilometers
I W a ter

C offee S y ste m s
M is cellan e o u s

Projection: UTM 18 North. Datum: WGS84

F igure 5-18: Spatial distribution of coffee systems in the area: the magenta points represent the
real location of all coffee farms in the area, as indicated by the SICA database.


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5.9 R efining the Classification Result: Evaluating Linear Spectral Unm ixing

To Map different types of coffee system s

A mask was created using the ruled-based classification showed in figure 5-8.

Using this mask, the image was cut and the principles of spectral angle mapping

described in section 4.11 were used to select the most useful bands that better separate

coffee systems from other coverages. Three components were identified that influenced

the spectral signature of coffee within a pixel: coffee, forest and topographic shadows

that still remain in areas of highest slopes. Pure pixels (i.e. pixels with 100% of one and

only one cover) of forest (740 points), coffee (448 points) and shadows (137 points) were

used to analyze the separation between bands, as shown in Figure 5-10 and 5-11.

0. 1 - ^ _





2 0.095





0.064 0.065 0.066 0.067 0.068 0.069 0.07 0.071 0.072 0.073 0.074

[Forest BShadows ASuncoffee [

F igure 5-19: Spectral separation between mean values of coffee systems and non-coffee areas,
measured at the pixel level. Note that the combination of bands 1 and 2 is not optimum because
all mean values for forest, shadows and Sun coffee fall in the same line


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0.092 0.093 0.094 0.095 0.096 0.097 0.098 0.099

Forest Shadows ASun coffee

Figure 5-20: Spectral separation between mean values of coffee systems and non-coffee areas,
measured at the pixel level. The combination of bands 2 and 3 works better, because of the
existence of wider angle between coffee systems and forest

Following this approach, different combinations of all bands were evaluated and

bands 2,3,4,5 and 7 were chosen as input for the linear spectral unmixing. The mean

values calculated for each land cover in each band were input into Idrisi software and the

Linear Spectral Unmixing28 module was run. Figure 5-12 shows the final map.

For technical details see section 4.11


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Coffee systems' classification map

Fo r es t
I I Clouds


B 3 M is c e ll a n eo u s
I Su n Coffee
9 12 Kilometers
S h a d e d C offee

Projection: UTM 18 North, Datum: WGS84

Figure 5-21: Classification map resulting from the linear spectral unmixing. Coffee systems
were divided in sun and shade coffee classes.

5.10 R efining the classification result: Accuracy A ssessm ent

The product o f the linear spectral unmixing model was evaluated using the same

set of points described in section 5.5. The overall accuracy was 70.184% and the kappa


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statistic29 was 0.646. The 95% Confidence Interval ranges from 67.810% to 72.557%.

Table 5-7 shows the user and producers accuracy and the kappa statistic for each class.

Class Producer's 95% Confidence Users 95% Confidence Kappa

Name Accuracy (%) Interval (%) Accuracy (%) Interval (%)
Clouds 100.00 (99.77 - 100.22) 96.97 (94.54 - 99.39) 0.96
Shadows 78.77 (72.50 - 85.04) 96.92 (93.38 - 99.46) 0.95
Urban 91.30 (77.61 - 104.99) 87.50 (72.18 102.81) 0.87
Water 34.65 (20.72 - 48.51) 100.00 (97.22 102.78) 1.00
Pastures 98.33 (94.26 - 102.41) 51.30 (41.73 60.87) 0.49
Forest 97.71 (95.87 - 99.55) 81.47 (77.36 85.58) 0.77
Miscellan. 67.67 (62.20-73.13) 55.46 (50.24 60.69) 0.44
Shaded 15.18 (10.26-20.10) 45.33 (33.40 57.27) 0.35
Sun Coffee 31.68 (22.11 -41.25) 25.81 (17.70 33.91) 0.20
Table 5-1 1: Accuracy statistics after the spectral unmixing

Note, that the overall accuracy is much higher than the accuracy for shaded coffee

and miscellaneous (i.e. non-coffee areas) classes, because of the influence of other land

cover classes with higher accuracies (e.g. pastures, clouds, shadows, forest, urban and

water). Also, note the low accuracy in shaded coffee class, where omission errors are

still less than the commission errors.

The accuracy for the Sun-coffee class, as measured by the kappa statistic is very

low (20% approximately) which does not agrees with the accuracy obtained by using the

training points (i.e. the DAPA set of Sun coffee) for accuracy (that was about 75%). This

can be an indication of a) the inappropriateness of the sample to get the end-member

spectra or b) the variability of the Sun coffee areas that is not measured by the sample.

Since there were as many sun coffee areas as shaded coffee areas in the study region, this

type of coffee areas deserves further attention for future research.

29 See section 4.12 for technical details


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As another indicator of accuracy, the RMS error image (see figure 5-11) shows

the spatial distribution of the error component in equation 4-29. Also, the SICA points

provided by FNC (see section 2.2) were overlaid to the image and their spatial

distribution was visually compared against the spatial distribution of the coffee systems

produced by the classification map.


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Linear Spectral Unmixing: RMS image

EZ 3 - 1 - * *?
r I 1.897 - 3:794
f I -i 7 9 4
H g 5.691 . 7.58$
H l i '7 . 5 8 8 - 9.435
H P 9.485 11.382
1 11.382 - 13.279
H | 13 2 7 9 15.176
15.176 - 17.873
H i 17.073 - 18.97
0 3 9 12 K ilom eters

Projection: UTM 18 Nortti. Datum; W G S84

Figure 5-22: Spatial distribution o f the error: the RMS image shows that most o f the study area
presents less than 10% o f error within the unmixing model.


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Chapter 6


The results of the accuracy assessment of both, pixel-based and object-based

analysis support the hypothesis that coffee systems can be characterized using

radiometric and topographic information. Those characteristics can be used to map areas

with higher probability of having coffee fields given certain radiometric and topographic

characteristics. The table 6-1 summarizes the results for the different methodologies


Overall Overall Kappa (per class)

Accuracy kappa Coffee Miscellaneous
Pixel-based 71.89 0.66 0.38 0.39
Object-Based 74.88 0.70 0.70 0.45
Table 6-12: Comparison between di Terent methodologies

Despite the kappa value per class being lower than the desired value for a land

cover classification; it is better than the existing methodologies to map coffee Crops. For

instance, Wood and You (2006) used census data to map the spatial distribution of coffee

crops in Latin America, but the overall accuracy for this map was less than 6%, as

checked through the use of the same 1469 GPS points used here for the accuracy

assessment. Furthermore, although the methodological approaches by Coome (1989) and

Moreira (2004) did not described the achieved accuracies, is expected that is their


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accuracies are lower, given that both authors emphasized the need for manual edition

(through photo-interpretation) of the classification results as a key final step.

As demonstrated by the similarity between the spatial distribution of the GPS

points and the coffee systems in the land cover map, and by the overall accuracy, the fact

that this methodology narrows the geographic area that is more likely to have certain type

of crop (i.e. coffee, in this case), helps to focus the efforts in field work and subsequent

mapping methodologies to smaller regions, minimizing the costs associated to the image


Further, the object-based analysis provides more information than a pixel-based

analysis about the local variation (e.g. minimum and maximum values of reflectance and

topography for each homogeneous area represented by an object). This can be used (e.g.

minimum aspect) during the classification and represents an enormous advantage when

characterizing land cover for thematic mapping. The variation in these characteristics

agrees with the variation in the biophysical characteristics of coffee plantations, as is

shown in annexes 2 and 3. The values in band 3, as a response to chlorophyll content

might vary due to different plant development stages. Variations in band 4 agree with the

different foliage structure that the coffee plants and accompanying introduced species of

forest might have. Variations in bands 5 and 7 can be attributed to the different moisture

conditions, closely related to the stage of growth of the plant and the microclimatic

conditions in which the plantation is located. Nevertheless, note that the similarity in

altitude, slope and aspect values between objects and pixels based box-plots (see Annex


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2) shows that coffee plantations are fairly homogeneous: the altitude, slope and aspect

values of all pixels within the same object is roughly the same.

It is important to highlight that to analyze this information, we should take into

consideration that the coffee systems are diverse, and the sampling values might not

follow a normal distribution. Furthermore, the presence of different plant stages,

moisture and physiology of the cover over coffee, results in variations in the signature

that might affect the spectral separation/clustering of land cover classes.

However, the separability of the signatures also relies in the statistical method used to

analyze them. The loss of information involved in substituting ranks for original values

makes the non-parametric tests less powerful than their parametric counterpart. The

difference between samples is then accounted for ranks, instead of raw values, which

does not take into consideration the magnitude of the distances between the values (Field,

2000). Further, the Mann-Whitney test is unable to detect the difference in data

distribution thought it preserves the initial ordering of the original values. The median

value used by the Mann-Whitney test is not as representative as the mean value for a

normally distributed data. To partially overcome this problem, the analysis of the box

plot and the histograms is presented as an alternative to evaluate the separation between

features values for two land cover classes30. A drawback of the Mann-Whitney test is

that regardless of the set of data values, the mean and the variance of a set of distinct

rankings is always known (the sum of n consecutive rankings is (n(n+l))/2 (Griffith,

30Although the box plot contains 75% o f the values, those are not necessarily the most common values (i.e.
the values with the higher frequency). An examination to the histogram is needed to assess this.


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1997): all possible samples of size n, regardless whether a population is finite, yield a

sampling distribution that can be constructed by simply enumerating all possible

permutations of n rankings. In summary, non-parametric statistics are primary

parametric statistics computed with ranked data; however, substituting ranked data into

parametric formula fails to identify the correct sampling distribution of a non-parametric

statistic. The Mann-Withney statistic is a non-parametric alternative for the t statistic

(Griffith, 1997), but its associated measures of the sampling variation do not come from

the parametric results.

While the accuracy of the results can be affected by the overlap between land cover

classes, it is also affected by the image pre-processing. It has been shown (Smith et al.,

1980) that the Lambertian assumption may be more valid when analysis is restricted to

slopes of less than 25 degrees and effective illumination angles of less than 45 degrees.

This effect can be observed in the RMS error image (see fig.5-11), in which higher values

of error are located in areas with higher slopes. Additionally, significant radiometric

errors can be introduced as a result of the calculation of diffuse radiation during the

application of the terrain illumination correction. Ideally the model should be able to

consider the effects of slopes on diffuse irradiance and path radiance and diffuse sky

illumination as well. But it has been demonstrated that this correction is difficult to

implement (Richter, 1997).

The accuracy of the results can also be affected by the definition of objects in the

object-based analysis, when using a medium-resolution image such as Landsat to map


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small fields. According to the literature, the different levels of segmentation must be

reduced to a few which are geometrical and semantically robust (Blaschke and Strobl

2001; Schiewe et ah, 2001). This problem focuses on meaningful objects; as often

transitions in land cover depend on scale of the defined objects of interest (Woodcock

and Harward 1992).

Hierarchical Classification helps to focus the efforts in a fewer number of objects, but

several scales need to be considered in order to describe different objects in the

landscape. To conduct a multi-level segmentation, different thresholds and the relevant

parameters should be set for different objects. At greater scales, segmentation might

create an overrepresentation of larger areas at the cost of smaller features. Also, the

value of the scale parameter, product of the scale analysis is difficult to implement in the

software for the definition of objects. Although the target objects size is defined from

the analysis of the variogram, the resulting objects size in the segmentation is achieved

by trial and error, which undermines the efforts of the scale analysis.

With the creation of objects, the particularities of each unit as well as the dissimilarity

among units are smoothed (see Annex 3, band 2, for an example). As Wong (1996)

pointed out, the magnitude of the smoothing relies not only on the spatial autocorrelation,

but also upon the cross-correlation of variables in adjacent units. This effect was not

analyzed due to the lack of appropriate high spatial resolution data to analyze the objects

size in different bands and their cross-correlation. It constitutes one important issue for

further research when high spatial resolution images are available.


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After the creation and evaluation of objects, the accuracy obtained with the ruled-

based classification using objects could not be improved through spectral unmixing,

which, according to the literature review, was found to be a valuable resource to map

crops and features whose spatial resolution is lower than the pixel size. The spectral

unmixing algorithm used in this case (i.e. the linear mixture model) assumes a linear

response of all coverages within the pixel. It assumes that there is no multiple scattering

and photons interact with a single material only. This is not always true: first, some

coverages might have higher reflectance values that affect the response of a neighboring

coverage (i.e. spatial autocorrelation). Secondly, the point-spread function31 of the

sensor implies that the cover in the center of the pixels contributes more to the reflectance

of that pixel, than the perimeter. Finally, as mentioned by Fisher (1997) the adequacy of

any algorithm for land cover mapping is also affected by how the pixel, as a geographic

entity is modeling the reality, and specifically, the objects of interest.

Nevertheless, despite the existence of many techniques for sub-pixel mapping, the

linear mixture model is the simplest and most used for practical reasons. Fuzzy

classifiers are also another alternative for sub-pixel mapping (Foody, 2004). They allow

for explicit recognition of the possibility that ambiguity might exist regarding the

appropriate map label for some locations; but the difficulty lies on defining the

membership functions for each land cover class (Gianneti et al., 2001).

31 The point spread function (PSF) describes the response of an imaging system to a point source or point
object. It has been analyzed in remote sensing to determine the optimum pixel size (Atkinson, 2004)


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The accuracy of the results however is not limited to the analysis of the error matrix.

The spatial distribution of the GPS points collected in SICA32, overlaps fairly well with

the coffee systems in the land cover map. Those points provide a holistic view of the

spatial distribution of this crop.

Finally, as noted by Lambin (2001), the integration of GIS data into the image

analysis facilitates the interpretation of remote sensing data by linking biophysical

information measured by the image (i.e. reflectance) with landscape attributes (such as

elevation) and field measurements. This fact also highlights the role of environmental

variables in the formation and development of a plant cover.

32 SICA represents an exhaustive sampling of coffee field in the area.


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Chapter 7

Summary and Conclusions

This research has evaluated the potential of remote sensing and GIS data to map

different types of coffee systems. Topographic attributes from a DEM were evaluated

and integrated with a Landsat image corrected by terrain and atmospheric effects. First, a

preliminary unsupervised classification was performed in order to determine a mask of

areas suitable to have coffee systems due to their spectral properties. The result of this

mask was divided in two land cover classes, coffee systems and miscellaneous (i.e. areas

with similar chlorophyll and moisture content to the coffee systems). The spectral

separation between both land cover classes was evaluated by analyzing their differences

in all bands. Second, objects were created using the minimum size determined by a

variogram analysis, and a ruled-based classification using objects and pixels was


As a result, the object-based approach increased the overall accuracy by 2.99%

and, for the coffee class specifically, the accuracy increased by 17%. Also, a visual

inspection to the maps confirms that the spatial distribution of the coffee class in the

classification map resembles the spatial distribution of the coffee fields in the area.


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Summary and Conclusions

Finally, in an attempt to refine the classification result to include the type of coffee

system, pure samples of coffee and forest were extracted from the image and the linear

spectral unmixing was applied. Due to the variability in moisture, chlorophyll and size of

the coffee fields and forest, the spectral unmixing did not improve the classification


One of the main contributions of this methodology is the fact that it uses a

Landsat image. High-resolution data such as IKONOS or Quickbird are more

appropriate to map coffee fields and other type of crops, but given the cloudy conditions,

the long periods of revisit/programming of the satellite and the lack of funds to acquire

those images, high resolution data do not represent a feasible resource for crop mapping

in the tropics.

This research also contributes to understand the potentialities and limitation that

remote sensing data have for crop discrimination. With the use of ancillary GIS data

within the image interpretation it was possible to generate statistics within polygons and

associate those statistics to the land cover attributes and then, use them in the

classification rule.

As mentioned in the introductory paragraphs, at the present, there are no good

cost-efficient methodologies to map coffee. The present study was designed to explore a

new approach, using a low-cost image and object-based analysis to produce maps that

show areas where coffee field are expected to be, due to certain topographic and


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Summary and Conclusions

radiometric conditions. The findings suggest that, in fact, topographic conditions and

spectral information can be used to get areas of coffee fields with and accuracy of 70%,

using only automatic procedures. Therefore, it is expected that this research contributes

with a methodology that can be used to find areas most likely to contain coffee fields,

without extensive manual digitizing or visual interpretation of images. Further, the

resulting mask produced after the topographic and radiometric data has been analyzed

will serve for a better planning by providing a narrower geographic area were the

technical efforts for crop management can be better distributed.

However, the evidence from this study suggests that, to map the different types of

coffee systems more research is needed. Coffee systems are extremely variable (with

respect to reflectance and topography) and their specific environmental conditions make

difficult to determine a specific signature for each one. Further research with a better

spectral sampling of the different coffee systems (i.e. using multispectral images with

higher spatial resolution or radiometric measures in the field) will clarify the specific

signature for each type, and will contribute to improve the results. Due to the cost and

the permanent cloudy conditions in areas with agroforestry and polyculture systems,

higher resolution images are difficult to obtain, and, although this became one of the

main limitations of this research, the findings provide a valuable tool to target those



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Annex 1

ETM+ Calibration Parameters

Landsat ETM+ calibration Parameters (Taken from Irish, R., 2002)

Solar Spectral Irradiances

Landsat ETM+
(watts/(m2* sr)
band 1 1969.00
band 2 1840.00
band 3 1551.00
band 4 1044.00
band 5 225.70
band 7 82.07
band 8 1368.00

ETM+ Thermal Constants

Constant Value Units
K1 666.09 watts/(meter squared * stereo
radian * m)
K2 1282.71 temperature degrees (Kelvin)

R eproduced with perm ission o f the copyright owner. F urther reproduction prohibited w itho ut perm ission.
Annex 2

Data Distribution: Spectral and

Topographic Characteristics (N = 180)

Coffee Non-Coffee

3ITS3C 3.1 M 2 c. 2 315C3C C17S3B

l2 b2
Mean = 0.100 Mean = 0.092
Std. Dev. = 0.012 Std. Dev. = 0.005


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Annex 2: Data Distribution

86 -



ojraeao 9mm o.wwo o.orooo o.iwoa ft.iaooo a,p
Mean = 0.060 Mean = 0.048
Std. Dev. = 0.016 Std. Dev. = 0.005

Coffee Non-Coffee

M m
Mean = 0.316 Mean = 0.363
Std. Dev. = 0.054 Std. Dev. = 0.048


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Annex 2: Data Distribution

6 . 1:1 4 #- t.v . 4JN i|i3S

Mean = 0.111 Mean = 0.158

Std. Dev. = 0.043 Std. Dev. = 0.023

Coffee Non-Coffee


oa*m mum sw9 .9 1 m ,wuw .imoc

Mean = 0.080 Mean = 0.060
Std. Dev. = 0.030 Std. Dev. = 0.010

R eproduced with perm ission o f the copyright owner. F urther reproduction prohibited w itho ut perm ission.
Annex 2: Data Distribution


Mean = 20.73 Mean = 20.76

Std. Dev. = 1.95 Std. Dev. = 1.97

Coffee Non-Coffee


123QJDS 1403 S3 1; iom:s mzQ.it

Mean =1595 Mean = 1494

Std. Dev. = 151 Std. Dev. = 246


R eproduced with perm ission o f the copyright owner. F urther reproduction prohibited w itho ut perm ission.
Annex 2: Data Distribution



r rr i innr
I.- . . *
i }

.J J

if 3lP*
Mean = 17 Mean = 17
Std. Dev. = 8.6 Std. Dev. = 10.7

Coffee Non-Coffee



c.at icyiL s u jtij jl' j o

as pac t
asp ect

Mean = 163 Mean = 160

Std. Dev. = 82.1 Std. Dev. = 102.6


R eproduced with perm ission o f the copyright owner. F urther reproduction prohibited w itho ut perm ission.
Annex 3

Box Plots for Coffee Systems vs. Non

coffee Systems
a) Comparison between pixels and objects

Pixels Objects



cots# cisisS class


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Annex 3: Box Plots



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Annex 3: Box Plots



R eproduced with perm ission o f the copyright owner. F urther reproduction prohibited w itho ut perm ission.
Annex 3: Box Plots

coffee Non-coffee
c la s s

lar.i ex.

RHtyt S#5


R eproduced with perm ission o f the copyright owner. F urther reproduction prohibited w itho ut perm ission.
Annex 3: Box Plots


f J T- 'iff*#


R eproduced with perm ission o f the copyright owner. F urther reproduction prohibited w itho ut perm ission.
Annex 3: Box Plots

b) Radiometric features that provide the best separation


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Annex 3: Box Plots




l inck.m

sUss ela&a


R eproduced with perm ission o f the copyright owner. F urther reproduction prohibited w itho ut perm ission.
Annex 3: Box Plots


c) Shape features that provide the best separation:

It' in


els s s


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Annex 3: Box Plots



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Annex 4

Normality Test

a) Pixel values

Shapiro - W ilk
Feature Class Statistic Df. Sig.
Band 2 CofFee- .76 280 .00
Non-coffee .98 300 .00
B and 3 CoFfee- .87 280 .00
Non-coffee .97 300 .00
B and 4 CofFee- .99 280 .26
Non-coffee .99 300 .10
B and 5 CoFFee- .98 280 .00
Non-cofFee .99 300 .02
B and 7 CofFee- .94 280 .00
Non-cofFee .99 300 .08
T em perature CofFee- .99 280 .03
Non-cofFee .99 300 .09
Elevation CoFfee- .98 280 .00
Non-coFFee .95 300 .00
Slope CofFee- .97 280 .00
Non-coFfee .96 300 .00
A spect CoFfee- .98 280 .00
Non-coFfee .95 300 .00

R eproduced with perm ission o f the copyright owner. F urther reproduction prohibited w itho ut perm ission.
Annex 4: Normality Test

b) Objects Values

Mean and standard deviation values:

Shapiro - W ilk
Feature Class Statistic Df. Sig.
M ean B2 Coffee .80 280 .000
Non-coffee .75 300 .000
M ean B3 Coffee .84 280 .000
Non-coffee .74 300 .050
M ean B4 Coffee .98 280 .002
Non-coffee .98 300 .000
M ean B5 Coffee .96 280 .000
Non-coffee .96 300 .000
M ean B7 Coffee .89 280 .000
Non-coffee .89 300 .000
M ean Tem perature Coffee .99 280 .071
Non-coffee .99 300 .16
M ean Elevation Coffee .98 280 .00
Non-coffee .95 300 .00
M ean Slope Coffee .96 280 .00
Non-coffee .97 300 .00
M ean Aspect Coffee .98 280 .00
Non-coffee .97 300 .00
StD ev. B2 Coffee .19 280 .00
Non-coffee .86 300 .00
StD ev. B3 Coffee .40 280 .00
Non-coffee .08 300 .00
StD ev. B4 Coffee .76 280 .00
Non-coffee .63 300 .00
StD ev. B5 Coffee .65 280 .00
Non-coffee .57 300 .00
StD ev. B7 Coffee .63 280 .00
Non-coffee .53 300 .00
StD ev. Tem perature Coffee .96 280 .00
Non-coffee .94 300 .00
StD ev. Elevation Coffee .80 280 .00
Non-coffee .89 300 .00
StD ev. Slope Coffee .94 280 .00
Non-coffee .95 300 .00
StD ev. A spect Coffee .72 280 .00
Non-coffee .87 300 .00

R eproduced with perm ission o f the copyright owner. F urther reproduction prohibited w itho ut perm ission.
Annex 4: Normality Test

Minimum and Maximum values:

Shapiro - W ilk
Feature Class Statistic Df. Sig.
M in b2 Coffee .81 280 .00
Non-coffee .77 300 .00
M ax b2 Coffee .82 280 .00
Non-coffee .75 300 .00
M in b3 Coffee .80 280 .00
Non-coffee .73 300 .00
M ax b3 Coffee .88 280 .00
Non-coffee .82 300 .00
M in b4 Coffee .98 280 .00
Non-coffee .98 300 .00
M in b5 Coffee .95 280 .00
Non-coffee .97 300 .00
M ax b5 Coffee .97 280 .00
Non-coffee .97 300 .00
M in b7 Coffee .87 280 .00
Non-coffee .90 300 .00 .
M ax b7 Coffee .99 280 .02
Non-coffee .98 300 .00
M in Temp Coffee .99 280 .02
Non-coffee .98 300 .00
M ax Temp Coffee .99 280 .02
Non-coffee .99 300 .01
M in Elevation Coffee .98 280 .00
Non-coffee .95 300 .00
M ax Elevation Coffee .98 280 .00
Non-coffee .95 300 .00
M in Slope Coffee .92 280 .00
Non-coffee .90 300 .00
M ax Slope Coffee .98 280 .00
Non-coffee .98 300 .00
M in Aspect Coffee .97 280 .00
Non-coffee .83 300 .00
M ax Aspect Coffee .95 280 .00
Non-coffee .88 300 .00


R eproduced with perm ission o f the copyright owner. F urther reproduction prohibited w itho ut perm ission.
Annex 4: Normality Test

Feature values:

Shapiro - Wilk
Feature Class Statistic Df. Sig.
Area Coffee .784 280 .00
Non-coffee .861 300 .00
Length Coffee .866 280 .00
Non-coffee .936 300 .00
Width Coffee .904 280 .00
Non-coffee .909 300 .00
Length/Width Coffee .855 280 .00
Non-coffee .954 300 .00
Compactness Coffee .944 280 .00
Non-coffee .967 300 .00
Border Length Coffee .797 280 .00
Non-coffee .871 300 .00
Shape Index Coffee .882 280 .00
Non-coffee .922 300 .00
Density Coffee .982 280 .00
Non-coffee .994 300 .31
Asymmetry Coffee .968 280 .00
Non-coffee .970 300 .00
Perimeter Coffee .857 280 .00
Non-coffee .873 300 .00


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